2003 Planning Board minutes The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting April 3, 2003 The Northampton Planning Board held a meeting on Thursday, April 3, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. in Hearing Room 18, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Present were members: Chair Ken Jodrie, Paul Diemand, George Kohout, Keith Wilson, Paul Voss, Julie Hooks Davis, David Wilensky and Frandy Johnson. Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden, Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch, Conservation Planner Gloria McPherson At 6:45 P.M., Jodrie opened the meeting with a discussion regarding street plantings and landscape ordinance changes. Members of the Board agreed that there were several items that could be clarified and better defined within the ordinance. The Board decided to work on these issues with Gloria by the end of the calendar year. The Board agreed that the discussion regarding street plantings and landscape ordinance changes should also be incorporated into any future discussion of gateway planning to downtown. At 7:10 P.M., Jodrie opened the discussion regarding the Flood Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Board members agreed that it would be appropriate to look at all of the lots within the meadows to assess potential development based on the current conditions and the proposed changes. The Planning Board decided that the Flood Hazard Mitigation Plan should not be split at this time, but that staff should instead request an extension of the grant to the end of this calendar year. The Board appointed Paul Voss and Keith Wilson to participate as Planning Board representatives in focus group discussions as outlined in option #2. The goal of the focus group would be to work to understand the issues and disseminate more information about the importance of the floodplain plan over the next several months. The Board generally agreed that they would like to see an outside facilitator, if possible, to guide the focus group discussion. The Board agreed on and set a schedule and agenda for the next two working meetings. The first meeting is scheduled for May 1st for a subdivision workshop, to be given by Wayne Feiden, and an overview of the current rules including a list of immediate changes for the Board to consider. Kohout stated that he would update the Board on any Housing Partnership issues as they relate to subdivision rules. The second meeting is scheduled for June 5th to discuss the King Street Gateway Plan, Landscape/Street Tree and the Northampton State Hospital. 1 2 Subsequent meetings will be set at a later date (during summer schedule) to address the lighting ordinance. The Board decided that they should be actively involved in comments to the MEPA filing for the state hospital. If MEPA dates fall before June 5th, then agendas for the May 1st or June 5th meeting should be altered to discuss NSH. Members of the Board requested staff to send a letter to Mass Development stating the Board’s concern at not receiving an updated version of the design guidelines. The Board agreed that they would like to see these final guidelines for review prior to submittal of the next permit application. Finally, the Board requested that each agenda should include time for updates from George Kohout and Keith Wilson regarding the Housing Partnership and Transportation Committee. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting May 8, 2003 The Northampton Planning Board held a meeting on Thursday, May 8, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Present were members: Chair Ken Jodrie, David Wilensky, George Kohout, Keith Wilson, Frandy Johnson, Julie Hooks Davis and Paul Voss. Staff: Director, Wayne Feiden, Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch and Board Secretary, Angela Dion. At 7:07 P.M., Jodrie opened the Request by Creative Developers, Inc. for Definitive Subdivision under the Subdivision Control Law and the Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in the City of Northampton, Massachusetts and for a Special Permit for Cluster Development, common driveway and three flag lots under § 5.2, 6.12, 6.13 & 10, 10.5 of Northampton Zoning Ordinance for property located on Burts Pit Road, Map ID 36-68, 286 & 288. Ed Etheredge explained the changes to the definitive plans in response to concerns raised by DPW and the Office of Planning & Development. Pat Goggins explained how the developers have made great efforts to respond to the concerns raised by abutters and have changed the plans accordingly. Peter Wells, The Berkshire Design Group, presented the application. He discussed how the concept for this project has changed including the amount of units, open space, roadway, reduction in the number of lots, screening, relocation of the flag lots, emergency access and moving the roadway in an effort to protect the resource areas. Steve Savaria, Fuss & O’Neill discussed the traffic study that included future development as well as the proposed project. He stated that the project impacts are not significant and will not negatively impact the traffic in the vicinity of the site. Wilson asked about an update of turning traffic counts and stated that those figures were not included in the updated report. Savaria explained that when looking at the counts from 1998 and conducting a new count, there appeared to be no significant increase. Wilson stated that he had requested crash data from the Police Department and did not see that information within the traffic report. Savaria explained that sometimes the process of receiving information from the Police Department could be difficult so often he requests information from Mass Highway Department. Wilson stated that information from Mass Highway at times is inaccurate. He asked about trip generation rates and stated that they should have used rates for a single family. There was discussion regarding the traffic. Mark Darnold, The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. discussed the technical aspect of the project including the drainage. He explained how the water currently sheet flows across the site. He explained that the proposal is to direct the water to a detention basin that would control the outlet of the water to near existing peak flow conditions. He discussed the calculations and that the Conservation Commission and DEP have reviewed them. He stated that a sewer analysis was conducted and there were no problems detected. He discussed the waivers requested and explained the proposed emergency access road including the grade. Darnold discussed a concern regarding adequate water supply. He explained that a water study was conducted and it was determined that fire hydrants must be designed and be adequate for the amount of houses within this development. He explained that because there is not adequate water at the upper part of the project, individual tanks would be installed in each house and a sprinkler system within the house according to the memo submitted from the Fire Department. There was discussion regarding the details of the proposed sprinkler system. Jodrie discussed the comments submitted by DPW including concerns regarding whether accessory apartments should be allowed or not and whether the water pressure at the site would be enough for the amount of homes proposed. The Board members generally agreed that the applicant should conduct a water study. Darnold explained that the issue is the elevation at the site. He stated that the problem is a pressure issue and not so much a water issue. There was discussion regarding the requested waivers. Jodrie asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the project. No one spoke. Jodrie asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition to the project. Jerome Rosenthal, 235 Maple Ridge Road read a letter to the Board regarding concerns regarding the leach field. Darnold responded to Mr. Rosenthal’s concerns. City Councilor Marianne LaBarge, stated that she is not opposed to the project but that she is concerned about the traffic study that was conducted. She stated that the applicant has worked very hard to meet the concerns of the abutters Betsy Miller, Burts Pit Road expressed concerns regarding the water pressure should the electricity go out? Melissa Lampron, 584 Burts Pit Road expressed concerns regarding the line of trees adjacent to her property. She stated that she would like some assurance that the trees would remain in place. Jodrie stated that the landscaping shown on the plans must be maintained. Allison Ryan, 25 Birch Lane discussed the landscaping plan and requested that the applicant plant evergreens along the western edge of the site that abuts her property. Jodrie read a letter from the Jack Horner of the Housing Partnership in favor of the proposed project. Wilson questioned what provisions would the applicant make for children waiting for the school bus. Jodrie stated that the Board would like the applicant to create a space for children. Voss expressed concerns regarding the fact that this development does not connect with other developments. Jodrie stated that the hearing should be continued so that the applicant could respond to the concerns raised by DPW. Hearing no further, Wilson moved to continue the hearing to June 12th at 9:00 P.M. in Council Chambers. Johnson seconded. The motion passed unanimously. At 9:55 P.M., Jodrie opened the Continuation on a Request by The Beaver Brook Nominee Trust (John J. Hanley) for Preliminary Subdivision under the Subdivision Control Law and the Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in the City of Northampton, Massachusetts for property located at Haydenville Road (Rte 9) and Evergreen Road, Map 5, Parcels 6 & 7, Map 6, Parcels 18, 19, 20, 21, 58 & 61 and Map 11A, Parcel 3. Kohout stepped down. Bill Canon presented the application. He discussed the location of the site, open space and access to the proposed project. He explained three different plans to the Board [plan A, B & C] and stated that the project would meet all of the subdivision standards. Johnson questioned the different areas for open space. Canon explained the open space and what areas would remain as part of the easement area. He stated that the easement areas were set out to maintain buffers around sensitive areas. Misch explained that in order to qualify for cluster development there has to be a connection between the subdivision lots and the open space. Voss encouraged the developer to create a plan that provides good connections. Jodrie stated that the subdivision appears to be isolated from the open space when it should be connected to the project. Jodrie asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of the proposed project. No one spoke. Jodrie asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to the project. George Marium, 12 East Center Street expressed concerns regarding the size of the proposed project and the negative impacts from the increase in traffic. Greg Howard, 48 East Center Street questioned whether a traffic study was conduction and if not would one be done. He expressed concerns regarding the width of the road. Jodrie stated that this project is in the preliminary stage and that the Board would require a traffic study during the definitive stage. Dan Keith, 68 Leonard Street read a letter he wrote in opposition to the project. Laura Sandhusen, 32 East Center Street read a letter for the record regarding safety issues and traffic concerns. Deb Jacobs, 82 Grove Ave., discussed concerns regarding drainage. Dan Keith expressed concerns regarding the ownership of the land where the applicant has proposed a bike path. There was discussion regarding the title to the land that Massachusetts Electric Company owns. Keith pointed out that the proposed detention basin should be moved because it would be a detriment to the species. Jim Montgomery 74 Grove Ave, expressed concerns regarding the status of Grove Avenue. Misch explained that the applicant has submitted documents to satisfy the title and the documents have been accepted by the City Solicitor. Sandy Glenn, questioned the area for the proposed bike path and asked who owns the right of way. She expressed concerns regarding sidewalks and the resource areas. Canon responded that the easements shown on the plan are out of the 100 ft. buffer. He said that the easements are not disturbing anything within 100 feet. Dan Keith questioned whether all of the vernal pools, located at this site, have been shown. Amy Bookbinder, 88 Grove Ave., spoke in opposition to the project. Jodrie read correspondence from the DPW and Board of Health into the record. Hearing no further comments, Johnson moved to close the public hearing. Wilson seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Misch read comments regarding open space and the lack of connections as listed in the staff report. Jodrie discussed concerns regarding the access to the open space, traffic, number of proposed units, sidewalks and traffic should the project be approved. He requested that the developer meet with the abutters and try to address some of the concerns. Wilson moved to deny the preliminary plan. Johnson seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Misch discussed an Extension Agreement for Cedarwood Development to extend the time limit for a public hearing. Hooks Davis moved to approve the Extension. Wilson seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Wilson moved to table the minutes of April 24, 2003. Hooks Davis seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.M. