1987 Historical Commission minutesNORT'HAMPT'ON 'HIST'ORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Date: January 6, 1987, Tuesday Time: 4:15 P.M. Place: Council Chambers, Municipal Building AGENDA Same as the agenda for the meeting of Decemebr 2, 1986, which was cancelled because of the weather. 1. Minutes 2. Budget - 1987 3. House plaques - Dyer, Brabeck 4. Awards 1987 - nominations - Clausing 5. Memorial Hall statues 6. Bus Stop - Riccelli r NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Minutes Northampton Historical Commission Meeting: January 6, 1987 PRESENT: Barrett, Chapin, C. Clark, Clausing, Dyer, Gage, Kiteley, Lincoln, Stephens ABSENT: . Bowman, G. Clark, Eliot, Lewis, Reitzes 1. Minutes approved. 2. Budget: Our appropriation of $500.00 will cover the costs of a brochure on how to establish the history of local buildings and the certificates for dating private homes. 3. Brochure on dating houses: see attached outline prepared by Elizabeth Brabec. The emphasis in this project will be upon historic researeh. It is hoped that it may develop in some areas to be a neighborhood interest. 4. Plaques in simple block numbers on a white background will be available at a price for buildings certified to be over 50 years old. 5. The Beers Maps: Cecil Clark proposed inexpensive duplication of maps from the Beers atlases of 1873, 1885, and 1895. 6. Preservation Week: Emmy Clausing proposed that the awards ceremony take place at the Depot Restaurant. A list of sites which have been proposed for awards is appended to these minutes. Members will review these proposals. Brochures for the house research project will be distributed at the Awards Ceremony. 7. The Chairman appointed C. Clark, Eliot and Bowman to a committee on renovation of the Memorial Hall statues. 8. Bus Stops: Planning and design expenses make this project impractical at this time. Respectfully submitted, Eleanor Lincoln NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION Date: Tuesday, February 3, 1987 Time: 4:15 P.M. Place: Council Chambers, Municipal Building AGENDA � 1. Minutes � 2. Renovation of the Bates Tomb. -- Peter McNulty 3. House dating project -- Dyer, Brabec 4. Preservation awards -- Clausing i I I l I I ti i a i a City of Northampton TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: MEMORANDUM David B. Musante, Jr., Mayor Carlene Ricce li Follow up on Bates' omb February 9, 1987 Office of the Mayor FILE: On February 3, 1987, Peter McNulty met with the Historical Commission to discuss plans for the Bates Tomb. He distributed a photo of the outside of the tomb showing the damages and need for repair. Paint has peeled and vandalism has caused breakage to the stained glass windows, despite the fact that they do have protective wiring. Plans to restore the tomb have been delayed because: 1. Sandblasting would damage the surface and has been opposed by the Historical Commission 2. Chemical companies contacted to date (4) have not been able to remove the paint from the soapstone. Peter has recently contacted one firm that has suggested a combination of very -fine sandblasting with a chemical wash, and this approach will be persued this spring. Once the paint is removed, the plan includes: 1. repainting the outside of the tomb 2. replacing stained glass windows, and 3. protecting the new windows with a heavier steel gauge to prevent further breakage die to vandalism. Suggestions from the Historical Commission included the possibility of sealing, rather than repainting the tomb, and contacting a firm in Greenfield (Naler and Taylor) regarding their ability to restore the tomb. Peter will return to the Commission in April to give a progress report on this project. CC: Peter McNulty NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Minutes Northampton Historical Commission Meeting: February 3, 1987 PRESENT: Chapin, G. Clark, Dyer, Eliot, Gage, Kiteley, Lewis, Lincoln, Reitzes, Stevens 1. Minutes approved. 2. The Northampton Historical Society supports the project for dating houses and will lend the Damon House meeting room if we apply in writing. 3. Bates Tomb - Renovation will be. made in so far as funds allow: remove outside paint, replace stained glass windows and protect them. McNulty will consult with Nailer and Taylor of Greenfield. Reitzes advised that the walls should not be repainted. 