2002 Historical Commission minutes!Peg Keller Planning & Development PLANNING AND DEVELOPI NT CIT CitN Hall • 2x o Main Street, Room i i • Northampton, MA o1 060 -3198 . (413) 587 -1266 • Fax: 587 -1264 wa,VneFeiden,Director • email:p fanning @citN.northampton.ma.us • internet :lvww.northamptonplanning.org NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: January 28, 2002 TIME: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton AGENDA 1.) Approval of Minutes 2.) Announcements 3.) Review of Coolidge Bridge Railing Samples 4.) Review of Hatfield Street School Preservation Restriction 5.) Local Awards Program 6.) Pomeroy Terrace Historic District Nomination 7.) State Hospital Project/ MEPA Response 8.) State Hospital Burial Grounds Project Update 9.) Community Preservation Act Update 10.) Other Business Peg Kefler � Date punning board • conservation commission • zoning board o of appeals • h ousing partnership • redevelopment authority • northampton GIs economic development • communitN development • historic district commission • historical commission• central business architecture origin aI printed on reegc led paper NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes January 28, 2002 Members Present: Susan Well, Chair, Kim Howes, Valerie Lavender, Tris Metcalfe, Norman Winston, Chris Kennedy. Also present, two potential members, Barbara Blumenthal and Jennifer Hayes, Peg Keller, staff and Ed White and Chet Muckenhim from Cianbro Corporation and Alex Ghiselin, City Councilor /City Property Committee member. Call to Order/ Chair Well called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members introduced themselves to the guests. Announcements 1.) Chair Well noted that Steve Strimer is continuing to work on the nomination of the Ross Homestead to the Pathways to Freedom Program. The first nomination has been revised. 2.) Lilly Library has sent revised plans to the Library Board again in search of funding. Mr. Howes is on the Development Committee for the library. 3.) The Florence History Project is moving along with the guidance of Paul Gaffney and Steve Strimer. Chair Well is assisting with the preparation of 4 Form B's for homes associated with abolitionist activity. 4.) The Leeds Civic Association is looking for information on how to nominate the Hotel Bridge Chair Well is doing research. In 1988 it was declared eligible for Register nomination. It is the oldest iron bridge with this type of truss system. It has a relationship to the factory village providing access to both sides of the river. Calvin Coolidge Bridge Railing Mr. White began his presentation by saying that the current railing on the bridge is more deteriorated than initially thought. He said the Memorandum of Agreement between Mass. Historic and the Hadley and Northampton Historical Commissions stated that the Art Deco style railing should be retained. However, he said, the system is too far gone and they want to replace it with a replica that has a longer life span. Mr. White continued by saying that the choice between options made by the local commissions still needs to be approved by Mass. Highway. The blueprints are the same but the railings will be of new material and have new coatings. z The meeting was temporarily adjourned to allow the Commissioners to go to the parking lot behind City Hall to view a section of the existing railing and two proposed railing alternatives. Upon reconvening, discussion followed. It was noted that the only the cast version would allow them to change the protrusions of the posts. Members asked about crash protection methodologies that will be accommodated by an additional guardrail. The railing under discussion is decorative only. Member Kennedy made a motion to accept the galvanized and powder coated option as presented with one condition; to make the protruding ribs more pronounced. Mr. Howes seconded the motion and the vote in favor was unanimous. Peg will send a letter to Mr. White verifying the Commission's actions. Approval of Minutes Member Lavender made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting. Mr Howes seconded the motion, all present, in favor. Hatfield Street School Peg described the preservation restriction she had provided the School Committee subcommittee. It was agreed that an on -site visit to see the interior was necessary. The City Property committee was going the following morning at 10:00 and all Commission members were invited. Councilor Ghiselin said there was some concern for the value of the building if a strict preservation restriction were attached. The goals of the Commission were recapped; that demolition be prohibited, that rehabilitation follow Interior Department standards, prior approval if relocation is proposed, preservation of the exterior appearance and required ongoing maintenance. Section 2 page 2 of the proposed restriction was reviewed. Peg said that revenue generation is not the only goal here. The City has an opportunity to set a standard when it disposes of its own property. Historic preservation is integral to the character of Northampton and should be supported as goal of the City. Chair Well noted that one room schoolhouses are on the endangered list across ` the country. Mr. Howes said the neighborhood context needed to be considered 3 as well. Councilor Ghiselin asked the Commission to determine what they think is most important to preserve and communicate that to City Property. It was decided to wait for the on -site inspection to determine the value of the interior. All agreed to meet the following morning. Member Kennedy made a motion to table the vote until the next meeting to allow for the site visit. Member Lavender seconded the motion, vote in favor unanimous. Local Awards The current list was reviewed. Those projects not yet ready were removed. Mr. Howes agreed to recontact the Gazette about coverage. Ideas for other media coverage were discussed. Pomeroy Terrace Member Kennedy said he will draft a letter to the neighborhood residents who had expressed concerns at the public hearing. Chair Well said a sub - committee would be set up to move the project ahead. She and Peg and Chris will set up a time to meet. Northampton State Hospital Peg circulated the MEPA Phase 1 Environmental Review response. Member Metcalfe noted that Arrowstreet, Inc. is doing work to scope stabilization activities to secure Old Main. He said that Save Old Main is having a meeting tomorrow night. The response was discussed and the sections relating to historic resources were summarized. State Hospital Burial Grounds Member Metcalfe circulated drawings of the memorial bench he has designed. Member Lavender said the bench design needs to identify the site with dignity and utilize permanent materials. She said she has a contact for the creation of brass plaques. Discussion of the plaque text followed. Peg suggested she contact Rebecca McCauley, advocate for former patients, to discuss the project and text with her and people directly affected. Other project details were suggested. Work will continue. Adjourn/ The meeting concluded at 9:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSRTT. m nyo I 1 Peg Keller t:�( Planning & Development CITY HALL William Fenno Pratt Architect, 1849 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: February 25, 2002 TIME: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 Northampton MA AGENDA 1.) Approval of Minutes C -`� C V�� Ht4Uf!