24D-320-004 BP-2024-0983 88 ROUND HILL RD COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS UNIT 4 Map:Block:Lot: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON 24D-320-004 Permit: Alts Renovations Repair PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) BUILDING PERMIT lionmsammumionalffilatila Permit#• BP-2024-0983 PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Project# MOLD REMOVAL 2024 Contractor: - License: Est.Cost: 14500 CLAUDIO GARRIDO CS-089458 Const.Class: Exp.Date: 08/24/2024 Use Group: Owner: TRUSTEE FALUDI SUSAN CLAIRE Lot Size(sq.ft.) Zoning: URC .,p,,licant: CLAUDIO GARRIDO Applicant Address Phone: Insurance: 140 NASH HILL RD 4132195906 SOLE PROPRIETOR HAYDENVILLE, MA 01039 ISSUED ON: 08/05/2024 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK: MOLD REMOVAL -TAKING DOWN AND REFLACING DRYWALL POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring B.P.W. Building Inspector Underground: Service: Meter: Footings: Rough: Rough: ?Icvse# Foundation: Final: Final: Final: Rough Frame: Gas: Fire Department Driveway Final: Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oil: Insulation: Smoke: Final: THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND REGULATIONS. Signature: t��,� Fees Paid: $125.00 212 Main Street,Phone(413)587-1240,Fax:(413)587-1272 Office of the Building Commissioner • mu, 1 fiy'iur • The Commonwealth of Mass chg, etts 1/6, Office of Public Safety and Inspec Noono �Q1 Massachusetts State Building Code(780 CM 971.#� Building Permit Application for any Building other than a One-or welli g (This Section For Official Use Only) �o,o oo,4 ed.)Building Permit Number:0 ' Date Applied: Building Official: SECTION 1:LOCATION MA of A►.� No.and Street City/Town Zip Code ame of Bui. g(if applicable) Assessors Map# Block#and/or Lot # SECTION 2:PROPOSED WORK Edition of MA State Code used If New Construction check here 0 or check all that apply in the two rows below Existing Building 0 Repair Alteration 0 Addition❑ Demolition,(Please fill out and submit Appendix 2) Change of Use 0 Change of Occupancy ❑ Other 0 Specify: Are building plans and/or construction documents being supplied as part of this permit application? Yes fic No 0 Is an Independent Structural Engineering Peer Review required,' Yes ❑ No fr Brief �Description of Proposed Work �d`2 V IG?J �,1c t ,c f c (k (Jo SECTION 3:COMPLETE THIS SECTION IF EXISTING BUILDING UNDERGOING RENOVATION,ADDITION,OR CHANGE IN USE OR OCCUPANCY Check here if an Existing Building Investigation and Evaluation is enclosed(See 780 CMR 34) 0 Existing Use Grpup(s): Proposed Use Group(s): SECTION 4 BUILDING HEIGHT AND AREA Existing Proposed No.of Floors/Stories(include basement levels)&Area Per Floor(sq.ft.) Total Area(sq.ft.)and Total Height(ft.) SECTION 5:USE GROUP(Check as applicable) A: Assembly A-1 0 A-2 0 Nightclub 0 A-3 0 A-4 0 A-5 0 B: Business 0 .-. E: Educational 0 F: Factory F-1 0 F2 0 H: High Hazard H-1 0 H-2 0 H-3 0 H-4 0 H-5 0 I: Institutional I-1 0 I-2❑ I-3❑ I-4❑ M: Mercantile 0 R: Residential R-10 R-2 0 R-3 0 R-4 0 S: Storage S-1 0 S-2 0 U: Utility 0 Special Use❑and please describe below: Special Use Description: SECTION 6:CONSTRUCTION TYPE(Check as applicable) IA 0 IBD HA IIB ❑ IIIAO IIIBO IV 0 VA 0 VB 0 SECTION 7:SITE INFORMATION(refer to 780 CMR 105.3 for details on each item) Water Supply: Flood Zone Information: Sewage Disposal: Trench Permit Debris Removal: Public% Check if outside Flood Zone 0 Indicate municipal PeA trench will not be Licensed Disposal Site CI wired 0 or trench or specify � Private 0 or indentify Zone:_ ' or on site system CI Leflattry permit is enclosed 0 .,t.i�s Railroad right-of-way: Hazards to Air Navigation: MA Historic Commission Review Process: Not Applicable 0 Is Structure within airport approach area? Is their review completed? or Consent to Build enclosed 0 Yes 0 or No 0 Yes 0 No 0 SECTION 8:CONTENT OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Edition of Code: Use Group(s): Type of Construction: Does the building contain an Sprinkler System?: Special Stipulations: Design Occupant Load per Floor and Assembly space: • City of Northampton # • Massachusetts - - ":} DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS tr 212 Main Street • Municipal Building ra Northampton, MA 01060 S ,.)%��� PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING A BUILDING PERMIT FOR COMMERCIAL & MULTI-FAMILY NEW CONSTRUCTION/ADDITIONS/ALTERATIONS 1. Building Permit Application signed by legal owner and filled out by owner or authorized agent. 2. One set of plans and specifications of proposed work (Digital & Hard copy). -3-51te-Pr1 n with location of proposed structure(s) and setbacks. 'bO .1104_ 4. Construction Debris Affidavit filled out and signed by applicant.... r t T54..4 io 5. Worker's Compensation Insurance Affidavit filled out and signed by applicant. ,j ��tizu ✓ 6 Contractors must supply a copy of CSL and proof of Liability Insurance. ` 'Y • ons rva1 r,n-Gempliance Certificate (if applicable). e(�u� 0 � rt�a►y Cut iservation andtor Special Permit requfrernents (if applicable). xoRStink in 4-9—Driveway Permit-Of-applicable). 10. Proofzrf le). �11 TrenrPe 1 nts-filled out and signed by the Registered Design Professional in responsible charge. 