4. Ruth Wilbur will be offered an antique addressograph from City Hall. 5.. House Dating: Brabeck presented the first draft of the brochure. It will be condensed. A resource handbook for house research will be prepared for researchers and will be available at Forbes Library. 6. Membership: The Commission accepted with regret the resignation of Alexander Eliot, who is leaving Northampton. Respectfully submitted Eleanor Lincoln CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION DATE: Tuesday, March 3, 1987. TIME: 4:15 P.M. PLACE: Council Chambers, Municipal Building AGENDA 1. Minutes 2. Membership 3. House dating project - Dyer 4. Preservation Week - observance -- Clausing ter_ NORTHAMPTON JHISTOR.ICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Minutes Northampton Historical Commission Meeting: March 3, 1987 PRESENT: Chapin, C. Clark, G. Clark, Clausing, Dyer, Gage, Kiteley, Lincoln Reitzes, Stephens ABSENT: Barrett, Bowman, Lewis Ex- Officio: Riccelli Consultant: Brabeck 1. Minutes approved. 'L. Membership: The commission nominated Allison Lockwood for the position vacated by Alexander Eliot 3. Preservation Week: Awards for preservation will be voted at the April meeting. The ceremony will take place at the Depot Restaurant on Wednesday, May 13th at 4:30 P.M. There will be refreshments. 4. House Dating Project: Tom Dyer and Elizabeth Brabeck presented their design for the brochure which will be a guide. See attached to these minutes. $400 will be appropriated for this project. A resource collection of further directives will be available at Forbes Library. The program will be launched in .early September. 5. Beirs Atlas: Cecil Clark provided Xerox copies of Northampton pp 66 -67, and 70 -71. Respectfully submitted, Eleanor Lincoln NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION DATE: Tuesday, April 7, 1987 TIME: 4:15 P.M. PLACE Council Chambers, Municipal Building AGENDA 1. Minutes 2. Facade -- Hotel Northampton -- Metcalf 3. Preservation Week -- Clausing 4. Awards CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 Minutes Northampton Historical Commission Meeting: April 7, 1987 PRESENT: Barrett, Chapin, C. Clark, G. Clark, Clausing, Lewis, Lincoln, Reitzes, Stevens ABSENT: Bowman, Dyer, Gage, Kiteley Ex- Officio; Carlene Riccelli I. Metcalf Architects presented the designs for alterations and additions to the Hotel Northampton. Enlargement of the lobby and ball room, a new entrance from the parking lot, a pool on the roof, are believed to be necessary to.the success of the hotel business. 2. The Commission voted to support their application for a variance to permit the additional height required for the pool structure. 3. The Commission voted awards for preservation to the following: The Depot Restaurant - Creative Reuse Market Square - Creative Reuse Graves Avenue row housing - Restoration Smith College Hemshaw Avenue Building - Creative ;Reuse 261 -263 Main Street - Renovation 99 Massasoit Street - Renovation Market and Main Street - Renovation 4. The Commission voted an award to Alice Manning for her publication, Meadow City Milestones and her notes on local history contributed to the Gazette for many years. Respectfully submitted: Eleanor T. Lincoln j+ CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL C0MMISSI0N CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICIAL 14EETING NOTICE NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL C OMMISSION DATE: Tuesday, May 5, 1987 TIME: 4:15 PM PLACE: Council Chambers, Municipal Building AGENDA 1. Minutes 2. West Farms Chapel - Moranda 3. House plaque project - Handbook -- Dyer 4. Plaques for awards -- Chapin C� NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Minutes Northampton Historical Commission Meeting: May 5, 1987 PRESENT: Bowman, Chapin, C. Clark, G. Clark, Clausing, Dyer, Gage, Lewis, Lincoln, Lockwood, Reitzes ABSENT: Barrett, Kiteley, Stephens EX- OFFICIO: Carlene Riccelli 1. Thomas Miranda, for the West Farms Chapel Association, introduced the question of historic preservation of the Chapel.building which is being sold for a private residence. Deed restrictions and enforcement of architectural integrity, cupola, windows, etc. were designated for protection. The Commission voted to recommend that a detailed preser- vation agreement be included in the deed of sale. 2. Tom Dyer presented a mock -up of the brochure for dating houses. Money for printing 2,500 copies will be provided by the Planning Department. 3. Elizabeth Brabeck outlined the design and contents of the Research Binder which will be available at Forbes Library for the House Dating program.. 