�> 2.) Local Awards 2002 3.) Hatfield Street School 4.) Northampton State Hospital Burial Grounds 5.) Pomeroy Terrace Historic District 6.) Bridges/ Coolidge Bridge Bliss Street 7.) Announcements Peg 2'1q.02 Date NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes February 25, 2002 Members Present: Susan Well, Chair, Chris Kennedy, Louise Bloomberg, Tris Metcalfe, Norman Winston, Valerie Lavender. Also present, Jennifer Hayes and Barbara Blumenthal, potential members, Peg Keller, staff. Call to Order/ Chair Well called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed. Two revisions were made. Mr. Winston made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Mr. Kennedy. The vote in favor was unanimous. Local Awards Program Ms. Lavender circulated the current list. Peg had received calls about Twin Cleaners on North Street and 11 -13 Highland Avenue and 345 Elm St. Those projects not yet completed were deleted. Members discussed taking tours of Forbes Library, Look Park and the High School. Chair Well distributed a ranking form. The logistics of the event; date, location, project selection and refreshments will be discussed at next months meeting. Hatfield Street School The City Property Committee is asking for final input at their meeting scheduled for March 4 at 4:00 p.m. Ms. Hayes spoke about a school house project she is aware of where the nail holes in the floors where the desks were attached, the low coat hanging racks and the holes for the chalk trays were required to be preserved. The point was to retain the small incidental details that defined it as a schoolhouse. Members then discussed the project to define the attributes they felt should be retained. Members voted to deny installation of dormers on the existing building, to deny the installation of skylights on the existing building and voted in favor of allowing an addition to the rear. They stipulated that the addition be narrower than the cross section of the existing building, and be harmonious in color, detail, proportion, massing and materials with the existing building. They further stipulated that the addition should be no more than 85% of the �— , width of the existing building, be used for living space only and be sympathetic 2 to the schoolhouse building. A second floor would be allowed in the existing building without dormers or skylights. In discussing the chalk boards on the interior, members felt additional insulation could be accommodated by creating false walls. This would provide space for the insulation and allow for preservation of the chalk boards and trays. Members voted to not allow any additional outbuildings. It was agreed that these decisions would be outlined in a memo to be given to City Property prior to the meeting on the 4 Chair Well will attend, other members are welcome. Northampton State Hospital Burial Ground Ms. Lavender reported her progress to date. She has spoken with the City's Poet Laureate Martin Espada who has agreed to do some prose for the bench plaque. She has priced the plaques at $69.00. She has also spoken with Rebecca McAuley, former patient and advocate. She said that Ms. McAuley likes the proposal and supports the addition of poetry to the plaques. She will move ahead getting prices for the bench and plaques for fundraising purposes and will draft the language to be included. Pomeroy Terrace Historic District The sub - committee has not yet met, but will schedule a time. Bliss Street Bridge The Commission received notice of a public hearing regarding the replacement of this bridge. The location was described. The State is planning to replace it due to its deterioration. The parameters of the new construction were described (26ft. wide, 2 lanes, sidewalk). The hearing will be held March 6 th at 7:00, which conflicts with a 350 meeting. Mr. Kennedy and Ms. Hayes agreed to view the bridge and the new plans and attend the hearing. Coolidge Bridge The Commission is in receipt of plans from Cianbro Construction regarding railings and lampposts. Discussion followed about how to refinish plaques. Chair Well relayed what she has learned from the Fire Station bell refinishing project. She read a letter she drafted to Cianbro detailing that information. 3 Member Metcalfe made a motion to authorize sending the letter, seconded by Ms. Bloomberg. The vote was unanimous in favor. Chair Well agreed to call Mr. White of Cianbro to ask about plans for doors and window frames on the pylons. Grove Street Inn Windows Members had been notified that ServiceNet, Inc. wants to replace the windows at the homeless shelter. The building is on the National Register as part of the State Hospital campus nomination. It was agreed that the new ones should be double hung, 2 over 2, true light divided with solid muntins. Peg will relay that to ServiceNet. Lyman Plant House Memorandum of Agreement Chair Well reported that the Commission is party to a MCA between Smith College and Mass. Historic. She has received it and reviewed it. The document outlines protective measures and maintenance steps to be followed in the future. U Community Preservation Act Ms. Lavender agreed to go to the workshop being held. Evidently the local group has disbanded. Historic Preservation Restrictions Chair Well described a suggestion from Wayne Feiden that the group pursue a program in which restrictions get donated. Efforts will commence on this after the Local Awards Program. Millenium Photo Display Ms. Bloomberg reported that the installation has occurred. Some text changes will be made. An additional event dedicating the exhibit at its permanent location has been suggested. Ms. Hayes noted that she is an events planner. Adjourn The meeting concluded at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller NOJUHAMP'TON HISTORICAL COMMISSION I CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON. M A -,q 0 (-T-TT TC 7"TC n, rl.r' Peg Keller office of Planning Development CITY HALL William Fenno Pratt Architect, 1849 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: March 25, 2002 TIME: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton AGENDA 1.) Approval