AWARD Elm Street Historic District Commission Community Preservation Committee Recommendation for Funding Date: March 19, 2008 Applicant: Elm Street Historic District Commission: Protection of Elm Street Corridor Amount of funding requested: $38,800/$19,400 Time-frame of request: 2008 Amount of funding recommended by CPC: $35,681.25 Time-frame of funding recommended: _______________ Summary reasons for recommendation : ?? The Elm Street neighborhood is one of the most important historic districts within the City. ?? Recent changes in zoning have made it necessary to strengthen existing guidelines for historic preservation and to update the inventory and bring new structures within commission oversight. ?? Meets a broad public purpose in protecting a significant area of the City. ?? Protection of this district is in keeping with the goals of Sustainable Northampton and the goals of the CPC. ?? New ordinance can be used as an educational tool and can be applied elsewhere in the City. Conditions/contingencies attached to recommendation: ?? Reproduction of Plans ?? Funding match must be raised before the CPC provides funds. ?? Submittal of report due upon completion of part A or within one year of funding and submittal of report due upon completion of entire project or at the end of year two. ?? Procedures for monitoring and reporting shall be worked out among the Committee, Mayor and the grantee. Additional comments from committee : ?? Funding from Office of Planning and Development must be secured prior to receipt of CPA funds. ?? A portion of this allocation may be taken from CPC administrative funds.