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting May 22, 2003 The Northampton Planning Board held a meeting on Thursday, May 22, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Present were members: Chair Ken Jodrie, Keith Wilson, Paul Voss, George Kohout, Frandy Johnson, Paul Diemand and Julie Hooks Davis. Staff: Director, Wayne Feiden, Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch and Board Secretary, Angela Dion. At 7:03 PM, Jodrie opened the Planning Board meeting and the public hearing for Claudio Guerra (Map ID 2-3) for a common driveway and access over a side lot line by reading the legal notice. Bill Cannon described the application and plans. Pat Goggins, an abutter granting an easement for the driveway, spoke in favor of the project. Ken Jodrie noted that DPW’s comments that a driveway curb cut will be required. Upon motion by Wilson and second by Johnson, the Planning Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Wilson and second by Diemand the Planning Board voted unanimously to grant the requested waivers, Special Permit and Site Plan approval for a common driveway and access over a side lot line. At 7:17 PM, Jodrie reopened the continuation of the public hearing for the New England Deaconess (Map ID 13-73) for a Special Permit with Site Plan Approval for an expansion to an assisted living residence consisting of 37,427 square feet addition and 12 one- bedroom attached cottages. The application was presented by Harley Sacks and Mark Tanner, Morse & Sacks attorneys; Charles Griffin, EGA Architects; David Thompson and Jesse Moreno, Coler & Colantonio; Walter Bartkus, Patricia Sokop, and Rev. Herbert Taylor, New England Deaconess Association. Upon motion by Johnson and second by Diemand, the Planning Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Johnson and second by Wilson, the Planning Board voted unanimously to grant the requested waivers, Special Permit and Site Plan approval for an assisted living expansion, with the following conditions: 1. Maintenance of the stormwater management facilities shall be in accordance with the Stormwater Operation and Maintenance Plan (pgs. 11-13) included in the submittal. Reports showing proof of inspections and necessary cleaning by a qualified professional shall be submitted to the Office of Planning & Development no later than May 15 and November 15 each year. 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant must submit a full fire protection narrative to the Fire Department for approval. Hydrant spacing must be in accordance with National Fire Protection Standards. 3. To provide partial mitigation of area-wide traffic impacts as a result of the project, and as offered by the applicant verbally during the public hearing (Harley Sacks), when the current occupant of the home on the corner of Coles Meadow Road and North King Street leaves the home, the applicant shall close the curb cut on Coles Meadow Road closest to North King Street. 4. To provide partial mitigation of area-wide traffic impacts as a result of the project {paste Carolyn’s condition four} 5. To mitigate the applicant’s using of some of the existing sewerage capacity, and as offered by the applicant, the developer shall allow Laurel Park users to discharge their sewage into SMH #4 at not charge, if the developer’s engineers and the Northampton DPW agrees such discharge will not have adverse impacts on New England Deaconess Association’s sewerage system and the City’s sewerage system and if DEP issued the necessary discharge permits. 6. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant must submit revised plans showing a. All turns in water lines have thrust blocks. b. The size and type of proposed water lines and documenting that the water line type complies with DPW standards. c. Clear stormwater/drainage flow paths. d. As offered by the applicant verbally during the public hearing (Rev. Herbert Taylor and Harley Sacks), the dead-end water line either be looped to water lines in Laurel Park, north King Street, Coles Meadow Road, or the primary water service from north King Street, or that the applicant submit a plan for periodic flushing of the water line and receive Northampton DPW Water Department approval of said plan. e. As offered by the applicant verbally during the public hearing (Rev. Herbert Taylor and Harley Sacks), documentation that the water use will not adversely affect other water users in the North King Street/Coles Meadow Road area and receive Northampton DPW Water Department approval of said submittal. 7. All existing vegetation between ten feet westerly of the new access road to the cottages and Coles Meadow Road shall remain and shall be protected during construction. The developer shall replace any of this vegetation damaged during construction. 8. Lights should create no more than 3.0 candle feet, and the lighting plan/photometric plan shall be revised prior to issuance of the building permit to show this. At 8:55 PM, Ken Jodrie opened the public hearing for Steven Willner’s Kensington Estates preliminary subdivision application (Map ID 41-32) for a cluster subdivision. Peter Wells, The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. presented the application. He discussed the history of the site and the changes that have occurred to the site over time including changes to Route 66. Wells explained the proposed drainage system, open space and traffic mitigation. He stated that several methods were discussed to address traffic concerns and to alleviate drivers going through the subdivision at high speeds. Diemand expressed concerns regarding water pressure. Wells stated that a water study would be conducted. Steven Wilner, 4180 Sunrise Highway, New York explained that during the reconstruction of Route 66, new water mains were going to be installed. Marsha Fellows, 123 Glendale Road expressed concerns regarding the location of the proposed driveway and her property line. She stated that she is concerned that she will have a loss of property should this development be approved. Rachel Nayshift, 126 Glendale Road expressed concerns regarding the traffic. Nancy Fusco, 145 Glendale Road also expressed concerns regarding traffic and the buffer between the proposed project and the existing homes. Justin Nuttelman, 1095 Westhampton Road spoke in opposition to the proposed project. There was discussion regarding the lack of water pressure that the area abutters noted. Jodrie explained that this project is in the preliminary stage and would have to come back before the Board and discuss the issues to a greater extent during the definitive stage. He asked the developer if he would be willing to meet with the abutters in an attempt to address their concerns. Hearing no further comments, Wilson moved to close the public hearing. Johnson seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Wilson moved to approve the preliminary subdivision plan with the requested waivers. Diemand seconded. Hooks Davis and Kohout were opposed. The motion passed. At 10:05 P.M., Jodrie opened the Request by Cello Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless for a Special Permit and Site Plan Approval under § 5.2, 10, 11, 14 of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance to install antennas on an existing smokestack and to erect a 12’ by 30’ equipment shelter for property located at 221 Pine Street, Florence, Map ID 22B-40. Ellen Freyman presented the application. She explained the location for the proposed project and the requested waivers. There was discussion regarding a financial guarantee in the amount of $15,000. The applicant agreed. Jodrie read the recommended conditions as listed in the staff report. Hearing no further comments, Diemand moved to close the public hearing. Hooks Davis seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Wilson moved to approve the Special Permit with Site Plan Approval with the requested waivers and the conditions discussed. Diemand seconded. Kohout opposed. The motion passed. At 10:16 P.M., Jodrie opened the Request by Saint Gobain for Site Plan Approval (major project) under §6.2, 8.6, 10 & 11 of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance for the construction of a 12,743 sq. ft. addition and for a reduction in parking for property located at 175 Industrial Drive, Map ID 18D-58. Mark Reed, Heritage Surveys, Inc., presented the application. He explained the location of the site and the existing building in the Industrial Park. Jodrie read the comments submitted by DPW. Reed explained the need for additional pavement by the detention pond and stated that the applicant needs a larger area for trucks to turn around. Jodrie asked if anyone wished to speak in favor or in opposition to the project. No one spoke. Hearing no further comments, Diemand moved to close the public hearing. Voss seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Misch discussed possible conditions for the project. Diemand moved to approve the request with the conditions listed in the staff report and with the waivers requested in the application. Wilson seconded. The motion passed unanimously. At 10:51 P.M., Jodrie opened the Request by Valley Community Development Corp. for a Special Permit with Site Plan Approval under § 5.2 & 10 of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance for mixed commercial/residential use for property located at 1-3 North Main Street, Florence, Map ID 17C-224. Joanne Campbell, Valley Community Development Corporation presented the application. She discussed the proposed improvements to the existing building and stated that the improvements would be a benefit to the downtown Florence area. Kathy Ford, Ford Gillen Architects explained the specifics of the proposed plan. She showed members of the Board pictures of the existing building and discussed the proposed changes. Jodrie asked if anyone wished to speak in favor or in opposition to the project. Mike Flynn, 983 Florence Road expressed concerns with the loss of retail space in Florence and how that loss has impacted Florence. Christine Magola, 63 Main Street, Florence discussed the Florence Center Plan and the possible impacts of the proposed project. William St. James spoke in opposition to the project. He expressed concerns regarding parking. City Councilor Alex Ghiselin discussed the proposed project and stated that the proposed project would enhance the condition of the building but that he is not sure if the project meets the use requirements. Tim Shea, 84 Maple Street discussed the changes to the Florence business section and read a list of businesses that no longer exist in Florence. Hank Ross, Florence spoke in opposition to the proposed project. Kerry Clark, Whately expressed concerns regarding the lack of parking that would be available. Bill Rogers, Leeds spoke in opposition to the project. Bill Arnold, 22 Park Street stated that he is opposed to the current plans and is hopeful that the applicant would consider an elevator. Mike Flynn, 15 Clark Street, Florence spoke in opposition to the project. Hank Ross spoke again and stated that this project will not enhance the existing community. The Board discussed the proposed change in use for the building. Misch explained that the change of use is allowed and that the use is a mixed use. Diemand asked about the parking requirements for this project. Misch explained that if you are reusing an existing building and you are not expanding the floor area, there is not a requirement for additional parking. There was discussion regarding whether apartments would be allowed on the first floor. Dana Clark, 68 Chestnut Street spoke in opposition to the project. Jodrie suggested that the Board continue the hearing so that the applicant might address some of the concerns raised during tonight’s hearing. Misch suggested that the Board continue the hearing to June 12, 2003. Hearing no further comments, Hooks Davis moved to continue the hearing to June 12, 2003 in Council Chambers. Diemand seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Hooks Davis moved to approve the minutes of April 24, 2003. Diemand seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Hooks Davis moved to adjourn. Diemand seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, June 5, 2003 Room 18, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Present Members: Time Chair, Kenneth Jodrie 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Julie Hooks Davis David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 7:45 , Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch Paul Diemand opened meeting at 6:45 and gave floor to Wayne Feiden to discuss subdivision revisions. The Board recognized Paulette Kuzdeba to provide input on DPW comments related to the proposed changes. Board agreed to move modest amendments forward for public hearing in this first phase. Board then discussed response to state hospital DEIR and agreed that a letter should be sent to the Secretary of Environmental Affairs stating that generally they are supportive of the direction of the development but that there are some specific issues that need to be addressed. Keith Wilson moved a vote to renew Paul Diemand’s tenure as vice chair for another year. Julie Hooks Davis seconded. The vote was unanimous. 