4. The Commission will order 200 Certificates for Preservation Awards and Commendations at a cost of $89. Respectfully submitted, Eleanor T. Lincoln NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION DATE: Tuesday, June 2, 1987 TIME: 4 :15 P.M. PLACE: Council Chambers, Municipal Building AGENDA 1. Minutes - l 2. Renovation of Bates Tomb -- McNulty 3. Historic preservation of the West Farms Chapel =— Miranda 4. House dating brochure -- Dyer i i C s l i I l f NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Minutes Northampton Historical Commission Meeting: June 2, 1987 PRESENT: Bowman, Chapin, C. Clark, G. Clark, Dyer, Gage, Kiteley, Lincoln, Lockwood, Stephens ABSENT: Barrett, Clausing, Lewis, Reitzes EX OFFICIO: Riccelli, Brooks 1. Budget: $600 will be appropriated for the next fiscal year. The balance remaining in the Commission account for this year will be spent for printing the house dating brochures. 2. Bates Tomb: Peter. McNulty outlined various treatments for the renovation.of the Bates Tomb -- sandblasting, power washing, sealing the exterior, marbleizing the wreath decorations, marbleizing the exterior. He recommends sandblasting and proceeding on the basis of the results of that treatment. The Clark Chapel, also in the Bridge Street Cemetery, ,.is in very bad repair. Application for a restoration grant (local matching funds 10 %) was discussed. Re -use of the chapel was questioned. Cecil Clark and Gordon Clark will assess the building and report at the next meeting. 3. House Dating: Tow Dyer presented copies of the final design. It will be printed by Wickle.s Fine Print, in black on cream paper, 2,500 copies for $350. 4. Street Names: James Brooks proposed that the Commission support the naming of a street to mark the anniversary of the Constituiton. l i NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION DATE: Tuesday, August 4, 1987 TIME: 4:15 PM PLACE: Council Chambers, Municipal Building AGENDA r. 1 i 1. Minutes 2. Resignation of Gene Bunnell, Planning Director -- Chapin 3. House dating project -- Dyer 4. Clark Chapel, Bridge Street Cemetery -- C. Clark i CITY HALL NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 Minutes Northampton Historical Commission Meeting: August 4, 1987 PRESENT: Barret, Chapin, C. Clark, Dyer, Gage, Kiteley, Lewis, Lincoln, Lockwood, stephens ABSENT: Bowman, Clark G., Clausing, Reitzes Ex Officio: Riccelli, Brooks 1. Minutes approved 2. Resignation of Planning Director, Gene Burnell: The Commission voted to instruct the Chairman to write Mr. Burnell expressing the Commission regret and our appreciation for his .interest in historic preservation, his contribution to' renovation of the Academy of Music, and Memorial Hall, and his support of efforts to preserve the p airacter and appearance of Northampton. - '1 3. House dating project: Tom Dyer distributed copies of the brochure. (See attended to these minutes). A loose =leaf binder of resource material, and application forms will be available at Forbes Library. Plans for launching the project will be discussed at the September meeting. 4. Clark Chapel: Cecil Clark will report at the September r>eeting. Norman Hinchey is writing an article on the Chapel for the Daily Hampshire Gazette Respectfully submitted, Eleanor Lincoln CITY HALL f NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COIV MISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE DATE: TIME: PLACE: NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION TuesdaY, September 1, 1987 4:15 P.M. Council Chambers, Municipal Building Northampton, Massachusetts AGENDA 1. Minutes 2. House dating project: application form and procedure -- Dyer 3. Clark Chapel - C. Clark NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Minutes Northampton Historical Commission Meeting: September 1, 1987 PRESENT: Barret, Chapin,,C. Clark, G. Clark, Gage, Kiteley, Lincoln, Reitzes, Stephens ABSENT: Bowman, Clausing, Dyer, Lewis, Lockwood Ex Officio: Riccelli 1. Minutes approved with correction item 4 substitute Union News for Daily Hampshire Gazette. 2. Billboard on Main Street: The Commission voted to protest the continuing lease of this disfiguring sign (see letter attached to these minutes) and instructed the Chairman to send a letter to the City Attorney pointing out that the sign is in an historic district; a copy of the letter to.be sent to the Massachusetts Historical Commission. 