1,00k4, YfL , ('t co 13. Please provide the appropriate fee in the form of a check made payable to: The City of Northampton l� clit( c..1-.,��L o f W•t ct -u-co r )(0-4, It , c N o/ O Lkr, Joe . �� r SECTION 9: PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION Name and Address of Property Owner 5/ ux),Ntgt Scect_ c antlar hieg__STt4A C1aYo Ne)f21 t•S blOCoO Name(Print) No.and Street City/Town Zip Pro erty Owner Contact Information:: ` 3MACELD 1 02*) Title V141.n Nor- ori ) Telephone No. (cell) e-mail address If applicable,the property owner hereby au h Oktt t1ro m/?coo !ro N44'5tI lk1L0 t t' „/14` -�' '/039 Name Street Address City/ own State Zip to apply for and act on the property owner's behalf,in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. SECTION 10:CONSTRUCTION CONTROL(Please fill out Appendix 1) If a building is less than 35,000 cu.ft.of enclosed space and/or not under Construction Control then check here D. Otherwise provide construction control forms(see section 107 in the code)as required. 10.1 Registered Professional Responsible for Construction Control(the professional coordinating document submittals) Naar}*(Re nt)4514- "` j Ig Tele PON IV" . e-n �' C Registration Number Street Address Ft y/Town State Zip Discipline Expiration Date 10.2 General Contractor (/ (b ,.a4Ri2<<AQ Company'Name C/44,theb G e (5--e1(156 V Name of Person Responsible for Construction License No. and Type if Applicable (i/o�(4( 1-i & oet'J h th /✓J� ! o 103? Street Address City/Town State Zip =-- Wt�3-111- .S�e6 cG4RAf� zg 2 0 6s .cd'i Telephone No.(business) Telephone No.(cell) e-mail address SECTION 11:WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.c.152.§25C(6)) A Workers'Compensation Insurance Affidavit from the MA Department of Industrial Accidents must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Is a signed Affidavit submitted with this application? Yes% No D SECTION 12 CONSTRUCTION COSTS AND PERMIT FEE Item Estimated Costs:(Labor and Materials) Total Construction Cost(from Item 6)=$ 1.Building $ ilgt dV C, Building Permit Fee=Total Construction Cost x—(Insert here 2.Electrical $ appropriate municipal factor)=$ . '= 3.Plumbing $ 1 7 4.Mechanical (HVAC) $ it d Note:Minimum fee=� h (contact municipality) 5.Mechanical (Other) $ / Q f ( Enclose check payable to 5 D6.Total Cost $ / ( Soo (contact municipality)and write check number here V SECTION 13:1SIGNATURE OF BUILDING PERMIT APPLICANT By entering my name below,I hereby attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that all of the information contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and understanding. r'hqueir &t f(`°0 a JiY- $7a Please print and sign name. , Title Telephone No. Date 1 y6. (J45 L M l co �, 64t/t ?1L�' t - _d k e? ca..4,te oa ?-po_401.cept Street Address City/Town State Zip Email Address Municipal Inspector to fill out this section upon application approval: //�''l D.5.zozq Name Date (f..._ CITY OF NORTHAMPTON SETBACK PLAN MAP: LOT: LOT SIZE: • REAR LOT DIMENSION: • REAR YARD ( -///1‘t SIDE YARD SIDE YARD • FRONT SETBACK FRONTAGE City of Northampton Massachusetts r�nlct DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS , 212 Main Street • Municipal Building CDC Northampton, MA 01060 ,ti. Ai.), CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AFFIDAVIT (FOR ALL DEMOLITION AND RENOVATION PROJECTS) In accordance of the provisions of MGL c 40, S54, a condition of Building Permit Number is that all debris resulting from this work shall be disposed of in a properly licensed waste disposal facility, as defined by MGL c 111, S 150A. The debris will be disposed of in: Location of Facility: 1t )7- iptit/17 P9r/. ocic 1L The debris will be transported by: Name of Hauler: SM (¢ rJ✓ • Signature of Applicant: / Date: d�/o // y • The Co►tmnontstealth of Massachusetts Jr;,* �/ Deprrrunent of Industrial Accidents _'� 1 congress Street,Suite 100 �r = '� Boston, MA 02114-2017 • . . t` ;ovule.inass.gov/dia • Workers'Compensation Insurance Affidav it:Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. 10 BE:FILED WITH 1 iII PERMITTING AtTEIORITi. Applicant information Please Print Letlihla Name(Buai s—Organization/lndividual}: Address: • City/State/Zip:_ Phone#: Are you an rtrpkiyer?Cluck the appropriate but: Type of project(required): t.�Q/I am a crryskoy(T with employees(full maul part-tintch.• 7. 0 New construction 271A 1 ant a tole pxupsictuv or pantimIup and have no employee working fir me at $- 0 Remodeling any capacity.[No workers'comp.utsurance required./ • 9. 0 Demolition 301 am a homeowner doing all wort myself.(No workers'amp insurance requital]" 4.0 lam a locs>wner and will be hutng contractors to conduct all work on my property. I will 10 0 Building addition trs ensure that all contractors either hate workers'oasupi.naation uuunrnct or ate MAC I I.0 Electrical repairs or additions proprietors with no employee.. 12.0 Plumbing repairs or additions so I ant a general cuotsaewr and 1 bate hued the sub,cuntracturs listed on the stadia!sheet These sub-contractor,hate employees and hate workers cam.insurance.= l3.0Roof repairs 14.0Other 6.0 We area corporation and its officers hove exenised their right of e.iemption pet MCA.c. 152.;hit.and we have no employees.[No corker,'comp.insurance reunited] *Any appltcani that cheeks boa a1 mint also fill out the section below show tng their workers'compensation policy information t Homeowners who submit this affidavit adicatine they arc doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit'aliening such. :Contractots that cheek this box must attached an additional sheet show ing the name of the guts-contractars and state w hether or not those entities hat: etnplutcY,_ If the sub-contractors ime employees.they must pnw rile their workers snap.pullet number. i am an employer that is providing workers'compensation insurance for nit'employees. Below is the policy and job site in formation. Insurance Company Name: — Policy#or Self-ins.Lie.