of Minutes 2.) Local Awards Program 3.) Other Business Northampton State Hospital Hatfield Street School 4.) Adjourn Peg NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes March 25, 2002 Members Present: Susan Well, Chair, Valerie Lavender, Tris Metcalfe, Louise. Bloomberg, Kim Howes. Also present, Barbara .Blumenthal, interested citizen, Peg Keller, staff. Absent, Norman Winston and Chris Kennedy. AGENDA Chair Well called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Members were asked to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Ms. Lavender noted that the City's poet had not actually offered to write prose for the bench plaque but gave permission for us to choose any of his existing poetry to use. Ms. Bloomberg made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Mr. Metcalfe. The vote in favor was unanimous. Local Awards List Members then reviewed the list of potential awardees for this years' ceremony. The Elks building has not been completed, the Forbes library is not opening until this summer, so it also is not complete. The Helen Hills Chapel elevator project is not complete and there was some discussion about whether or not 345 Elm St. has been finished. Peg will check that property. The remainder of the'list was reviewed. Members agreed on Sessions Annex, 123 Meadow Street/ the Ross Homestead, the Garden House at Look Park, the High School, 74 Bridge Street, 321 Locust Street and 11 -13 Highland Avenue. Additional research needs to be done with regard to the People's Institute. 155 Chestnut was removed from the list; we will wait on the Twin Cleaners building until more exterior work is done, and also wait on 141 State Street. It was decided to hold the event on May 14 at 4:00, with Mr. Howes to check on the availability of the Garden House. Site assignments were made to members for research and presentation. State Hospital Bench Project Chair Well suggested that the. Commission could create a display for the Preservation Awards ceremony to publicize the effort and the need for donated �—' labor, time and materials. z Ms. Lavender mentioned that other burials of former patients occurred at other cemeteries, such as Bridge Street and Florence. Additional discussion about the wording on the bench plaques followed. It was decided to use the word ""documented" rather than "confirmed ". Ms. Lavender will check with the author of the report to further define the number 413, to determine whether those people were all buried on Hospital Hill or elsewhere in the community. Northampton State Hospital Development Chair Well noted that the comment period for the environmental review process will be starting soon. The stabilization report for Old Main and the draft environmental review report are available on the City's web site. The Commission will discuss the content of its response at the next meeting. Adjourn The meeting concluded at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller She gave Peg Keller the name of the individual in the Pomeroy Terrace neighborhood that may be available to take the photographs for the National Register nomination, Paul Shout PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT • CITY OF NORTHAMPTON 1.) Announcements 2.) Local Historic Preservation Awards Program 3.) Northampton State Hospital/ MEPA Comment Letter 4.) State Hospital Burial Grounds/ Project Update 5.) Other Business 6.) Adjourn NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: April 29, 2002 TIME: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton AGENDA 1 0 Peg Kel Citq Ha[[ • zi o Main Street, Room ii • Northampton, MA of o60 -3 198 • (4 • Fax: 587 -1264 Wayne Feiden,Director -emai [:planning @city.nortbam pton.ma.us • internet :wwwnorthamptonplanning.org Date • , 0 2- p[anning board • conservation commission • zoning board o of appeals • housing partnership • redevelopment authority • northampton GIs economic development • communitN development . historic district commission • historicaIcommission- central business architecture origin aI printed on recycled paper NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes April 29, 2002 Members Present: Susan Well, Chair, Louise Bloomberg, Valerie Lavender, Kim Howes, Chris Kennedy, Norman Winston. Also present, Barbara Blumenthal, Jennifer Hayes, Ed Haglestein and Peg Keller, staff. Call to Order/ Chair Well called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 1.) Local Awards Ceremony: Ms. Well announced that the ceremony would be held May 14 at 4:30 p.m. in the City Hall Hearing room and hallway. The Mayor will not be able to attend. Peg will ask her to send someone in her stead. Mr. Howes has secured $100.00 from Florence Savings Bank to use for refreshments and certificate frames. Ms. Hayes will work with Ms. Lavender to secure the refreshments. Chair Well will produce the program and Ms. Blumenthal will letter the certificates. C Mr. Howes reported that the Gazette would be doing coverage in the Hampshire Life, so the winners should be alerted that they will be contacted. A press release is still needed. The Chair agreed to handle the media coverage for the award ceremony. (Chair Well noted that she was contacted by Judson Brown about 123 Meadow Street being accepted into the Pathways to Freedom program, an exciting accomplishment!) Ms. Bloomberg agreed to come early on the 14 to mount photos onto the foam core. Mr. Howes will assist. Chair Well will print the labels. Peg Keller will issue parking passes. 2.) Northampton State Hospital Redevelopment Project: Chair Well said a letter had been sent by the Commission (referred to in email communication) to the Federal Home Loan Bank in support of an application from the Community Builders for funding to rehab the male nurses dormitory and the south employees home. The residential activity in Phase 1 also includes new construction of townhouses. A copy of the letter was circulated. She also distributed copies of a letter from Save Old Main to the Citizen's Advisory Committee relative to comments on the Draft Environmental Form. �— The timing of the thirty day comment period was discussed. Official filing to MEPA will take place on April 3 oth, thus activating the public comment period. 