3. House dating project: Questions concerning procedure will be fielded through the Mayor's Office. 4. Clark Chapel: Restoration of.the.Chapel is found by the Committee to be financially impossible. Cecil Clark proposes for the Committee a Memorial Plaza suitable for outdoor ceremonies built with materials from the Chapel and on the same site. See proposed diagram appended to these The Commission voted ask the Mayor to appoint a committee, including representatives of veteran's organizations, to implement such a plan. 5. Lisa Reitzes suggested that the design for the structure be opened to competition. A committee: C.. Clark, G. Clark, Reitzes and Peter McNulty will pursue this suggestion. Respectfully submitted,. Eleanor Lincoln T. b- ta OK 21 iL kil iz el j. 177 7 D IA 4 3 , 1"t t e 1-4 NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICA]L COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL September ll, 1987 Ms, Kathleen G' Fallon Asset`.. City Solicitor City Hall 210 Main St.. Northampton -,- MR 01'060 Subject= Re! Billboard on land acquired by Gity of Northampton. Dear Ms. Fallon: At its meeting on September 1,, 1987, the Northampton Historical. Commission instructed me. ta request that the Commission be con- - Springfield ield Ad agreement is entered int-ig- with t he pr g The billboard is within and has a major visual impact m the Downtown Historical District.. Because this is a Federal. National Register Historic District, the requirements of thenNational Advisory Council on Historic preservation appI y.- reason the City is prevented from making public expenditures and taking. public actions which are detrimental. to the' Historic District.. Your cooceratian in this matter will be greatly appreciated,. Very truly yours, Chairperson*' Northampton Historical Commission DLC /rl C . C . Mav�or David 8.. Musante, Jr. Raymond LaBarge, City !Property Committee John Roche, Northampton Conservation Commission' Marion Mendelson, Northampton Planning Board John Gere, Downtown Business Association 4• Patrick T. Gleason, Esq. City Solicitor Kathleen G. Fallon, Esq. Assistant City Solicitor Dorothy L. Chapin, Chairperson NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 September 15, 1987 Re: Billboard on land acquired by City of Northampton Dear Ms. Chapin: —� I have received your letter of September 11, 1987. Please be advised that Mr. Bunnell overstated my authority in the area of any agreement with the Springfield Advertising Company. If you wish to be consulted in these matters, I suggest you arrange an agreement with the Mayor or Mr. LaBarge, the Chairman of the City Property Committee. I understand your concern but you must understand my position that I only advise on legal matters. I have no control over the City Property Committee decisions as regards aesthetic values. Very truly yours, e at een G. F llon Assistant'City Solicitor KGF /ss cc: Mayor David B. Musante, Jr. Raymond LaBarge, City Property Committee Chairman John Roche, Northampton Conservation Commission Marion Mendelson, Northampton Planning Board John Gare, Downtown Business Association 9 e 9 9 e •�• r�;i7 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS CITY HALL G3 I, � � �� 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 L.+.1 �� ,. , ; • LEGAL DEPARTMENT 586 -6950 Patrick T. Gleason, Esq. City Solicitor Kathleen G. Fallon, Esq. Assistant City Solicitor Dorothy L. Chapin, Chairperson NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 September 15, 1987 Re: Billboard on land acquired by City of Northampton Dear Ms. Chapin: —� I have received your letter of September 11, 1987. Please be advised that Mr. Bunnell overstated my authority in the area of any agreement with the Springfield Advertising Company. If you wish to be consulted in these matters, I suggest you arrange an agreement with the Mayor or Mr. LaBarge, the Chairman of the City Property Committee. I understand your concern but you must understand my position that I only advise on legal matters. I have no control over the City Property Committee decisions as regards aesthetic values. Very truly yours, e at een G. F llon Assistant'City Solicitor KGF /ss cc: Mayor David B. Musante, Jr. Raymond LaBarge, City Property Committee Chairman John Roche, Northampton Conservation Commission Marion Mendelson, Northampton Planning Board John Gare, Downtown Business Association 9 e 9 9 e CITY HALL OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION DATE: Tuesday, October 6, 1987 TIME: 4:15 P.M. PLACE: Council Chambers, Municipal Building Northampton, Massachusetts AGENDA 1 1. Minutes 2. Correspondence Chapin 3. Clark Chapel - C. Clark, G. Clark 4. Design Competition Clark Memorial - Reitzes 5. Handbook for dating project - Dyer 6. 