Agenda and Minutes 2007-11-19 Community Preservation Committee (revised) Agenda DATE: Monday, November 19, 2007 TIME: 7:00 PM PLACE: City Council Chambers, 212 Main Street (BEHIND City Hall) Contact: Bruce Young, Land Use and Conservation Planner byoung@northamptonma.gov Agenda 1. Public comment period 2. Approval of minutes for 10/17/2007 3. Chair's Report 4. Discussion of Community Preservation Committee administrative spending 5. Public hearing to review the 11/02/2007 draft of the Community Preservation Plan 6. Discussion of Community Preservation Committee Outreach Plan 7. Discussion of project application review procedures 8. Request from the Conservation Commission/Office of Planning and Development to submit an early application for funding [New agenda item] 9. Any other necessary business For additional information please refer to the Community Preservation Committee website: http://www.northamptonma.gov/gsuniverse/httpRoot/comm/ MINUTES Community Preservation Committee DATE: Monday, November 19, 2007 TIME: 7:00 PM PLACE: City Council Chambers, 212 Main Street (BEHIND City Hall) Community Preservation Committee meeting on November 19, 2007 Members present: John Andrulis, Chris Kennedy, Jack Hornor, Don Bianchi, Tom Parent, George Kohout, Fran Volkmann, Lilly Lombard Staff present: Bruce Young, Land Use and Conservation Planner Jack Hornor opened the public hearing at 7:00 PM PUBLIC COMMENT Marianne LaBarge-Ward Six Councilor-requested that the CPC review the Turkey Hill Preservation Project in an open and transparent manner before February 2008 in order to meet the project deadline. She stated that there is a tremendous amount of support for the project from the residents of Turkey Hill and from residents in wards six and seven. Barry Roth-stated that he would like the Turkey Hill Preservation Project to receive CPA funds. Mark Carmien-stated that Turkey Hill is a beautiful area that could potentially be developed by the current owner, but the owner is willing to work with the City to protect the area in perpetuity. He stated that a $470,000 grant has been secured and he requested that the CPC review the project before end of 2007. Mark stated that over $200,000 was raised last year during a local fundraising campaign to protect an adjacent parcel on Turkey Hill. Bill Ames-stated that the First Church building in downtown Northampton is developing serious structural problems and the church needs help funding civic functions provided to the community. He requested that the First Church be the first CPA project to be funded in Northampton. Michael Bardsley-City Councilor at Large-stated that he supports the Turkey Hill Preservation Project and that the timing of funding is crucial to preserve a valuable piece of land in the City. He stated that he also supports preserving the First Church. John-stated that the community will most likely be disappointed if the CPC votes for a project before other projects can be reviewed. He reminded members of the CPC that the idea of planning best practices and openness weighs heavily on the committee. He requested moving the CPC project review deadline forward a couple of months. Dave Herships-asked if CPA funding applications will be made available to the public before the CPC reviews them at public meetings. Dave stated that he supports the Turkey Hill Preservation Project but believes it is difficult decision for CPC because it would be a stand-alone funding request before any CPA funds have been allocated in Northampton. Joanne Campbell- stated that she believes there is a lot of discontent in the community concerning City boards and proper public process. She stated that it is her opinion that the CPC should not make exceptions to the normal process of project review and project funding. Chris Kennedy informed the public that the Turkey Hill Preservation Project agenda item is not a formal review of an application, but a request for an early consideration. Chris stated that anyone is welcome to be placed on the agenda to request early consideration. He stated that the CPC understands the spotlight they are under, but according to the Community Preservation Plan, they may review an early application if there is a project where time is of the essence. Jack Hornor read an email from Tracey Putnam-Culver stating that she believes that CPA funds should not help first time homebuyers or they should not be used to purchase soccer fields. She stated, in the letter, that CPA funds should be used to preserve open space and forested lands, as well as for preservation of historic structures. She would also like to see CPA funds used for reducing the real estate burden on homeowners so that Northampton can preserve its workforce. MINUTES George Kohout moved to approve the minutes of October 17, 2007. Chris Kennedy seconded the motion. All those present voted in favor of the motion. CHAIR’S REPORT Jack Hornor-stated that he would like to vote on a new Chair and Vice Chair of the Community Preservation Committee in January, after the new members (Fran and Lilly) have been sworn in. He stated that the election would only be ten months after the first election, but it would give all nine members a chance to vote. George Kohout-stated that waiting until one-year has lapsed, to vote on a new Chair and Vice Chair, might give the newly elected members a better chance to get acquainted with the Committee before they take a vote. Jack Hornor-stated that the newly elected members have attended most of the CPC meetings to date. He