2' It was noted that there is a Commission meeting scheduled prior to the end of that period. Ms. Blumenthal said that there may be changes from the draft to the final, so the report section distributed this evening may not be totally accurate. She offered to compare the sections once the final is available and alert members to any changes. She said there has been discussion about historic specimen trees. Ms. Blumenthal offered her copy of the final CAC comments, which were distributed to members for review. Commissioners decided that they would review the draft report, await notification of any changes in the final, review pictures of the structures added to the demolition list ( Peg to supply ) and submit draft comments to Chair Well by May 15 Chair Well and Peg will consolidate the comments, draft the response letter and get it out for review prior to the meeting on the 20 Peg noted that Teri Anderson (City's Economic Development Coordinator) had offered to participate in the discussion and meet with members relative to the City's response to the ENF. It was agreed that Ms. Anderson would be invited to the meeting on the 20 3.) Northampton State Hospital Burial Ground: Chair Well said that the mechanism for accepting gifts has been investigated, but it is not a process that will happen quickly. She does still want to go forward with setting up a display at the Awards Ceremony asking for donations for the bench project (cash donations will be accepted). Mr. Metcalfe has agreed to enlarge the drawing. She then asked Ms. Lavender for a project update. Ms. Lavender reported she did contact Pat Goggins, who isolated the year his father had installed the original bench and confirmed his father's full name. She discussed the 181 factual burials and the other documentation known relative to the 413 others mentioned in the report. The Commission made a decision on the language for both plaques. 4.) Announcement from Chair: Chair Well announced her intention to step down as Chair of the Commission this September. She will serve out the remainder of her term as a regular member. She has found that the 350 Celebration Committee is taking a great deal of her time. 5.) Adjourn/ The meeting concluded at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller National Register Work Needed in Northampton May 2002 Address 67 Park Street — Revise existing form, remove reference to Sojourner Truth Pictures taken, need to call owner 35 Park Street - Create a form B with Sojourner Truth reference No work done, research available from Florence Project Hotel Bridge, Leeds — declared eligible Request for National Register Nomination from Leeds Civic Association Lilly Library- declared eligible no money or desire to fund by Library board Pomeroy Terrace Northampton to New Haven Canal Hortense Clapp Pollard, 70 Old South Street -Form B almost revised, owner wants J national register eligibility determined. Cemeteries -There are eight cemeteries in the City Inventory; one was recently revised and is on a modern form — the Park Street Cemetery in Florence. Two have expanded and should be revised to reflect their new size — the Jewish cemetery and St. Mary's. One needs a wording change -St. Peters and Pauls. Florence History Project properties- 22 Maple, 26 Maple, 105 Pine Land for all three homes once owned by Elisha Hammond, member of NAEI and abolitionist; mason and painter — Form B's in process, two houses visited. 115 Pine Street J. D. Atkins, member of NAEI, Dyer and one founder of Silk Mill — some genealogy work done; some deeds research done. 1 Peg Keller NORTHAMPTON HISTO Planning & Development r CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NOR CITY HALL William Fenno Pratt Architect, 1849 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSI,ON Meeting Notice DATE: May 20, 2002 TIME :. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton. AGENDA 1.) Announcements 2:) Northampton State Hospital/ ENF Response 3.) National Register Work Review 4.) Pomeroy Terrace/ ' 5.) Other Updates 6.) Adjourn NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes. May 20, 2002 Members Present: Susan Well, Kim Howes, Valerie Lavender, Tris Metcalfe; Louise Bloomberg, Chris Kennedy, Norman Winston. Barbara Blumenthal, interested member, Sue Carbin, interested citizen, Peg Keller, staff. Call to Order - Chair Well called the meeting-to order at 7:06 p.m. Members reviewed 2 sets of- minutes from March and April. Ms. Bloomberg made a motion to approve both sets, seconded by Mr. Winston. The vote in favor was unanimous. Announcements .1.) Chair Well reported on a discussion with the Auditor about the Commission's ability to accept gifts. He said it was simple and gave her an account number. Checks can be J made payable to the City of Northampton. State Hospital Burial Ground Bench Chair Well reported that one of the four Cedar trees surrounding the of the - bench has an invasive root system. She asked for discussion. about whether -or not the tree should come down. After comments were made, Mr. Winston made a motion to "authorize Wayne Feiden (Planning Director) to discuss with Smith Vocational School ways to address the root system as an alternative to removing the tree ". The motion was seconded by Ms. Bloomberg. During further discussion, Ms. Carbin noted that originally the vegetation was shrubbery that are now very overgrown. She suggested the original design could be recreated with new plantings. 43 years ago they were shrub height. The vote was unanimous in favor. that the tree be saved if possible and the site disturbed as little as possible. It was noted that the Goggins family has offered to purchase the plaques. .1 National Register Work Chair Well distributed a list of National Register work that needs to be done and reviewed the listings. She discussed the Hotel Bridge. It was approved by Mass. Historical 14 years ago. The Leed Civic Association is interested in moving the project ahead. MHC has said they have no funds for editing the form and new photos would be Peg Keller Plaiming & Development NORTHAMPTON HIS'TOR CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORT CITY HALL William Fenno Pratt ArchiteciWRTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: June 24, 2002 TIME: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 Northampton AGENDA 1.) Announcements U 2.) Northampton State Hospital/ MEPA Response letters from the City, NHC, MHC Bench Project - 3.) Local Awards Program/ Debriefing/ bills - 4.) Other Updates 5.) Adjourn Peg Keller Date ?LAN1XTITCr ADD DEVELOPMENT - CITY 01 N0RTI-IA1�'T Dq CiLN Hall • 9-io Main Street�RoomIS • NortOampton,KAoio60-j198 • 413)537 - Ta 66 • R=587 -ra64 WaNne Feiden, Director - - mail:p[ arming @city.northamptoii.ma.us - iriternet :ivww.northamptonp[amaing.org NORTHAMPTON HISTORMAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: July 29, 2002 TIME: 7:00 p.m. to 9 :00 P.M. 