#: Expiration Date: Job Site Address: City/State.Zip:____ Attach a copy of the workers'compensation policy declaration page(showing the polio number and esiliratiou date). Failure to secure coverage as required under MGL c. 152. §25A is a criminal violation punishable by a tine up to S1,500.00 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties ut the fonn of a STOP WORK ORDER and a tine of up to$250.00 a day against the violator A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verification. i do hereby certify under d its and penalties of perjury that the information provided above is true anti correct. Stenaturr_ 4 - . Uat,. r V 0 j Phone=: Official use only. Do not write in this area.to be completed by city or town official (itv or Tomes: Permit/License# Issuing Authority (circle one): I. Board of Health 2. Building Department 3.City/Town Clerk d.Electrical Inspector 5.Plumbing Inspector 6.Other ('ontact Pet-son: Phone#: Initial Construction Control Document to7 To be submitted with the building permit application by a Registered Design Professional et, ( ' for work per the ninth edition of the _���`4 Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR, Section 107 Project Title: Date: Property Address: Project: Check(x)one or both as applicable: New construction Existing Construction Project description: I MA Registration Number: Expiration date: ,am a registered design professional, and I have prepared or directly supervised the preparation of all design plans,computations and specifications concerning:: Architectural Structural Mechanical Fire Protection Electrical Other: for the above named project and that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief such plans, computations and specifications meet the applicable provisions of the Massachusetts State Building Code, (780 CMR), and accepted engineering practices for the proposed project. I understand and agree that I (or my designee)shall perform the necessary professional services and be present on the construction site on a regular and periodic basis to: 1_ Review, for conformance to this code and the design concept, shop drawings, samples and other submittals by the contractor in accordance with the requirements of the construction documents. ?_ Perform the duties for registered design professionals in 780 CMR Chapter 17,as applicable. 3_ Be present at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the work and to determine if the work is being performed in a manner consistent with the approved construction documents and this code. Nothing in this document relieves the contractor of its responsibility regarding the provisions of 780 CMR 107. When required by the building official,I shall submit field/progress reports(see item 3.)together with pertinent comments,.in a form acceptable to the building official. Upon completion of the work,I shall submit to the building official a `Final Construction Control Document'. Enter in the space to the right a"wet" or electronic signature and seal: Phone number: Email: Building Official Use Only Building Official Name: Permit No.: Date: Note 1.Indicate with an`x'project design plans,computations and specifications that you prepared ox directly supervised.If'other'is chosen,provide a description Version 01 O1 2018 Appendix 1 Construction Documents are required for structures that must comply with 780 CMR 107.The checklist below is a compilation of the documents that may be required.The applicant shall fill out the checklist and provide the contact information of the registered professionals responsible for the documents. This appendix is to be submitted with the building permit.application. Checklist for Construction Documents* Mark"x"where applicable No. Item Submitted Incomplete Not Required 1 Architectural 2 Foundation 3 Structural 4 Fire Suppression 5 Fire Alarm(may require repeaters) 6 HVAC • 7 Electrical 8 Plumbing(include local connections) 9 Gas(Natural,Propane,Medical or other) 10 Surveyed Site Plan(Utilities,Wetland,etc.) 11 Specifications 12 Structural Peer Review 13 Structural Tests&Inspections Program • 14 Fire Protection Narrative Report • 15 Existing Building Survey/Investigation 16 Energy Conservation Report • 17 Architectural Access Review(521 CMR) • 18 Workers Compensation Insurance 19 Hazardous Material Mitigation Documentation 20 Other(Specify) 21 Other(Specify) 22 Other(Specify) *Areas of Design or Construction for which plans are not complete at the time of application submittal must be identified herein.Work so identified must not be commenced until this application has been amended and the proposed construction document amendment has been approved by the authority having jurisdiction. Registered Professional Contact Information Name(Registrant) Telephone No. e-mail address Registration Number Street Address City/Town State Zip Discipline Expiration Date Name(Registrant) Telephone No. e-mail address Registration Number Street Address City/Town State Zip Discipline Expiration Date • Name(Registrant) Telephone No. e-mail address Registration Number Street Address City/Town State Zip Discipline Expiration Date Please follow this link for construction control forms to be used by Registered Design Professionals. BETTER BREATHING a,zY ; I ON TAL ENV R MEN July 18, 2024, • le f ,�,r. Kristina King and Scott Forman. 88 Round Hill Road, Unit 4. iCIRSS North Hampton, MA. 01060. M.dkally ort.