'Bus stop - - Riccelli 7. South Street —Fort Hill District - Clausing � "o' NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Minutes Northampton Historical Commission Meeting: October 6, 1987 PRESENT: Barret, Bowman, Chapin, Clark C., Clark G., Clausing, Dyer, Gage, Lewis, Lincoln, Reitzes, Stephens ABSENT: Kiteley, Lockwood Ex Officio: Riccelli 1. Minutes approved 2. Committee on the Clark Chapel: Mayor Musante has appointed: C. Clark, G. Clark, McNulty, Hogan, Parsons. The two Clarks will act as co- Chairmen. 3. The chairman reported a correspondence concerning the sign -board on Main Street. (see attached to these. .minutes) A copy will be sent to the City Council Property Committee. 4. Competition for Clark Memorial Design: Lisa Reitzes will report upon proposals for a competition at the meeting October 2Q, of the Committee on the Clark Chapel. 5. Dyer submitted samples of instructions for dating houses and for a letter of response to questions from interested persons. Letters will be sent to the Commission through the Mayor's Office. (see attached sample letters) 6. Bus stop: Riccelli - Funding 80% Federal, 10% State, 10% Local. Design must be approved by Massachusetts Historical Commission. 7. Fort Hill District - The Massachusetts Historical Commission will certify the district on December 9th, 1987 Respectfully submitted, Eleanor Lincoln NORTHAMPTON HOUSE DATING PROGRAM The following instructions are intended to guide you in completing the application form for the House Dating Program. 1. Please type or neatly print in ink, all of the requested information. 2. You will be furnished with two copies of the form. Use one as a work sheet while you are compiling the information. When complete, transfer all the final data to the second form and submit it to the Commission. 3. Photograph A photograph will help to document the general architectural style and appearance of your house. a. The photo should be a black & white, standard size (3 1/2" x 5 glossy print. b. In most instances, the photo should be of the front side of the house as viewed from the street. In some situations a view of the front and one side of the house may be more appropriate. (Note the photographs in the House Dating Program Brochure) c. The photograph should be attached to your application form with a paper clip Do not tape or glue the photograph to the form. 4. Description STORIES HIGH: Circle the appropriate number to indicate the height of your house in stories as viewed from the street. EXTERIOR: Circle to indicate the material which covers the exterior of your house as seen today. If several materials are used in different areas of the house, circle only the predominate one. All you need to know to begin your research is the current owner's name. A card file will lead you to the plan book, page number and location. The plan books are arranged on shelves in chronological order. The deed will indicate from whom you bought the house and the previous book ..and page number. As you continue your research, be sure to note the Book No.', Page, Grantor, Grantee, and Date of Sale for each transaction. You will find clerks who will be able to give you a bit of brief information to get you started. In general, you should: allow for two to three hours to do your research. In the case of much older homes, it may take considerable more time. CITY MAPS: There are a series of early maps of Northampton located in the reference room of Forbes Library. The reference librarian will be able to assist you in locating them. While these maps can not tell you when your house was built, they will give you a general "before or after" date. They are also very useful in understanding the growth patterns of the various neighborhoods and villages of Northampton. PHOTOGRAPHS: A great number of Northampton houses were were photographed in the early part of this century by the Howes Brothers, itinerant photographers who took thousands of photographs in and around Hampshire County. Fortunately, many of the original glass negatives are being preserved by-the Northampton Historical Society. the Society's offices are ROOF: Circle the name of the material which covers the exterior of your roof as viewed today. 