'LACE: City Hall Hearing Room T8 210 Main Street Northampton AGENDA 1.) Announcements 2.) State Hospital Update/ Redevelopment Project Burial Grounds/ Bench 1) Pomeroy Terrace Update 4.) Discussion Items/ New Chair 5.) Other Business 6.) Adjourn Peg. Keller' v _ Date planning board - conservation cormission -zoning board o of appeals - housing partnership - - redevelopment authority - northampton GIs economic development - communitNdevelopment - historic district commission • historicaIcommissiort. can traI business architecture original printed on recycledpaper NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 29, 2002 Members Present: Susan Well, Chair, Valerie Lavender, Norman Winston, Kim Howes, Chris Kennedy, and Jennifer Hayes. Also present, Michael Owens, staff. Call to Order: Chair Well called the meeting to order at approximately 7pm and asked for acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting. Valerie requested a change to the minutes as presented; her requested change was accepted. A motion to accept the revised minutes was made and the vote was unanimous in favor. Announcements: The Commission has received a letter from the Coolidge Bridge designers asking if we are interested in retaining a piece of the bridge railing. Someone will reach out to Kerry at Historic Northampton to see if the museum would be interested in retaining a piece of the railing. State Hospital Update: The portico roof at the main entrance has collapsed since the last meeting of the Commission due to water damage to the masonry. No member of the Commission attended the last CAC meeting and as a result no report was offered. A suggested list of potential members for the CAC from the historic preservation community was submitted to the Mayor's office. The suggested list of nominations was followed up with e -mail from the Chair. No action has been taken on the suggested nominations as of this date. Bench Update: Members reviewed the different styles of brass etching available from New England Etching Company in Holyoke. Valerie had performed the research and presented the various styles. Members agreed that the more traditional style of etching would be the most appropriate for the bench project. The vote selecting this style was unanimous. Susan agreed to fax the final language for the plaques to Valerie, which she believes is available at her home computer. Valerie reported that the garden foreman at Smith was willing to assist in looking at alternative methods of dealing with the trees /shrubs at the bench site. A suggestion to hook up with a certified arborist was also suggested. Chris Frank is used by Smith College; however its known that Mr. Edward Cotton donates his services to those that have issues with trees. Valerie is willing to call Mr. Cotton to see if he would be able to provide advice regarding the trees at the bench site. Valerie will notify Mike Owens by e mail when she speaks with Mr. Cotton; that e -mail will then be forwarded to Peg Keller for follow up. Members discussed various options for the trees including removal and replacement with a more appropriate species or trimming / pruning. �. Donations: The Commission has received a check from Maria Tomasko in the amount of $30.00. Susan will follow up with Peg next week in order to establish the gift account. Kim Howes requested that all monetary donations follow the standard City process. Members agreed and felt that using the same model as the Planning Department uses for donations to the Conservation Commission would work best. Bay State Hotel: Jennifer reported that she thought work was proceeding on the Bay State exterior without the required sign off by the Downtown Architectural Review Board. If that is the case staff reported that the Planning Office would issue a stop work order. Staff will perform a windshield survey tomorrow morning and report back on what is observed. Pomeroy Terrace Update: Chris reported that a sample letter is being developed that updates residents on the proposed district, requests information on properties and asks for volunteers to assist with the effort. Chris sees the next steps as locating all form B's for the proposed district and set a timetable for other tasks. Chris also reported that photography should take place in October after the leaf fall. There was also a discussion of accessing form B's through the Planning Department web site. Some members have had problems others have not. Staff suggested that if persons have problems seeing the form B's they should contact James at the Planning Office. New Chair: It was decided that this discussion would be postponed until Peg Keller returns. Other Business - Water Street Bridge: Kim Howes reported that he has looked at the bridge and was prepared to photograph it, but this will wait until the leaf fall. Apparently the historic part of the bridge is the superstructure. Kim suggested that e-mail be sent to the City Engineer inquiring about the current condition of the bridge and any plans to rehabilitate or perform maintenance on the structure. When that question is answered the Commission can then have an informal conversation regarding historical concerns of the bridge. Kim also noted that there is no weight limit posting on the bridge, which is a concern for its long -term survivability. Next Meeting: The next scheduled meeting on the Commission is August 26th. Respectfully submitted, Michael T. Owens CITY HALL William Fenno Pratt Architect, 1849 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 21Q, MAIN STREET . NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: August 26, 2002 TIME: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. PLACE: 'City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton AGENDA 1.) Announcements/ Updates 2.) Northampton State Hospital/ CAC Appointment - Project Update - Burial Grounds .Update 3.) Pomeroy Terrace 4.) Other Projects / Plans for the Fall 5.) Election of Chair 6.) Other Business 7.) Adjourn 1 Peg Kell Date NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes August 26, 2002 Members Present: Chair Susan Well, Valerie Lavender, Norman Winston, Louise Bloomberg, Kim Howes, Tris Metcalfe, Chris Kennedy. Also present, Barbara Blumenthal, Jennifer Hayes and Peg Keller, staff. AGENDA Call to Order/ Chair Well called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Howes made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Mr. Winston. The vote was unanimous in favor. Announcements 1.) Chair Well noted a letter from Polly Harrell of the Boston Affiliates. This is the firm that worked on updating the Form B's for buildings on the Smith College Campus. Chair Well asked staff to inquire if they can be transferred to electronic form in order to be included on the City's web site. Peg said she will check with James Thompson, the staff person in charge of the City's website. 2.) Chair Well noted an article in Fine Homebuilding relative to vinyl siding. The article was circulated on the Mass. Historic Commission list serve. Peg will give the list serve address to Jennifer and Barbara. 