609286_25% Traffic ChecklistPURPOSE GENERAL Any question listed below with a No or N/A answer requires a written comment. Yes No N/A A. Existing Conditions 1 Is a description of the project study area included? 2 Is the project location (locus) map included? 3 Is a discussion of existing deficiencies and an evaluation of the existing signs, signals and markings Yes No N/A B. Traffic Volumes 4 Is the traffic count data less than 2 years old from the date of FDR submission? 5 Are the Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR) Counts included for the minor street approach for signalized intersections? 6 Are Manual Turn Movement Counts (TMC): Peak hour data for all study intersections included? 7 Are Peak Hour Factors (PHF) identified? 8 Are heavy vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian count data included in the TMC? 9 Do the base year volumes represent an average month during the year the FDR is submitted or no more than 2 years for MEPA permitted projects? 10 Have seasonal factors been reviewed and applied as necessary? Yes, no seasonal factors applied. 11 Do the future year volumes represent a minimum of 7 years from the base year? No background growth anticipated, existing conditions reflect future conditions. 12 Do the future year volumes include background growth and site development as necessary? No background growth anticipated per discussion in FDR. 13 Are trip generation/distribution data for private development trips schematically displayed on the network? No trips from private developments to be included. 14 Are base year and future year traffic volume networks provided? Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: PROJECT/DESCRIPTION Picture Main Street, Northampton 25%TRAFFIC ENGINEERING REVIEW CHECKLIST Submission Date _1/28/21______ The 25% Traffic Engineering Review is intended to provide MassDOT the opportunity to evaluate the proposed design and Functional Design Report relative to current design standards, operation impacts, safety impacts and other potential community concerns associated with the proposed design. This checklist represents the minimum amount of issues that should be considered when reviewing a 25% traffic submittal. The information below is not intended to address all aspects of report or plan preparation. To the extent practical, any comments relative to plan preparation made at the 25% stage will certainly improve the quality of the 75% submittal. I. Functional Design Report Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Revised 5/12 609286_PDDG Checklist Workbook TAB NAME: Traffic & Safety Eng. Check PAGE 1 of 3 PRINT DATE: 1/28/2022 Yes No N/A C. Safety Analysis 15 Are three years of Crash Data analyzed for project locations? (5 years is preferred) 16 Are crash rate calculations included for all study area intersections and segments? 17 Are collision diagrams provided for all study area intersections with more than 3 crashes per year? 18 Is a collision map provided for all study area segments? 19 Was the Safety Review Prompt List utilized during a site visit? 20 Is discussion regarding the Safety Review Prompt List included? Discussion regarding observations during RSA included. Yes No N/A D. MUTCD Signal Warrants 21 Is traffic count data provided for a minimum of the 8 highest hours for the major streets and minor street? Six count hours available. Two additional hours for analysis projected based on ATR trends. 22 Was the minor street count data collected by a manual turning movement count method? 23 Does the signal warrant analysis follow procedures from MUTCD? 24 Do proposed signal installations meet an 8-hour volume warrant? No proposed signals in study area. Yes No N/A E. Operational Analysis 25 Are the intersection approaches evaluated using observed/appropriate peak hour factors? 26 Are heavy vehicle percentages used in the analyses? 27 Are pedestrian volumes and phasing incorporated into the analyses? 28 Are capacity analyses completed for all the required analysis scenarios? 29 Do capacity analyses reflect the existing and proposed geometry conditions? 30 Are coordinated signals/closely spaced intersections evaluated under a systems analysis? 31 Are the 50th and 95th percentile vehicle queues documented? Yes No N/A F. Proposed Design 32 Is a description of the proposed geometric changes and/or alternative designs included? 33 Is a narrative describing the pedestrian and bicycle accomodation improvments included? 34 Is discussion included of how the proposed design will alter the traffic control conditions? 35 Was a roundabout design an alternative considered? 36 Are the Section 61 Findings attached for the Private Development projects? 37 Do all traffic calming design treatments (where allowed) follow the Traffic Calming Guidelines? 38 Do all study area intersections include corrective design measures? Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Revised 5/12 609286_PDDG Checklist Workbook TAB NAME: Traffic & Safety Eng. Check PAGE 2 of 3 PRINT DATE: 1/28/2022 39 Has "work to be done by others" been factored into schedule/design? Yes No N/A G. Traffic Management 40 Is a Construction Management Outline included? 41 Are the appropriate traffic counts and capacity analyses included? Yes No N/A A. Basic Design Plan Set 42 Does the plan set follow the preparation guidelines specified in the current Project Development and Design Guidebook? 43 Do the plans provide linework and details of the existing conditions for use in reference to the proposed design? 44 Do the proposed roadway cross-sections conform to current standards? 45 Are provisions made for bicycle accommodation where applicable? 46 Do pedestrian facilities meet the Massachuesetts Architectural Access Board (MAAB) standards? Yes No N/A B. Traffic Signal Plans 47 Do the plans indicate the proper placement of the signal heads? 48 Are the signal head configurations in conformance with the MUTCD standards? 49 Do the signal layout plans show the proposed lane assignments and stop lines? 50 Is the Sequence and Timing Chart provided on the plans? 51 Is the Preferential Phasing Diagram, including pedestrian phases, shown on the signal plan? 52 Is a Time-Space Diagram for the interconnected signals included? To be included in 75% submission. 53 Is signal detector type and location included on the signal plans? Yes No N/A C. Traffic Management Plans (TMP) 54 Are preliminary Temporary Traffic Control Plans provided? 55 Do the typical layouts follow MassDOT's Standard Details and Drawings for the Development of TMP's? 56 If required, have the detour routes been clearly defined? 57 Is pedestrian and bicycle accommodation maintained during construction? Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: II. 25% Design Plans Revised 5/12 609286_PDDG Checklist Workbook TAB NAME: Traffic & Safety Eng. Check PAGE 3 of 3 PRINT DATE: 1/28/2022