�r Rftu Md►a►i o n 413-265-6916. deepwellhealth@g_m tcom 3/in lo>, Qne_morninginmaine@icloud„c_m �-vu2-,t(SE. 2z. ? a. 1.Corn JOB-SITE: Same as above t uc BB REPRESENTATIVES: Dennis Mitchell 781-627-6889. _D_mitchell@BetterBreathingAir.com Nelson Sandoval 617-834-1199. NelsonS@BetterBreathingAir.com +� ckyvt. uo 0(2-• _ IZCILORC <77 - The purpose of this contract Is to provide a scope of work bas don ' W. ' t, ,`, procedural standards as set-forth in the Institute of Inspection\ Cleaning ... Restoration Certification (IICRC) S520 standard and reference guide for professional mold remediation. Better Breathing Environmental will provide all of the services listed to remove, reduce or eliminate microbial -41 contaminants. Better Breathing Environmental makes no health nor medical fr claims associated with this project and does not imply or guarantee that these conditions or any other health concerns will be eliminated. Although this contract includes the cost for remediation of the below mentioned structure, it does not address unforeseen, hidden or in inaccessible il � BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 LEBANON STREET,MALDEN MA,02148. 617-834-1199.NADCA WWW.BETTERBREATHINGENVIRONMENTALCOM CONTACTUS@BETTERBREATHINGAIR.COM .411c.Q.44 8 J� BETTER BREATHING LIF ENVIRONMENTAL conditions, if additional work is found, a change order will be provided, and the work win be done at an additional charge. Standard Procedures: 1 . Contain the work area, protect the floor, and control pressure differentials (positive or negative) with a HEPA filtered air filtration device. Contain and seal any exhaust, return, and or supply vents. Ensure that there is enough make up air for any venting appliances. 2. Remove mold contaminated materials like drywall, wood, carpets etc. 3. Dispose of all contaminated and or removed building materials in a safe manner by double bagging, sealing, and cleaning the bags prior to removal from the containment area. 4. Sand, grind, and or scrub badly stained surfaces.Z ppl4katriouo S it 5. HEPA vacuum all structural surfaces (ceilings, walls, framing, and floor) in the contain area. 6. Treat all surfaces in the contained are wit soap and water solution, (7th e r io free an clear;'EtY1°anol may also be used). 7. Wipe down ee� ---"�6 A Shvw1C- lrl 8. operate a HEPA filtered air scrubber in the work area is annotated above Lt I1�AQ �. �pcam-�1 >Z ; CO(AArle - L ICU rc C WAI The scope of work is based on recommendations provided by Purely Green Environmental. GENERAL PROCEDURES: 1 . the work area is contained by building a physical (barrier critical) barrier with polyethylene sheeting material to separate affected areas from unaffected areas. HVAC registers and building openings in the remediation area are sealed off to prevent cross-contamination. Unauthorized personnel shall stay out of the contained work area and no construction or reconstruction shall be done until the containment is dismantled. 2 BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 LEBANON STREET,MALDEN MA,02148. 617-834-1199. NADCA WWW.BETTERBREATHINGENVIRONMENTAL.COM CONTACTUSQBETTERBREATHINGAIR.COM 0, BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL 2. Building critical barriers is an essential part of creating containment and establishing engineering controls. Critical barriers typically consist of 6 mil Poly sheeting that is either attached directly to surfaces adjacent to the work area and or attached to some type of framing. Great care is always taken to protect those surfaces that are adjacent to the work areas. However, the client should be aware that on occasion there is damage to those adjacent surfaces. Better Breathing Environmental cannot be responsible for damage such as peeled paint, staple holes, screw holes and other collateral damage that may occur during the installation and or removal of critical barriers. 3. The work area is placed under a "negative pressure" using pressure differential to manage airflow. Contaminated areas will be negatively pressurized relative to unaffected or clean areas of the building to prevent cross contamination. 4. Porous water damage and or contaminated materials are dismantled within containment and removed from the site. 5. Additional inspections are performed during the work period if an inspection indicates water damage or fungal growth occurred beyond the indicated areas in the scope of work, additional removal and or cleaning may be necessary and there will be an additional charge. 6. The work area is HEPA vacuum and wipe down with a prescrib d solution t -n w L Kt(CF-0 7. NOTEp the "prescribed solution" will be noted in thetscopgaf work below or agreed upon the start of the project. It is the client's responsibility to notify Better Breathing Environmental of any chemical sensitivities or concerns regarding any cleaning products, paint, coatings or encapsulates listed in the scope of work. 8. Acceptance of this contract is also an acceptance of the cleaning products, paints, coatings or encapsulates listed in the scope of work. 9. The containment is dismantled and removed from the site following any post microbial testing being conducted on site and once clearance has been given. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING PROCEDURES: Technicians wear proper personal protective equipment PPE consisting of appropriate respiratory protection, Tyvek suits, rubber gloves, and or work gloves when necessary. NADCA 3 BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 LEBANON STREET,MALDEN MA,02148. 617-834-1199. CONTACTUS@B E B IR.0 WLaO /4 ' (11 ,- . 