5. Interesting Features Indicate any unique or special architectural features of the house which your believe to be either original or old. Exterior examples might include fancy wood trim, sitting porch, bay windows, massive center chimney, etc. Interior features might include original woodwork, decorative mantel, paneled wainscoting, stain glass windows, etc. 6. Historical Documentation This is the portion of the application form which will require the most time and effort to complete. It can !� also be the most interesting because you are likely to. learn some things which you had not known about your house and neighborhood. DEEDS: In order to complete this portion of the form, you will have to plan a visit to the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds. Located in the Hall of Records directly across the street from the Hotel Northampton at 33 King Street, the registry is a public building. It is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:OOp.m. daily, except weekends and Holidays. The telephone number for the Registry is (413) 584- 3637. The Registry is set up so that any member of the general public may have direct access to land transaction records and plan files. There is no fee required to utilize registry although there is a small charge if you wish to obtain a photo copy of deeds or plans. located at 46 Bridge Street in Northampton across the street from the Post Office: You may wish to contact the Society to determine if they have an early photo of your house. For a small charge, the society will have a print made for you. If you are aware of any other early photographs which show how your house looked years ago, you may also want to note their existence on the application form. GENERAL HISTORY: This portion of the form is provided to give you an opportunity to record any additional facts you may know or have learned about during the course of your research. Such information might in- clude who built your house, a particular ;-� family who occupied the house over a long period of time, interesting persons or events which may have been associated with your house, early uses of the house if other than a residence, etc. 7. Please print and sign your name on the line indicated and date your application. 8. If you have any questions or suggestions concerning this program please write the Commission at the address shown below, or you may phone Carlene Riccelli at City Hall (586 - 6950, Ext 249 and leave your name and phone number. A member of the Commission will return your call as soon as possible. Return the completed application form to the Commission by mailing it to: House Dating Program Northampton Historical Commission City Hall Northampton, ILI 01060 Iii } � NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 If CITY HALL OFFICIAL MEETING NOTICE NORTHAMPTON HISTORICAL COMMISSION DATE: Tuesday, November 3, 1987 TIME: 4:15 P.M. PLACE: Council Chambers, Municipal Building Northampton, Massachusetts AGENDA 1. Minutes 2. Clark Chapel report - C. Clark 3. House Dating.presentation on Forward Northampton - Chapin 4. Correspondence concerning Sheehan's Bar ,Chapin aPni vur- N ev, p 3 A, NORTHAMPTON 'HISTORICAL COMMISSION CITY HALL 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 CITY HALL Minutes Northampton Historical Commission Meeting: November 3, 1987 PRESENT: Barrett, Chapin, G. Clark, Kiteley, Lewis, Lincoln, Lockwood ABSENT: Bowman, C. Clark, Clausing, Dyer, Gage, Reitzes, Stephens 1. Minutes approved 2. Clark Chapel: The committee has met to consider the future of the building. No funds were provided by the Clarks for preservation or upkeep) over the years. The committee will seek estimates on restoration c:o:st.sas a first step. 3. House Dating: An outline of the project taped by Tom Dyer will be broadcast on the program Forward Northampton (WHMP) on a Monday in October. 4. Sheehan's Cafe: The Chairman will respond to a letter concerning the sale of the building. Since the building at 24 Pleasant Street is not on the Register of Historical Buildings or in a Historic-'. District, the Commission cannot prevent the sale. 5. The Massachusetts Historical Commission will give awards for individuals who have contributed to historic preservation in the state. Local Commissions may nominate' candidates for that recognition. 1 Respectfully submitted, Eleanor T. Lincoln