2004 Planning Board minutesThe Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, January 8, 2004 Council Chambers, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Kenneth Jodrie 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened the Public Hearing on Proposed Changes to the Northampton Subdivision Regulations to amend Section 7:07 to change the required sidewalk width in residential subdivisions to five feet (currently four feet), to require school bus stops, to increase pavement depth in residential subdivisions, and to require all NPDES and sewer tie in approvals prior to construction. Doug Kohl made comment about requirements and suggested that regulation require DEP extension permit tied to tie ins and not extension. Bill Letendre asked that the requirements state that rules indicate that construction without DEP permit is with at developer’s peril. Frandy Johnson asked about school bus pull off vs. on street stopping. Paul Voss asked about shelter designs and distance of pad from busy roads. Doug Kohl suggested that sewer extension permit should be submitted too DPW prior to submission of definitive subdivision application. Paul Voss asked for a change on school bus stop graphic should show option for pad further from road for busy roads. Bill Letendre suggested that this should be reviewed on a case by case basis. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously moved to close hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Bill Letendre the Board voted unanimously to approve the changes to the subdivision rules as discussed with modifications. 7:26 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened hearing on request by Robert Jeffway, Jr. for Site Plan Approval for a common driveway to access 3 house lots off of Grove Avenue, Map ID 5-6,7,12 & 6-18, 19, 20, 21, 58. George Kohout recused himself from the hearing due to his residency status in the neighborhood. Bill Canon, representative for the applicant, gave a brief overview of the application. Bob Jeffway, applicant, introduced himself and the project. He stated that 37 of 57 acres would be placed under a conservation restriction through the auspices of Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program(NHESP). He described layout as presented in the application. Bill Canon described the technical details of the 1300’ long drive with six turn outs. Ken Jodrie read the DPW comments. Carolyn Misch discussed water connection issue and optional driveway status. Paul Diemand asked about public access to conservation areas. Jeffway stated that he thought the NHESP wants to handle the wording and restrictions regarding use within the conservation restricted area. He stated that he did not want to provide public access to his property. There was a discussion about the conservation restrictions versus public access. Bill Canon offered that the applicant would be willing to look at removing the area of the future bike path from the designated conservation restriction area. David Wilensky asked if the Planning Office could help the applicant with contacting NHESP and drafting the conservation restriction. Ken Jodrie opened the hearing for public comment. Roger Allcroft asked about conservation area, stated that he was in support of project. He stated his strong opposition to the requirement of public access to this property. Rose Bookbinder 88 Grove Ave. stated her concern loss of access to the property. Dan Keith, Evergreen Road, asked about the driveway and status of access to land locked properties. Stated his that the grade of driveway and radius may not meet engineering criteria and construction may impact vernal pools. Tom Miranda, representing the neighbors on Grove Avenue stated that public access is a major concern for neighbors. He asked whether the City had addressed the status issue of Grove Avenue. Carolyn Misch stated City Solicitor’s comment about public right of way. Miranda questioned legality of creation of these lots. He argued that creation of a common driveway to serve three ANR lots was a means to avoid the subdivision process and should not be allowed. He stated that driveway standards are different from streets and should meet public safety, emergency access requirements. David Wilensky asked Miranda to clarify client’s position on public access to the land. Miranda said applicants want to continue to access bikepath off of Grove and to access the river. Heidi Stevens, 8 Upland Road, asked for a “neighborly” consideration to walk down to the bikepath through property. Michael LaMond, Front Street, spoke in favor of application. Bill Canon addressed technical questions. Sandi Glynn, Upland Road, raised question of legitimacy of ownership of mass electric right-of- way. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Diemand the Board voted unanimously to suspend the hearing to 9:10 p.m. 8:45 Jack Finn began a presentation on Greater Mill River project. Scott Jackson (UMass ) gave overview of digital data. 9:15 Ken Jodrie reopened the hearing for Common Driveway. David Wilensky posed a question to board about whether this plan is ripe for approval because the CR issues have not been fully defined. Bill Letendre asked for clarification on who would own the property under CR. Keith Wilson asked if CR is part of application requirement. David Wilensky stated he was not assured that this would solve the issues raised by neighbors. He stated that a key issue is access to the river from Grove. The Board further discussed public access and whether or not this is appropriate in this instance. Jeffway expressed his concern that there are too many obstacles to getting this approved. Bill Letendre moved to close the hearing. Rueven Goldstein, interested resident, stated his concern about density of development and its impact. Paul Voss clarified connection between bikepath and impact of development. Keith Wilson seconded the motion to close the hearing. The hearing was closed with a 6-1 approval. David Wilensky voted against the motion. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Paul Diemand, the Board voted 5-2 to approve the request with waivers and conditions discussed. David Wilensky and Paul Voss voted against the motion. 10 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened the request by Todd Cellura for Preliminary Subdivision Approval off Westhampton Road, Map ID 41-44 & 48- Ken Jodrie read the request by Cellura for a continuance. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Keith Wilson the Board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to Feb 12 at 8 p.m. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of 12/11/03. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Diemand the Board voted unanimously to sign the extension agreement for FW Webb. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously to adjourn 10:10 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, January 22, 2004 Council Chambers, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Kenneth Jodrie 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened the continuation of a Public Hearing on proposed townhouses at Hockanum Road. Beglane described changes from previous hearing. McCluskey described in more detail changes to sidewalk, planting detail and traffic and lighting. KJ asked if applicant met with neighbors. Gruber said no. PD asked whether or not lighting was appropriate and met standards. GK asked about connectors to Holyoke Street. McCluskey asked that access to Holyoke would be problematic because of proximity to abutting home along the railroad line. FJ would like to see walkway option to Holyoke Street. KJ asked about grass coverage on site in front of building between sidewalk and lower sidewalk Mc’cluskey said yes. More discussion about plan by board Robert Pulaski 5 Kary Street, asked about what kind of sidewalk is proposed? Clarified that sidewalk will end at street. What happens if people want to park on Kary to access property. Discussion of location of sidewalk relative to closest property on Kary. McCluskey stated that 50’ Mark Daniel 20 Valley Street, asked what the purpose of the sidewalk would be. Jackie Earle 6 Kary street asked about the location of the stockade fence. Any vegetation at the rear of the property. Rob Pulaski 5 Kary Street concern about the sidewalk. Bernadette Giblin 110 Williams Street asked for further clarification of location of sidewalk. Access through Kary Street is problematic. Frandy Johnson confirmed that path is midway between property boundaries. Mike Willard 99 Williams Street concern that the units heights. Mark Daniel concern about tax increases based on value of propped unit. Stated opposition. Marilyin Richards 53 Union Street councilor stated her concern about public safety access and opposition of neighbors. Bernadette Giblin submitted letter on behalf of David Farrell related to ownership issues. Limitation of number of units would be appropriate. Beglane clarified issues about conflicting interests in the neighborhood. Clarified that adverse possession not possible against railroad property. Stated interest in keeping units affordable as possible and fit into the neighborhood. Mark Daniels stated concerns about traffic conflicts on Hockanum Road. Keith Wilson responded to questions about traffic issues. George Kohout explained process. Rob Pulaski stated concerns about tall parking lot lights, fence of separation, scale and design not being compatible with existing neighborhood. Jakie Earle stated opposition to sidewalk location. Daryle LaFluer south street asked whether visitor parking is provided. No Paul Voss asked for clarification about building height. Keith Wilson suggested changes to end elevation facing Hockanum. Porch windows Gruber described potential changes. Board discussed conditions. 1. Prior to submission of a building permit application, a fire protection narrative shall be submitted for review by the Building Department and Fire Department. 2. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant must submit final plans showing conformance with the conditions herein and with final conservation commission order of conditions. 3. A third bike rack shall be located at the end unit facing Hockanum, South end 4. Lighting must not exceed average/minimum ratios of 4:1 and maximum foot candles shall not exceed 4. 5. Lights shall be shielded and must not direct light off-site. Bulbs on light poles must be shielded so that they are not be visible from the abutting property. 6. The four lights within the middle of the project shall have timers to shut off at 10 pm. 7. A 5’ wide stone dust path consistent with construction standards of of bituminous. shall be created on top of the water line connection that runs to Holyoke Street. 8. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant must submit a lighting plan, stamped by an engineer showing compliance with this standard and showing compliance with the approved lighting plan. 9. Prior to the issuance of a final certificate of occupancy for the 8th unit, as offered by the applicant, the applicant must pay $15,000 to the City of Northampton for consideration of traffic mitigation for this project. Funds shall be placed in a fund for traffic mitigation related to this project as best determined by the Planning Board. 10. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant must obtain and easement from the City and show proof of recording of this easement for the discharge of the storm drainage onto city land. 11. Ownership and maintenance of the stormwater facilities is the responsibility of the owner’s association. Maintenance must be performed in accordance with the maintenance plan on sheet 10 of 11 of the submitted plans. Reports of conformance must be submitted to the Office of Planning & Development by May 15 and November 15 annually. The report must indicate that a qualified person has performed the inspection and maintenance. 12. All sewer line and water line connections must be performed in accordance with Department of Public Works standards. 13. A 6” water line will be required. 14. All work within the public way must be inspected by the Department of Public Works prior to backfilling. 15. The owner’s association will be responsible for snow removal along the Hockanum Road sidewalk and all bituminous concrete sidewalks interior to the project. 16. A hatched raised speed hump across the entrance to this project shall be under light pole about 25’ beyond the stop line of the exit. 17. Curb cuts for driveway access shall meet ADA requirements. 18. Walk to Kary Street should be stone dust. 19. Prior to issuance of building permit new elevations should be submitted to OPD for review by chair and staff to ensure that design is compatible with residential character within neighborhood that breaks up the façade. These should show the end units facing Hockanum Road and Holyoke Street with four windows, 2 on the top and 2 on the first floor. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously to close public hearing. Paul Diemand suggested removal of sidewalk. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Diemand the Board voted unanimously to approve site plan. Paul Voss and David Wilensky were ineligible to vote. 9:02 Ken Jodrie opened continuation of hearing for hospital hill. Gerry Preble described issues remaining from 12/11 hearing. Comments from dpw were addressed relative to water line capcity. Outstanding issue: water model not allowed to be used by dpw etc. Don’t appear to be any outstanding confliciting issues that are not aggreable for conditions. Dave LaPointe spoke about tree plan and survey. 340+ trees worth of saving within developable area. Plan shows 340 plus 39 specimen plus all other vegation. Red color trees are the ones likely to be removed. 18 trees within inventory are to be impacted. 16 other trees to be affected. Submitted tree log. George Kohout asked about tree saving practices close to detention pond etc. LaPoint responded that details provided. Ken Jodrie opened to public. Deb Jacobs 82 Grove Ave. stated interest in tree protection measures. Staff discussed possible conditions. Poles and span wire will be located as part of reconstruction of 66 Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Keith Wilson the Board voted unanimously close hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously approve subdivision. With waivers. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by KW the Board voted unanimously to approve covernant changes for ice pond. by Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Diemand the Board voted unanimously Jan 8 minutes accepted The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, February 12, 2004 Council Chambers, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Kenneth Jodrie 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 William “Bill” Letendre David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 7:30 , Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:10 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened the request by Huntley Associates, PC for Site Plan Approval (major project) for site improvements at Coca-Cola Company, 45 Industrial Drive Map 25A-125. Terry Reynolds described the project and addressed the lighting issues. Resident from 59 Coolidge Street stated her concern about noises created by a bell located at the facility and that a new truck route would add another level of noise and impact. Jerry Goodsell, Coca Cola plant engineer, described normal truck hours between 7 AM and 5 PM. Vivian Bresnitz 59 Coolidge Street, asked for clarification about the bell, stating that the noise levels appear to be lower at the building. Goodsell described the chilling system that creates the noise and stated that he was unaware of any neighborhood impacts related to the noise and that he would have no problem trying to adjust the system to eliminate the problem. Bresnitz asked about the lighting and the length of construction. George Kohout asked about the existing vegetation that will be removed. Paul Voss asked about fencing heights and design. Terry Reynolds described the 6’ high wrought iron fence (picket style). There was further discussion of lighting. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Keith Wilson the Board voted unanimously to approve the site plan with a reduction in parking with the conditions discussed: 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant must receive written sign off from the Office of Planning & Development indicating that the following standards have been met: a. New site plan showing the addition of 2 bike racks at the front of the building b. New lighting plan showing the overall site lighting not exceeding an average of 1.5 footcandles, with maximums no greater than 3, and showing 0 footcandles at all property boundaries. c. 20% open space calculations have been met. 2. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant must submit an as-built lighting plan stamped by a lighting engineer that indicates conformance with the conditions herein. 3. The applicant must submit annual reports to the Office of Planning & Development no later than May 15 indicating that maintenance has been performed in accordance with Plan Sheet 2. Inspections must be performed once per year to ensure the system is operating as designed. 4. and subject to DPW approvals Paul Voss abstained because he missed beginning of discussion. 7:55 PM Ken Jodrie opened a request by F.W. Webb, Inc. for Site Plan Approval (major project) for an 11,400 square foot expansion at 135 Industrial Drive, Map 18D-61. Eric Forish, on behalf of FW Webb, described the project, addition of parking and twofold building expansions. There was discussion of stormwater management and the calucations for Total Suspended Solids Removal. The Board discussed lighting on site. Keith Wilson asked about the bike rack and suggested that it be moved closer to the front door. The Board discussed the potential for sidewalks to be located on Industrial Drive. Rich Chown, Webb, commented on the expansion. George Kohout asked about the proximity to wetlands. Outside storage was raised. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Keith Wilson the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Frandy Johnson, the Board voted unanimously to approve the site plan with minor changes in the plan and to allow up to 10% reduction in parking with these conditions: 1. Applicant must locate 1 bike rack on site in front of building 2. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant must submit plans to the Office of Planning & Development showing all revisions necessary to meet DEP stormwater management requirements. 3. Reports indicating inspections and maintenance of stormwater systems will be required to be submitted annually no later than May 15 showing that the system is operating as designed. Catch basins must be waterproofed to prevent infiltration. Prior to co applicant submit stamped plan showing compliance with lighting plan submitted. 4. If a sidewalk is installed by the City along Industrial Drive on this side, The applicant shall within 1 year extend a 4’ wide sidewalk from the street the walk in front of the building. 