stated that, with the elected members, all nine CPC seats have been filled and he would prefer an election as soon as the members have been sworn in. The Committee decided hold an election in January for the Chair and Vice Chair. Jack Hornor-reminded members of the CPC about the Massachusetts Housing Partnership training on CPA funds for Affordable Housing. The training session is th scheduled for Thursday, November 29 at 9:00 a.m. at the Clarion Hotel in Northampton. Jack Hornor, Fran Volkmann, Lilly Lombard, Chris Kennedy and Bruce Young stated that they plan on attending the training session. Jack Hornor-reported that the first round of interviews for the CPC administrative position have been conducted and a candidate will most likely be chosen within the next couple of weeks. Chris Kennedy-stated that he would like to be involved in any additional interview sessions. Jack Hornor-informed the CPC that the Chair of the CPC could be given the authority to approve minor CPC administrative funding requests, such as: letterhead, nameplates, and training session fees. He stated that quarterly expense reports could be provided to the members of the CPC. George Kohout-moved to authorize the Chair of the CPC to allocate administrative expenditures up to two hundred dollars with the condition that quarterly expense reports are provided to the CPC. Tom Parent-seconded the motion. All those present voted in favor of the motion. COMMUNITY PRESERVATION PLAN PUBLIC HEARING Jack Hornor-explained the steps taken by the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) in developing the Community Preservation Plan (CPP). George Kohout- stated that he would like to cite the CPC website in the letter to the community (page 2). He also stated that he would like to make a few minor edits to the plan, but they could be incorporated at a later date. Don Bianchi-stated that he would prefer discussing the edits during the open public hearing. Chris Kennedy-suggested that the CPC use an editing software program such as Google Docs, which allows documents to be edited as the edits are discussed. Jack Hornor-read Fran Volkmann’s edits that she emailed to the CPC earlier in the week. The CPC agreed to change the wording on page 5 to Fran’s suggested wording. George Kohout-suggested removing the last sentence on page 5 in the third paragraph-To that end… The CPC agreed to remove the last sentence of the third paragraph on page 5. Chris Kennedy-requested changing the word plausible to viable in fourth paragraph on page 5. The CPC agreed to change the word plausible to viable in fourth paragraph on page 5. Lilly Lombard-suggested that the CPC revise the Background information in the Open Space section of the plan and read her suggested changes. The Committee agreed that it was too difficult to absorb Lilly’s suggestions without a reviewing a printed copy. The Committee members stated that because the suggested changes were merely amendments to background information, which is mostly educational, they were willing to delegate the responsibility of updating the Open Space Background section to Jack, Lilly and Bruce. John Andrulis- suggested voting to accept the plan during the open public hearing and then voting to accept amendments at the next meeting. Jack Hornor-stated that he believes the plan should not be amended once it has been accepted. Don Bianchi-stated that the CPC should move forward as soon as possible to accept project applications. He stated that he believes the CPC could vote to accept the plan with minor changes to non-essential sections that could be inserted by subcommittees. George Kohout-agreed that the plan could be approved with no additional changes to the important sections (Project Evaluation Criteria and applications) and minor adjustments to the informational sections. Chris Kennedy- stated that he would like to see subgroups work on plan and come back to committee to present their changes. Lilly Lombard-stated that, once approved, the Project Evaluation Criteria should not change, but she would vote to accept the plan knowing that minor changes could occur in the next couple of weeks. The Committee agreed that the Project Evaluation Criteria and project review procedures should not change once approved, but minor changes to the educational sections could be revised between now and the next meeting. Lilly Lombard-requested that an additional Open Space Project Evaluation Criteria be inserted into the plan stating- Protects rich soil for agricultural uses such as food production. The Committee agreed to insert the additional Open Space Project Evaluation Criteria. CONSERVATION COMMISSION AND OPD REQUEST TO DISCUSS TURKEY HILL PRESERVATION PROJECT Jack Hornor- read section of page 28 of the Community Preservation Plan that states, “The Committee also accepts applications that, because of market opportunities or other material deadlines, require consideration outside of these funding cycles.” Paul Wetzel-Chair of Conservation Commission-stated that the Conservation Commission supports the Turkey Hill Preservation Project and is here to answer questions about the project. Jack Hornor-asked why the CPC should review an application from the Conservation Commission before other applications. Paul Wetzel-explained that the City has received a $470,000 grant toward the purchase of the parcel, but the acquisition of the parcel is not possible without CPA funds. He stated that the City must close on the parcel by June 2008. Wayne Feiden- Director of Planning-stated that