0) BETTER BREATHING 2 ENVIRONMENTAL Be advised that young children, the elderly, the infirm, the le immunocompromised, people MCS (multiple chemicals sensitive), people with allergies to mold and dust, or asthma etc. should be out of the house for the duration of the project. In Cold winter the the HEPA filtered negative air machines are operated as negative air m chi es during t e d while the work is being done a d at night as HEPA filte ed air crubber or whe ff site to prevent pipe freezin or other cold Bather dama . Also in most cases, the HV�nit in the work rea ►i .ist be ff during wo urs to prevent cross-contamination. ncases of bold and /or rough wood materials, these types of surfaces may equire more aggressive methods of cleaning such as grinding, sanding, and ` or wire brushing. We are attempting to ensure passing a visual and or a � surface sample clearance test. However, the visual inspection of the wood surface may not appear to be cleaned due to the types of wood and their condition. Attic remediation jobs cannot be done when temperatures are below 40 degrees because the disinfection process is a wet process. In hot summer months work cannot be continued much beyond noontime due to the heat in attics which easily reaches 150 degrees. 1 "No containment needed". 2 NOTE: The homeowners will need to empty their personal contents from the garage area prior to work starting. 3 Remove the right-side wall to a height of 4'ft the entire length of the garage wall area. 4 4 � BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 LEBANON STREET,MALDEN MA,02148. 617-834-1199.NADCA WWW.BETTERBREATHINGENVIRONMENTAL.COM CONTACTUS@BETTERBREATHINGAIR.COM 4 BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL 4 NOTE: We will reevaluate once Kristina's side of the garage has been opened wall cavity to view the adjoining wall. (Shelly's side). 5 Remcve any fiberglass insulation found in ceiling and wall cavities. 6 Aggressively clean all existing and newly exposed wood surfaces by sanding, grinding, and or wire brushing.w/ q A TP\(4-E- _D 7 HEPA vacuum all surfaces then treat all surfaces with a soap and water solution. 8 Hand wipe all surfaces with a soap and water solution. ri—t--A' TL � � va -E-S. W� �- ( 10 Operate the A filtered air rubbers a minimu f 24 t 72 rs after the • is comple or ope the HEPA filt d ai crub rs for a lion chosen the in . 'dual perform' he t rem iation I test, If a testis being performed. /c0J-( 11 NOTE: We will remove the exterior deck awning attached to the house and discard into the dumpster. • i • _ 1.001/Inta4 -r' ' ;i'rI1\13 ROOM 1 Establish containment at the far-right side dining room wall and extend across onto the other side of the 1/2 wall to include the next window. 2 Then we will set up and create negative pressure with the use of HEPA filtered negative air machines exhausted to the exterior. 3 The foyer entry into the dining room area, we will remove the hardwood flooring approximately 3'ft wide by 2'ft deep from the rear wall. Expand as needed. The sub flooring will be inspected for any potential water and or mold damage. 4 NOTE: Any further removal would be additional and may require a scope of work change order. 5 Remove any fiberglass insulation found in ceiling and wall cavities. 6 Aggressively clean all existing and newly exposed wood surfaces by sanding, grinding, and or wire brushin{4- *kfcLitunrn (it 5 BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 LEBANON STREET,MALDEN MA,02148. 617-834-1199. NADCA WWW.BETTERBREATHINGENVIRONMENTAL.COM ....::,:,,. CONLAcTUS@BETfERBREATHINGAIR.COM „..7 ( BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL 7 HEPA vacuum all surfaces then treat all surfaces with a soaP and water solution. 8 Hand wipe all surfaces with a soap and water solution. _ --9--1-tfi acu t-SvTfaces. , 'Ptvi w L na p 10 Operate the HEPA filtered air scrubbers for a nimum of 24 to 72 ours after the job is completed or operate the HEPA filtered air scrubbers for a duration chosen by the individual performing the post remediatio � ..}-f� test, If a test is being performed. nail L too post c nail , - ta 1 We will move all appliances, if possible, (may need appliances disconnected by a plumber). 2 We will inspect and make any notes of any water stains or suspect microbial growth and send pictures to Purely Green Environmental for evaluation. 3 We wilt deep clean behind these areas of walls and flooring. 4 The sink cabinet remove the toe kick grill to clean all dust under the sink cabinet and surface clean. 5 The side door, we will clean the door at large. 6 HEPA vacuum all surfaces then treat all surfaces with a soap and water solution. 7 Hand wipe all surfaces with a soapand water solution. - �8— PA vacs am P- L all siirfhcs_ _ c to c_ Rtil IUlO 40-fit:Q. 9 Operate th HEPA filtere air scrubbe�s fora minimum of 24 t 72 hours after the 'ob is comp ed or oper e the HEP ' tered air scr bbers f r a dur ion chose y the indiv. al perfor ' g the post ediati to , If a test is eing perfor ed. , lAM,La2 0MAE fiejiyek, t„iltd/ z___ l o0vax = • it» c.U„Eras ,.... ., (541) 6 BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 LEBANON STREET,MALDEN MA,02148. 617-834-1199.NADCA WW W.BETTERBREAIHINGENVIRONMENTAL.COM Hwz _ CONTACTUSQBETTERBREATHINGAIR.COM 4,) BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL 1 Establish containment at the doorway opening to the half bathroom. 2 Then we will set up and create negative pressure with the use of a HEPA filtered negative air machines exhausted to the exterior. 3 NOTE: The homeowners will need to coordinate a plumber to disconnect and remove the toilet and it will be placed away from the left exterior wall of the bathroom. 4 We will remove the entire wall from the right corner and extend to the full width of the window and expand as needed. 5 NOTE: Any further removal would be additional and may require a scope of work change order. 6 Remove any fiberglass installation found in ceiling and wall cavities. 7 Aggressively clean all existing and newly exposed,1 wood surfaces by sanding, grinding, and or wire brushings s4 a-yTh 8 HEPA vacuum all surfaces then treat all surfaces with a soap and water solution. 