mack - Strong support for Grow Food Northampton Pavillion.pdfSarah LaValley <slavalley@northamptonma.gov> Strong support for Grow Food Northampton Pavillion 1 message Dinah Mack <dinah@massfarmtoschool.org>Mon, Nov 4, 2024 at 2:15 PM To: slavalley@northamptonma.gov Dear Sarah, I am writing this email in strong support of a pavilion structure to be built at Grow Food Northampton to be used as an outdoor classroom for workshops for all ages, a place where community can gather and connect. I have three strong connections to the programs at Grow Food. First, I am a veteran educator from JFK Middle School where I taught grade 7 for 15 years. Second, in my current role as Education Program Manager with Massachusetts Farm to School, I am involved in farm to school education, including a collaboration with Grow Food programs that support Northampton Public Schools, and as a member of the Grow Food Education Advisory Board. I am also a gardener at Grow Food (I have two garden plots) and I have participated as a learner in a few of their programs this year. Most importantly, as part of their organization's mission, the structure would enable Grow Food to have a central outdoor classroom and meeting place for all learning programs. There is currently no sheltered place to meet, and the heat can be quite intense in the late spring and summer. There is no place for a large group to sit and meet, so the workshops are often outside under the elements. The shade and seating a shelter could provide would enable more comfortable and more immersive school field trips and community workshops. This shelter would also allow for the community of gardeners to rest, gather and connect with each other, and share best practices and resources. The heat in the summer can be quite oppressive, and this could allow a place to come to rest and learn. Thanks so much for considering this much needed pavilion at Grow Food. If you would like to speak more about my support, please reach out any time. I am unable to attend the Community Preservation Committee meeting on Nov. 6 to share at public comment, so please share this support with your committee. All the best, Dinah Dinah Mack (she/her) Education Program Manager Massachusetts Farm to School https://www.massfarmtoschool.org/