9:35 the Board unanimously voted to adjourn. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday June 26, 2003 Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present Time 5 Chair, Kenneth Jodrie Vice Chair, Paul Diemand George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Julie Hooks Davis 5 David Wilensky 7:30 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. – Request by Gail & Daniel Yacuzzo for a Special Permit with Site Plan Approval under § 6.2 & 10 of the Zoning Ordinance and a Permit from the Central Business Architecture Committee to construct a 17’ by 8’ addition with a height less than 30’ in the CB district for property located at 19 Strong Ave., Map ID 32A-150. Ken Jodrie opened joint hearing with Central Business. Yacuzzo described the project. Frandy Johnson asked about keeping tree. Yacuzzo described their intent to save the tree if possible. Frandy Johnson moved to close the hearing, Paul Voss seconded. Upon Motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Julie Hooks Davis to Board voted to approve application. Wayne Feiden described the request by Plantation for reduction in letter of credit for the Plantation at West Farms subdivision. Feiden explained that the applicant has not responded yet to the City’s request (OPD) for itemization of remaining construction items and their cost. There is no concern about project, but need itemization to be sure there is enough money to cover costs and contingencies. Usually ask for this at every request for reduction. The city needs engineering estimates of cost of finishing project vs. amount remaining in Letter. Keith Wilson moved to approve request for reduction #9 and deny request #10 until the applicant itemizes remaining construction and costs to prove there is enough left. Frandy Johnson seconded. Unanimously approved. Wayne Feiden described changes being made related to permit administration to deal with budget cuts: surcharges for legal ads, abutter notice, signature pages. The Board discussed some of the complications that may arise. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Keith Wilson, the Board voted to unanimously approve the administrative changes. 2. At 7:45, Ken Jodrie opened discussion of subdivision rules. Wayne Feiden recapped changes proposed. These cover only items where there was consensus between DPW and Planning Board. The more complicated items will come forward at a later date. Discussion of sidewalk costs between bituminous and concrete. Board approved change to concrete, 3” caliper trees, street trees shall not be planted within 25’ of intersection (changed from 50’). Keith Wilson raised concern about development impacts on page 8, subsection D. For now, Board asked to combine with H. Ken Jodrie opened public discussion. Doug Kohl suggested trees to be planted no closer to intersections than 25’ from the curb line not centerline. Doug Kohl also suggested that planting trees every 30’ may be too close. Forty feet may be more appropriate. There was further discussion about street trees. Upon motion by Julie Hooks Davis and second by David Wilensky, the Board voted to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Frandy Johnson, the Board voted to unanimously approve changes to subdivision rules as discussed and that sidewalk widths and treebelt issue receive further consideration. Wayne Feiden updated Board on community indicator report. 3. At 8:30 P.M. – Ken Jodrie opened a Request by Hospital Hill Development, LLC to Amend a Special Permit previously granted under § 10.1 & 10.15 of the Zoning Ordinance for a Planned Village including residential, commercial & industrial uses for property located at Route 66, the site of the former Northampton State Hospital, Map ID 38A-50, 58, 86 & 87 and 31C- 17. Gerry Preble described process and clarified intentions of design guidelines. These are to establish foundation/framework, and they are not intended to be specific checklist or supercede zoning. Dave Lapoint- described that the intention of design review board (DRB) was to create an aid for Planning Board for site plan review process. The DRB would review site plan for architecture, materials, screening etc. to ensure consistency with planned village goals/vision. DRB would act as advisory board/liaison between applicant and board. Ken Jodrie opened hearing to public comment. Rita Bleiman asked about activities identified on page 10. Appears to be high traffic generating uses from outside the village as opposed to uses that are village-serving. Particularly concerned about musical events, night clubs, farmer’s markets. Wayne Feiden described restrictions built into zoning that create a cap on percentage of retail. Harriet Diamond concerned about lack of time to review guidelines. Concerned about lack of illustrations to describe principles. Keith Wilson clarified that the intention of having personal service uses and other retail uses was to prevent residents/users from needing to drive elsewhere. Traffic mitigation can address these issues. Barbara Wein raised concerns about nighttime uses relative to lights/noise. Bill Diamond- asked about speed limits to restrict cut-through traffic as part of design guidelines. Harriet Diamond- asked about membership on DRB. Jonathan Yourga.- raised concerns about lighting, traffic, drainage and DRB’s role in reviewing plans. Teri Anderson- summarized comments that she submitted to Board. Asked for continuance so CAC can review guidelines to make recommendations for the Board’s next meeting. Building heights should not be restrictive so as to discourage one-story uses for industrial tenants. Needs flexibility. Concerned about specificity. Guidelines should be more generalized so site constraints can be accommodated. Ken Jodrie asked who would interpret general guidelines? Rita Bleiman asked about the intention for 2-story buildings with mixed uses. Would residences be located be on second story? Wayne Feiden – stated no. He clarified what the pending permit process would be. Applicant still needs site plan approval for the entire project because SP approved, without a site plan. But Board’s authority to review guidelines via site plan is not allowed, unless guidelines specify that board can review (requires super majority). Alternatively, applicant creates covenants based upon very specific guidelines. Discussion about Board’s next steps and applicant’s schedule. Applicant needs guidelines for marketing. Would like to do this as soon as possible. Teri Anderson ask that all state and local permitting by the end of the year in order to keep on track for funding cycles. Give guidance about what issues should be address. The Board held a discussion about procedure for further review and if withdrawal of the application in order for Board subcommittee to meet with applicant to iron out issues was appropriate. There was further discussion about intention of guidelines. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Frandy Johnson, the Board voted to unanimously to continue hearing to July 24 at 7 PM. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, July 24, 2003 Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Present Members: Time 5 Chair, Kenneth Jodrie 7:00 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 7:00 5 George Kohout 7:00 5 Keith Wilson 7:00 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 7:00 (vacant seat) 5 David Wilensky 7:00 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 7:00 (vacant seat), Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 7:00 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 8:15 Ken Jodrie opened the Planning Board meeting at 7:00 P.M. on the continuation of a hearing on the Northampton State Hospital Special Permit Amendment to Design Guidelines. Feiden distributed a staff memo on possible conditions for the State Hospital Special Permit Amendment and described the recommendations. Feiden described 4 conditions that the project proponent indicated concerns with and 11 conditions that the project proponent indicated they were comfortable with. Gerry Preble, Beals and Thomas; Elizabeth Murphy, MassDevelopment; Brian Baranger, MassDevelopment; David Vanderpool, MassDevelopment; Gerry Joseph, The Community Builders; David LaPointe, Beals and Thomas all where present to speak for the project proponent. Gerry Preble expressed the project proponent’s concerns about being required to have 2 story or taller buildings in some locations, being limited in curb cuts for the first 200 feet from the main intersection, and about limits on uses of the buildings because they don’t want to be restricted in marketing the project. He expressed concerns about underground utilities because of the costs involved. Elizabeth Murphy said they want retail in the first floor, but don’t want any numerical limits. Ken Jodrie opened the hearing for public comment. Pat Goggins, Goggins Real Estate, expressed concern that retail wouldn’t be attracted until commercial tenants come in. If there is a 75% retail requirement, then those buildings wouldn’t be built until the retail market is there. Councillor Rita Bleiman said she understood that there would be very little retail and is concerned the abutters don’t want much retail. Barbara Blumenthal, representing some of the abutting neighbors, spoke against any kind of active after-hours life at the center of the village. They also requested a full 30’ landscaped buffer along the edge of the project where it abuts residential neighborhoods, additional trees within parking lots over and above the minimum called for in zoning, parking lot and roadway lighting not to exceed 16’ at the edge of the property. Mayor Mary Clare Higgins suggested that buildings should be two story along Route 66 and said the project proponent is planning on two story buildings north of Route 66. She suggested, however, the buildings on the south campus south of Route 66 could be tall one story buildings to provide flexibility. She suggested allowing driveways for flexibility. She expressed concerns about the cost of underground utilities, although she very much supports the goal of underground power, and suggests the need for some flexibility for underground utilities. She expressed concern about requiring retail until the market for retail is shown. If the standards remain, she suggested that the waiver standard should include economic viability. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Keith Wilson, the Board voted to unanimously to close the public hearing. Ken Jodrie opened the public hearing at 7:45 P.M. on the request by Huntley Assoc., P.C. for a Special Permit with Site Plan Approval for a flag lot and common driveway with side lot access on Old Wilson Road, Map ID 44-55. Terry Reynolds, Huntley Associates, presented the site plan on behalf of the project proponent. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Diemand, the Board voted to unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Frandy Johnson, the Board voted to unanimously approve the requested special permit and site plan approval with the requested site plan submittal waivers and with the following conditions: 1. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for either lot served by this common drive, a final as-built plan, stamped by a PE, must be submitted to Office of Planning & Development. 2. All runoff from the driveway must be handled on site and may not flow onto the paved section of Old Wilson Road. 3. Prior to issuance of a curb cut permit, if more than an acre of land is disturbed for construction of the driveway, an NPDES Phase II Notice of Intent and Stormwater Pollution Prevention plan must be submitted to the EPA and a copy sent to the DPW. 4. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for either lot, an address sign must be posted at the driveway entrance at Old Wilson Road that clearly indicates the names and addresses of the homes served by the driveway. 5. Any work on the lot, including site disturbance, tree clearing, and any other activities may not proceed without the applicable permits from the Conservation Commission. This permit does not replace the applicant’s responsibility to obtain any necessary Conservation Commission permit nor imply that the lot is buildable under the Wetlands Protection Act. Feiden gave a copy of the abutters list and a notice to Terry Reynolds informing them of their obligation to notify abutters of the decision of the Planning Board. Ken Jodrie opened the public hearing at 8:00 P.M. on the request by Huntley Assoc., P.C. for a Special Permit with Site Plan Approval for a 1 lot cluster and 2 flag lots on Kennedy Road, Map ID 5-54. Terry Reynolds, Huntley Associates, presented the project on behalf of Bill Brandt and Martha Borowski. He explained that lot 4 will be donated to the City as part of this cluster. He further explained that lot 2 will also be donated to the city. Bill Brandt explained that lots 1 and 3 will be building lots and lot 2 (the flag lot) and lot 4 (the open space lot) will be donated to the city. William Dwyer, 591 Kennedy Road spoke in opposition. He stated that when he bought his lot from the applicant he was assured that what is now Lot 1 would never be developed. Now lot 1 will create a house 90’ from his house. Councillor Ray LaBarge spoke in opposition because it would create lots behind people’s homes. Garson Fields asked about the access across lot 2 and whether public access was required. (Ken Jodrie indicated this is standard city policy) Maureen Dwyer expressed surprise that this property qualified as a cluster. Ken Jodrie read DPW’s comments into the record. DPW expressed concern about development and septic system within 200 feet of a tributary to a drinking water source. George Kohout indicated that this tributary runs through the center of lot 2. William Dwyer indicated that he believes that there is also a watercourse in or near lot 1. Robin Fields asked if the Board agrees that the site plan is not complete because it does not include all water courses. Ken Jodrie said that the site plan is complete and the board can condition the permit that work must stay 200’ from the water course. William Dwyer asked if the land would be donated if the permit wasn’t approved. Board members indicated that they didn’t know. Paul Voss and Paul Diemand suggested that the board should wait to close the public hearing until the applicant provides plans showing all the water courses. The board discussed whether they wanted to act now or obtain additional information about water courses first. Jim Harrity, Maple Street, Florence, a prospective purchaser of both lots, said that the thought the septic system can be moved to be 200 feet from the water course. Frandy Johnson indicated that if the board decides to continue the public hearing for more information, the board should require that the plan be revised to show all tributaries/water courses David Wilensky said that the board shouldn’t wait for the Conservation Commission. Lynn Robinson suggested that with all of the outstanding issues, the board should spend more time and consider the issues. Ray LaBarge suggested a longer continuance to allow the applicant to determine where the septic system will be located. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Diemand, the Board voted to unanimously to continue the public hearing to September 11, 2003 at 7:30 in City Council Chambers allow the applicant to show all tributaries/water courses (as defined in the zoning) and proposed septic system location. Feiden gave a copy of the abutters list and a notice to Terry Reynolds informing them of their obligation to notify abutters of the decision of the Planning Board. Ken Jodrie opened the discussion at 8:15 P.M. of the proposed comprehensive permit for a 3-lot cluster subdivision on Garfield Avenue. Wayne Feiden explained the purpose and process of a comprehensive permit. Tracy Adamski, MJ Adams, Aharon Sharff presented the application. The project consists of 6 affordable units in three single family homes with accessory apartments and one market rate lot. Until recently, there was a house and a mobile home on the property. The affordable units will be developed by Habitat for Humanity and the market rate lot will be sold by the city. Tracy Adamski explained that the is a cluster development that meets frontage and dimensional requirements for the new homes and meets the 100’ setback requirement from the locally defined wetlands. Waivers requested include: 1. Frontage for the Montgomery parcel to allow the rear of their lot to be added to the parcel and use their actual frontage on Chestnut as the legal frontage. 2. Additional and wider driveways. 3. Pavement width of the street 4. Drainage structure for the road. 5. Summary of traffic impacts provided but not full traffic study. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Keith Wilson, the Board voted to unanimously approve a recommendation to the ZBA to approve the three-lot cluster project with the recommendation that buyers be warned that there may be a trail across the open space and that sidewalks shall be made of concrete. By consensus, the Board adjourned at 10:15 PM. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, July 10, 2003 Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Present Members: Time 5 Chair, Kenneth Jodrie 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 Julie Hooks Davis 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch Continuation of Request by Cedarwood Development, Inc. for a Special Permit and Site Plan Approval (major project) under § 5.2, 6.2, 10 & 11 of the Northampton Zoning Ordinance for the construction of three new retail buildings over 10,000 sq. ft. with associated site improvements for property located at 327 King Street, Map ID 24B-38. Ken Jodrie opened the hearing at 7:05 pm. The applicant described changes made to plan since the previous hearing. The Board asked questions about transit provisions and how the applicant was meeting the 35% trip reduction standard in the zoning. Ken Jodrie opened the hearing to the public. Ed Etheredge voiced concerns about the impact of the development on the property to the north, particularly if the north parcel were forced to use the signalized intersection being proposed. He also questioned the 80% building façade coverage calculation. Harley Sachs responded to the comments made by Ed Etheredge stating that nothing restricts Kollmorgen (parcel to the north) from obtaining a permit for development from the Board. There was more public discussion about the impact to Kollmorgen. Teri Anderson stated that from the Mayor’s perspective, the City would like to see both the Kollmorgen property and the Hill and Dale property succeed and that it would be appropriate to provide a public access for properties to the north and south of this project so that shared use of the signalized intersection can be maximized. There was further discussion about potential development of the Kollmorgen parcel. Dan Yacuzzo stated that he felt the zoning ordinance, was being manipulated for the benefit of the developer and he did not see that the intent or letter of the ordinance for 80% building coverage was being met. Teri Anderson responded stating that unique situations of the Firestone lease portion of the parcel restricted development of much of this frontage and that the interpretation was a result of attempting to negotiate a difficult situation, but one that could provide a public benefit if a permanent public access were granted. She noted similarities to the Stop and Shop intersection. Bill Dwight confirmed that the intent of the zoning was also to accommodate anomalies within the King Street Corridor. Jack Finn voiced concern about the precedence that this interpretation of the 80% building coverage would set. The Board discussed the Firestone lease issue. Paul Voss stated that if the main entrance is to be treated like a road, then it should feel more like a street through striping, and pedestrian accommodation. The Board discussed design features of Buildings A and B and whether or not A had the required arcade or street front entrances. The Board discussed further the transit requirements, details of pedestrian accommodation and landscaping. Julie Hooks Davis moved to close the hearing Paul Diemand seconded. Julie Hooks Davis moved to approve the permit with the conditions discussed. Paul Voss seconded. The permit was approved 6-0-1, with Paul Diemand abstaining. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by George Kohout the minutes from May 8, 22, June 12, 26 were approved as submitted. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by David Wilensky, the Letter of Credit reduction number 10 for the Plantation at West Farms subdivision was approved as presented. Ed Etheredge, representing Community Builders, LLC asked the Board to make a minor change in language of condition #33 of the subdivision approval for the Ice Pond to allow transfer of property to the City “prior to the sale of the first building lot” in stead of “prior to the construction of the road”. Because the entire project will be under covenant, the City will be protected under either scenario. The effect is the same. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Julie Hooks Davis, the Board approved the request for the minor amendment. The Board adjourned at 11 PM. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, August 7, 2003 Hearing Room 18, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Kenneth Jodrie 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson (vacant) David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch At 6:40 PM Ken Jodrie opened the discussion on the special permit amendment for the Northampton State Hospital Planned Village and clarified that the public hearing had been closed. Board members discussed items raised during the public hearings. Upon request by Teri Anderson, the Board considered whether it was appropriate to seek feedback from other city staff. Ken Jodrie stated that he preferred to minimize complications by keeping questions and comments to OPD staff. The Board discussed the following conditions and permit findings: As part of approval of the design guidelines, the Board found that the requirements in Planned Village special permit criteria had been met. The Board clarified that this did not imply approval of specific uses and locations of buildings shown in the “ illustrative site plan”. The Board approved the amended design guidelines with the following conditions: 1. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant must file revised Design Guidelines for the Village at Hospital Hill with text changes as follows: a) Insert on page nine as new paragraph two under building continuity section. "All new buildings fronting on Route 66 and on the north-south road that extends from the top of hill over 91 Grove to the first street intersection north of Route 66 shall be two stories or higher along the street. The buildings may then step down to one story in the rear of the building. One story buildings elsewhere on the south campus may be appropriate." b) On page ten the first sentence of the third bullet should read: “Curb cuts shall be minimized.” Add to the end of the second sentence "and south campus, except as necessary to provide access to historical buildings. (This does not preclude creation of mountable curbs for fire fighting access.)" c) On page 17, delete “In general” from first paragraph “Utilities”. Delete second and third sentences. (street utilities to be dealt with during subdivision review). d) Insert on page eight as first bullet under Main Street: "All buildings shown as retail and mixed use on the Illustrative Site Plan that are within 250’ from the centerline of Route 66/”Ridge Road” access roads shall have at least 75% of the first floor area retail, personal service or other high foot traffic commercial uses that are open and used by the general public OR the building plans shall show that the buildings are clearly designed to be easily converted to retail at a later date, including exterior storefronts, pubic entrances, large undivided internal spaces and other techniques and the immediate use shall be designed without curtains or blinds to make the use visible (and interesting) to pedestrians passing by the building. e) On page 17, add “or less” at the end of the line that discusses street tree planting requirements. f) References to zoning relief shall be removed from page 3. g) Language in the overall vision for the development of the project on page 9, 4th bullet shall include: "Continuous building