9 Hand wipe all surfaces with a soap and water solution. �o . �y'ti tN , F1-_ C ► 2 c fit"_O 11 Operate the PA filtered air scrubbers for_ a min um of 24 to 7 hours after the j is completed or o rate the HEP . ered air s bbers for a dur .on chosen by the in ' idual perfo Ing the pos mediation t , If a test is being p ormed. t/V14.1-c- cyco 1-1.c_,Q,z_ Co uwteri\ Lo- J2A Z---- I Do pazAtb_cQv) C L c_ - - 1 Establish containment around the first left side window close to the 1/2 wall in the living room. 2 Then we will set up and create negative pressure with the use of HEPA filtered negative air machines exhausted to the exterior. 3 We will remediate below the window extending 8" beyond the window on the left side and down to the floor. Expand as needed. 4 NOTE:Any further removal would be additional and may require a scope of work change order. 5 Remove any fiberglass insulation found in ceiling and wall cavities. 4 7 BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 LEBANON STREET.MALDEN MA,02148. 617-834-1199. WWSUETr RBBEATHINGENVIRONMENTAL,COM w...,-^,_--» CONTAMSna BETTERBREATHINGAIR.COM BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL 6 Aggressively clean all existing and newly ex osed wood surfaces by sanding, grinding, and or wire brushing A 7 nd waterNEPA vacuum all surfaces then treat all surfacesC,,Q.,-„(cL,{1-1T ith a so solution. 8 Hand wipe all surfaces with a soap and water solution. L �` C, CV) LcrLD atetz,..) 10 Operate the NEPA iltered air scrub f& a minimum of 2 to 72 hours after the job i ompleted or operat e HEPA fi red air scr bbers for a durati chosen by the indivi al perform. g the post re ediation test a test is being perf ed. ND -* QA u\ VAA. cl)t-i4t,' c-CC-- ( (.- U-fr\ •c_J> 1,Vd-CA. I-- IDD ,q,a„;\-7„,4,d, 1 Establish containment at the doorway opening to the master bathroom. 2 Then we will set up and create negative pressure with the use of HEPA filtered negative air machines exhausted to the exterior. 3 NOTE: The homeowners will need to coordinate a plumber to disconnect and remove the toilet and it will be placed away from the left exterior wall of the bathroom. 4 We will remove the wall to the right of the window approximately 12"in width X the full height of the wall. Expand as needed. 5 NOTE: Any further removal would be additional and may require a scope of work change order. 6 Remove any fiberglass insulation found in ceiling and wall cavities. 7 Aggressively clean all existing and newly ex osed we oid su aces by sanding, grinding, and or wire brushing sanding, SlTrQ� 8 HEPA vacuum all surfaces then treat all surfaces with a soap and water solution. 9 Hand wipe all surfaces with a soap and water solution. m a r ace . �( �' � 1O U 11 Operate th HEPA filtered air scrubber4 for a �hinimum of 24 t 72 hours after the . b is comple ed or operate th HEPA filtered a. scrubbers for a dura 'on chosen b the individual p for*m�'.ngthe po remediation 1 4 test f a testis be' g performed. N.VD (paAhddQ,4) 8 C“Ctill)) itg-t) 2- IC! 3 BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 LEBANON STREET,MALDEN MA,02148. 617-834-1199.A yWWW.Bki LERBf2EATHINGQQNMENTAL.COM cQNTACTUSaBETTERBREATHINGAIR COM BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL 111111111111==diactigILEJ2F,yVpRK Please have a plumber properly disconnect the washer and dryer and we will remove them and place them in the backyard. 1 Establish containment at the opening to the laundry room closet. 2 Then we will set up and create negative pressure with the use of HEPA filtered negative air machines exhausted to the exterior. 3 Remove the laundry closet shelf and cabinet from the closet. 4 HEPA vacuum all surfaces then treat all surfaces with a soap and water solution. 5 Hand wipe all surfaces with a soapand water solution. ` 1Jrti to C.3e61‘ 7 Operate the HEPA filtered air scrubbers for a imum of 24 to 72 ours after t eob is compl r'ed or opera 0 the HEPA iltered air scrubbers for a d ation chosen the individ al perform' g the post remediation st, If a test is being perform d. � f.. vvvtic Y / 1111111=Mtl&- or. VJO R4 1 Remove and discard all the cut non wood particle doors from the bedroom doorways. They will be taken off the hinges for disposal. 2 HEPA vacuum all surfaces then treat all surfaces with a soap and water solution. 3 Hand wipe all surfaces with a soap and water solution. r#aces. IDYL.) tcrt_o/P 1111111.111111 y vvLoV�, Rom— be_oj- r i(01— ,1-ZA Loa-0 9 BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 LEBANON STREET,MALDEN MA,02148. 617-834-1199. NADCA WWW BETTERBREATHINGENVIRONMENTAL.COM CONTACTUS@BETTERBREATHINGAIR,COM (4) BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL 1 Establish containment at the top of the stairs to the first-floor doorway opening. 2 Then we wilt set up and create negative pressure with the use of a HEPA filtered negative air machines exhausted to the exterior. 3 Remove all drywall from walls and ceiling areas. it/zateR,r 1T 5 4 Then we will clean the framing and the cement foundation watt area. 5 The wall to wall carpeting.and tackles strips will be removed. 6 The raised floor in this room if concrete will be cleaned. If there is a raised wood flooring platform it will be inspected and potentially removed if needed. 7 Remove any fiberglass installation found in ceiling and wall cavities. 8 Aggressively clean all existing and newly exposed wo d surf r by sanding, grinding, and or wire brushing.0 4 9 HEPA vacuum all surfaces then treat all surfaces with a soap and water solution. 