8:30 PM Ken Jodrie opened the continuation of a hearing on the Preliminary Subdivision proposed by Todd Cellura on Westhampton Road. Todd Cellura of Sovereign builders introduced himself and Mike Shaeffer, of Huntley Associates, PC. Mike Shaeffer described the plans submitted for the 51 acre site. He stated that the plan was to donate all open space to the City. Three flags and 11 cluster lots are proposed. The applicant presented a revised plan that showed 9 cluster lots with 4 flag lots. Additional waivers for the new plan include a reduction of curvature to reduce speeds on the cul-de-sac. A question of bike/ped access was raised and Cellura stated that he didn’t have time to draw the access on the newly revised plans. Ken Jodrie read a letter from the Conservation Commission (based on initial plans presented). There was discussion of difference between plan submitted and new plan shown tonight. Cellura read Chuck Dauchy’s (environmental consultant) letter. Paul Voss asked about new plan lots 7,8,9 and the common drive. He asked if there had been any thought into a hammerhead instead of cul-de-sac. Carolyn Misch discussed Department of Public Works comments and noted that they would be submitted to the applicant. Ken Jodrie opened the hearing to the public. Councilor LaBarge stated her opposition to the subdivision as advertised. She expressed concern about tree cutting and her concern about safety for children on the street. She emphasized her interest in the City to pursue a moratorium on development. Marsha Fellows of 123 Glendale Rd. stated her concerns about wildlife habitat reduction. Linda McMahan of 1317 Westhampton Road discussed issue about safe site distance and traffic safety as well as deforestation of the area. Daryl LaFleur 244 South Street, reiterated concerns of Conservation Commission and about use of fertilizers and pesticides due to proximity of wetlands. Bill Letendre confirmed that all lots are to be on well and septic. George Kohout asked for clarification about connections to the surrounding properties and potential for future development of the abutting properties. Carolyn Misch described the vicinity and proximity to Kensington Estates. George Kohout stated his interest in reducing the subdivision scale based upon impact to a sensitive area. He stated that he would support the elimination of the three flag lots at end of the cul-de-sac. There was further discussion of the reduction of subdivision size that might minimize the traffic and environmental impacts. Paul Voss stated concerns about lack of connectivity to adjoining properties. He emphasized that pedestrian and bike connections are critical. Keith Wilson clarified school bus waiting area requirements and asked about site distances on Westhampton Road. Keith Wilson indicated his support for reduced design speed options. Paul Voss agreed. Paul Voss clarified that it would be important to make an east-west and north-south non-motorized link that was at a minimum a stone dust trail. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Keith Wilson the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Bill Letendre the Board voted unanimously to deny the subdivision as originally submitted (agreed that they technically had to act on the one advertised). The Board determined that the plan submitted at meeting conceptually approved, but without any determination about other waivers because no specific information submitted in writing. 1. Subdivision that does not include a road way in excess of the 850’ length. 2. A road that terminates so that the right-of-way and lot boundaries for all lots are 150’ from any vernal pool unless a habitat analysis indicates other buffers are appropriate. 3. Detention ponds and outlet structures are outside the 50’ buffer; 4. All cluster and flag lot provisions shall be met. 5. Not more than 1 common driveway shall be located between the wetlands. 6. No waivers from subdivision rules are specifically granted in this decision. 7. Environmental Impact Statement should include habitat analysis of vernal pool. 8. clearing of lots 7,8,9 should be minimized. 9. bike/ped connection EW and NS (from Drury) either bituminous or stone dust. The Board discussed elevations submitted by William Gruber on the Hockanum Road Townhouses. Ken Jodrie stated that he felt that porch should be wrapped around, with an entrance to front on Hockanum Road. The Board agreed that it would be more in keeping with a residential unit that fronts a street. Upon unanimous vote by the Board, the Board adjourned at 10:30 PM. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, February 26, 2004 Council Chambers, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Kenneth Jodrie 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 PM Ken Jodrie opened the discussion regarding King Street development/redevelopment. 8:00 PM Ken Jodrie opened the discussion about changes to Habitat project on Garfield and Verona. Tracy Adamski described the changes that had been made since the Board reviewed the project in July. She described the waivers that are now being requested. The Board discussed the width of the hammerhead and the ability for fire and plow trucks to turn around. Board stated its satisfaction with the Right of way width and hammerhead width. Staff clarified the issue of multiple curb cuts for the lots. Keith Wilson stated that this would be appropriate given that it is at the end of a hammerhead, since through-traffic is not an issue. George Kohout asked about drainage issues. Peter Wells discussed the issue of slopes and drainage into the landfill swale. There was discussion about how the project would improve the existing drainage condition that sheet flows to the end of this site and that the site is not currently pristine. Board determined that they have no problem with the 78% removal. The Board also felt that it was reasonable to waive the curbing requirement at the end of Garfield to allow stormwater to sheet flow to the level lip spreader, to waive the road curvature requirements, and frontage requirements for lot 1. Wayne Feiden suggested that posts be placed at the corners of the hammerhead to provide visual cues to indicate edge of pavement. Keith Wilson moved to recommend approval of the waivers in the revised plans, with a second by Paul Voss. The Board voted unanimously to recommend approval. 8:30 Ken Jodrie opened discussion with the Conservation Commission about large lot development discussion of the open space plan schedule and organization for April start-up. There was a discussion of the subcommittee membership: OS Planning Committee : Paul D. and Paul Voss ED,HSG,LU subcommittee: George Kohout &Ken Jodrie Bill Letendre liaison to city council. 10:40 adjourn. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, March 11, 2004 Council Chambers, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time Chair, Kenneth Jodrie 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Paul Diemand opened Request by David Satkowski for a special permit to create two flag lots at 520 Florence Road, Map ID 30C-50. Tim Satkowski presented the application on behalf of his father. George Kohout asked about whether this project has been submitted to the Conservation Commission. Carolyn Misch stated that it has not, but reminded the application that the flagging should be approved by the Commission. Mike Musante, 346 Burts Pit Rd asked about lot depth and distance from Florence Rd. Bob Day, abutter clarified distances asked by Mike Musante Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Paul Voss the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Bill Letendre the Board voted unanimously to approve the special permit. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Paul Voss the Board voted unanimously to approved minutes from February 12. 7:20 P.M. Paul Diemand opened a request by Cecil and Barron Jacobs for a special permit to convert a single family home to a mixed use at 70 Old South Street, Map ID 31D-223. Cecil Jacobs, applicant described. Application. First 2 floors for business, 3rd floor residential. Most work is off site with computer. He stated that 7 parking spaces shown in application. (9 necesssary) George Kohout asked about employees (20). 4 people in the office. David Wilensky asked about number of commercial vehicles. Jacobs says all but 1 commercial vehicle taken to individual employees’ home. One truck is to be stored in garage. George Kohout asked about construction materials storage. Jacobs stated that it was all off site, except for poles in basement of garage. Paul Diemand opened the hearing to the public. Pat Goggins, 671 N Farms Road spoke on behalf of Historic Northampton. He discussed challenges of the sale. Eva Trager, 21 Dewey Court, spoke in support of project and stated her initial concerns about lighting and truck storage had been allayed. Jacobs described desires to install low level spot lighting to exhibit property. Keith Wilson stated that sign lighting should not be directed into traffic. Jacobs said sign lighting was sunken and directed to sign. The Board discussed the timing of use of residential component. Goggins emphasized time constraints. Historic Northampton would have to approve changes to the 3rd floor. Paul Voss stated support for allowing time to upfit third floor. Bill Letendre suggested that it made sense to make all renovations simultaneously. David Wilensky recused himself and stepped out because he represents Historic Northampton. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Bill Letendre the Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Bill Letendre the Board voted unanimously to approve special permit and site plan for reduction of parking for 2 spaces for mixed use with requested waivers with the condition that no final CO issued until 3rd floor is in rentable condition for residential use, which must be within 6 months of issuance of temporary c.o. No exterior storage of materials was proposed by George Kohout as amendment (and accepted). 8:10 P.M. Paul Diemand opened a request by Don Lia to construct a 25,600 square foot building for a Honda Automotive Dealership at 285-293 King Street Map ID 24B-68, 78. Ed Etheredge, representative of applicant, gave an overview of the project and proponents. Charles Robinson of Honda, Inc. introduced himself. Mike Gagnon, of Fuss & O’Neill, Inc consulting engineers, described site conditions and proposed conditions. He described the storm water management design and described the water recycling system proposed for the car wash. Bill Letendre asked if test borings have been completed [to indicate capability of stormwater system to function as designed]. Gagnon said no. Paul Voss asked for clarification of location of industrial park. Carolyn Misch stated that industrial park abuts the property at the rear of the site. Misch noted to applicant that wetlands exist on the industrial park side. Bill Letendre asked about the contingency plan if stormwater design doesn’t work? Gagnon stated that some other options, may include tying into other lines in the area. Bill Letendre stated that the fire station site and Carlon Drive contained clay down tens of feet down. Gagnon showed photo of leaching system that their firm installed in Hadley. Jon Dietrich, of Fuss & O’Neill, described the traffic analysis and stated that no full signal warranted at Carlon Drive. The access designed will be safer than previous use that included three curb cuts. Paul Voss asked about trip estimates used and noted that these didn’t include restaurant use. George Kohout asked about emergency controlled light. Jon stated no change would be made, however, the applicant will putting a signal head that faces the Honda entrance so that traffic exiting the site will be controlled by the Fire Station. Keith Wilson emphasized the benefits of reduced curb cuts, including to the customer base. He noted the lack of pedestrian access from King Street. Paul Diemand opened to the discussion to the public. Ken Borderweak, representing Easthampton Savings Bank asked about snow removal. Jon Dietrich stated that it would be pushed to rear or removed from the site. It would not be pushed to the front of the site. Borderweak asked if outside speakers would be used? Charles Robinson stated that if speakers are an issue, then they wouldn’t use them. Floyd Andrus, 81 Lake Street (owner of abutting property), asked about drainage, building height and building materials. Gagnon responded indicating that the peak height would be 27’ and block cladding would be used. Andrus wondered about 10’ side buffer and concern of proximity of the Easthampton Bank’s driveway. . Paul Voss asked about ramp up to the sidewalk. Gagnon stated changes were made to the sidewalk layout. The Board discussed the about vehicle indicator loops, parking, street tree planting. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Paul Voss the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Keith Wilson the Board voted unanimously to approve the site plan with the following conditions: 1. Abandon all infrastructure that you are not using . 2. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant must obtain sign off from the Office of Planning & Development indicating that these items have been submitted: a. New plan set with changes to individual sheets as indicated below. b. New planting plans submitted alteration location trees per staff review meet zoning. indicating location of all plantings listed in the plant list, and depicting 5 of the required 9 street trees dispersed along the frontage, with the remaining located at both corners of the property. c. A 4’ wide sidewalk leading from the King Street sidewalk to the front entrance shall be on plan d. A bike Rack should be located near the front door of the business. e. Stormwater management plan data verifying that plan submitted will operate as designed. f. Stormwater management plan stamped by a PE with statement that no water, other than roof drainage as currently shown on plan. other than from the driveway apron will flow off site for storms up to and including the 10 year storm so long as maintenance is performed in accordance with plans submitted. 3. Reports of stormwater maintenance shall be submitted to the Office of Planning & Development no later than May 15 annually indicating inspections and cleanings have been performed in accordance with the O & M plan. Inspections must be performed by a qualified person in accordance with submitted plans. Name of qualified person to be approved by DPW prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 4. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy plans stamped by an engineer must be submitted showing compliance with the lighting plans approved. Site lighting must not exceed an average of 4 ft candles, with maximum of 5 at the entry. 5. All lighting must cutoffs. No uplighting is allowed, temporary or permanent.. 6. PV move to close David Wilensky 2nd adjourn. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, March 25, 2004 Council Chambers, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Kenneth Jodrie Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 8:00 p.m. 7:00 PM Ken Jodrie opened the joint public hearing on three proposed zoning changes. Michael Bardsley opened the hearing for the Ordinance Committee. (City Councilors present were: M. LaBarge, M. Richards, M. Bardsley). Memo by the City’s economic development coordinator was distributed. Feiden described Market Street rezoning. No questions/comments from the public. Feiden described the SRO zoning, Alex Ghiselin and Curt Brazo asked for clarification. Feiden described changes to the GB and NB districts related to allowing mixed use. Ghiselin spoke in favor of ordinance that would limit residential on 1st floor Brazo stated Florence Civic and Mercantile voted unanimously to oppose ordinance because felt there should be no residential. Whelman opposed because it would allow more residential Bill Arnold spoke in opposition. Jeff Gougeon stated opposition because it wouldn’t help business or residents. Todd Sienkiewicz stated opposition because it would allow the Board to approve up 30% residential use. Lori Gougeon sated that the special permit criteria shouldn’t be dropped. Feiden clarified that the special permit requirement would not be dropped. Carey Clark stated there shouldn’t be any residential on the first floor. Michael Sissman stated that no residential should be on the 1st floor, and suggested that the area should be rezoned to CB. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing on the Market Street zone change. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss the Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the zone change on Market Street. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by David Wilensky, the Board voted unanimously to close the SRO hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss the Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the changes to SRO. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by David Wilensky the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing on proposed zoning changes to mixed use buildings with 1st floor residential units. The Board discussed details of proposed changes to the mixed use provision. Bill Letendre stated his interest in not allowing any housing on the first floor. There was a discussion of impacts of eliminating potential for commercial space. 8:30 p.m. Ken Jodrie suggested that the Board table the discussion in order to take up the scheduled public hearing. Michael Bardsley stated that Mar 30 ordinance committee meeting would be at 6 p.m. 8:35 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened the request by Debja Steinberger for a special permit for a health club/pilates studio at 221 Pine Street, Map ID 22B-40. Paul Weinberg representing Steinberger stated reasons for the request. Ken Jodrie opened the hearing to the public. Sue Heffernan, applicant’s partner, read a letter clarifying the differences between applicant’s request and the existing use and business. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Bill Letendre the Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously to approve the request for the special permit with the requested waivers. 8:50 Ken Jodrie restarted discussions regarding zoning changes. David Wilensky suggested that the rule include no net loss of commercial space. Bill Letendre moved a change to the ordinance to incorporate no allowance for residential use on the 1st floor. The motion failed. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss the Board voted 4-3 to recommend changes to the mixed use zoning ordinance that would restrict the first floor residential component to 20%, allow no net loss of commercial space and no residential use on any street frontage, except appropriate to entrance/access to 2nd floor residential space. (David Wilensky, Bill Letendre,George Kohout voted against) Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Keith Wilson, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of 2/26. Upon motion by Paul Voss and second by Keith Wilson the Board voted unanimously to approve support of grant fund. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Bill Letendre the Board voted unanimously approve denial of letter of credit reduction request by Lepine-Wzorek for Plantation at West Farms subdivision. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Keith Wilson the Board voted unanimously to adjourn. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, April 8, 2004 Council Chambers, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time Chair, Kenneth Jodrie 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout Keith Wilson 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson William “Bill” Letendre David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 Paul Diemand opened the discussion regarding the request for modifications to the Ice Pond subdivision. Ed Etheredge, representative for Ice Pond developers, requested the amendment of condition 9 to allow deed rider to ensure incorporation of affordable units in place of issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Wayne Feiden suggested that staff read deed rider to ensure language ok. There was a discussion of lot covenants as well. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Paul Voss the Board voted unanimously to approve the modifications of condition #9 with the condition that staff approves the language of the affordability restrictions. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Paul Voss the Board voted unanimously to swap the lot sale covenants subject to approval of lot numbers by staff. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wayne Feiden provided update on the zoning changes for General Business district. Wayne Feiden described the issues regarding changes to large scale residential development changes. The Board discussed the concept of large-scale planning workshops to gather input on several elements of the comprehensive plan. There was discussion on proposed workshop locations and topics for the fall. Upon motion by Paul Voss and second by George Kohout the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of March 11. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously to adjourn. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, April 22, 2004 Council Chambers, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Kenneth Jodrie 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 Ken Jodrie opened the hearing on a request by Don Lia to amend the stormwater management plan as part of the Site Plan Approved March 11, 2004 for Honda Automotive Dealership at 285-293 King Street Map ID 24B-68, 78. Ed Etheredge and Jon Dietrich representing the applicant provided descriptions of the amendment. Ken Jodrie asked what recalculations must be done and about other DPW comments. Dietrich discussed private storm drain line. Keith Wilson asked about landscaping changes and pedestrian access. The landscape architect from Fuss & O’Neill described street trees. There will be no interference with power lines. She stated that the trees could be pruned easily. Paul Voss asked about sidewalk connections. Staff clarified that no changes would be made other than those for stormwater. Paul Voss asked about abutter concern of off site drainage. Dietrich stated that this site was lower than the abutting properties. Ken Jodrie opened the discussion to the public. Etheredge stated that Floyd Andrus (abutter) had no concerns. Ken Jodrie addressed correspondence from DPW. There was a discussion of timelines. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Keith Wilson the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Diemand the Board voted unanimously approve the amendment with conditions discussed. 7:50 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened a request by Seawink, LTD for a Special Permit for an expansion to create first floor residential uses within a mixed use building for property located at 52 Maple Street Map ID 23A- 40. Ed Etheredge, representative, described delineation of uses within the project and buffer requirements. Terry Reyolds, consultant, described detail of site infrastructure. Paul Dethier, landscape architect, described the planting plan. George Kohout asked about the purpose of the “pleasing” landscaping if there will be an 8’ stockade fence. Ken Jodrie opened the hearing to the public. Bill Arnold, 30 North Maple Street, spoke in opposition to applicant because of impact to business district. Lori Gugeon, 15 W. Center Street, described the impacts of the existing use including refuse removal service. She stated that the trees that were removed had previously created a noise and sight buffer. She raised question about the number of parking spaces provided. Jeff Gugeon, 15 W. Center Street, raised issues about snow storage and snowmelt onto abutting properties. Tris Dale, 9 W. Center Street, raised concerns about the impact of the trees that were removed. She stated that he was not interested in an 8’ fence, but felt that a taller green buffer would be better. Fred Whelmen 9 W Center Street questioned the validity of the application and stated the importance for a heavy buffer, concerns about existing drainage problems, parking deficiencies, lighting impacts from Tobin Manor. Whelman concluded with his opposition to first floor residential use. Mark Bird 19 W Center Street stated his concerns about drainage, snowmelt, visibility noise, etc. Stan Bigos 21 W. Center Street stated his concerns about parking lot and the structure’s massing for the size of the lot. In addition, he stated his concern about noise. Alex Ghiselin Ward 5 Councilor, opposed to first floor residential use. He stated that he would like to see plantings in place 1 growing season before a building permit is issued. He questioned the maintenance of infiltrator. Reynolds described the stormceptor’s ability to remove sediments. Ray LaBarge, Ward 7 Councilor, stated opposition to first floor residential development. Jon Kings 23 West Center Street stated his opposition to the project Jeannie Schubmehl, 18 W. Center Street stated her opposition to the project. Todd Sienkiewicz , Coles Meadow Road spoke against the first floor residential use. Diane Russell 17 W. Center Street stated concerns about traffic impacts and intersections of Middle Street, Center Street and Maple Street. She also expressed concern about buffer reduction and desire to exclude the 8’ stockade fence. There was further Board discussion about merits of the project. Etheredge asked for a continuance. Upon further discussion, there was a motion by Paul Voss and second by Bill Letendre with the Board voting unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Paul Voss and second by Keith Wilson the Board voted unanimously to deny permit. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously to reduce letter of credit for the Plantation at West Farms Subdivision. There was discussion of Ice Pond letter of credit. Discussion of the request for tree removal at the state hospital. Minutes approved with one change to identify members present for April 8. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, May 13, 2004 Council Chambers, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Kenneth Jodrie Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 8:30 Francis “Frandy” Johnson William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7: 15 P.M. Wayne Feiden introduced the request by DPW to change the ordinance that dictates how street numbers are issued. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by George Kohout the Board voted unanimously voted to recommend to City Council the change to the street numbering ordinance. 7:20 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened request by Green Street Chocolate LTD, for a Special Permit for a restaurant at 40 Green Street, Northampton Map 31D-50. Larry Burdick, owner, described the shop. Ken Jodrie asked about parking issues. Burdick stated that he is requiring that employees live within walking distance, so as to reduce parking demand. He further commented that Smith College will allow his customers to park across the street daily after 4 pm. Ken Jodrie asked about hours of operation. Burdick stated that he intends to be open 8 am-10 pm. He also commented that many of the retail sites along this street are now vacant and that he does not anticipate that he would draw many patrons from outside of the neighborhood. Perry Kittredge, 28 Green Street, spoke in favor of application. He voiced his concern that the Smith traffic has diminished since stores have closed and since the retail focus has turned toward the new Campus Center. The Board voted suspend the hearing until a 5th Board member could be present to vote. 7:45 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened the request by Cooley Dickinson Hospital for Site Plan Amendment to a permit issued December 17, 2003 at 30 Locust Street, Map 23B-46. Juanita Forsyth and John Furman, VHB representative provided information about the changes to the project. George Kohout asked if any existing trees would be lost. Furman said that trailers can be located without cutting trees. Paul Voss asked how long the trailers would be located on site. Forsyth stated one to one-and-one-half years. George Kohout asked about the scale of this project versus the original Furman stated that this project would result in 2,400 square feet versus 13,000. Board discussed issues about the temporary structure and whether the permit should be time-limited. David Wilensky stated concerns about lengths of renewal. Staff gave overview of DPW comments. Upon motion by Paul Voss and second by David Wilensky the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Paul Voss the Board voted unanimously to approve site plan with changes to conditions. 8:10 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened request by Omnipoint Holdings, Inc. for a Special Permit to erect a telecommunications monopole at 254 Old Wilson Road Map, Florence, Map 44-14. Simon Brighenti requested continuance to gather more information to June 10 at 8 PM. Planning Board unanimously approved the request. 8:20 PM Wayne Feiden discussed packets for upcoming zoning. 8:35 PM Ken Jodrie reopened the hearing for café at 40 Green Street. Burdick described the project and parking issues. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Paul Voss and second by David Wilensky the Board voted unanimously to approve permit. Wayne Feiden described remaining streamlining options. Board recommended to move them forward. 1a-e.5/13 memo. 8:50 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened request by Lepine-Wzorek for an amendment to Plantations At West Farms Subdivision Approval to reduce the number of street trees required under the Rules & Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Northampton for Cardinal Way, Map 36-71. Mark McCluskey presented request for street tree reduction to allow existing tree lines to count, for relief from planting one tree per 40’, and to clarify that trees would not be required where the gabion walls are located. Paul Voss asked for clarification of the request. McCluskey stated reasons. Some new homeowners do not want all the trees and have suggested that that they will cut the trees. Keith Wilson asked to be shown where the trees are located that could count as existing street trees. McCluskey stated that the amendment proposed includes 116 trees and originally they were approved with 195 trees Board discussed the requirements and the rationale. Lonnie Kaufman 217 Cardinal Way submitted a petition signed by 13 homeowners asking Board not to approve request. He stated that in fact the amended plan proposal shows 79 street trees versus 195. The remaining are landscaping trees that are required by permit condition to buffer the trails. He stated further that one of the reasons he was interested in buying into this subdivision was because of the planting plan. Debbie Pensias, 169 Cardinal Way spoke in opposition to the request and stated that not all trees claimed as existing are within 10’ of the right-of-way. Joanne Montgomery, 161 Crescent Street, objected to the waiver request stating that the various boards approved the original plan based in part on the overall design and planting scheme. Deb Jacobs 82 Grove Avenue and tree committee chair requested that the Board consult with the Tree Committee so that they (as the city’s arborist) could evaluate the health of the trees that are being requested for “credit”. Construction activities may have damaged these, thereby decreasing their ability to survive. Ken Jodrie stated that the Board views trees as benefiting the public and should be located within the right-of-way and not outside of this area. Tom Miranda 294 Cardinal Way, representing the applicant, suggested that trees requested as credit could be flagged for Board members to view. Bill Wzorek, developer, asked for reasonableness from the Board. Erica Frank asked for clarification of right-of-way. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by David Wilensky the Board voted unanimously to continue the hearing until June 24 at 8 PM to allow for a site visit. Ken Jodrie opened discussion of 2 requests by Lepine-Wzorek with regard to subdivision completion. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by David Wilensky the Board voted unanimously to approve extension for time to complete subdivision until December 31, 2004. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Kohout the Board voted unanimously to deny request to release lot 10 from the lot sale covenant. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Paul Voss the Board voted unanimously to approve minutes 3/25. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Keith Wilson the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of 4/22. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, May 27, 2004 Council Chambers, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Kenneth Jodrie 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky 8:15 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 7:15-8:45 , Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened joint public hearing with council ordinance committee members (Richards, Bardsley, M. LaBarge) The first item was the rezoning of one parcel at the southeast intersection of Market Street and Graves Avenue from Central Business to Urban Residential C. Peter Jeswold, 46-50 graves ave. end of street voiced concern about parking problem Penny Leverettt 36 Graves. Against zoning. Property faces Graves Avenue therefore should be residential use. Charles Scienowitz, represent Holts. Provided rationale for keeping this parcel CB. Described covenant. Wayne Feiden asked for copy of the covenant. Jeswold asked for clarification of zoning history of the property. Wayne Feiden described the changes that occurred in the last few years and the status prior. 46-50 Graves owner asked what was expectations as NB. Wayne Feiden described some differences between CB and NB and suggested that the boards could continue the hearing to allow residents and owner to reach compromise. Michael Bardsley clarified issues about “resident-only “ parking. Pam Holt 215 North Street described surrounding properties. Bardsley moved to continue indefinitely. Frandy Johnson second. Everyone except Richards approved. 1) Petition by the property owner to rezone two parcels from Urban Residential C to Highway Business at 200 & 206 King Street, MapID 24D-119 and 24D-121. Wayne Feiden described zoning request and covenant options. Bardsley asked about 3rd property that is URB and not part of this request. Paul Voss asked about parking, dumpsters etc. and impacts. Wayne Feiden described buffer requirements. Paul Diemand asked about intent of HB zoning clarification about design restrictions. John Fitzgibbon, representing the petitioners described Todd Demers, prospective buyers, described intentions for each building. Buyers attorney described agreement of covenants. Don’t want requirement that 2nd floor be residential for Greg Fry ???16 Hooker Ave in favor of 2nd floor residential. Concern about site changes and addition of parking. Kim Fousky ?? 11 Church Street, spoke against zoning and concern about future development of site and removal of buffer. Ed gorash? Hooker Ave. Concern about access to property off of Church. In favor of new buildings being placed as close to King as possible. Karen B. Grace, church street. Supports covenants with some changes to ensure that residential component remains on 2nd floor. Concern about losing housing units and loss of buffer for neighborhood and park. Adult business and liquor stores should be restricted in uses. Restrict curb cuts from Church Street. Impact to one-way . Adam Nova? 17 Hooker Ave. concern about hours of use and lighting. In favor of restrictions with residential component. David Murphy, realtor, spoke about problems with marketing property as residence. And thus supports change. Linda Canus? 264 State St. concerned about impacts to park. Bill Dwight, 39 Myrtle Street spoke about benefits of covenants. Jonathan Gotchee 12 Bright Street spoke about concerns of business/resident district. Ken Jodrie suggested suspending decision. Discussion of time for continuation. Bardsley move to continue definitely, Paul Diemand second. Unanimous. 8:45 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened request by Jeffrey Gutterman & Karen Pohlman for a Special Permit for off-site parking at 17-23 Park Avenue, Northampton, Map ID 31B-313. Jeff Gutterman described permit. Described easement that will be drafted. Jonathan Gotsche 12 Brigt Street spoke in favor. Conditions: Copy of easement for cross easements. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Keith Wilson the Board voted unanimously to close. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by David Wilensky the Board voted unanimously Condition that copy of recorded easement doc be submitted to OPD prior to issuance of CO. 8:50 P.M. Ken Jodrie Request by Fly By Night furniture for a special permit for an expansion at 21 State Street, Northampton, Map ID 31D-111. Frandy Johnson recused because abutter. Stepped down from dais. Eric Forish described project. Described plan to dispose of garbage off site so that dumpster would be removed. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Bill Letendre the Board voted unanimously to close. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Bill Letendre the Board voted unanimously to approve with condition. Condition: No dumpsters shall be allowed on site. Applicant has agreed. 9:00 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened request by Northampton Cooperative Bank for Site Plan Approval for two new office buildings at 8 Main Street, Florence Map ID 23A-114, 121. Frandy Johnson returned. Ed Etheredge gave overvfiew. Bill Stapleton, president of bank. Discussed with residents issues of Pine street traffic. John Kuhn, architect described building details. Addressed 1-story building. Mike Liu described site layout. Discussed buffer issues along Pine street (existing arborvitae). Described drainage. Described lighting. Jon Dietrich described traffic study. Submitted revision of Table 4 intersection analysis and Capacity analysis appendix. Compared existing use and traffic impacts. 24 hour basis, site will generate less than existing gas station. 10% of traffic anticipated for rear exit. Discussed site distance problem on Pine. 1. Prior to requesting a building permit, the applicant must obtain sign off from the Office of Planning & Development indicating the following conditions have been met: ƒ Landscaping plans shall be resubmitted showing 2 additional street trees along Main Street. ƒ A sidewalk connection from Pine Street to the parking lot sidewalk shall be made. ƒ Plan showing a painted crosswalk across Pine Street that connects to the site sidewalk. ƒ The driveway egresses from Main Street shall be designed to ramp up to the sidewalk along Main Street. Detail sheets should show that the sidewalk remains at a continuous elevation for at least 3’ of width in the sections that cross the driveways. ƒ Submission of a plan showing the detail of a speed hump in the exit drive to Pine Street. ƒ Submission of a plan showing a 6’ high stockade fence along the east boundary line with the Day Spa to extend as close as possible toward the Main Street property line without interfering with site distances. 2. The existing arborvitae hedge should be pruned or replaced within the site distance triangle on the Pine Street property line as recommended by the traffic engineer. 3. Reports of stormwater maintenance shall be submitted to the Office of Planning & Development no later than May 15 annually indicating inspections and cleanings have been performed in accordance with the Operations & Maintenance plan submitted. Inspections must be performed by a qualified person in accordance with submitted plans. The name of the qualified person shall be approved by DPW prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 4. There shall be no net loss of on-street parking along the Main Street frontage. If there is additional space for on-street parking, these spaces shall be striped prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 5. Prior to issuance of a CO, and if DPW concurs, the applicant shall implement the following striping and pedestrian crossing signs as recommended by its traffic consultant west of Chestnut Street: ƒ a white stop bar and cross walk shall be striped on Pine Street as identified in the traffic consultant’s addendum ƒ Double yellow centerline markings on Pine Street at the eastbound approach to South Main Street; ƒ On South Main Street between Pine Street and Main Street; ƒ On Chestnut Street at the approach to Pine Street. Write into conditions—allowed use for accessory drive through Bill Rogers, bike shop owner spoke in favor of project suggested retail space. Curt Brazzo mur duffs. Spoke in favor of project. Kary Clark, whitely. Spoke in favor. Asked about drive up exit. Stated that drive up designed prevents access to Pine Street. David Drake, 321 Locust Street. Spoke in support of project. Design and layout. Spoke about traffic flow. Steve Winn on corner of Pine and S. Main spoke in favor of the project. However still concerned about curb cut. Todd Sienkowitz Coles Meadow Road spoke in favor of bank. However, pine street concerns. Bruce Dufrene 1 Main Street. Concerned about traffic lights from drive-through. Suggests flipping building. What about setback issues Jan ?? 