337 Bridge Street Members were brought up to date with regard to Peg being notified of the property owners intent to demolish the yellow William Fenno Pratt Gothic cottage on Bridge Street. Members brainstormed possible courses of action. Contractors names could be suggested who might be able to provide alternate rehabilitation estimates to those they have received. Members felt those numbers might be high and actual rehab work could be performed for less. The owners time frame should be investigated and the Commission could secure its own estimates for having the building moved. Mr. Howes suggested separating out the emotional factor involved here and focus on developing a plan with the owner to retain the structure. Mr. Kennedy said he has already imparted information about the value to the community and the bigger picture, now the owner needs to be presented with specific 1 alternatives to demolition. It was felt that if the owners could be educated about the significance of the property, they could become enthused about saving it. Steve Strimer was suggested as a person to instill that enthusiasm in addition to past historic preservation award winners (such as the Drakes). Member Metcalfe offered to assist with the identification of sound rehab numbers. Members Kennedy, Hayes and Metcalfe, in addition to Mr. Strimer were suggested as a small group to visit with the owners in the hopes of developing a strategy that will result in the retention of the building. Demolition Delay Chair Well circulated copies of a sample demolition delay ordinance for review. The City does not have such an ordinance although one has been discussed in the past. She also distributed a handout on cemetery preservation. Northampton State Hospital Peg reported that Tom Douglas, one of the names suggested by the Commission, has been appointed by the Mayor to represent historic preservation interests on the Citizens' Advisory Council. It is not clear if Mr. Douglas is representing any one group, or if he will be required to report to any outside groups. This will be pursued. The project change submitted to MEPA regarding the demolition of the laundry building was discussed. There is a relocation of an existing King Street business planned for Earl Street, which will require the demolition of not only the power plant but the laundry. The narrative was reviewed and members did not express strong opposition to the proposed change. The draft of the letter from the CAC to the Planning board was distributed. The Community Builders and Mass. Development are moving ahead on securing their permit approvals from the Planning Board. The next meeting before the Planning Board will be held September 12, 2002. Other Activity The Central Business Architecture Committee is hearing applications on the Bay State Hotel and the Chilson's Building also on September 12 State Hospital Burial Ground Members discussed the overgrown hedges and the plan for the root remediation. Mr. Metcalfe made a motion to find a contractor to build the bench, then have 2 someone do the appropriate pruning. Ms. Lavender seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Ms. Lavender will have a discussion with Smith Voc about doing the pruning and Peg will ask the intern about the type of vine that is encircling the hedges. Peg agreed to see that the gift account is established. Mr. Metcalfe will develop a list of materials for the bench construction in order to solicit volunteer contributions. Pomeroy Terrace Mr. Kennedy discussed the need for funding to pay for the photos. He has contacted Paul Shoal who would like to be compensated for materials. Mr. Kennedy will draft a letter to update the neighbors on the effort. Ms. Hayes has secured information about filling out Form B's. Mr. Kennedy will do a spread sheet with property information. Peg will check with Bonnie Parsons to see if she is available to work on the project. Commission Membership The representation of the Commission on other boards was discussed. Chair Well can continue to serve on the Central Business Architecture Committee. Sally Evans (who recently passed away) was serving as the Commission representative on the Elm Street Historic District Commission. Due to Ms. Well's decision to step down as Chair of the Commission the selection of a new chair was required. Member Bloomberg nominated Member Kennedy to serve as Chair, seconded by Mr. Howes. The vote was unanimous in favor. Member Winston nominated Ms. Lavender as Vice - Chair, seconded by Mr. Kennedy. The vote was unanimous in favor. Mr. Winston reiterated his desire to ascertain a budget for the Commission. Chair Kennedy agreed and added his wish to institute a demolition delay ordinance for the City as two of his priorities during his tenure as chair. He also mentioned an annual fundraiser and additional press exposure as goals. Adjourn There being no additional business to discuss, the meeting concluded at 8:50 p.m. Note/ a lunch was held August 21, 2002 to honor Susan Well for her tenure as Commission Chair. She was presented with a plaque. The Mayor attended. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller 3 1 1 ' E� NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL William Fenno Pratt Architect, 1849 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: September 30, 2002 TIME: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton MA AGENDA 1.) Announcements 2.) Village at Hospital Hill - Old Main - Memorial Bench 3.) Preservation Awards 2003 4.) Bridge Street Cemetery 5.) Pomeroy Terrace 6.) Fundraising 7.) 350 Involvement 8.) National Register Work in Northampton Updates 9.) New Business/ General Updates 10.) Adjourn R •Z3. Peg Kell Date ti�� i Northampton Historical Commission Minutes September 30, 2002 Members Present: Chris Kennedy, Chair; Louise Bloomberg, Norman Winston, Tris Metcalfe, Susan Well, Valerie Lavender, Jennifer Hayes, Barbara Blumenthal. Also present, Tom Douglas, Northampton State Hospital Citizen's Advisory Committee, Peg Keller, staff. Call to Order: Newly elected Chair Kennedy called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Member Bloomberg made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Member Winston. Vote was unanimous in favor. Announcements Chair Kennedy reported that the unveiling of the Sojourner Truth statue in Florence will take place this Sunday at 1:00 p.m. Old Main Discussion Chair Kennedy had invited Tom Douglas to come to the meeting to report on the status of the effort to Save Old Main. Tom had reviewed the report assembled by Epsilon Associates for the NSH developers and had arrived at an alternate set of figures which he presented. He concluded that although his numbers presented a lower cost scenario, it is still a big project and tax credits as a funding source might not be available due to the extent of the overall demolition. Mr. Douglas said he had faxed a letter to Epsilon with his analysis. He then discussed the other portion of the Epsilon report which addressed marketability of the building. Reuse of the basement space was discussed, as well as developer interest. Members discussed the option of renting to own for five years in order to qualify for tax credits for ownership. Mr. Douglas told members that he would present his case for rehabilitation vs. demolition to Epsilon and the CAC members and see where that leads. He was thanked for his interest and commitment to focusing on the historic preservation of the Campus, particularly Old Main. He departed. 