10 Hand wipe all surfaces with a s ap and water solution. faces. w `_k,L YLt ic. lc7 (?o-f 12 Operat the HEPA filtered air scrubbers for a minimum of to 2 hours after e job is co pleted or erate the H A filtered air crubber� for a ration cho n by the in Ividual perfor ing the p remediation st, if a testy being performed. C9 c 1/k Uae, (Daui-le-- ( 0 wnt( )V0rifir,-0( Andr3 1 Establish containment at the top of the stairs to the first-floor doorway opening. 2 Then we will set up and create negative pressure with the use of a HEPA filtered negative air machines exhausted to the exterior. 3 Remove all drywall from walls and ceiling areas. 4 Then we will clean the framing and the cement foundation wall area. 5 The wall to wall carpeting and tackles strips will be removed. 410 NADCA C BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 LEBANON STREET,MALDEN MA,02148. 617-834-1199. WWW BETTERBREATHINGENVIRONMENTAL.0 M :.:..=_.."^ COBTACTUS BETTERBREATHINGAIR.COM 4 BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL 6 The sump panel in the corner of the room will be scrubbed and cleaned. 7 The drywall laying on the floor and the debris in the sump area will be removed and discarded. S Remove any fiberglass installation found in ceiling and wall cavities. 9 Aggressively clean all existing and newly exposed wood surfaces by sanding, grinding, and or wire brushing. c -4QA fkiticki 10 HEPA vacuum all surfaces then treat all surfaces with a soap and watdr solution. 11 Hand wipe all surfaces with a soap and water solution. es. )h,1 w,� L ✓1%t I.CY O • p -}3-Dperate the HEPA filtered air scrubbers for a minimum of 24 o 72 hours �! after the job is completed or operate the HEPA filtered air scrubbers for a duration chosen by the individual performing the post - •• : -•- - • st _If a test is being performed. /� 9 1 ( 11 0 /VL1-DAcpcs1. --I-Le- 00 > ce vtirl L,�j_' L 4- ie` 14, a/j�v4¢ 1 Establish containment at the top of the stairs and any other pathways into the living areas. 2 Then create negative pressure with the use of HEPA filtered negative air machines exhausted to the exterior. 3 Remove all drywall from walls and ceiling areas. 4 Then we will clean the framing and the cement foundation wall area. 5 The wall to wall carpeting and tackless strips will be removed. 6 The small stain near rear wall we will remove and clean the sub floor. 7 NOTE: The window on the back wall goes to the dirt crawl space under the outside deck. This window access should be considered by a contractor if needed to remain or can it be sealed off from the crawl space access. 8 Remove the window to the crawlspace and block the opening. The carpenter will rebuilt the wall. 9 Remove any fiberglass installation found in ceiling and wall cavities. 10 Aggressively clean all existing and newly exposed wood surfaces by sanding, grinding, and or wire brushing.L7 4 st►,.v,c_c__ 11 4 BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 LEBANON STREET,MALDEN MA,02148. 617-834-1199.NA YMYI EITERBREATHINGENVIRONMENTAL.COM EONTA �anBETT�RBREATHINcAIR C M "KV N BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL 11 HEPA vacuum all surfaces then treat all surfaces with a soap and water solution. 12 Hand wipe all surfaces with a soap and water solution. 13 'Df tv Po (cno 14 Operate t HEPA filter:+• air scrubbers or a minimum of 2 to 7 hours after tt job is comp - ed or operate t HEPA filtere air scru ers for a d ation chose •y the individua erforming th ost re diation st, If a test is-•eing performed. tQc, QsZ C Daryl 1Dt'Qc)-442z)/g/totTc-r-5 1 Establish containment at the doorway opening to the mechanical room. 2 Then we will set up and create negative pressure with the use of HEPA filtered negative air machines exhausted to the exterior. 3 The mechanical room will scrubbed and deep cleaned of all the walls, floor and ceiling surfaces. 4 HEPA vacuum all surfaces then treat all surfaces with a soap and water solution. 5 Hand wipe all surfaces with a soap and water solution. 6 H l sur ` w t csZO 7 Operate the - PA filtered air scruLbers for a minimum of 24 to 2 hours after the j• • is completed or perate the HEPA E tered air scrubber or a durat..n chosen by the - dividuat performi g the post remedi ion test a test is being performed. ?ok-4-c v 426 Na ,i3 AY TO COMMON BA�_ ORK: 1 Establish containment at the doorway opening to the basement rooms. (4) 12 BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 LEBANON STREET,MALDEN MA,02148. 617-834-1199. NADCA WWW.BETTERBB.EATHINGEttVIRQNMENTAL.COM a�-F CONTACTUSQBETTERBREATHINGAIRCQM BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL 2 Then we will set up and create negative pressure with the use of HEPA filtered negative air machines exhausted to the exterior. 3 The wall under the rear window, we will remove the drywall at the base of wall at the floor. Do -s.v-f"- 'WA 4-o 4 Expand as needed, then clean the framing, foundation walls and floor. 5 Remove any fiberglass installation found in ceiling and wall cavities. 6 Aggressively clean all existing and newly exposed wood surfaces by sanding, grinding, and or wire brushingktivl L U4E ',4 Sauk..¢, �4V 7 HEPA vacuum all surfaces then treat all surfaces with a soap and water solution. 8 Hand wipe all surfaces with a soap and water solution. .9 tit-PA-vacuum attsur�ac�� Cl(' K12— C_ 1fY1 CEO 10 Operate the HEPA fi -red air scr • ••-rs for a minimum of 24 to 7 hours after the job is c• pleted or opera - the HEPA filter air scrubbers r a duration •osen by the indiv', al performing t post remedial' test, If . est is being perf• - ed. k e-- , �1 c7 I /l/l( uC�>� J ` `C-Cs2, 1111QP SE EA4 ENT Y - SC t E OF 1liOR 1 Establish containment at the base of the stairs leading int the common hallway space. 2 Then we will set up and create negative pressure with the use of a HEPA filtered negative air machines exhausted to the exterior. 