structures shall be provided when possible with a goal of creating a near continuous wall similar the Typical Village Character Graphic and the Typical Street Facing Facades in the Site Design Standards section. Where breaks are necessary for service, pedestrian walkways, plazas, or between buildings, the design must ensure that this continuity is not lost. h) Delete site yard setback discussion on page 11. i) Page 11 garage setbacks should also reference criteria on page 15 for garages. j) Replace last sentence under first paragraph under commercial on Page. 11 with: Commercial buildings should be built up to the edge of the road right-of-way, except to accommodate a high quality publicly accessible plaza or pocket park, as shown on page 23, street frontages and plaza". k) Page 12, 2nd paragraph under “Pedestrian Circulation”: Strike second sentence and replace with “bituminous concrete is not allowed”. l) Replace 4th paragraph under Pedestrian Circulation on Page 12 to state: "Trails and/or pathways intended for bicycle use shall be a minimum of 10 foot wide except when grade or other factors make 10 feet very difficult, in which case they shall be a minimum of 8 feet wide." m) Replace 2nd paragraph, Page 16 with: "Only temporary COs will be issued until required landscaping work is done, unless performance guarantees are posted." n) Insert the following sentence at the end of the fourth paragraph on page 22: "All building designs must include details on all of the following items to demonstrate to the Planning Board's satisfaction that the design is compatible with the principles of the planned village. o) References to "dryvit" (as brand name) and on page 24 and 28 shall be deleted. p) On page 13, under Parking Areas, replace “should” with “shall” , delete “Generally”. q) The last sentence of the last paragraph: “Landscaped Street Frontage “should” (delete) replaced with “shall” also include trees generally spaced not more than “40 feet” shall be changed to “30 feet on center.” r) Page 19, first paragraph, add text at the end of the first sentence “and should include trash receptacles where appropriate”. s) Page 24, last paragraph shrubbery of minimum height of 5’ at planting and 10’ at maturity. t) Page 15 under landscaping “existing trees should be preserved to the extent feasible”. 2. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant must file final irrevocable covenants including language as follows: Site plan approvals are required for special permits §11.2(4). Concurrent with Site Plan Approval before the Northampton Planning Board, all projects must show designs that the Planning Board finds concur with the final approved Design Guidelines for the Village at Hospital Hill (Guidelines). The Planning Board may grant waivers from these Guidelines when they find that such waivers will enhance the vitality, vibrancy, and economic success of the Village. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Paul Voss the Board unanimously approved the special permit amendment with conditions discussed above. Design Guidelines July 17 as amended by these conditions. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Keith Wilson, the Board unanimously approved the minutes June 5 and July 10. At 9:45 p.m. upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Francis Johnson the Board voted unanimously to adjourn. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, August 28, 2003 Hearing Room 18, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Kenneth Jodrie Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson (vacant) 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 7:30 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:03 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened request by John & Faye Omasta for a Special Permit with Site Plan Approval for a year-round farm stand at 165 West Farms Road, Map ID 42-001. Mark Nejame, the applicant’s representative, described the request for year round farm stand, which would allow the continued use of property for farm use. Councilor Marianne LaBarge spoke in favor of application. Alicia Wilanowski , West Farms Road spoke in favor of the application. Keith Wilson asked about the size of the property and whether there were plans to put a preservation restriction on property. Omasta replied that there is no APR yet, but they are looking at options. He stated that he has a non-development commitment on the back half of 10 acres. He stated further that the purpose of this application was to help sustain the existing agricultural uses because sales for only 4 months of the year was not viable. George Kohout stated concerns about parking demarcation. Faye Omasta indicated that they could use additional fields behind the farm stand for parking during special events. George Kohout asked about threshold for selling products from the site versus those grown elsewhere. Upon motion by Francis Johnson with second by Keith Wilson, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson, second by Francis Johnson, the Board unanimously approved Special Permit with the requested waivers. 7:24 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened request by Microcal, LLC for Site Plan Approval to construct a 2,400 sq. ft. addition at 22 Industrial Drive East, Map ID 19-12. Bob Bartlett, Hampshire Construction presented application, Don Gasinsky also spoke for Microcal. Paul Voss asked if employee picnic area would be moved? Bartlett described where the picnic area would be relocated. David Wilensky asked what the proposed uses were. The applicant described the research and development functions planned. Ken Jodrie asked how run off is being handled. Bartlett described the sheet flow being directed to the lined swale. Carolyn Misch read the Department of Public Works comments into record. George Kohout asked about swale. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Keith Wilson the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss, the Board voted unanimously to approve the site plan with requested waivers. 7:45 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened Request by Hospital Hill Development, LLC for Preliminary Subdivision Approval on Route 66, Map ID 31C-17, 38A-50 & 86. Gerry Preble began discussion on behalf of MassDevelopment. He described the preliminary meetings held prior to this hearing with staff and representatives of the Planning Board regarding layout and waiver requests. Preble discussed waivers that still remain unresolved and the master plan changes relating to utilities, roadway alignments depth to sewer and water utilities and changes of pedestrian connections. He explained the reasons why the boulevard north of Prince was no longer planned and indicated that the proposed road network is based on following the existing road system on the site to greatest extent possible. David LaPointe from Beals and Thomas described the technical aspects of the subdivision design and the tree survey/analysis. Of the 39 designated “specimen trees”, 2 are shown on the plans to be affected by the current proposed subdivision layout. He stated that the main entrance sidewalk and layout was altered to accommodate other significant trees. LaPointe indicated the surveyed trees were shown on sheet 11. Preble discussed briefly the concept size and location of detention basins. He stated that these have been oversized. Preble raised the issue of underground vs. overhead utilities. Beth Murphy, of MassDevelopment described concerns related to the prohibitive cost to construct underground utilities. Frandy Johnson asked about utility company cost absorption. Alan Delaney, MassDevelopment, responded stating that cost is related to running cable through conduits. Jay Girard, arborist, stated his concerns about the number of trees to be preserved and how that would be accomplished through the construction phase. He requested that conditions be placed on the applicant to show construction details that specify protection measures. Harriet Diamond asked about sidewalk plan for southern campus. LaPointe showed system on plan. Diamond further asked about pedestrian connection along driveways and parking lots. Deb Jacobs, asked about interference of overhead utilities with specimen trees. Garritt Stover asked about the character of the south campus loop. Mike Becker asked about potential conflicts between vehicles turning from Earle Street west on Prince Street. The engineer from Vanasse Associates described that the distance between these two intersections stating that they exceeded the minimum distance required. Garrett Stover asked about pedestrian access from bottom of the hill at Prince and Earle Streets to the main entrance. Deb Jacobs asked about tree planting requirement. Pat Goggins spoke in favor of the plan and suggested that Board should act and grant waivers for overhead utilities. Staff discussed waiver requests and DPW comments. Ken Jodrie read letters from Teri Anderson, the Mayor, and Paul Diemand. Carolyn Misch summarized a letter from Barbara Blumenthal. The Board discussed costs for utility placement. Carolyn Misch read recommendations from the Conservation Commission. Ken Jodrie asked why the round-about was removed. Paul Voss asked about cross-parcel pedestrian circulation. He suggested that existing gravel paths on the north end could be left unimproved in lieu of providing better cross-property connections (north and south/ east and west). Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Kohout the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Discussion of permit conditions with changes ensued. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by David Wilensky, the Board voted to unanimously approve the preliminary subdivision with conditions as discussed. See attachment A George Kohout summarized the CAC meeting. The CAC concerns related to PB conditions of special permit. The Board discussed dates for meeting. September 22 or 29. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Paul Voss, the Board voted to unanimously approve a reduction in the letter of credit for Plantation at West Farms. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Kohout, the Board voted to unanimously approve both sets of minutes. 11:15 board unanimously voted to adjourn. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, September 11, 2003 Hearing Room 18, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time Chair, Kenneth Jodrie 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson (vacant) 5 David Wilensky 7:05 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Paul Diemand opened a joint hearing of the Planning Board & CENTRAL BUSINESS ARCHITECTURE COMMITTEE on a request by Janet Egleston for a Special Permit with Site Plan Approval and Permit from the Central Business Architecture Committee for an expansion of the Northampton Brewery at 11 Brewster Court, Map ID 32C-29. Janet Egleston described the expansion of the brewery. She described the goal to sustain the peak business of the summer months by converting outdoor space for interior use. Francis Johnson asked for clarification on the area to be enclosed. George Kohout asked for clarification that the steps would remain on site and asked about how drainage is handled on site. Keith Wilson asked about the roof materials, pitch and raised concerns about snow falling from the roof. Francis Johnson suggested that a condition might be added to install snow stops on the roof, if necessary. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Francis Johnson the board unanimously voted to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson, and second by Francis Johnson the board unanimously approved the special permit with waivers requested with the condition that roof snow devices (cleats) be installed on the addition. At 7:30 P.M. Paul Diemand opened the continuation of a hearing for a special permit for a 1-lot cluster and 2 flag lots on Kennedy Road Map ID 5-54. Ed Etheredge, representing the applicant, provided an overview of issues that were raised at the hearing on July 24 and briefly described how the applicant has addressed them. Terry Reynolds, engineer for the applicant, described the findings regarding the tributaries in and around the site and the distinction between the wetland areas and the watercourses. He showed where these areas including the buffer were located on the plans and pointed out the planned access to Lot 4. Paul Diemand stated that the entire board had conducted a site visit since the previous hearing. Alec McCleod, wetland consultant for the applicant, described the wetland delineation that he conducted for the owners and the technical standards for defining these areas. He indicated that the stream channel dissipated into a broad wetland beyond the property. Bruce Lieter, representing Maureen Dwyer, spoke in opposition to the permit. He submitted a letter for the record and asked whether lots 1 and 2 were “buildable”, whether the special permit criteria for flag lots and for cluster including input from other boards had been met, and stated that his understanding of tributary is contrary to what the applicant has described. Finally he stated that consideration of screening and buffers are in the purview of the board and would be appropriate. Etheredge clarified points about flag lot dimensional requirements and buffer issues. He further offered that an evergreen screen could be located within the setbacks. Councillor Raymond LaBarge stated that lot 2 is wet. The Board further discussed the issue of the tributary and wetlands and discussed the cluster requirements. David Wilensky asked about screening options. Bill Brandt, owner, stated he had not proposed screening because the intent was to sell the lots to another party for development. Keith Wilson stated his discomfort in approving lot 2 as a building lot knowing that it is within 200’ of a tributary. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Paul Voss, the Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. The Board discussed the following conditions: 1. Lot 4 and Lot 2, as offered by the applicant in the plans, materials, and presentation as a voluntary donation, shall be dedicated to the City of Northampton, acting through its Conservation Commission. The lots shall be donated prior to the sale of or construction on Lots 1 or 3. If the city does not accept the donation, a perpetual conservation restriction shall be placed on the property prohibiting and development and site development activities of any kind. The lot 2 donation shall provide the necessary access to lot 4 through the 20’ access shown on the plans. 2. Prior to the sale of or construction on lot 1, the owner must show calculations that the open space requirements under section10.5 have been met including the limitation on the open space for wetland floodplain and steep slopes. 3. The driveway width on lots 1 and 3 shall not exceed 10’. 4. Prior to the sale of or construction on lots 1 and 3, a new plan must be submitted to the Office of Planning & Development showing that the open space calculations meet the requirements for cluster development under §10.5, showing the reduced driveway width and including text that states that future potential public access may be provided through lot 2 along the 20’ wide easement and through lot 4. This plan must also include text, which states that the stone wall on lot 3 must be protected and preserved on either side of the driveway access. 5. No septic system or structures shall be located within 200' of tributaries to the City's drinking water supply. Any work, including any site disturbance, within 200 feet of a watercourse (as defined within the zoning) must obtain a Special Permit under the water supply protection district requirements of the zoning ordinance. 6. All existing vegetation within the 15’ side setback along the portion of the property that includes the house and garage shall remain or shall be replanted with evergreen trees of at least 6’ in height and 10’ on center upon planting. 7. The stone wall shown on the frontage of lot 3 shall be maintained, except to accommodate at 10’ wide driveway and associated drainage. 8. Any work on the lots, including site disturbance, tree clearing, and any other activities may not proceed without the applicable permits from the Conservation Commission. This permit does not replace the applicant's responsibility to obtain any necessary Conservation Commission permit nor imply that lot 1, 2, or 3, are buildable under the Wetlands Protection Act. 9. No finding has been made as to whether lots 1,2 or 3 are buildable. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Keith Wilson, the Board voted unanimously to approve the cluster with flag lots with requested waivers. Staff provided information about the agenda for the joint CAC/PB meeting The Board had some discussion of proposed zoning changes. At 10:25, upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously to adjourn. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, September 25, 2003 Hearing Room 18, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Kenneth Jodrie Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson (vacant) 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member (vacant) Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 7:30 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened the Planning Board meeting and read the request by William Gruber for an extension on the public hearing date. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Paul Voss the Board unanimously moved to approve the extension agreement. At 7:10 Ken Jodrie opened the request by Tofino Associates, Inc. for Definitive Subdivision Approval and Special Permit with Site Plan Approval for an open space cluster development and common driveway on Florence Road, Map ID 37-19, 65, 66, 67. Doug Kohl introduced project and turned description over to Peter Wells, consultant. Wells described the layout and type of units stating there would be a mix of single family lots and townhouse units. Wells described the location of the water and sewer infrastructure and connections to Pathways. Ken Jodrie asked if the frontage lots will have curb cuts onto Florence Road. Wells stated that two of the lots would have their own driveway. Mark Darnold, engineer, described the stormwater system. The plan is to maintain existing sheet flow treatment of runoff to the extent feasible. Two catch basins are planned to the interior of site and discharge to sheet flow and to a level lip spreader. One “stormceptor” will be located in the roadway at the wetland crossing. Ken Jodrie confirmed that the applicant has filed an application with the Conservation Commission. Darnold said yes. George Kohout asked about footing drains to confirm that they do not take water from the gutters and downspouts. Staff distributed DPW comments to board members and described overall problems. Ken Jodrie asked for public input. John Ryan, project coordinator, spoke in favor of the project and introduced the members of the cohousing “group”. David Entin, cohousing member, described the group’s ethic regarding layout, use of site and cohousing concept. Ken Jodrie read a letter by John Ryan regarding traffic mitigation impacts. Staff read DPW comments that should be addressed prior to next hearing. Ken Jodrie asked about drainage concern during winter months and pavement. There was a discussion of 8’ vs. 10’ sidewalk recommended in the preliminary discussion. Applicant requested 8’ instead of 10’ based on this being a spur from the main bikepath and minimizing impacts to environment/wetland. Keith Wilson asked if any signage or painting was contemplated through parking lot to indicate bike lanes? Ryan said that painting lines for bikepath had been discussed. Paul Voss asked about the easement for bikepath extension through the parking lot. George Kohout asked about public access through the property. Keith Wilson asked about pathways easement. Peter H. of Pathways stated that Pathways is interested but hasn’t signed an easement yet. Staff described that the easement would include language stating that the public could pass and repass on non-motorized vehicles. The Cohousing group stated their willingness to limit use of motorized vehicles and enforce it. Ken Jodrie offered a sign as means to notify public of restriction. Kohl asked about DPW item 43. Staff described zoning requirements for off site flow. Ken Jodrie asked about DPW comment 28 . and 32. Darnold described the watershed that encompasses Pathways, Rocky Hill and Ice Pond projects. Kohl stated that subdrains were installed as part of Pathways road construction Mark Darnold raised question of DPW comments regarding the catch basins at Florence Road. He stated that the subdivision road drops down from Florence Road and therefore wouldn’t be shedding water in that direction. George Kohout asked about developable properties that abut this site. Future development may provide connection opportunities. Ken Jodrie read recommendations from the Conservation Commission. Staff clarified status of NOI filing and that comments may be incorporated into final orders of conditions. Keith Wilson asked about mitigation. John Ryan responded. Keith Wilson mentioned the requirement for accommodating school children. Keith Wilson asked about curb cut for single family access to bikepath. Ryan agreed that would be appropriate and described mitigation the group was willing to offer, including a design for the entire bikepath extension to the wetland crossing and construction of 400’ onto the Pathways property, if the easement is granted. Doug indicated potential location on map. David Wilensky asked about creation of orphan bikepath and the likelihood of connecting to Ice Pond Drive. Wayne Feiden responded to the questions about cost and ability to connect the link. David Wilensky asked about DPW concern about unauthorized water/sewer line connection. Keith Wilson moved to continue the hearing to 10/23 at 8:30. Francis Johnson seconded, the Board approved it unanimously. The Board asked the applicant to address DPW comments, fire flow test, mitigation, other issues. 9 PM Ken Jodrie adjourned the regular meeting and requested a motion to enter executive session to discuss legal strategy. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Keith Wilson the Board voted by roll call vote: George Kohout, David Wilensky, Ken Jodrie , Francis Johnson Paul Voss Keith Wilson to move into executive session. David Wilensky moved to end executive session Keith Wilson seconded. Upon roll call vote, all members voted to come out of executive session. Ken Jodrie announced that exec session was entered to discuss litigation. George Kohout moved to approve minutes from 8/28 and 9/11 8/7 and 7/24, Francis Johnson 2nd. The Board unanimously approved the minutes. Francis Johnson asked about Tree committee membership. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss the Board voted unanimously to appoint Ken Jodrie to the tree committee. 11 pm Upon motion by George Kohout and second by David Wilensky, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn. WF gave background of sp and lawsuit. Keith Wilson moved to authorize Francis Johnson, Ken Jodrie, and David to create settlement language Francis Johnson seconded. Approved staff to write language generally discussed with final input by Ken, David, Frandy. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT y CITY OF NORTHAMPTON City Hall y 210 Main Street, Room 11 y Northampton, MA 01060-3198 y (413)587-1266 y Fax 587-1264 Wayne Feiden, Director y email:planning@northamptonplanning.org y www.northamptonplanning.org planning board y conservation commission y zoning board of appeals y housing partnership y redevelopment authority y Northampton GIS economic development y community development y historic district commission y historical commission y central business architecture The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, 0ctober 9, 2003 Hearing Room 18, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Kenneth Jodrie Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson (vacant) 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 7:15 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened the meeting with a request, described by staff, by the developers of the Ice Pond subdivision to transfer their performance guarantee from a covenant on the entire parcel to a covenant/escrow combination. The escrow amount to be determined after review by the Department of Public Works and Office of Planning & Development. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Keith Wilson the Board voted unanimously to approve the request to transfer the performance guarantee to a combination of escrow and 2-lot covenant. 7:15 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened joint meeting with Conservation Commission at 7:15. There was a discussion of zoning issues and overlap of jurisdiction. Ken Jodrie emphasized that approvals by either board do not imply approval from any other board, commission or permit process. 8:00 P.M. Discussion of Hospital Hill referendum. Board in favor of supporting effort to educate public on question regarding phase II construction through a letter. Joe Wilspire provided his perspective of referendum and the collection of signatures. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss the Board voted unanimously to approve minutes of 9/11 and 9/25. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Paul Voss the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 9:25. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT y CITY OF NORTHAMPTON City Hall y 210 Main Street, Room 11 y Northampton, MA 01060-3198 y (413)587-1266 y Fax 587-1264 Wayne Feiden, Director y email:planning@northamptonplanning.org y www.northamptonplanning.org The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, October 23, 2003 Hearing Room 18, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Kenneth Jodrie 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand Left 9:25 Rtrnd 10:20 5 George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson William “Bill” Letendre David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:04 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened hearing on common driveway for Dan Gleason Mark Reed from Heritage surveys described the project. He stated that the applicant had addressed the Fire Department’s comments regarding the turn around at the split off from the common to private driveway. Ken Jodrie confirmed that Conservation Commission had no issues. The Board discussed drainage and plowing issues. There was no public comment. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second Frandy Johnson, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Keith Wilson the Board voted unanimously to approve the site plan with the following condition: Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall submit an as-built plan showing that construction is substantially in compliance with the approved plan. planning board y conservation commission y zoning board of appeals y housing partnership y redevelopment authority y Northampton GIS economic development y community development y historic district commission y historical commission y central business architecture At 7:15- Ken Jodrie opened hearing on Request by William Gruber for Site Plan Approval for construction of a 14-unit townhouse development on Hockanum Road, Map ID 32C-331. Mark Beglane, representative of the applicant, began with description of the property to include 14 affordable units. Mark McCluskey, consultant, described the site details and the proposal. Ken Jodrie asked if an NOI had been submitted to the conservation commission. McCluskey stated that submission was forthcoming. Paul Voss asked why units are located at the base of the rail abutment, with parking against the neighborhood and why the parking wasn’t reversed. George Kohout asked whether mature trees would be preserved. McCluskey stated that if possible, they would be saved, but most would be cleared. Paul Diemand asked about screening between detention pond and property boundary of abutters for buffer. McCluskey stated that no buffer is planned at this point. Ken Jodrie asked if site is wooded. Gruber said not thickly wooded. McCluskey described 20’ high pole lights to be located at edge of parking lot. McCluskey described traffic study. Ken Jodrie asked for detailed description of traffic study. Board discussed means of pedestrian access through north of property at Klay Ave. Ken Jodrie opened discussion to the public. David Ferrell 113 Williams Street – provided handout of issues. His concerns related to changes and his view. Michael Willard 99 Williams Street – stated concerns about drainage and ponding on site. McCluskey stated that there is poor infiltration. They designed the drainage system to handle poor soil conditions. There is no ability to recharge. Willard reiterated concern about car headlights and asked about fence along the property boundary. Edward Gross 96 Hockanum Rd asked about the proposed swale and proximity to property line, depth and width. McCluskey- described the 3’ deep and 15’wide grassed swale with outlet to a dry pond. Gross asked about the terms/definitions of “redevelopment”, “townhouse” and “affordable” used by the applicant. John Edwards 35 Holyoke St. described the existing vegetation on northern corner that includes large trees within the area proposed for tennis court and asked about the size and ownership of the open space. Lynn Edwards 35 Holyoke Street stated concerns over the tenancy status of the units and asked if they could be restricted to owner-occupancy. Greg Kurstetter 100 Williams Street asked about the traffic analysis. He stated his concern about cut- through traffic on Williams and asked if traffic calming could be constructed on the street. He asked about creating open space instead of a tennis court. He stated his interest in required ped access on north of property. John Bucher 38 Holyoke street voiced his concern about drainage. McCluskey stated that the proposal is to pitch the drainage toward Hockanum Road. Will Blusniak 123 Williams Street asked about drainage during winter months and snow storage. He asked why drainage is not piped. Carol Robinson 7 Hockanum Road asked about height of units and height of poles stating that the railroad trestle is only 11’ high. She also stated her concern about traffic. Gruber stated that the height of the buildings will be 34’ from the finished grade. Keith Wilson explained the traffic analysis. Ken Jodrie read DPW comments. Keith Wilson asked about automobile back-up space in the parking lot. The excess area designated may be better used for swale/landscaping. Additionally he commented that the sidewalk should wrap around the corner to connect the building with the dumpster pad. The Board suggested that the tennis court should be eliminated and that the applicant should work with neighbors on design, screening and lighting. Paul Diemand stated his concerns about snow plowing. Paul Voss suggested that parking lot should not exceed the minimum requirements per zoning. Board discussed possible conditions and issues to address, including the addition of bike racks, lighting on back side of units and limiting the number of units. Applicant should provide a cross-section of site. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss the Board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to December 11 at 7 P.M. At 9:25 Ken Jodrie opened the Continuation of a hearing request by Tofino Associates, Inc. for Definitive Subdivision Approval and Special Permit with Site Plan Approval for an open space cluster development and common driveway on Florence Road, Map ID 37-19, 65, 66, 67. Doug Kohl (applicant) stated that most all the issues had been addressed. Ken Jodrie read the revised comments from DPW. The Board discussed condition #5 and discussed the bikepath connection. The Board discussed the conditions and DPW comments. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Keith Wilson the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously to approve (5-0) the special permit for cluster with conditions discussed in the staff report and DPW comments. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously (4-0) to approve subdivision with conditions discussed. [vote taken separately because Paul Voss not eligible to vote on subdivision] Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Paul Diemand the Board voted to move into executive session for purpose of discussion of litigation. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Paul Diemand voting YES; Keith Wilson voting YES; Paul Voss voting YES; Ken Jodrie voting YES; George Kohout voting YES; Frandy Johnson voting YES. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Paul Diemand the Board voted unanimously grant authority to Ken Jodrie, Frandy Johnson, and David Wilensky to negotiate on the Board’s behalf. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Diemand the Board voted unanimously to exit executive session and report out the reason for discussion in executive session. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Keith Wilson voting YES: Paul Voss voting YES; Paul Diemand voting YES; George Kohout voting YES; Frandy Johnson voting YES; Ken Jodrie voting YES. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Keith Wilson, the Board voted unanimously to accept minutes of 10/9/03. 11:45 Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by George Kohout, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT y CITY OF NORTHAMPTON City Hall y 210 Main Street, Room 11 y Northampton, MA 01060-3198 y (413)587-1266 y Fax 587-1264 Wayne Feiden, Director y email:planning@northamptonplanning.org y www.northamptonplanning.org The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, November 13, 2003 Hearing Room 18, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Kenneth Jodrie Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 William “Bill” Letendre David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:04 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened hearing on request by New England Deaconess to amend two conditions of the permit granted for the addition of assisted living units June 2, 2003. Dave Thompson, consultant from Coler & Colantonio described the request for the 2 alterations to the permit conditions and the proposed lighting and tree planting. Frandy Johnson asked for the total number of trees planned to be removed. Thompson said that approximately 10-12 trees, that are mostly Hemlocks, would be removed. Thompson described the plan to reduce the pole heights along the pathways and the interest in maintaining a uniform illumination across the property. This requires slightly more intensity below the proposed lights that line the driveway access to Laurel Park. Keith Wilson asked where the brightest spots would be located. George Kohout asked for clarification about the rationale for eliminating dark spots on the access driveway. Board discussed the reasoning of brighter areas on the road versus the sidewalks and whether or not it was appropriate. Anita Weigel of Laurel Park clarified that this driveway access is used regularly by residents of Laurel Park. Judson Brown of Laurel Park stated his concern about width of the driveway being able to provide emergency access to Laurel Park. He also stated that the lighting along the pedestrian pathways would planning board y conservation commission y zoning board of appeals y housing partnership y redevelopment authority y Northampton GIS economic development y community development y historic district commission y historical commission y central business architecture be unnecessary given the population that Rockridge serves. These lights are close to the Laurel Park property boundary. The engineer from New England Deaconess stated that it would be important to provide lighting for safety. Ken Jodrie asked if the lights could be placed on a timer to be turned off . The engineer stated they could be turned off at 9 PM. Barbara Weiman of Laurel Park asked why Ginkos were chosen for the plantings. She stated her concern about their stench and droppings. Mr. Thompson stated that the specifications called for male Ginkos only. Carolyn Misch asked for clarification on light specifications. The letter stated submitted to the Office of Planning & Development indicated a lower light level increase than the plans submitted at the meeting. Mr. Thompson stated that the plans of version “G” submitted at the meeting were the standards requested for approval. [Version G shows a maximum of 10 foot-candles along the access driveway, with a site average of 1.99] Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. The Board discussed potential conditions, including the time at which path lights should be turned off. Keith Wilson proposed a motion, seconded by George Kohout with a condition that the lights be turned off no later than 10 pm. The motion failed. Bill Letendre proposed a motion, seconded by Keith Wilson with a condition that the lights be turned off no later than 11 p.m. The motion failed. Board had further discussion. Paul Voss proposed a motion, with the condition that the maximum lighting could be doubled to 6 foot- candles and the lights be turned off no later than 10 p.m. No one seconded. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Keith Wilson, the Board voted 5-1 to approve the requested amendment with a condition that the pathway lights must be turned off by 10 p.m. Paul Voss dissented. Wayne Feiden opened the discussion of the proposed zoning changes. Board voted to set December 2nd at 6 PM for a special meeting to discuss planning issues in detail. Keith Wilson and Paul Voss agreed to research traffic impact mitigation requirements to bring proposal back to full board. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Paul Voss, the Board voted unanimously to accept minutes of 10/23/03. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Voss the Board voted unanimously to extend the time to review the ANR filed by Tristram Metcalf on Turkey Hill Road. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Keith Wilson, the Board voted unanimously to approve the reductions in the Letter of Credit for Cardinal Way. 10:10 the Board voted unanimously to adjourn. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT y CITY OF NORTHAMPTON City Hall y 210 Main Street, Room 11 y Northampton, MA 01060-3198 y (413)587-1266 y Fax 587-1264 Wayne Feiden, Director y email:planning@northamptonplanning.org y www.northamptonplanning.org The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Tuesday December 2, 2003 Hearing Room 18, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Kenneth Jodrie 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 William “Bill” Letendre David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 6:00 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened the special meeting and gave the floor to Wayne Feiden to discuss the Executive Order 418 plan process. Wayne Feiden described the various components to this Grow Smart Northampton Community Development Plan and asked for the board’s adoption of this as the beginning stages of a plan that will be more fully developed as time allows. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously to adopt the plan. The Board discussed two minor changes to the subdivision rules and agreed to hold a public hearing on these changes on January 8, 2004. The Board voted to designate January 29, 2004 for another planning only meeting to be held at 6 PM. planning board y conservation commission y zoning board of appeals y housing partnership y redevelopment authority y Northampton GIS economic development y community development y historic district commission y historical commission y central business architecture PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT y CITY OF NORTHAMPTON City Hall y 210 Main Street, Room 11 y Northampton, MA 01060-3198 y (413)587-1266 y Fax 587-1264 Wayne Feiden, Director y email:planning@northamptonplanning.org y www.northamptonplanning.org The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday, December 11, 2003 Council Chambers, City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Kenneth Jodrie 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Keith Wilson 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 8:30 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened a request by Sweet Meadow Properties, LLC for Site Plan Approval under the Northampton Zoning Ordinance to construct a common driveway on Ice Pond Drive lots 16 & 17, Northampton, Map ID 37-29. Bill Canon described the project. 172’ long common driveway to serve 2 lots. The Board discussed conditions including location of the drainage swale and catch basin 3c to be located within the easement and required maintenance documents. Based upon DPW comments, driveway shall be paved for the first 100’ from the intersection of Ice Pond Drive, if required by DPW. Finally, private utility connections shall be located on site prior to the top course of pavement on Ice Pond. Ken Jodrie opened the hearing to the public. Hearing no comments, Francis Johnson moved to close the hearing, Keith Wilson 2nd. The hearing was closed by unanimous vote. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by David Wilensky the Planning Board voted unanimously to approve the site plan with conditions discussed above. 7:22 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened a request by Huntley Associates, P.C. for Site Plan Approval under the Northampton Zoning Ordinance to construct a 13,310 square foot building with reduced parking at Cooley Dickinson Hospital 30 Locust Street, Northampton, Map 23B-46. planning board y conservation commission y zoning board of appeals y housing partnership y redevelopment authority y Northampton GIS economic development y community development y historic district commission y historical commission y central business architecture 2 Juanita Forsyth, Cooley Dickinson Hospital, introduced the applicant team. Terry Reynolds of Huntley Associates described the nature of the proposed work Reynolds described the parking reduction request and explained that this is a temporary building until the full build out of the hospital master plan is designed and built. Detention will contain runoff with no increase in off-site runoff, post construction. He explained that one drain line will be separated from the sanitary sewer and that roof runoff will tie into existing drainage system. All drainage will be flowing into existing system. Flow does not increase off-site. Reynolds went through each DPW comment. Showed change from pre and post conditions. Net decrease in flow due to underground detention. George Kohout asked about trailers parked in lot. Will they remain. Paul Diemand asked about height of the light poles. Juanita stated that it is same as what is on remaining site. The Board discussed proposed conditions, incorporating most of DPW’s comments. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Francis Johnson the Planning Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Paul Diemand the Planning Board voted unanimously to approve site plan approval and reduction of parking waiver for full traffic study The Board determined that piecemeal approach of stormwater is appropriate in this scenario and applicant is meeting the standard in the zoning ordinance. Board discussed its understanding that the applicant will be coming forward with master plan for major development on the property that will address and improve existing systems. 8:30 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened the continuation of a hearing on a request for Site Plan Approval by William Gruber for 14 townhouses on Hockanum Road Map ID 32C-331. Mark Beglane, Lawyer described general changes made since the previous hearing. Mark McCluskey from Huntley described issues from the previous meeting and stated that the parking spaces were reduced to 2 per unit, the area where the tennis courts were drawn will remain undisturbed. The Board discussed the lighting pole heights, building heights and site layout. Paul Diemand asked if applicant met with neighbors. Bill Gruber mentioned that he spoke to one neighbor. Paul Diemand asked why the revised plan, showing parking against railroad, was not preferred? McCluskey responded that the applicant felt that this would reduce the buffer between the neighborhood and the project. Francis Johnson stated that the proposed planted buffer along the easterly boundary may negate the need to have building along property line because the headlights are now screened. McCluskey described auto access and screening Ken Jodrie opened the hearing for public comment. Lola Reed, 55 Williams Street, stated her concern about use of Hockanum Road as shortcut to avoid downtown lights and traffic speed is an issue. Cheryl Krusko, 126 Williams Street, asked about plans to widen the roads. She stated her concern about the gentrification of the neighborhood and concern about price of the units. Ken Jodrie stated that there are no plans to widen the road, but that traffic calming will be considered as mitigation for this project. Laura Maziars, 127 Williams Street, stated her interest in seeing the parking located along railroad. She also asked about tree planting plans. McCluskey described the planting plan. Carolyn Misch clarified that arborvitae is not on the plan to run the entire length of the property. Another tree species has been selected to be located along most of the boundary. Bill Gruber mentioned that a cedar fence could be located there. Denny Wolf, 1 Isabella Street, asked if these were planned as rental properties? If so, who will maintain the trees? He also stated his concern regarding the dumpster location and suggested that noise on the neighborhood could be reduced if the dumpster were on the Hockanum Road side. Mike Willard, 99 Williams Street, voiced a concern about trees overhanging property the boundary and about lighting. McCluskey described possibility of having lights on timer or sensor. Keith Wilson suggested that the parking back-up space could be reduced to 18’ to allow additional planting along the boundary. Mark, 5 Kary Street, stated that the units should look like the homes within the area. Ken Jodrie summarized Maria Tymoczko’s letter. 3 George Kohout asked how the Board would deal with traffic issues. Mark McCluskey went through the DPW comments and provided responses to stormwater comments in particular that the test pits show groundwater at 8’ below the surface. Ken Jodrie raised issue of buffer or flipping the site. Paul Diemand stated that Pear might not be appropriate because of the fruit, unless it is the non- fruit bearing type. Fence, juniper and arborvitae as shown on plan with pear that must be non-fruit bearing type would be appropriate. Gruber asked for clarification and stated that he was willing to continue the hearing. Keith Wilson stated issues to be addressed: clarify selectively maintain trees, traffic, DPW, pedestrian access, what about connection to Holyoke natural path, since water line is to be located their, lower lighting. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Keith Wilson the Planning Board voted unanimously to continue the hearing until January 22 at 7 PM. 10:00 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened a request by Hospital Hill Development, LLC for Definitive Subdivision Approval under the Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in Northampton for property along Route 66, Map ID 38A-50 & 86; 31C-17. Gerry Preble opened discussion with description of process Dave LaPoint described road design details and trees along north corridor. He showed the initial drawings for the roundabout on north campus at location where the temporary hammerhead is shown. He described the design for the bike path on the south campus with grades from 5% to 8%. These don’t require handrails this is considered a “multi-use trail” and not strictly a sidewalk. Gerry Preble spoke about drainage and the need to handle existing deficiencies of the Rt 66 corridor. They would like the flexibility to alter the location of swale from basin 1 to 2 to avoid existing trees and to design with the contours of the land. Preble stated that all utilities on campus are being abandoned except for looping to Federal Street water line and one in Burts Pit Road. Jeffrey Dirk, Vanasse Associates discussed staff comments regarding a pedestrian activated signal and noted that a signal must meet warrants before it is designed and installed. Signal will likely be warranted for automobile traffic not pedestrian activity. He stated that they are 4 committed to designing a signal and looking for funding to build it that would include a pedestrian phase. Keith Wilson asked about marked crosswalks? Dirk stated that crosswalks could be installed prior to installation of the signal and stated that a raised intersection is better solution than raised crosswalks. David Wilensky clarified what warrants would determine need for signal. Keith Wilson asked if there was a design yet of the traffic signal or an idea of when the warrants would be met? Dirk, said he did not know. Ken Jodrie asked when the raised intersection be installed? Keith Wilson stated that a raised intersection may cause through-traffic to divert onto neighborhood streets. Dave LaPoint continued to review staff comments. He stated that less than a handful of trees to be removed for street construction, but could change during construction, in the field. James Lowenthall, 181 Crescent Street, lauded developer for undertaking ped/bike connection. But stated that they should accommodate bikes on the road because it is unsafe to encourage bikes on sidewalks. Teri Anderson ED coordinator asked for flexibility for minor details of ped access and driveway access. Darryl LaFleur 44 South Street stated his believe that street names should be different on either side of 66. Francis Johnson proposed flexibility of path between detention pond and bike path. Wayne Feiden clarified how it would work. The Board decided to table the discussion of the street name. George Kohout asked about demolition of buildings and recycling the construction materials. Beth Murphy, MassDevelopment stated that this is regulated by state law. There was further discussion about the trees to be saved. The Board discussed the extensions and continuations calendar. 5 6 Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Paul Diemand. the Planning Board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to January 22 at 8 PM. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by David Wilensky the Board voted unanimously to approve the Cellura extension for preliminary subdivision on Westhampton Road. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by David Wilensky, the Board voted unanimously to approve 2-lot covenant release on the Cloverdale subdivision. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by David Wilensky, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of December 2 with no changes. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Keith Wilson the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of November 13th.