1 Memorial Bench Ms. Lavender reported that the bench would be constructed by Smith Vocational School and wood donated by Smith College. $50 in donations has been received and the Goggins family is donating the funds for the plaque. She noted that the Planning Director had agreed to earmark $200 from the City budget for the project, but that it could be used for other things if private donations cover the bench project. She then began a discussion of the view from the bench relative to the pruning of the existing hedges. The conclusion was that all four hedges would be trimmed up 6 ft. from the base, the roots would be examined to ascertain the effect on the bench placement, the Smith Voc forester would try to get the stones straightened and apply an ax to the root system in order to do that. If he is unable to address the stone straightening and bench placement due to the presence of the roots, the issue will be revisited. Preservation Awards Ms. Lavender gave Peg Keller a flier to place in the Building Inspector's office for nominations. She also distributed the current list of potential awardees for next O spring. Sylvesters was added. Members will keep their eyes open for additional contenders and it was agreed that a news release would ask for nominations from the public sometime after the first of the year. Bridge Street Cemetery Ms. Lavender described a variety of activities she envisioned occurring in an effort to renovate the cemetery. She will continue to work on developing a scope and identifying funding sources. Pomeroy Terrace Chair Kennedy noted that an update letter will go out to the residents tomorrow (10/1) with the Form B for each property in the envelope. Paul Shoal has agreed to do the photography for the nomination submission. Chair Kennedy gave him information on the archival requirements for the photos. He anticipates the cost of materials to be roughly $4 -500. Chair Kennedy and Member Hayes have copied all the Form B's (they estimate 16 properties do not have completed surveys), gotten a mailing label list from the City and stuffed all the envelopes with the appropriate Form B and a brochure describing the National Register nomination. 2 Chair Kennedy said he has spoken with Faye Wolfe about helping with the writing and she will review the materials and the requirements. She will let him know if she is interested after that. Fundraising Chair Kennedy reported that he had a meeting with the Planning Director during which he was informed that there was little likelihood that a budget would be established for the Commission. Mr. Feiden encouraged him to undertake fundraising in order to finance Commission projects. Chair Kennedy said that doing an annual event in the spring should be considered. He suggested an auction with food sales, ad sales in a program and that he has approached Douglas Auctioneers. Members agreed this would be a great event. 350 Committee Chair Kennedy stated that the Commission needs a presence in the 350 celebration and asked Member Well for ideas on how that could happen. She said that groups submit project sheets for ideas. She mentioned that a workshop on researching house histories might be an option. Ms. Lavender reiterated her offer to have members be part of the list serve created for the Committee and G said she would be happy to connect people to that. 337 Bridge Street Chair Kennedy said he has not heard anything from the property owners but plans to send a follow -up letter to the family offering names of contractors. Other Member Lavender said that it would be nice for the commission to acknowledge the death of former member and chair Sally Evans. Members agreed to make a donation to the William Cullen Bryant home in her name, as suggested by the family. Adjourn The meeting concluded at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller 3 Peg Keller Planning & Development NORTHAMPTON HISTOl CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORT] CITY HALL William Fenno Pratt Architectr*ORTHAM PTO N HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: October 28, 2002 TIME: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton AGENDA 1.) Announcements 2.) Northampton State Hospital Memorial Bench 3.) Preservation Awards 2003 4.) Application for Antenna Installation on Pine Street 5.) Bridge Street Cemetery 6.) Pomeroy Terrace Historic District Nomination 7.) Fundraising - General Need - Spring Auction Planning - Fall '03 House Tours 8.) Form B Updating 9.) New Business / General Updates / Misc. - Sally Evans Memorial gift - Tour of Amherst Frank Lloyd Wright House 10.) Nomination to the Elm Street Historic District Commission 11.) Adjourn D - 0 Peg Kel Date ' NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes October 28, 2002 Members Present: Christopher Kennedy, Chair, Susan Well, Valerie Lavender, Norman Winston, Louise Bloomberg, Kim Howes, Tris Metcalfe, Jennifer Hayes. Member absent Barbara Blumenthal. Also present, Peg Keller, staff, Nancy Elwell guest observer. Call to Order/ Chair Kennedy called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Ms. Elwell was introduced as being a student at the UMass Public History Program. She was observing the meeting. Member Bloomberg made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Mr. Winston. O Announcements/ Member Lavender reported that she had made a donation from the Commission to the William Cullen Bryant Homestead in memory of Sally Evans. Ms. Lavender was thanked for her efforts. Northampton State Hospital Bench and Plaque Project Member Lavender updated the members on the project. Member Metcalfe was in communication with the plaque maker in Holyoke. The pruning of the shrubs and the lettering size on the plaques was discussed. It was decided that the lettering size would be increased. Local Awards Program 2003 The potential award winners were reviewed and others were added to the list. The corner property at 180 Main was mentioned, as well as the Yacuzzo property on N. Elm Street. Florence Civic Center is scheduled for some rehab and a house on Chestnut Street near the bike path was noted. Antenna Application - 221 Pine Street Chair Kennedy reviewed