the grant has to be closed out by June 1, 2008, which means that the City must close on property by mid May 2008. Wayne stated that the City will conduct another major capital campaign for the purchase of the land and believes that it will only be successful if CPA funds are allocated for the project. Wayne explained that if the CPC were to wait until February to start reviewing projects, and the project were recommended by the CPC, it would take a couple of months to get the project through City Council, which would be too late to hold a capital campaign. Lilly Lombard-stated that she spoke to Robert O’Connell at DCR and that he stated the closing date on the grant is June 30, 2008. Wayne Feiden-stated that the grant instructions request a closing date of June 1, 2008. Chris Kennedy-asked if a fiscal report and a month-by-month project timeline could be provided to the CPC. George Kohout- stated that a timeline is appropriate but fiscal report is not necessary for the CPC. Chris Kennedy- asked Wayne how long it took to raise the necessary funds during the last capital campaign. Wayne Feiden-stated that, in 2006, $180,000 was raised in 90 days. He stated that CPA funds were not available last year and expects that citizens will not give as much as last year. He also stated that the Conservation Commission must have the funds in hand by April 15, 2008 to be able to close in May. Don Bianchi-stated that he believes the CPC should not and cannot entertain a stand alone early application. He stated that if the Community Preservation Plan is approved tonight, a timeline will be set to review the first applications, and an early review/allocation would detract from the transparency and inclusivity of the CPC. Don suggested that once the plan had been approved, the CPC could allow all applicants to submit applications and a project deemed a priority of the Conservation Commission would carry a lot of weight. Don stated that he believes a capital campaign could begin now with a required commitment of the funds only if the project is feasible and approved for CPA funds. Fran Volkmann agreed with Don Bianchi. She stated that she believes it is inappropriate to accept applications before approving a plan. She also stated that she believes the Turkey Hill Preservation Project is a wonderful project, but reviewing the project early does not create a level playing field for other potential applicants. She stated that the Community Preservation Committee should establish a review date and that date should be for all interested applicants. John Andrulis –stated that he agrees that the plan should be approved before any applications are accepted, and that out of cycle projects applications should only apply after the first cycle has been completed. Wayne Feiden- stated that he respects the process the CPC would like to follow and requested that, assuming the Community Preservation Plan is accepted at the meeting, the th Committee would begin reviewing projects before February 15. Tom Parent-asked when projects would be considered if applications are due by February th 15. Jack Hornor- stated that if the project deadline were February 15, 2008, the first discussion on the applications would be in March. And, assuming the Committee were to make recommendations at the first meeting, the earliest date the project would be heard by City Council, assuming the Mayor moved quickly on the recommendation, would be April 2008. George Kohout-stated that he wouldn’t feel comfortable accepting an application until a vote on the plan has been taken because the CPC has not yet discussed how application packages will be reviewed. He would be in favor of moving the submission dated up to January 15, 2008. Jack Hornor-stated that he assumed the plan would be approved by the end of the meeting and any application would be contingent upon an approved plan. He stated that he believes an applicant could request funding once the plan has been approved. He stated that excerpt on page 28 was written for projects that can’t meet the submission deadlines. He stated that the Turkey Hill Preservation Project is a City open space acquisition project that has no opposition, has funding, and has a great amount of support by conservation organizations and the community. George Kohout-stated that he believes it is important that everyone has the same opportunity to apply for funds during first cycle. George Kohout motioned that the CPC does not accept applications in advance of the first deadline that the Committee approves. Don Bianchi seconded the motion Discussion- Chris Kennedy-stated that he believes it is a tough decision and that there will be many difficult funding decisions in the future. He stated that he believes that an early decision should not yet be made because the CPC has not yet decided how projects will be reviewed. Lilly Lombard-stated that she believes the CPC should not accept applications before the plan is approved and a date is set for accepting applications. Fran Volkmann-stated that the CPC could move the deadline and could potentially hold special meetings to quickly approve a particular project. Don Bianchi, George Kohout, John Andrulis, Chris Kennedy and Tom Parent voted in favor. Jack Hornor voted against the motion. The motion carried. COMMUNITY PRESERVATION PLAN PUBLIC HEARING (CONTINUED) Chris Kennedy-stated that he would like to add a comma on page 11, under Historic Preservation Background section, in the third sentence at the top of the page. Chris Kennedy- stated that