16 Pine street concens about rear egress. Parking issue. Maura Plant, 28 Pine Street, Stated issues about safety and curb cut closed. Bob Gardner 24 Pine. Rick ? 23 Pine street. Concern about speeds and rear egress. Mark Tanner 12 pine street, spoke in opposition to the rear egress. Raised issue of legality of drive through. Joan Contrada 10 Pine Street favors project but not curb cut. Trish Dale, 9 West Center Street. Opposed to cut through on Pine Street Dave Wilowsky Main Street lights in parking lot and shining through house. (across Main) Mike Lui described light fixture and photometric plan. 12’ heights Discussion about lights. Paul Diemand asked about snow removal. Mostly taken off site. Paul Diemand asked about dumpster. None proposed. Discussion of rear egress. How deal with conditions. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Paul Diemand the Board voted unanimously to close hearing. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously to approve . 11:00 P.M. Ken Jodrie Request by Richard Guisto for a Special Permit to conduct events at 152 Cross Path Road(Northampton Airport), Map ID 25-15 to19, 53, 71. Dick Guisto asked to have the previous application stand. Angela Dion 180 Fair Street Extension. Security, parking, traffic on streets and private property. Limit to aviation related events. Submitted petition signed by 54 resident. Lions car show???? No concerts. Guisto. Balloon festival not part of this application. Sheryl Watling (riverbank road) no problem with 1-day events. Concerned about multi-day events. Ann Reardon Riverbank Road. Concerned about access constraints. Marylin Richards, councilor. Gavel NEEDS Staff recommends approval of the special permit incorporating all the previously approved conditions (shown below) with new conditions as underlined. 1. All conditions specified herein must be complied with at all times. If the conditions of this permit are violated, the Special Permit shall become null and void. Enforcement, if necessary, shall be through complaint filed with the Zoning Enforcement Officer, the Building Commissioner. 2. This Special Permit shall lapse if, after two years from the date of issuance, the applicant has not submitted a renewal application and received the Planning Board approval for another two-year term. The renewal procedure shall follow the Special Permit application process. Specific concerns to be reviewed include all issues related to the instant conditions. 3. As the applicant has represented in the application, there shall be no more than eight (8) events per calendar year, of which no more than two (2 "Major Events") shall have attendance of seven thousand five hundred (7,500) maximum. All remaining "Small Events" shall have attendance of three thousand (3,000) maximum. No combination of events shall ever exceed attendance of seven thousand five hundred, and no combination of "Small Events" shall exceed attendance of three thousand. 4. Attendance/Crowd Control: There shall be advance ticket sales only for Major Events. The audience shall be restricted to the fenced/secured area for Major events. There shall be one time entry, no re-entry allowed, for large events (Attendees shall not be allowed to re-enter the event grounds after leaving.). Ticket prices shall include any parking fees. For Major Events, event publicity shall include notice that ticket sales will not be available the day of the event. The applicant shall take measures to keep the audience out of the fields for all events. 5. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the Northampton Police Department and the License Commission with regard to alcohol. 6. The applicant shall provide notice of upcoming events to residents and landowners in the Meadows including streets: Riverbank Road, Cross Path Road, Fair Street, Fair Street Ext, and Old Ferry Road by mailing notice/a printed schedule of events by May 1st of each year, said notice to include the date of the events, day of the week, time (e.g., 11 AM-7PM), expected attendance, and contact numbers for complaints or concerns during the events. 7. The applicant shall provide notice to the Northampton Police Department, Northampton Fire Department and Emergency Medical Services forty-five days (45) in advance for events with attendance of 1,000 or more people or for those events where alcohol is to be served. For all other events, notice must be given to the Police and Fire Department at least fifteen (15) days in advance. 8. 9. Written sign off must be obtained from the Northampton Police Department indicating review and approval of a traffic management plan. If sign off has not been obtained, the event will not be allowed. 10. 11. Written sign off must be obtained from the Northampton Fire Department will be required for all events. If sign-off has not been obtained, the event will not be allowed. The following criteria required as follows: a. Any event during which at any time there are 1,500 – 2,999 people requires one fire department personnel. b. Any event during which at any time there are 3,000 – 4,499 people an ambulance and 2 fire department personnel will be required. c. Any event during which at any time there are 5,000+ people requires an engine company and 4 fire department personnel. 12. 8.13. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to ensure that all other necessary permits for the Entertainment Events are in place, including but not limited to the securing of appropriate permits from the Building and Health Departments by/for all participants and vendors. 9.14. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of the Northampton police with regard to traffic. The applicant shall submit a security and traffic control plan which has been approved by the Northampton Police Department to the Zoning Enforcement Officer - the Building Commissioner - in advance of each event. 10.15. All public roads are to remain unobstructed at all times to residents and farmers. Security, hired by the applicant, shall be posted at least at the I-91 underpass, Hockanum Road, and Cross Path and Riverbank Roads to enforce this. 11.16. There shall be no parking for airport entertainment events allowed on public roads or unaffiliated private property. Aggressive towing shall be implemented, if necessary, at the expense of the applicant. 17. Temporary No-Parking Signs with Tow Zone shall be posted 24 hours ahead of each event along the sides of all public ways leading to airport from the Fairgrounds property to the airport and along Cross Path Road and surrounding streets. 18. Balloon fest conditions: Spectator vehicles, other than designated “balloon chase” vehicles shall be restricted from entering the meadows and roads. Adequate security with established mechanism to enforce this condition shall be posted on either end of the airport to prevent non- resident spectators from entering these areas during events. 19. No more than one “chase” vehicle per balloon shall be allowed beyond the limits of the airport within the meadows. 14.20. 15.21. Noise: 16.22. Noise levels from entertainment events shall comply with the environmental standards in the Northampton Zoning Ordinance, to be measured at the property line and lowered if too loud. This shall be self-monitored by the applicant with enforcement by the Zoning Enforcement Officer. 17.23. Trash: 18.24. All trash must be picked up within twenty-four hours. 19.25. Coordination of Events to Avoid Conflicts: 22.26. The applicant shall make all efforts to avoid conflicts [with events taking place at the fairgrounds or activities at Sheldon Field] in the scheduling of events. The Northampton Police Department shall make the final decision when there is a conflict in the scheduling of events. OTHER: Elections, Committee assignments, Agricultural Commission and the Tree Commitee to the list Plantations Request State Hospital, summer schedule. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by David Wilensky the Board voted unanimously to close b Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by David Wilensky the Board voted unanimously to approve withdrawal. Fj nominates Keith Wilson as chair. David Wilensky second. Unanimous by roll call. Ken Jodrie nominate Paul Diemand as vice and Keith Wilson second. Only committee to deal is housing. 4th Thursdays july and august David Wilensky made motion, Paul Diemand 2nd Lot covenant release unanimous Keith Wilson move to approve settlement, Bill Letendre 2nd The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, June 10, 2004 Council Chambers, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 William “Bill” Letendre David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 7:30 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the joint hearing with the Zoning Board of Appeals (with Sara Northrup, Barry Smith, Bob Riddle of the ZBA) on a request by Robert Bacon & Lisa Fusco for a Finding for expansion of a pre-existing not conforming structure (open space) and Special Permits for the use of an Airport in the SC district and dedication of land for open space. Requests are for property at Old Ferry Road Map ID 25-15, 16, 17, 19, 71, 53; 26-1. 7:00 P.M. Keith Wilson of the Planning Board and Bob Riddle, Chair of the Zoning Board of opened a joint pubic hearing (Sara Northrup and Barry Smith of the ZBA) on a request by Robert Bacon & Lisa Fusco for a Finding for expansion of a pre-existing not conforming structure (open space) and Special Permits for the use of an Airport in the SC district and dedication of land for open space. Requests are for property at Old Ferry Road Map ID 25-15, 16, 17, 19, 71, 53; 26-1. Keith Wilson began board introductions. Robert Bacon 22 Overlook Drive, Westfield introduced the applicant team and described the goal to rebuild the infrastructure at the airport and to stabilize its finances. He stated that the Intent is to maintain private ownership and use of the airport. Tom Jenkins, BEC consultants for the applicant described the existing conditions, open space and described building coverage tables in the application. The applicant is asking for establishment of 81.5% as the existing open space. Sara Northrup asked for clarification about the extra parcel (along the Connecticut) that is not included in open space calculations. Tom stated that it was not included. Frandy Johnson asked if trailers on Old Ferry Road were counted in the building coverage. Tom stated no, because they are not technically buildings since they are on wheels. Jenkins described changes from the plans submitted. The future proposed t-hangars are now planned for construction in the near term. The applicant would like to move forward with one of the future t-hangars. He described changes as submitted on Sheet 2of 2 dated June 10, 2004. Jenkins described open space for the parcel adjacent to the river and the deed cloud on the remaining parcel. Barry Smith stated that a claim for adverse possession could be made. Frandy Johnson asked about the rifle range location. Teri Anderson, City Economic Development Coordinator, spoke in favor of application stating that a viable general aviation airport is important to the city. Vinny Malling, of Rick Drive, hangar owner spoke in favor of application. Mike Florio, resident spoke in favor of the airport. David Duseau, spoke about special events aspect of the permit. and stated that he was looking for small events of 200 attendees. Steve Rogers, business owner and resident of Lincoln Avenue spoke about the asset of the airport to the city. John Szawlowski 126 N. Maple Street stated concerns about a drainage pipe that was moved which now causes the farm road to flood. He also raised concerns about the airport business expansion and vandalism during events. David Gengler, 48 Massasoit Street raised concerns about noise and expansion of aircraft use. He asked about helicopter use. Hedwig Rose of Paradise Road spoke against the airport the application based on concerns of noise during take offs and landings, as well as safety due to proximity to libraries and schools. Delores Belmore, Old Ferry Road stated her concerns about traffic with special events and stated that she had no problems with the airport expansion. Russ Myette, 86 Riverbank Road stated concern about “drug haven” along Riverbank Road and increase in activity if land is dedicated under a conservation restriction, but spoke in favor of the airport. Sheryl Whatley Riverbank Road asked whether the airport would be fenced? The applicant stated that it would not be. Cynthia Mellow 135 Riverbank Road stated concern about further development in the SC zone. Paul Diemand asked if airport held a public meeting with neighborhood residents. The applicant stated “No”. Eric La Fleru of Easthampton, spoke in favor of continuation of the airport use. Phil Brockelsby, 503 Bridge Road, stated that the existing size of the airport is appropriate and that he had a concern about building expansion. Staff and ZBA clarified issues before the ZBA for the Finding. Melanie Fournier, Riverbank Road, stated her concern and question about how this application would change the zoning status and uses allowed. Staff clarified that a zoning change was not being requested. There was clarification of ownership issues related to the letter submitted by Jonathan Plassman and issues raised. Upon motion by Sara Northrup and second by Barry Smith the Zoning Board voted unanimously to close its hearing. Upon motion by Barry Smith and second by Sara Northrup the Board voted unanimously to grant the Finding, with the condition as proposed by staff. Upon motion by Sara Northrup and second by Barry Smith, the Board voted unanimously to close the meeting. Angela Dion 180 Fair Street Extension asked for clarification of permit and proposed buildings. Bacon stated the application did not include entertainment request. Paul Diemand stated concerns about parking on public open space. John Plassman 180 Fair Street Extension, spoke about the negative impacts of the special events. Lisa Fusco 26 Hedgrerow Lane Amherst, co-applicant stated that there were no events being requested. Duseau asked about events for 350th celebration. Staff stated that that had been approved under separate review. There was discussion about what was allowed as an airport use. Ken Jodrie stated concern about creating a definition for airport. Tom Jenks referenced p. 7 of the application related to planned expansion . Ken Jodrie stated that that satisfied his concerns. Frandy Johnson asked for clarification on what is to be stored on site. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. The Board voted to discuss conditions at the next meeting. 9:45 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the Continuation of the request by Omnipoint for the erection of a new telecommunications tower off Old Wilson Road. Simon Brighenti, applicant representative gave project details, stating that the tower includes equipment for E911 GPS facility. Wayne Feiden asked about camouflage selection, alternative site use of higher site on Atwood Drive tower and whether the Board would want to obtain an independent radio frequency analysis. Brighenti responded to these issues. Frandy Johnson asked about paint colors. Paul Voss asked about dropped calls and pole design/colors . Steve Marsh 1114 Florence Road asked about abutter notice. It was clarified that he was not a “legal” abutter. Marsh asked about the impact of radio frequency, waivers, the fall line, and visual impact Paul Voss asked about the difference between widths and heights. There was further discussion about stealth options. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously to approve the permit with the following conditions: 1. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant must obtain sign off from the Office of Planning & Development (OPD) indicating the following has been met: a) The applicant shall provide to the Office of Planning & Development a signed lease agreement or a copy of a letter of intent for at least one additional carrier who will co-locate on this tower OR five (5) months from the date of this decision has expired during which time the applicant has attempted to obtain a letter of intent from a second carrier. b) Owners must provide to the OPD a record of the site location, and coordinates, elevation, available space at each height, existing frequencies in use, and the name and contact number for any interested user. This information shall be updated as necessary and confirmed at least annually. c) Applicant shall provide certification to support that the maximum allowable frequencies, power levels granted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will not be exceeded. Certification shall include technical specifications, an explanation of those specifications, and, if necessary, field verification. d) The applicant must post a performance guarantee, of $30,000 to cover the cost of removal in the event that the tower ceases to be used and the owner fails to remove the tower as required in condition#2 below. The applicant shall either file a surety company performance bond or provide a deposit of money or negotiable securities, including letters of credit. State financial performance guarantees must be drafted so that the only requirement that must be met for the Planning Board to draw on the letter is to notify the financial institution (grantor) that: "We have incurred liability by reason of the failure of the applicant/developer/owner to dismantle the telecommunications tower that has ceased to be operated for its intended purpose for twelve consecutive months in accordance with the special permit approved. Any excess over the cost of demolishing the tower will be returned to the grantor." Such bond, deposit of money or negotiable securities, shall be approved as to form, the surety or financial institution, and manner of execution by the Planning Board. For any surety bond: DThe surety must agree that any litigation stemming out of the bond will take place in Massachusetts. DThe bond must include the name and address of the person to be served for any legal action. D The bond must specifically include the terms above. No expiration date may be allowed in the bond (the bond must be valid until the tower ceases to exist.) e) The applicant must provide an inspection schedule to OPD. 2. The applicant shall remove any Telecommunications Facility that ceases to be used for its intended purpose for twelve consecutive months. 3. This facility shall be maintained in good order and repair. Any paint and finish must be maintained and repaired when the blemishes are visible from the property line. Copies of inspection reports in accord with the schedule established in 1(d) above must be submitted to the Building Commissioner. 4. The monopole shall be a flush mount galvanized steel pole. 5. As offered by the applicant, emergency equipment for the City of Northampton shall be placed at no charge, if equipment is provided. 11 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the request by Office of Planning & Development for a Special Permit for the reduction in dimensional requirements for dedication of land at 319 Bridge Street, Map ID 25C-83. Wayne Feiden described the project. There was no public comment. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Paul Diemand the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Paul Voss and second by Bill Letendre the Board voted unanimously to approve the permit. 11:05 P.M Keith Wilson opened a request by Todd Cellura for Preliminary Subdivision Approval off Westhampton Road Map ID 41-44; 48-15. Michael Schaeffer from Huntley Associates, PC gave the presentation stating Keith Wilson read Conservation Commission recommendations. Cellura described hardship in meeting tree clearing recommendations. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Paul Diemand he Board voted 5-1 to approve the preliminary plans, with conditions. George Kohout voted against the motion. Other Business: The Board approved the May 13 Minutes. The Board discussed Housing Partnership meetings and voted not to appoint a representative for lack of time on the Board’s behalf. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, June 24, 2004 Council Chambers, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:15 P.M. Keith Wilson opened request by Berkshire Design Group, Inc. for a Special Permit with Site Plan to construct townhouses on Northampton Housing Authority property at 122 Grove Street, Northampton, Map ID 38C-9. Jeff Squire, of The Berkshire Design Group, Inc described the project.. William Diamond, 141 Grove Street stated his appreciation the designers gave to neighborhood concerns and asked about planting along the frontage. Jon Hite, Northampton Housing Authority described their willingness to pay for traffic mitigation in-liue of constructing the required improvements. There was a discussion of the fee. Squire addressed site distance issues. Keith Wilson asked about bollards and the need for an additional bollard further down sidewalk. George Kohout asked if staff would be on-site. Hite responded that there would not be. David Wilensky asked if any residents would be drivers. Hite stated that in his experience, the residents do not drive. George Kohout asked about design of the east unit fronting Grove. Hite clarified that there would be a window in apartment #3 facing Grove Street. Frandy Johnson said he was comfortable with the design. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Ken Jodrie the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Ken Jodrie the Board voted unanimously to approve the special permit with the following conditions: 1. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant must submit to the DPW soil test results that indicate that the storm drip trenches are at least 2’ above seasonal high ground water and that percolation rates are adequate to infiltrate runoff. 2. A bike rack must be located on site. 3. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant must provide $7,500 to the City of Northampton for payment-in-lieu of traffic mitigation. Funds will be allocated for 5’ wide concrete sidewalk connection with crosswalks to the main sidewalk along Grove Street at the Laurel Street intersection. 4. Water and sewer connections must be approved by DPW. If requirements alter layout, this permit may require amendment. 5. One additional light bollard shall be located on the sidewalk along the driveway. 8:00 P.M. Keith Wilson opened continuation of a request by Lepine-Wzorek for a waiver from the Subdivision Rules for the Plantation at West Farms Subdivision. Mark McClusky described site walk since previous hearing. Originally there were 190 trees to be planted continuously along the street length at 40’ on center. The requested reduction is to plant only 120 trees. Keith Wilson read the letter from Northampton Tree Committee and Lonnie Kaufman. Ken Jodrie clarified that he did not participate in the vote of the Tree Committee discussion regarding letter because of his Planning Board membership. Keith Wilson opened the discussion to the public. Jay Girard, 158 Ryan Road, Arborist on the Tree Committee stated that most trees requested by the applicant to apply as existing trees are sick. He also stated that Liberty Elms are not disease resistant and he would recommended a greater diversity than 4 species proposed. Frandy Johnson stated that the subdivision rules exclude evergreens from street tree planting and that clustering of trees is not appropriate for street planting. Staff discussed how many trees could be subtracted to account for the gabion walls. David Wilensky discussed permit process and issue of amendments for reasonable requests. Jim Wzorek stated his interest in the Board reaching a decision quickly so that the planting order can be placed. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Bill Letendre, the Board voted unanimously close hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Kohout, the Board voted unanimously (Ken Jodrie, George Kohout, David Wilensky, Keith Wilson only eligible members) to grant a reduction of trees with the following conditions: Approve plan that shows trees planted along the entire length of Cardinal Way on average of 40’ on center except for the following locations: 1. Trees are not required in the right of way where the gabion walls are located and within 15’ of either end of the gabion walls. (38 trees reduced. 190-38 (152) total) 2. In lieu of planting in the areas in item 1 and 2 (not requiring the applicant to make up the planting elsewhere through the subdivision), the applicant shall install conservation area signs The applicant must install 5 permanent conservation area signs, built to City specification with the following text: Parsons Brook Conservation Area, Northampton Conservation Commission. Signs shall be located adjacent to Lot 8 and between lots 26 & 27(across from the Lot 8 sign), adjacent to Lot 29, between, Lots 12 and 13, between Lots 20 and 21. 3. Species to be determined by staff upon consultation between applicant and tree committee. 8:55 P.M Keith Wilson opened a request by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.(VHB) for Site Plan Approval to construct a parking garage at Cooley Dickinson Hospital at 30 Locust Street, Northampton Map ID 23B-46. Ed Etheredge, applicant representative, introduced the team. John Furman of VHB detailed the project. and described the parking study and current shortfall as well as demand for future buildout. A total of 187 vehicles will be displaced for the garage, plus 308 total displaced with new surgical unit. Furman described the stormwater drainage, traffic report for surgical unit, and pedestrian access. He stated that no additional crosswalks are warranted, but improvements to the existing walks are recommended. Furman discussed signal adjustments and review of roundabout. Richard Corder of Cooley Dickinson discussed temporary parking for construction displacement. David Wilensky asked how long construction would last. Corder stated 9 months. There was discussion about traffic demand management and street discontinuance . There was further discussion of the site layout and lighting. Corder stated that roof top could be closed at night with the lights off. David Wilensky asked if the parking garage could be expanded if office building plans are re-evaluated. The applicant stated that this would not be possible. Arthur Apostilu 104 N. Elm Street??. Asked about the use of Denniston place as the main access and the planned use of Drinker’s (home purchased by CDH) house. Margaret Adams.Groesbeck, 118 N. Elm Street, stated her concern about Denniston Place being used as a 2-way street at the point at which N. Elm transitions from 2 lanes to 1 lane. She indicated that this causes confusion to drivers. Furman stated that main entrance will continue to be at the signalized intersection. Left turning movements would be restricted. Corder stated that there are no plans for hospital’s use of the Drinker property. Dan Yacuzzo , 88 N. Elm Street, stated the need for traffic calming on N. Elm, where the lanes merge. There is no sign after the left-turn on Prospect. He stated that the new surgical building will have huge impacts on traffic patterns. Yacuzzo also stated his concern about elevation differences between residences and garage, relative to the visibility of the lights from the garage despite the evergreen plantings. He also voiced concern about stormwater runoff on entire site. Giovina Sessions, 116 N. Elm Street, asked if Hospital Road could be used as an alternative. She stated that Denniston Place creates a worse situation and right turn movements would negate the benefit of the light at the main intersection. David Cramer, 98 N. Elm, said he would like to see the light fixtures before they are installed rather than after. Staff read DPW comments. George Kohout asked if the garage would be gated with ticket entry. No tickets will be issued, but the garage will be for staff and patients only. David Wilensky asked about improvements for the pedestrian crosswalks. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously to approve the site plan with the following conditions. 1. Prior to issuance of a building permit the applicant must obtain sign-off from Office of Planning & Development (OPD): a. indicating that all of Denniston Place has been formally discontinued (necessary prior to work within the public right-of-way); b. indicating that final arrangements have been made between the Hospital and a third party to accommodate temporary parking for all parking spaces that will displaced for this construction. Plans must show that temporary parking commences no later than the date construction is to begin; c. submission of a schedule showing the times at which the lights on the top of the garage will be turned off at night, throughout the year. Timing may vary according to the season. 2. A 5’ wide concrete sidewalk shall be constructed along Denniston Place from the intersection of North Elm Street to connect to the parking lot end-islands. Crosswalks shall be striped and maintained to create a continuous pedestrian path from Elm Street to the main entrance of the hospital. 3. The sidewalk across Denniston Place at Elm Street shall be striped as a pedestrian crossing. 4. The two existing crosswalks across Locust Street must be repainted and adequate signage must be posted in conformance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for midblock crossings. This shall include painting of yield lines (triangles) in advance of the crosswalk. 5. Left turns (westbound) from Denniston Place shall be restricted through hardscaping/island. 6. The “Do Not Enter” sign at the west end of Denniston Place shall be removed. 7. Due to capacity issues of the sanitary line on Hospital Road, the applicant shall direct sanitary flows from the garage to the North Elm Street line. Sewer rates and coordination with DPW for pretreatment for this new discharge will apply. 8. Construction vehicles may not utilize Hospital Road for access to the site. 9. The Department of Public Works water issues relating to backflow prevention and the relocation of utilities shall be addressed 10. Prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy, landscape planting plans for the evergreen screen along the south and east property boundary must be submitted to the Board for review and approval. 11. One year from issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant must return for review of the garage lighting. If the Board determines that additional screening along the east and south side of the garage is necessary, such screening shall be added to eliminate the impacts of the 2nd and 3rd floor lighting on the abutting residences. 12. This permit does not grant approval for any future development at the hospital nor imply completion of traffic analysis for future building scenarios. The following items should be evaluated further prior to submission of plans for the surgical wing: a. further traffic analysis and review must be completed and submitted including evaluation of the signalized intersection of the main hospital entrance with Locust Street with analysis of a pedestrian phase; b. further traffic impacts at the Woodlawn/Jackson Street and Prospect Street intersection; c. evaluation of the existing pedestrian and bus shelter location across from the Easthampton Savings Bank; d. traffic calming options along N. Elm Street; e. petition for discontinuance of a portion of Hospital Road; f. evaluation and discussion of water and sewer fee structure with the City; g. stormwater management should be evaluated for the entire portion of the property that does not currently flow into the detention pond. All water, sewer, and drain lines should be evaluated to determine which are utilized. Including sheet flow across Hospital Road. Other: After discussion and upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Ken Jodrie the Board voted unanimously to approve the permit request by Northampton Airport with the following conditions Decision/Conditions: 1. The Special Permit is for the use of the Northampton Airport and expansions shown on the plans. Any runway extension requires amendments. 2. The Airport shall institute and maintain a voluntary flight noise abatement program. 3. Prior to request for a building permit, the applicant must provide proof that a permit has been issued by the Conservation Commission showing that all requirements for flood storage, building elevations, flood proofing, stormwater management have been met. 4. A copy of a FEMA flood elevation certification must be provided at the time that a request for building permit is made. 5. This permit allows up to 3.9 acres of land along the Connecticut River to be swapped for construction on the airport property in conjunction with the long range buildout plans shown on Plan Sheet 2 of 2 dated June 10, 2004 by Baystate Environmental Consultants unless otherwise amended. Such construction may only occur after recording of conservation easement documents on the land as offered by the applicant and approved by the Office of Planning & Development indicating that no more land area is developed than that which is placed under permanent conservation restriction. All land presented for dedication by the applicant must have the CR signed by the owner. The CR shall not allow storage of any vehicles, or structures. Vehicles include registered and unregistered. 6. Prior to any airport expansion, the applicant must obtain the approval of a Conservation Restriction by the Conservation Commission, City Council and the Secretary of the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs that will remain in effect in perpetuity for that property being transferred. This must occur within nine (9) months of the expiration of the appeal period of the Special Permit. The Office of Planning & Development is available to assist in this effort. 7. Prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy for any of the new hangars, all existing buildings and new buildings shall be connected to underground dry well(s) to collect roof runoff. 8. All skydiving trailers must be registered with the Registry of Motor Vehicles, unless building permits are obtained, and must be relocated on the lot so that they are not within the setback areas. 9. Storage/warehousing of vehicles unrelated to the use or function of the airport are not allowed on site, including within the hangar buildings. 10. No residential use of the property is allowed. 11. All NPDES permits must be obtained. Balloon Festival- 12. Advertised special events are not granted in this special permit. 13. Events with attendance below 301 and which don’t entail advertising shall be considered accessory to the airport. a. The applicant shall provide notice of the planned Balloon Festival to residents and landowners in the Meadows on: Riverbank Road, Cross Path Road, Fair Street, Fair Street Extension, and Old Ferry Road by mailing notice forty-five (45) days in advance with time of event (e.g., 11 AM-7PM), expected attendance, and contact numbers for complaints or concerns during the events. b. Maximum attendance at the entire length of the Balloon Festival is 10,000. c. The applicant shall take measures to keep the audience out of the agricultural fields for this event. d. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the Northampton Police Department and the License Commission with regard to alcohol. e. The applicant shall provide notice to the Northampton Police Department, Northampton Fire Department and Emergency Medical Services forty-five days (45) in advance of the balloon festival. f. Written sign off must be obtained from the Northampton Police Department indicating review and approval of a traffic management/control and a security plan - in advance of each event. If sign off has not been obtained, the event will not be allowed. g. Written sign off must be obtained from the Northampton Fire Department. If sign-off has not been obtained, the event will not be allowed. The following criteria applies: i. Attendance at any time of 1,500 – 2,999 people requires one fire department personnel. ii. Attendance at any time of 3,000 – 4,499 people an ambulance and 2 fire department personnel will be required. iii. Attendance at any time of 5,000+ people requires an engine company and 4 fire department personnel. h. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to ensure that all other necessary permits for the balloon festival are in place, including but not limited to the securing of appropriate permits from the Building and Health Departments by/for all participants and vendors. i. All public roads are to remain unobstructed at all times to residents, farmers and their guests. Security, hired by the applicant, shall be posted in accordance with plans required and approved by the Northampton Police Department. j. There shall be no parking for the balloon festival allowed on public roads or private property unless approved by the property owner. Aggressive towing shall be implemented, through the airports initiation. k. Temporary No-Parking Signs with Tow Zone shall be posted a day ahead of each event along the sides of all public ways leading to the airport from the Fairgrounds property to the airport and along Cross Path Road and surrounding streets. l. Spectator vehicles, other than designated “balloon chase” or other required aviation related event vehicles shall be restricted from entering the meadows and roads, if approved in traffic control plan by the Police Department. If approved, adequate security with established mechanism to enforce this condition shall be posted on either end of the airport to prevent non-resident spectators from entering these areas during balloon festival events. m. Required chase vehicles shall be kept to a minimum. n. Noise levels shall comply with the environmental standards in the Northampton Zoning Ordinance, to be measured at the property line and lowered if too loud. This shall be self-monitored by the applicant with enforcement by the Zoning Enforcement Officer. o. All trash must be picked up within twenty-four hours after the festival. p. The applicant shall make all efforts to avoid conflicts with events taking place at the fairgrounds or activities at Sheldon Field . The Northampton Police Department shall make the final decision about any scheduling conflicts. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, July 22, 2004 Council Chambers, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 7:25 arrive 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky 8:50 arrive Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Keith Wilson opened a continuation of King Street rezoning request for 200/206 King Street. John Fitzgibbon described discussions and agreement between among the neighbors. He read the proposed restrictions. Keith Wilson opened the discussion to the public. Eddie Golash, 9 Hooker Ave, asked about the covenant restriction related to the setbacks. Staff clarified current setback requirements for the HB district. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by George Kohout the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Frandy Johnson, the Board voted unanimously to recommend approval with 2 conditions: 1).Prior to Council Vote, the proposed Development Agreement must be signed and placed in escrow, 2) Prior to Council vote, a document showing all mortgages of record with bank subordination must be submitted. 7:15 P.M. Keith Wilson opened Request by Tristram Metcalfe to Amend a Site Plan Approval to allow a reduction in parking at the Best Western Motel at 117 Conz Street, Northampton, Map ID 39A-35. Tris Metcalf described the request. George Kohout asked about use of the expansion. Metcalf indicated that it would be just for a reception area. Keith Wilson opened to the hearing to the public. None present. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Kohout, the Board voted unanimously approve the request with waivers. 