an application that had been made to Mass. Historic regarding the placement of an antenna by Verizon on the smoke stack at the National Register eligible historic property. He stated that the installation will be tension mounted and not drilled into the smokestack. Member Bloomberg asked 1 ` be a governmentally regulated body, administer an historic district or an historic property, or a Demolition Delay Ordinance. The Form B's were then discussed relative to an upcoming workshop and grant application. He noted that most of the local Form B's were done in the 70's. It was pointed out that some had been done in the 80 "s as well. The operation of a demolition delay by -law was discussed. The Chair thought the easiest way to implement one would be to submit a list to the Building Inspector delineating all the properties that the Commission would not want torn down. Member Well wondered if the properties for which Form B's exist, were selected for that reason. Member Hayes informed the Commission that she had outlined instructions for downloading the Form B's from the City's website. She offered to circulate the instructions and asked members to follow them to see if they could successfully access the forms. New Business/ Frank Lloyd Wright House in Amherst/ Chair Kennedy reported that he knows the caretakers for the property and could arrange a tour if members were interested. ` All members expressed interest. Nomination to the Elm Street Historic District Commission/ With Sally Evans death, there is a vacancy on the district commission. Ms. Evans was the representative from the Northampton Historical Commission to the Elm Street Historic District Commission. Chair Kennedy and Member Metcalfe both expressed a desire to fill the vacancy. The Commission agreed to forward those names to the Mayor for her selection. Mr. Winston and Mr. Metcalfe's terms on the Commission have expired. The Mayor will need to consider their requests for reappointment. All three actions will be presented to the City Council for confirmation. Adjourn/ There being no further business to discuss, the meeting concluded at 8:59 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller 01 0 CITY HALL William Fenno Pratt Architect, 1849 NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Meeting Notice DATE: November 25, 2002 TIME: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. PLACE: City Hall Hearing Room 18 210 Main Street Northampton AGENDA NORTHAMPTON HISTORIC CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAJ Peg Keller Plamiing & Development 1.) Announcements 2.) Preservation Awards 2003 Criteria and Category Discussions 3.) Application for Antenna Installation on Pine Street 4.) Fundraising/ Spring Auction April 27,. 2003 5.) Demolition Delay By -law 6.) General Commission Updates/ Misc. 7.) New Business 8.) Adjourn me e )a NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Minutes November 25, 2002 Members Present: Chair Christopher Kennedy, Barbara Blumenthal, Louise Bloomberg, Valerie Lavender, Norman Winston, Kim Howes. Members absent, Susan Well, Tris Metcalfe, Jennifer Hayes. Also present, Peg Keller. Call to Order Chair Kennedy called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m. Ms. Lavender made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Mr. Winston. The motion was approved in favor. Chair Kennedy spoke briefly about the tour of the Frank Lloyd Wright house in Amherst that had taken place. It was enjoyed by all that attended. Preservation Awards/ Ms. Lavender distributed the revised list. Chair Kennedy asked members to think about criteria for selection that could be articulated and disseminated. Ms. Bloomberg said that criteria had been discussed several years ago. Peg will check the files. 221 Pine Street Antenna Application/ Mr. Howes reported that he did do a site inspection and found no problems with the installation methodology proposed. Chair Kennedy agreed to forward to Mr. Farmer who wrote on behalf of Verizon, that the Commission did not have any concerns with the application. State Hospital Memorial Bench/ Ms. Lavender reported that the twisted stone has been straightened, the holes filled in and the ground leveled. The trees have been pruned, the plaques are complete and the holes are punched accurately. She has arranged to meet with Smith Voc. in December to discuss on -going maintenance and will help plan a dedication ceremony in the spring. The Preservation Awards List was reviewed and revised. Fundraising/ The auction is planned for April 27 ". Chair Kennedy noted that the goal is to offer 200 objects in a combination of gifts and objects. He suggested that if the value of each item is roughly $10, $2,000 would be generated. December through February should be the time to solicit the items, and then publicity for the event itself should begin. Ms. Blumenthal suggested that some of the items could have a historical nature in order to generate interest and separate it from other fundraising events being held in the community. It was suggested that members of the 350 Committee be told of this date in order to insure it does not conflict with any activities they might be planning. It was decided that members should try to come up with auction items historical in nature and bring those commitments /ideas to a sub - committee meeting to be held in early December. Peg will check on the availability of the Smith Vocational School cafeteria for April 27th. Demolition Delay Ordinance/ Chair Kennedy discussed information disseminated and offered to go on line to ascertain the experience of other communities who have passed such an ordinance. He alerted the members of the existence of a local option tax for the rehabilitation of historic properties, which could be instituted locally by a home rule petition. It was suggested that the Mayor be approached about the feasibility of supporting an effort here. The home rule petition would have to be approved by the State legislature, but it has been done by 4 communities elsewhere. New Business/ Ms. Lavender asked members to consider having the Commission publicly recognize the death of members. She agreed to email other members about her rationale for this proposed action. Pomeroy Terrace/ Chair Kennedy said that he is trying to get in touch with Rodney Kunath about doing the photography. He has yet to hear from Faye Wolfe about helping with the writing. Adjourn The meeting concluded at 9:00 p.m. with a motion from Ms. Lavender, and a second from Ms. Blumenthal. It was decided that there would not be a meeting in December of the full Commission, but that Chair Kennedy would assemble a Fundraising sub - committee to convene in mid - December and early January to move the auction forward. Respectfully submitted, Peg Keller N