he would like the change the word “buildings” to the word “assets” in the last sentence on page 14 of the Historic Preservation Possibilities section. Lilly Lombard-stated that she would like to change the phrase “City employees” in to “employees” in the Community Housing Project Evaluation Criteria section The Committee agreed to change to the phrase “City employees” to “Northampton employees” and to change the phrase “local residents” to “Northampton residents.” Tom Parent- asked if the statement in the Recreation Project Evaluation, “maximize the utility of land already owned by Northampton (e.g. school property),” suggests rehabilitating land not acquired with CPA funds, which is not authorized under the CPA. The Committee agreed that the City could create recreation opportunities that would maximize the utility of land already owned by Northampton, as long as the land is not currently being used for recreation. Don Bianchi- would like to change wording in the Application and Review Schedule section to state, “the committee may, under extraordinary circumstances, vote to accept applications that, because of market opportunities or other deadlines, require consideration outside of the normal funding cycles.” Don Bianchi-stated that the CPC Project Eligibility Determination Form should be posted on the website as soon as possible and he stated that applicants should have right to appeal a decision to the full Community Preservation Committee. The CPC agreed that adding an appeal clause is a good idea. Fran Volkmann- stated that people have contacted her and that they are uncomfortable with OPD staff reviewing pre-applications and applications for CPA funding. Jack Hornor-stated that it was the assumption of the CPC that OPD staff would review pre-applications and applications. The Committee agreed that one of the responsibilities of staff is to review applications. Tom Parent-suggested putting the website address where it says-see appendix A for website address. Jack Hornor-asked the Committee what the first round application deadline should be. Chris Kennedy- stated that he does not want to make an exception for one project and th that the CPC should keep the original submission deadline of February 15. Don Bianchi- stated that he believes that moving up the deadline does not make an exception for any one project. Jack Hornor- suggested moving the date from the fifteenthof February to the first of February. Lilly Lombard- asked the CPC if it is possible that they could move the deadline into January. Don Bianchi- stated that moving the deadline into January might not allow applicants to complete the necessary legal work, pre application, application, etc. in time to meet a January deadline. The CPC agreed on moving the application deadline to February 1, 2008 and requiring that applicants submit pre-applications at least 30 days in advance of the application deadline. George Kohout- stated that the CPC might need to meet every two weeks depending on the number of applications that are submitted. John Andrulis- stated that it might be more efficient to have subcommittees review projects and split the workload of the entire Committee. Tom Parent- suggested that the CPC wait until the submission deadline to determine whether the CPC needs to create subcommittees or needs to meet every two weeks. The Committee agreed to wait until the submission deadline to determine whether additional meetings and subcommittees will be necessary. Tom Parent- suggested having the CPC administrator deliver copies of the application packages to the members of the CPC. The CPC decided to discuss application procedures at the December meeting. George Kohout-suggested changing Step 3 in the Application Review Process to, “applicant will meet with the CPC to discuss submitted proposals.” The Committee agreed. Don Bianchi- stated that he needed to leave the meeting. He added that he would like community housing applicants to submit a development budget and a sources and uses budget. Furthermore, Don would like to see rental projects provide a five-year operating budget and home-ownership projects provide an affordability analysis. The Committee agreed Don Bianchi left meeting at 10:20 p.m. George Kohout- suggested inserting the City seal on the applications and inserting the date on every page of the plan. The Committee agreed that inserting the seal on applications and the date on every page is a good idea. Jack Hornor-asked if the CPC should set a maximum length for the application. Jack stated that he believes providing a maximum length is not necessary at this time. The Committee agreed that a providing a maximum application length is not necessary at this time. Fran Volkmann-suggested that the plan should state that a project that needs multi-year funding should provide a report on annual funding requirements. The Committee agreed. Lilly Lombard- suggested adding, “of which the Northampton CPC is a member,” to the Community Preservation Coalition reference in Appendix A. The Committee agreed. Fran Volkmann- suggested that CPC have its own website. The Committee agreed to discuss the website at a future meeting. Tom Parent moved to approve the Community Preservation Plan as amended. Chris Kennedy seconded the motion. All those present voted in favor of the motion. John Andrulis motioned to adjourn at 10:45 PM George Kohout seconded the motion All those present voted in favor of adjournment Respectfully submitted on December 5, 2007, Bruce Young, Land Use and Conservation Planner