7:30 P.M. Keith Wilson opened Request by Judy Jones for a Special Permit for a seasonal take-out restaurant at 332 Pleasant Street, Northampton, Map ID 32C-179. Judy Jones described project. She stated that her plan would be to be open May to October. Keith Wilson asked the hours operation for the restaurant. Jones stated 11 a.m. to 8 or -9 p.m. Monday to Thursday and 11 a.m.to Midnight/12:30 on Fridays and Saturdays. George Kohout asked about notification to neighbors. Ken Jodrie asked about Board of Health permit requirements. Jones stated she had received a permit from the Board of Health and Water and Sewer Division. Ken Jodrie asked about the “port-a-john” shown on the site. Jones said it would only be for employees, not the public. Connie Sprong, owner of CJ Sprong stated her concern about notification of abutters and lack of parking. She stated that she didn’t want to be responsible for telling Jones’ customers not to park in her lot. She also identified her concern about potential for trash and the presentation of the temporary trailer on the street. There was further discussion about water and sewer connections. Paul Diemand asked for clarification about parking requirements, location and impacts. He also expressed his concern about the refuse problem and dumpster screening. The Board held a discussion about the seasonal/temporary nature of business. Ken Jodrie raised his issue related to the lack of off-street parking. Keith Wilson noted that traffic flow on the site would be severely limited by the location of the picnic tables and that the site was tight. Frandy Johnson discussed problems with the temporary nature of the proposal in relationship to the goal for creating at gateway to the city. He stated that there would be an equity issue to address relative to what other businesses are required to provide for site improvements for permanent structures. The Board further discussed the temporary building and parking arrangements. Michael Garjian, of Valley Community Development Corporation representing Jones, provided pro forma numbers for lunch and dinner hour and the projects dependence on on-street parking. George Kohout raised the question about providing incubator opportunities. Frandy Johnson reiterated his concern about the temporary nature of the structure and suggested that it wasn’t appropriate for the neighborhood. The Board discussed whether changes to the plan could alleviate the issues and concerns and whether the applicant should spend time on plan revisions. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Paul Diemand the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Frandy Johnson, the Board voted unanimously (5-0) to deny the permit request for temporary restaurant use stating that the proposal would not work with site and that it would not be harmonious use within the neighborhood. Specifically, the Board determined that there was not enough room to maneuver cars, there was inadequate fencing and or landscaping to screen dumpster, there was not a means to control garbage on site. 8:25 P.M. Keith Wilson opened request by Seawink, LTD for Site Plan Approval to construct a 2-story mixed use building at 52 Maple Street, Florence Map ID 23A-40. ED Etheredge described the plan changes from the previous application. Terry Reynolds described the site details. Lori Gougeon, 15 West Center Street spoke against the project raising a number of issues, including lack of curbing along the frontage to prevent cars from driving over the sidewalk and into the parking lot, lack of pedestrian ways leading from the rear of the site to the buildings and sidewalk on the street. She further questioned the adequacy of the number of parking spaces. Gougeon raised issues about the drainage path from the proposed snow storage area and offsite impacts onto abutting properties. She also expressed dissatisfaction with the type, size and location of screening planted within the buffer {to conform to enforcement action taken for cutting the trees}. Mark Bird, 19 West Center Street stated his concern about runoff from the irrigation system installed for the newly planted evergreen screen. Additionally he stated that the trees did not look healthy. Patricial Dale 9 West Center Street stated that the tree planting is insufficient and did not show good faith in creating a visual buffer. Dale also raised concerns about garbage odor that is present without the expansive tree buffer and suggested that the dumpster be relocated. Jeff Gougeon 15 West. Center Street stated that the dumpster shouldn’t be located within the buffer zone and that the snow storage area should be located so that it would drain on site. Fred Welman 9 West Center Street expressed a concern about traffic and the buffer. Lori Gougeon described problems that have arisen since the removal of the buffer. There was a discussion about curbing along Maple Street internal and external sidewalk connections, dumpster location, pole light heights at 20’, snow removal plan, fencing, landscaping including clustering of plantings and selections appropriate for site soils. Keith Wilson asked if the applicant discussed project with the neighborhood. Representatives for the applicant indicated no conversations were held. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted 5-1 to continue the hearing to 7:30 pm on Sept 9. David Wilensky abstained because he missed presentation the presentation. 9:35 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the request by Berkshire Design Group, Inc. for Site Plan Approval for building renovations on the north side of Village at Hospital Hill, Prince Street/Village Hill Road, Map ID 31C-17; 38A-86. Tom Kegleman described the project. Mark Darnold described site details. Frandy Johnson asked about timing of stormwater management relative to street construction. Darnold and Kegelman responded that road construction will be moving forward in the spring. Coordination was planned. Keith Wilson opened the hearing for public comment. There was no comment There was discussion of landscaping and conditions. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Paul Diemand, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted unanimously to approve the site plan with conditions discussed. 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant must obtain sign off from the Office of Planning & Development indicating that the following conditions have been satisfied: a. New plans should be submitted showing raised crosswalks for the two internal crosswalks through the site driveway. b. a performance guarantee shall be posted based upon construction quantities submitted by the applicant and reviewed and approved by the Planning Board. The performance guarantee shall include a contingency and inspections fee amount. c. {Applies to Building Permit for Nurses Home:} Approval is for layout of the entire site except for utility connections to “Nurses Home” (southeast building). Demolition permits may be issued for the “Nurses Home”, but no building permits may be issued until final utility connections are approved by Office of Planning & Development staff. 2. Access is approved from the temporary driveway/hammerhead from Village Hill Road. 3. If sprinklers are utilized on site, the applicant shall install backflow prevention devices upon consultation with the Department of Public Works. 4. Hydrant spacing shall be in accordance with National Fire Protection Association. 5. A temporary, gravel driveway shall be constructed to the east side of the “Nurses Home” to allow emergency vehicle access. 6. A minimum of 9 bike loops shall be located on the plan. 7. Prior to issuance of a temporary or permanent Certificate of Occupancy, regardless of whether construction of Village Hill Road is completed, the stormwater detention basin serving this site shall be constructed according to the design approved through the Phase I subdivision process and shall obtain final sign off from the Department of Public Works. 8. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, Village Hill Road shall be constructed with at least the base layer of asphalt. Review of request by Housing & Economic Resources for Women, Inc for a Comprehensive Permit to construct 14 SRO housing units with on-site management at 180 and 182 Earle Street. Ed Etheredge representing applicant described the project. Carol Walker, HER, Inc. spoke about the programs and benefits the new facility would provide, including maintaining the same number of units as existing facility. The shared bathroom and kitchen will be eliminated and individual kitchens and baths will be provided. Mike Gagnon described the site layout. DPW will be cleaning the clay drain line on site to facilitate its use for the Northampton State Hospital. George Kohout asked about concrete jersey barrier between the rail trail entrance and the stables. Gagnon stated that these were located to prevent equipment used for cleaning the stables from entering area. Tom Douglas, project architect, described the building design. Keith Wilson opened the review for public comment. Ken Jodrie discussed possible conditions. There were questions about sidewalks on Earle Street. Ken Jodrie proposed a motion to recommend approval to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Frandy Johnson gave a second to the motion. The motion passed unanimously with a recommendation to forward the following conditions to the ZBA. 1. In lieu of providing traffic study, due to population, this project will serve a pedestrian access should be created to the proposed bike path to the rear. Smith should obtain an easement from Mass Electric to officially build the access to the bike path. If Mass Electric does not grant an easement by the time a CO is issued, a $5,000 escrow to the city to complete the connection should be required. 2. The Maintenance Plan indicates that the owner will be required to clean and maintain CB#5. This should be reviewed with DPW to ensure that the easement the city has allows this. 3. Stormwater outlets to the Mass Electric property. Smith should obtain an easement with Mass Electric which allows grading for permanent stormwater outlet controls, including provision to allow Smith to maintain this system. 4. Given that C soils will not infiltrate, overflow discharge into the grass ditch along the rail bed will eventually reach a culvert under the rail bed. Is this culvert clear of debris? Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Paul Diemand, the Board voted unanimously to approve two sets of June minutes and May 13 minutes. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Frandy Johnson, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Flood Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, August 5, 2004 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 6 PM 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 6 PM 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 6 PM 5 William “Bill” Letendre 6 PM 5 David Wilensky 6:50 PM Paul Voss, Associate Member 6 PM Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 6 PM 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 6 PM 6:00 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the discussion of the Demolition Delay ordinance. Chris Kennedy, Historic Commission, presented the ordinance and responded to questions. The Board discussed the definition of structures. George Kohout asked about including stone walls. Kennedy stated that it would be hard to notify all owners of stone walls to inform them of the requirements. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Bill Letendre, the Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the ordinance with changes to the definition of structure as discussed. Ken Jodrie introduced discussion of the changes at Smith College. He stated that buildings B & C along West Street presented the biggest issues in terms of impact to the City and the West Street corridor. Wayne Feiden discussed the commonwealth capital fund and priority development fund application processes. There was discussion of creation of an Agricultural Commission. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Paul Diemand, the Board voted unanimously to recommend establishment of an Agricultural Commission. There was discussion about committee Assignments for the coming year. ~8:45 – Board adjourned. Page 1—Planning Board 8/26/2005 Minutes The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, August 26, 2004 Council Chambers, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 7 PM Vice Chair, Paul Diemand George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 7 PM 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 7 PM 5 William “Bill” Letendre 7 PM 5 David Wilensky 7 PM 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 7 PM Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 7 PM 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 9 PM 7:00 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the joint public hearing on proposed zoning changes at 7:05 PM. Councilors Bardsley, Richards, and M. LaBarge from the City Council Ordinance Committee were present for the public hearing. Wayne Feiden presented each of the proposed zoning ordinances: 1. Streamline the zoning permit process, especially for home offices 2. Streamline the home occupation renewal process 3. Streamline review for the water supply protection district— Chris Powers asked whether Leeds Reservoir was used for drinking water. (Answer, for emergency purposes only) 4. Streamline review for finding applications—Keri Clark asked if this would create more work for the Building Inspector. (Answer, it moves work around but may be the same as currently reviewing zoning permit and then ensuring that finding is recorded. He will look at the work load and may suggest raising his fees for this work.) 5. Rationalize special permits granted by City Council and heavy public use— 6. Preserve first floor of commercial area for commercial uses within the GB district— Councilor Jim Dostal spoke in favor. Florence businesses are in favor of this change and it allows Florence businesses to be on the same footing as already exists in the Central Business District. Keri Clark asked why should not Florence have the same standards as the Central Business District. Councilor Raymond LaBarge spoke in favor to give Florence what it wants. Councilor Alex Ghiselin spoke in favor of the ordinance as necessary to meet the vision of Florence merchants. Councilor Marianne LaBarge spoke in favor as being critical and equitable for businesses in Florence. Councilor Michael Bardsley spoke in favor because mixing the uses on the first floor creates conflict. Todd Page 1—Planning Board 8/26/2005 Minutes Sienkiewicz said that if first floor residential is bad for CB it is bad for GB. This still allows residential above the first floor. Business area is fragile and shouldn’t have to compete with residential uses on the first floor. Mike Flynn, president of Florence Business and Civic spoke in favor of the zoning change and said that the mercantile supports the change. Fred Wellman spoke in favor. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Paul Voss, the board voted unanimously to close the public hearing on all of the zoning items except water supply protection and continue that public hearing to 9:00 PM on Thursday, September 23, 2004 in City Council Chambers. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted 4-0-2 to endorse that the proposed zoning change related to first floor residential uses within commercial districts (GB and NB changed). Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Bill Letendre the board voted unanimously to recommend the changes related to special permits issued by City Council and heavy public use. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Bill Letendre the board voted 5-1-0 to recommend the changes related to findings as amended to notify all of the abutters within 300 feet of the property. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Frandy Johnson the board voted unanimously to recommend the changes related to home occupation special permit renewals and related to the zoning permit process, especially as it relates to home offices. 8:00 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the public hearing on the request by John Moore for Site Plan Approval to alter two driveway curb cuts and to renovate with additions 3,000+ square feet to a 3-family home at 25 Union St., Map ID 32A-71. Tom Douglas presented the plans and showed a model of the project. He explained that the building with be converted from three apartments to three condominiums. Lisa Gustavsen described the project and how it fits within the neighborhood. Councilor Marilyn Richards, Union Street, spoke in favor of the project as being a great infill project. Councilor Michael Bardsley, 50 Union Street, spoke in favor of the project as being a great improvement to the site and the street. Councilor Marianne LaBarge spoke in favor of the project as a well thought out and well designed project. Wayne Feiden read the Northampton DPW’s August 23, 2004 memo related to the project. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Paul Voss the board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Paul Voss and second by Frandy Johnson the board voted unanimously to issue the requested site plan waivers and site plan approval for a three family home with two curb cuts as shown on the plans with the following conditions: Page 2—Planning Board 8/26/2005 Minutes 1. Prior to construction, approval for the sanitary sewer and water line must be granted by DPW. Such approval should not be assumed and this permit is not valid if such approval is not granted. 2. If it is not already, the waterline should manifolded so each unit can be isolated should service be required in the individual units and each unit must have its own water meter. 3. Applicant must coordinate with DPW Water and Sewer divisions prior to demolition phase to coordinate plugging of existing sewer lines and shutting off of water service. 4. Curbing of the same type existing on the site must be installed to close one curb, narrow one curb, and open one curb as shown on the plans. 8:25 P.M. At 9:00 PM Keith Wilson opened Request by David Teece for Site Plan Approval to add 5,000+ square feet at 168 Industrial Dr. Map ID 18D-63. Mark McClusky, PE Huntley Associates described the project, a show room addition with bathrooms and a conference room and explained the plans. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by David Wilensky the board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Bill Letendre the board voted unanimously to approve the requested site plan waiver and Site Plan as shown on the submitted plans with the following conditions: 1. If sidewalk is built along the west side of Industrial Drive, the applicant shall construct a 4’ connector sidewalk from the building to the street within 1 year of the completion of the Industrial Drive sidewalk. 2. Office uses allowed as part of this project shall be in conjunction with the manufacturing/warehouse uses or back office use as allowed by Zoning Ordinance. 3. No staging, equipment storage, or work may take place within 100’ of the wetlands unless approval is obtained from the Northampton Conservation Commission. 4. Roof runoff from first flush storms (0.4” rainfall) must be infiltrated as outlined in Mark McClusky’s August 18, 2004 letter. 5. Separation of water and sewer lines must be in accordance with the standards used by the Northampton DPW and the water and sewer lines must be replaced if necessary to meet this standard. 6. Prior to construction, revised construction plans addressing these conditions must be revised and submitted to the Office of Planning and Development for their approval consistent with this permit. 8:45 P.M. At 9:20 PM Keith Wilson opened Request by HAP, Inc. for Site Plan Approval to construct 12 new townhouse units at 135-137 West St. Map ID 31D-21 Peter Frothingham, architect and Karen Leveille, real estate manager, HAP, Inc. presented the plans and described the project. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Frandy Johnson the Planning Board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to Thursday September 23, 2004 at 7:00 PM in City Council Chambers. Page 3—Planning Board 8/26/2005 Minutes Page 4—Planning Board 8/26/2005 Minutes 9:00 P.M. Keith Wilson opened Hearing on a request by DPW to name a private way at the end Pine Street for emergency response purposes. Upon motion by Paul Voss and second by Frandy Johnson the Planning Board voted 3-2 to rename the way to Spring Street Extension. Reduction of Wzorek Letter of credit--- Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted unanimously to deny the request by Wzorek for a reduction in the letter of credit until information is submitted indicating the costs outstanding to complete the project. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, September 9, 2004 Council Chambers, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 7 PM 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 7 PM 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 7 PM William “Bill” Letendre 7 PM David Wilensky 7 PM 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 8:30 PM Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 7 PM Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Keith Wilson opened on a Site Plan Approval Request by George Goodridge for a 4,000 square foot building at 574 Haydenville Road (Map ID 6-5 and 6-52) Mr. Goodridge presented his plans. The Planning Board discussed possible conditions with the applicant. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Paul Diemand, the Planning Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Paul Diamond, the Planning Board voted unanimously to issue the requested site plan approval for a 3,600 square foot building and associated site work with requested waivers with the following conditions: 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide written certification to the Northampton Office of Planning and Development and Department of Public Works (DPW) from registered professional engineer or a registered land surveyor documenting that no more than one acre of the site is being disturbed by the proposed project. If more than one acre of the site is being disturbed, then a DPW-issued stormwater shall be required. No representations are being made that DPW can or will issue such a permit. 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the plans must be revised to show a water line consistent with DPW’s 9/9/2004 memo to the Planning Board and DPW approval of the water line must be obtained. 3. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, install landscaping as shown on the plans, except as otherwise described in this paragraph, including the buffer along the property line, the plantings along the road, and the landscaping adjacent to the northerly existing curb cut. Any trees which are damaged or diseased must be replaced within one growing season. Any existing deciduous trees shall be maintained in lieu of an evergreen tree or arborvitaes planting in the same location. A landscaping plan shall be submitted and approved by the Office of Planning and Development prior to any building permit, with such approval based on this paragraph and the applicable buffer section of the zoning ordinance. Page 1—Planning Board Minutes 9-9 4. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, apply for permit to MassHighway to close the northerly curb cut and, if permit is granted, close the curb and match existing pavement line along Haydenville Road/Route 9 (if any). 5. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the property owner shall maintain and mark a minimum of 14 parking spaces. 6. Outdoor storage not to extend more than 80 acres westerly and north-westerly of the proposed new building. Slopes within the outdoor storage area shall not exceed three horizontal to one vertical and shall be stabilized so that there are no signs of erosion on any disturbed site. The outdoor storage shall only be used for pre-cast concrete septic tanks and related pre-cast products produced on site and for drainage pipe storage. 7. No outdoor lighting shall exceed five foot candles in front of the building, four foot candles on the side and rear foot of the buildings, nor zero foot candles at any property line. Lighting shall be directed down so that no portion of the lamp shall be visible from off the property. 8. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, as built plans must be submitted to the Office of Planning and Development and Building Commissioner showing all of the completed work and documenting that the work detailed in this permit was be complied with. 7:50 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the public hearing on the request for a Special Permit by Joe and Mary Jasinski to make substantial improvements to a residence within the Watershed Protection District at 43 Fair Street (Map ID 32A-248). Mr. Jasinski presented his plans and explained that the work is primarily inside the building. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie the Planning Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Paul Diamond and second by George Kohort, the Planning Board voted unanimously to issue the requested Special Permit and requested site plan waivers. 8:00 P.M. Upon a request by the applicant for 52 Maple Street and upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted unanimously to approve the continuance to October 28 at 8:00 PM. Ken Jodrie asked why the Village at Hospital Hill design guidelines were marked draft. Feiden said staff would check and get back to the board. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Ken Jodrie, the Planning Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of July 22, 2004, August 5, 2004, and August 26, 2004. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Frandy Johnson the Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend the proposed amended and renewed Central Business Architecture Ordinance. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Frandy Johnson the Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend the proposed discontinuance of Denniston Place, and to recommend that if appropriate to facilitate the movement of DPW maintenance vehicles and public safety vehicles the City maintain an easement to pass and repass. Ken Jodrie briefly discussed with the Planning Board the LEEDS certification process and the site selection criteria. Ken offered to make copies of the site selection criteria for the Planning Board. Wayne Feiden briefly discussed with the Planning Board the Transportation Commission’s work on transportation policies and a comprehensive transportation plan and the Planning Board’s upcoming work on this. 8:30 P.M. Keith Wilson opened a joint public hearing with City Council Ordinance Committee (City Councilors Michael Bardsley and Marianne LaBarge) on the proposed rezoning of a parcel of land abutting Hospital Road and Elm Street from Urban Residential B to the Medical District. Page 2—Planning Board Minutes 9-9 Page 3—Planning Board Minutes 9-9 Wayne Feiden explained the zoning proposal. Councilor Alex Ghiselin, one of the co-sponsors, spoke in favor of the ordinance change as it relates to the parking lot area but expressed some concern with the zoning covering the entire area shown. Councilor Michael Bardsley asked if that might not be confusing and create additional problems. Ed Etheredge, attorney for Cooley Dickinson Hospital, explained that CDH was bidding to purchase 18 acres from Smith Vocational Agricultural School, contingent on the proposed zoning change passing. Without the zoning change, CDH can’t use the property for parking or other hospital accessory uses, including most of the drainage uses. He explained that the parking lot would be for employees, which will actually be a better employee parking lot location than the proposed parking garage. He also said that the plan was showing one million dollars of drainage improvements. Councilor Alex Ghiselin said that he certainly wants to encourage drainage improvements, and therefore understands why the entire project should be zoned to Medical. Alex explained that CDH making drainage improvements is critical. David Bourbou, Smith Vocational School Trustee, explained that Smith Voc certainly supports the sale of the land and rezoning the entire property, although they have been concerned about having to go through the process so quickly. Smith wants to encourage the Hospital expansion but needs to reap enough return to cover the cost for loosing some facilities and gaining some trust funds. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Ken Jodrie the boards voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by George Kohout the Planning Board voted 3-3 to recommend the zoning as proposed. The motion failed for lack of a majority. After extensive additional discussion, upon motion by Paul Voss and second by George Kohout, the Planning Board voted 3-2 to recommend the zoning as proposed. (Paul Diemand had to leave the meeting before the vote, but given that he voted in favor of the first motion, the board had some discussion that there appeared to be support from four of the Planning Board members who attended the public hearing.) The Planning Board requested that, if possible, staff not schedule any permits for their October 14th meeting or at least keep the agenda very light, so they can focus on two planning items: 1) Downtown Gateways, with the first meeting focusing on North King Street, and 2) Review and approve the Transportation Commission’s draft Transportation Policies. The Planning Board discussed their November meetings, both of which conflict with holidays. They decided to hold their November meetings on November 4th and November 18th. The board is aware that these dates conflict with City Council, but they couldn’t find other dates for their meetings. If there are no permits on November 18th, we will cancel that meeting. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to adjourn at 9:50 PM. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, September 23, 2004 Council Chambers, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson PM Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie PM 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson PM 5 William “Bill” Letendre PM David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 7 PM Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the meeting. The board had a brief discussion of the agenda for a planning-only Board meeting to be held on October 14th, focusing on gateways to downtown and the transportation & comprehensive plan. 7:20 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the public hearing on the Request by Robert Goodman and Stephanie Levin for a Special Permit and Site Plan approval to construct an addition for a two-family structure at 133 Franklin Street, Map ID 24D-336. Robert Goodman described his plans and application. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Paul Voss the Planning Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Frandy Johnson the Planning Board voted unanimously to approve any necessary waivers and grant the requested Special Permit and Site Plan Approval for a two-family structure at 133 Franklin Street, Map ID 24D-336, with the following condition: Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant must obtain a sewer availability permit and a water availability permit or other such documentation from the Department of Public Works that water and sewer are consistent with their standards. The Planning Board makes no representations as to whether the design meets DPW standards or as to whether these permits can be issued. 7:30 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the continuation of request by HAP, Inc. for Site Plan Approval to construct 12 new townhouse units at 135-137 West St. Map ID 31D-21 Peter Frothingham (architect) and Karen Leveille, HAP presented the revised plan, showing fewer parking spaces and an extended walkway system. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Paul Voss the Planning Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Bill Letendre the Planning board voted unanimously (Paul Voss abstaining because he had not attended the prior public hearing) to issue the requested Site Plan approval and any necessary waivers with the following conditions: 1. The Site shall be constructed in accordance with the revised 9/15/2004 plan set. Page 1—Planning Board Minutes 9-23 2. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the applicant must obtain sign-off from the Office of Planning & Development indicating that the following conditions have been met: a. the Northampton Housing Authority obtain an easement to allow themselves, their agents, their tenants, and their guests the right to pass and repass on foot and by vehicle on a right-of-way on the westerly of two corridors described in an easement granted by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to Smith College. b. HAP shall obtain a Stormwater Management Permit from the Northampton Department of Public Works. The Planning Board makes no representations as to whether this permit will be issued. c. new plans are issued and approved by the Department of Public Works and the Office of Planning and Development showing that no building will be on top of an active storm drain line. Such plans are incorporated by reference in this permit. d. the applicant shall obtain a certified statement from a Massachusetts registered structural engineer on how to build a building atop the to be abandoned storm sewer. The methods described in the structural engineer’s report shall be followed and incorporated into the project. 3. As offered by the applicant, prior to any certificates of occupancy, the Northampton Housing Authority shall grant the City an easement to allow the public to pass and repass on foot on a right-of-way on the easterly of two corridors described in an easement granted by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to Smith College and shall covenant that the Housing Authority and their tenants will not use this access road for non-emergency access. 4. Reports of stormwater management shall be submitted to the Office of Planning & Development indicating that all maintenance has been performed in accordance with the schedule identified in the Standard #9 Operation/Maintenance Plan for sanding. Reports shall be received no later than May 15 annually. 5. All walkways must be maintained and plowed to allow handicap access throughout the year. 8:05 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the request by Oliver Iselin for Site Plan Approval to convert a residence at Clarke School to a 4-unit condominium at 88 Round Hill Rd, Map ID 24D-320. Dick Evans, attorney, and Steve Ross, Construct, presented the plans and application. Steve Balicki, Clark School for the Deaf, the seller and one of the abutters of the project, spoke to support the project. Mike Pearlman, an abutter, said he was comfortable with the project. Upon motion by Paul Voss and second by Bill Lentedre the Planning Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Bill Letendre the Planning Board voted unanimously to issue the requested Site Plan approval and any required waivers for multi-family housing at 88 Round Hill Road, Map 24D-320, with the following conditions: 1. All driveway runoff shall be directed on site and shall not flow onto Round Hill Road consistent with the DPW driveway permit. 2. Prior to any building permit, the applicant shall provide documentation to the Building Inspector that the Department of Public Works has approved curb cuts, trench permits, water availability and tie-in, and sewer availability and tie-in. The Planning Board makes no representations as to whether these permits will be approved. 8:35 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the request by Dina Fein & Danny Workman for Site Plan Approval to create a second curb cut to serve a single-family home at 49 Columbus Ave, Map ID 38B-149. Dina Fein and Danny Workman described their plans and their application. The applicant stressed the low traffic on East Street, where the driveway will be located, and the nature of their lot as a double lot. Frandy Johnson read section 8.9(6) and (7) of the Zoning Ordinance into the record and said it seemed that the driveway could be installed 50 feet from the intersection, as called for in the ordinance. Page 2—Planning Board Minutes 9-23 Page 3—Planning Board Minutes 9-23 Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Ken Jodrie, the Planning Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Ken Jodrie the Planning Board voted unanimously (5-0-1) to approve the requested site plan for a second curb cut with the following condition: A DPW driveway curb cut permit is required prior to construction. If such curb cut is permitted, the existing concrete sidewalk must be reconstructed with concrete where the cars will cross the sidewalk. The Planning Board makes no representation as to whether DPW will issue the requested curb cut permit. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Bill Letendre the Planning Board voted unanimously to approve their September 9, 2004 minutes. The Planning Board adjourned at 9:15 PM. Other Business: Minutes 9/9 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, October 14, 2004 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky Left 8:30 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 Jennifer Dieringer, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the meeting. Wayne Feiden started the discussion of the transportation policies. The Board discussed changes to various sections. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Paul Diemand, the Board voted unanimously to adopt the preliminary transportation policy plan. Carolyn Misch introduced discussion of gateway corridor planning process. Ken Jodrie suggested that the policy plan should include specifics on landscaping, lighting standards and address utility location, sign standards and tree standards. The board discussed location of gateways and the interest in establishing separate gateways between Florence and Northampton. Downtown gateways should include Pleasant Street from the dike to downtown, potentially Earle/Rt 10 to downtown, State Hospital to downtown; King Street from Hatfield to Downtown, with different treatments for different segments; Elm St from Cooley Dickinson to downtown. For Florence, the gateway would potentially start Look Diner. There was discussion about more closely identifying these corridors and then prioritizing them. Ken Jodrie recommended that the request for trees in front of the Medical Building should be taken up with the tree committee. Board approved the minutes of 9/23 with a change to the room location. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Paul Diemand, the Board voted unanimously to reduce the letter of credit for Plantations Subdivision to $70,000. Page 1—Planning Board Minutes 10-14 Page 2—Planning Board Minutes 10-14 Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted unanimously to reduce the letter of credit for White Oak Woods to $75,000 and release one lot. 10:10 P.M. The Board adjourned. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, October 28, 2004 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie Francis “Frandy” Johnson William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 Jennifer Dieringer, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the meeting. Carolyn Misch described addition to agenda related to Cooley Dickinson Hospital(CDH) and described review required by planning board. John Furman, Ed Etheredge and Juanita Forsythe all representing CDH described Hospital’s plan. The Board discussed the requirements of Section 8.10 and the Board’s jurisdiction of review. The Board moved to have CDH come back Nov 15 at 8 P.M. Paul Voss and Paul Diemand voted against the motion. 8:25 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the continuation of the request by Seawink for Site Plan Approval at 52 Maple Street in Florence. Ed Etheredge, representing the applicant asked for a continuance to December 9. Loretta Gougeon, 15 West Center Street resident, spoke against the requested continuance stating that the applicant should have submitted revised stamped plans weeks ahead of the hearing. Trisha Dale, 9 W. Center St, requested that the Board deny the project. Mark Bird, 19 W. Center Street emphasized the inconvenience to neighbors that the multiple continuances caused. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and Paul Voss the Board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to January 27, 2005 at 7 P.M. stating that plans must be submitted no later than December 27, 2004 and final action will be taken January 27. Page 1—Planning Board Minutes 10-28 Page 2—Planning Board Minutes 10-28 The Board opened discussion of gateways. Ken Jodrie suggested that the Board focus on one place instead of looking at multiple gateways. There was a discussion of the VHB plan and what the next step might be. The Board discussed various ways to organize the plan around issues/policies. Possible Design principals: • Bury power lines whenever full depth reconstruction of roads occur. • Only permanent structures, with presence on the street should be allowed. • Tree belts of “X” width should be planted with trees. If tree belts less than this width exist, then trees shall be on private property. • Traffic calming shall be instituted wherever possible. Possible Use principals: gateway vs. nodes. Residential corridors vs. commercial corridors. First focus on commercial gateway/corridors. George Kohout named 5 gateways on which to enumerate principals. The Board decided to continue the discussion on December 2 at 6 PM in a special meeting. The Board had a brief discussion of the State Hospital site plan. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to approve minutes of October 14. Paul Diemand moved and Ken Jodrie second to approve release of lot 2 of the Cloverdale Subdivision, (David Wilensky recused himself because of a prior relationship with Sharff) The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Monday Nov 15, 2004 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout Kenneth Jodrie 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky 7:35 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 7:40 5 Jennifer Dieringer, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the meeting. Carolyn Misch brought the Board up to date on conversation with Cooley Dickinson Hospital and introduced Elaine Reall, acting City Solicitor in Janet Sheppard’s absence. John Furman of VHB, consultant for the hospital, described the proposed changes from the last meeting. He stated that landscaping and lighting and crosswalks were added. Upon motion by George Kohout, and second by Bill Letendre the Board unanimously determined that the parking plan shown met the standard in section 8.10(6). 7:15 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the request by the Trustees of Lilly Library for Site Plan Approval to construct a 6,400 square foot, 2-story addition with a reduction in required parking and a Special Permit for shared parking at 19 Meadow St., Map ID 17C-278. Tom Hogan, Doucet & Associates, presented and introduced the Library and its consultants. Martine Hargreaves spoke about the necessity for the building expansion to meet ADA compliance and improve the children’s room, and upgrade the technology. Hargreaves spoke about the peak hours of use coinciding with morning children’s programs on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Only time that parking lot is overflowing. Frandy Johnson asked about employee parking. Martine Hargreaves stated that there is currently sharing arrangement with Florence Civic Association which amounts to about 2- 3 spaces. Page 1—Planning Board Minutes 8/1/2007 Kurt Brasso, Florence Mercantile Association, spoke on behalf of the abutters stating that the scope of the project is too large and too close to the property boundary. John Fitzgibbon, representing owners at 13 Lilly St., 17 Lilly Street, 21 Meadow Street, spoke against the application stating that the project was too large and did not meet the review criteria, including the provision of parking. He stated that the Board should not approve a special permit for shared parking until it is clear where this will be located clarifying that the proposed community room can accommodate 80 people. Fitzgibbon raised other concerns about drainage being shed onto the abutting property and that the roof mechanicals would create noise, site and building lighting and screening. Pat Melnick, representing Lilly Library, explained the requirements of the Board of Library Commissioners. He stated that landscaping is proposed and that mechanical noise would be buffered through installation of a “false roof”. He presented a case for the reduction of parking based on the staggered uses. Margaret Lloyd 17 Lilly Street spoke against project and read a letter into the record. Jenny Christiansen, 417 Fairway Village and Trustee of Lilly Library, spoke in favor of the project for ADA needs. Susan Bourque, 13 Lilly Street stated her support for an expansion to meet needs of the library. However, she spoke against the size of the expansion. She stated further that the plan inadequately addresses light, water drainage, screening open air. Height and proximately to residences is a problem and will block sunlight. Exit lighting could also be problematic. Florence and Business Association representative reported that the association did not approve of granting shared parking because the Association’s future needs. Gene Tacy, Florence resident spoke about his concern about parking availability through Florence Center. Lilly Lombard spoke about parking and pedestrian safety. Laurie Cahillane 18 Lilly Street, spoke against permit because of neighborhood impact. Bill Arnold, 30 N. Maple St. spoke on behalf of the Florence Civic Association and reiterated the reasons the Association rejected the request to share parking. Ann Woodhol, resident of Northampton stated her support of libraries but concern about this expansion. Blaise Bisaillon, 71 Ridgewood Terrace concerned about friction between abutters and trustees and suggested that changes are necessary. Holly Hargraves, resident and Board of Lilly Library spoke in favor of the project and emphasized that the plans were in the works for six years and changes require library approval and state approval. John Bollard, 17 Lilly Street stated his concern about the scale of project and loss of character of the building and loss of property values. Tim Shea, 84 Maple Street, asked what the driving force behind the scale of the project. Bob Mahar chairman of building committee tried to address questions and stated that the consultants/architects were working on reducing the scale of the building. Page 2—Planning Board Minutes 8/1/2007 Keith Wilson asked for clarification of changed plans and clarified that approval should be on the larger plan as submitted. Kerrey Clark, Board of Florence Civic Association and Ross Driscoll, Williamsburg encouraged more work to be done. Jack Fitzgibbon stated concern about approving larger project but building a smaller project. Keith Wilson clarified some issues and of drainage, lighting, open space. (56% given land swap which is not happening) Tom Hogan responded to noise concerns but stated that the specific outputs were not with him. David Wilensky suggested that landscaping should be increased on the abutters’ side. Bill Letendre stated concerns about the building’s impact on the neighbors. Paul Voss stated concerns about the building massing. George Kohout and Frandy Johnson said they were most concerned about parking issues and overflow. Keith Wilson emphasized that 13 spaces is a significant amount to be reduced through permits. The Board would need more data about the numbers of bike/ped users. Paul Voss emphasized light, air preservation of views. George Kohout asked about dumpster storage. Hargreaves stated that all storage will be within the building. George Kohout asked about burying electrical cables from Meadow. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Bill Letendre, the Board unanimously approved to continue the hearing to January 27, 2005 at 8 PM. Issues 1. Stormwater- The library will be draining roof runoff into an infiltration chamber. The parking lot runoff is directed through a catch basin and into the infiltrators. Department of Public Works recommends that the parking lot either sheet flow to the lawn on the east side of the site or that pretreatment of runoff be accomplished through use of a stormceptor in this catch basin. The 50 LF of drain line from the infiltration chamber to the drain manhole in the street shall be RCP not HDPE. The operation/maintenance plan does not include specifications for the infiltration chambers. If maintenance includes regular treatment of the catch basin and infiltrators, a stormceptor may not be necessary. 2. Trees- Seven street trees are required for the Meadow Street frontage. Three of the trees to remain and count for street trees are beyond the setback line and could be damaged with cutting for the infiltration chambers. Because they are 3” caliper, they should be relocated closer to the street and out of the construction zone. The root zone for the 18” Maple could be damaged for the location of the water line at Meadow Street. The water line should be relocated east of its current proposed layout to avoid damaging this significant tree. 3. Parking- The existing 4,180 sf library has 8 parking spaces. Based on current zoning, this size building would require 10 spaces. Thus, the library is grandfathered for these 2 spaces. The 6,414 expansion requires 16 additional spaces (for a total requirement of 24). With a 20% reduction from the Page 3—Planning Board Minutes 8/1/2007 Page 4—Planning Board Minutes 8/1/2007 16, the requirement would be 13 new spaces (21 total). The reduction under 8.6 (1) is for situations that are unique. The library is obviously centrally located in Florence in walking distance of many residences. Further the expansion may not increase demand in the same way that expansion of retail, office or other uses would automatically correlate with increased parking demand. The library is adding 4 to the site for a total of 12 on site. They have an agreement with The Civic Association to share the remaining spaces. This appears to be an appropriate match since these lots abut and the parking at the Civic Association and there is adequate pedestrian access to the library. Staff Recommendation: The criteria under site plan have been met or could be met through conditions and staff feels that it is appropriate to waive the traffic study given the use. Staff recommends approval of special permit and site plan with requested waivers with the following conditions: 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a copy of the signed lease agreement with the party/owner providing the shared spaces shall be submitted to the Office of Planning & Development. The special permit for shared parking shall terminate with the termination of the lease, unless otherwise renewed. 2. The maintenance plans must include regular inspection and cleaning of the catch basin and infiltration chambers. 3. Annual maintenance reports shall be submitted to the Office of Planning & Development indicating that all aspects of the maintenance plan have been completed. Inspections shall be performed by a qualified person and reports shall be submitted no later than November 15. 4. Every 5 years, the maintenance report shall include a detailed analysis of the ability of the infiltration system to function as designed with analysis of the flow data relative to the data taken upon initial installation. The infiltration chambers shall be replaced if they fail to function as designed. 5. The water line connection shall be redirected to avoid damage to the 18” Maple noted on Meadow Street side of the plans. 6. Prior to construction, the two 3” caliper Maples on Meadow Street shall be relocated within 10’ of Meadow Street or these shall be replaced (located within 10’ of the street). 7. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall submit flow measurements coming into the newly installed infiltration chambers. These shall be documented as baseline flow data to compare with future tests to evaluate the future function capability of the system. 8. Prior to issuance of building permit OTHER BUSINESS: Reduction for ICE Pond McCutcheon ANR Upon motion by Frandy Johnson & Paul Voss 2nd reduce letter of Ice Pond to 50K release lot 5 End of Suburbia Movie. –thanks for invite but board pressures to much. Public showing for boards at their abilities. Green Building. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday December 9, 2004 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky 8:10 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 Jennifer Dieringer, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Request by Augustine M. and Helen M. O’Grady for Site Plan Approval to create a common driveway to serve 3 lots and Site Plan Approval to waive the 6’ fence requirement for a Zero Lot Line lot for property at 94 & 98 Nonatuck St., Map IDs 23C-20, 22, 89, & 107. Augustine O’Grady, owner, presented application. Staff read issues raised by Department of Public Works. O’Grady clarified and indicated that deeds allow vehicle access. Ann Podolack, 128 Nonatuck spoke in favor of the application. John Fitzgibbon, represents Phillip Verdi, 82 Nonutuck Street. He stated that his client had no objection to common driveway. However, there is a concern about providing access to the third lot when there is no building plan and therefore no indication of where the driveway is going to terminate on the lot. He suggested that the Board consider granting the driveway access for two of the three lots only. Michael Sullivan, 110 Nonatuck Street, asked about frontage. Helen O’Grady asked about whether amendments would require the same procedure. George Kohout asked about the existing garage and whether it would be moved. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Ken Jodrie the Board voted unanimously to close hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second George Kohout the board voted unanimously to approve the Site Plan for access to the two lots and fence. Access would be granted to 98 and 94 Nonatuck unless otherwise amended with the following condition: 1. Prior to issuance of a building permit, proof of recording of an easement spelling out use and maintenance of the driveway for all three lots must be submitted to the Office of Planning & Development. 7:40 P.M. Keith Wilson opened Request by John Chakalos for Preliminary Subdivision Approval to create two single-family house lots and a cluster townhouse development on a new street at 20 Bridge Rd, Map ID 16B-1. Harley Sachs, representing Chakalos requested a continuance. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Bill Letendre the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to Feb 10 at 7 PM. At 7:45 Keith Wilson recused himself [and left Council Chambers] from the discussion regarding an ANR request on Northern Avenue. Ken Jodrie gave the floor to Carolyn Misch to provide an update on the ANR request by McCutcheon for a parcel on Northern Avenue. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Bill Letendre the Board voted unanimously to approve an ANR endorsement for the parcel provided that: 1. Prior to issuance of building permit the applicant (McCutcheon) must either build a 10’ wide bituminous path built to subdivision standards, from the edge of the existing street to the existing gravel path or set up an escrow account to do so. The gravel path must also be improved for public access to the rail trail. 2. McCutcheon must grant an easement to the city for the public to have right to pass and pass over this trail to the rail trail. The Planning Board further agreed to recommend to council that the easement be accepted. 8:15 P.M. Keith Wilson returned to Chair and opened a request by Sovereign Builders, Inc. for Definitive Subdivision Approval for an 850’ cul-de-sac and Special Permit for a ten-lot Cluster development and two Flag Lots, and Site Plan Approval for a common driveway at 1360 Westhampton Rd, Map ID 48-15 and 41-44. Carolyn Misch described the outstanding issues. The Board discussed whether it made sense to open the hearing or continue it to allow the issues to be addressed given time and quorum issues. Todd Cellura requested the hearing to go forward. Board discussed major issues of trail network and sight distance, lot layout vertical radius. The Board was concerned that all issues could not be resolved that night. Ken Jodrie initiated the discussion of the waiver in-lieu of providing affordable housing. He staed that this would not address the safety issues that are paramount. He questioned the appropriateness of this waiver. The Board discussed of safety and sight distance. Keith Wilson stated that he was not comfortable with overriding Department of Public Works’ concern. There was further discussion about the timing of the Mass Highway improvements on Route 66. There was no public comment. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Frandy Johnson the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to February 10 at 8 PM. OTHER BUSINESS: The Board discussed the request by Ice Pond to reduce the letter of credit to 5,000. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by David Wilensky the Board voted 6-1 to reduce letter of credit. Bill Letendre voted against. The Board discussed a reduction in letter of credit request by Cardinal Way- $70,000 plus 1 lot to $50,000 need to install bounds. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted 6-1 to approve a reduction of letter of credit to 5% (not $50,000) . The Board discussed the reduction request by Todd Cellura at Dunphy Drive- Staff stated that the Department of Public Works has issues that still need certification and that there are no final inspections or paper work for them. Staff suggests reduction from $75,000 to $50,000. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Bill Letendre the board voted 3-3-1 to deny the request. Ken, George, Keith vote against. David Wilensky abstained. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted (5-2 ) to approve a reduction from $75,000 to $50,000. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday Dec 2, 2004 Room 10, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson William “Bill” Letendre David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 7:10 5 Jennifer Dieringer, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 6:10 P.M. Paul Diemand opened the meeting to discuss miscellaneous items as described by Wayne Feiden. Wayne Feiden described the request by Doug Kohl to approve a performance guarnatee for the Rocky Hill Cohousing development. The applicant requests a combination of escrow, lot sale covenant and first mortgage. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Frandy Johnson, the Board voted unanimously to approve the performance guarantee to include a lot sale covenant on one lot, plus $50,000 escrow plus a first mortgage on a second lot. Wayne Feiden raised the issue of payment in lieu of the traffic mitigation for the Oaks Subdivision project and whether the developer (Doug Kohl) could apply $50,000 of the total $100,000 for bike path construction between the Ice Pond Subdivision and Rocky Hill Cohousing. This would leave $50,000 for road mitigation at the Florence Road/Burts Pit intersection. Payment toward finalizing this bike path connection would enable the entire bike path spur to be completed in the next 6 months – year. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Frandy Johnson, the Board voted unanimously to approve allocation of half of the payment in lieu of traffic mitigation for the Oaks to completion of the bike path spur. 7:00 P.M. The Board began discussion about the rezoning request on North King Street and whether or not the Board could entertain an additional meeting in January to hold a public hearing for this purpose. The Board discussed overall gateway and commercial corridor planning. Page 1—Planning Board Minutes 12-2-04