3 Remove entire plywood wall materials attached to the house and then clean the exposed framing. 4 NOTE: Any further removal beyond the plywood would be additional " and may require a scope of work change order. 5 Then we will clean the framing and the cement block foundation wall surfaces. 6 The ceiling area and the roof joists of the doghouse will be sanded and or wire brushed and cleaned.t,w — 3amC-Q, +1 -4 ---)-) 7 The stairway to the doghouse and the common basement hal ay will be scrubbed and deep cleaned. 8 Remove any fiberglass installation found in ceiling and wall cavities. 13 BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 LEBANON STREET,MALDEN MA,02148. 617-834-1199. NADCA WWW.BETTERBREATHINGENVIRONMENTAL.COM CONTACTUS( BETTERBREATHINGAIR.COM ---,,„,v .,( 4..4; BETTER BREATHING LIP ENVIRONMENTAL di 9 Aggressively clean all existing and newly exposed wood surfaces by sanding, grinding, ' 4 and or wire brushing• surfaces with a s2ater 10 HEPA vacuum all surfaces then treat all solution. 11 Hand wipe all surfaces with a soap and water solution. w, n(1(00 13 Operate the H A filtered air scrurs fora minimum of 24 to 2 hours �, after the jo s completed or opej to the HEf ered air scru• ,ers for a durati chosen by the individual performe post rem: •iation test, a test is (A pe --t--- A/4-Q, paAff(& C 040 73 e u�vc�.1� 2--- r°a C1'°��- A'S OPEN STORAGE BAY: 1 Establish containment at the entrance to the common storage hallway and across the wood panel of the storage bays. 2 Then we will set up and create negative pressure with the use of HEPA filtered negative air machines exhausted to the exterior. 3 We will aggressively scrub and clean the cinder block foundation walls of the storage bay. 4 HEPA vacuum all surfaces then treat all surfaces with a soap and water solution. 5 Hand wipe all surfaces with a soap and water solution. 6 sur ac . 'Dr1wr � 7 Operate the HEPA filt red air scrubb rs f a minimum of 24 to 2 hou s after th job is compl ed or operat the HEPA filter d air scrubbers f r a d tion chosen the individu performing th post remediatio t t, If a test is b ng performed N (A/Y,( V 4)4- Q C©kAAA, ZJ C� r 4 14 LCO Tak/rWS2krar BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 LEBANON STREET,MALDEN MA,02148. 617-834-1199.NADCA WYyWI FRBREATHINGENVIRQNMEI�TAL,COM : CONTACTUSaBETTERBREATHINGAIR.COM BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL 1 Establish containment at the doorway opening to the utility room. 2 Then we will set up and create negative pressure with the use of HEPA filtered negative air machines exhausted to the exterior. 3 We will remove and dispose of any debris from the utility room. 4 The utility room will be surface scrubbed and deep cleaned. 5 HEPA vacuum all surfaces then treat all surfaces with a soap and water solution. 6 Hand wipe all surfaces with a soap and water solution. 7 H vacuum all surfaces. r� w� {/��CnO 8 Operate the HEPA filtered air scrubbers for a minimum of 24 to 72 urs afte e job is com eted or oper to the HEP filtered air s ubbers for .2 uration chose y the indivi ual perfo ing the post r ediation test, If a test is being perfor ed. C • �,`1 (�/a Q� �WVL% z / t�IFTM-Eb-c .oo ..,w . ._ 2oo.801 1 Establish containment at the doorway opening to the nit# 3 Shelly's storage ro 2 Then we will up and create negative pres re with the use of HEPA filtered negative al achines exhauste o the exterior. 3 The left wall that abuts r wall, w ill cut and remove approximately 2'ft high by 2'ft wide and expa needed. Then we will scrub and deep clean the wood fra • g and the o b-windows. 4 Remove any fibergla installation found in ceilin wall cavities. 15 r-TN- BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 LEBANON STREET,MALDEN MA,02148. 617-834-1199. NADCA WWW.BETTERBREATHINGENVIRONMENTAL.COM CONTACTUSQBETTERBREATHINGAIR.COM v 1 BETTERL:l \I;l1►[i ENVIRONMENTAL 5 Aggressively clean all existing and newly exposed wood surfaces by , sanding, grinding, and or wire brushing.km MA5 6 HEPA vacuum all surfaces then treat all surfaces with a soap a water solution. 7 Hand wipe all surfaces with a soap and water solution. <o,� . 8 �Y YY I surfaces. i(,C11 '"`�`-'� 9 Opera the HEPA filtered air scrut bers for a minimum of 4 to 72 hours after he job is omplete or operate t e HEPA Tilt red air scr bbers for a d ration ch en by th individual p rforming t post re ediation , (k) t t, If a test s-being p rformed. tO 7C01/017-rd- ,74;&447d 1 Establish containment at the beginning of the common hallway. 2 Then we will set up and.create negative pressure with the use of HEPA filtered negative air machines exhausted to the exterior. 3 4 Aggressively clean all existing and newly exposed w od or cement surfaces by sanding, grinding, and or wire brushing(- iUJKQ . 01,63-135-r) 5 HEPA vacuum all surfaces in the common hallway then treat all surfaces with a soap and water solution. 6 Hand wipe all surfaces with a soap and water solutionc- 7 1)r Iv t, MA c�lait.• � � 8 Operate the HEPA filtered air scrubbers fora__ 'nimum of 2, to 72 hours after the job ' co ed or o erathe"HEP filtered air sobers for a duratio sen by the in ' ual perfor 'ngthe post rem diation f-- test, If est is being performed. Nkri, tAivt 1tc042_c,u� fl i Mbrs p. • A l 1 • 1 '7K* NADCA 4 16 �. BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 LEBANON STREET,MALDEN MA,02148. 617-834-1199. wyWV BETTERBREATHNGENVIRONMENTAL.COM CONTAC US4BETTERBREATHINGAIR.COM 4) BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL This particular cleaning process is not only to remove dust and or common allergens, but to also remove potential mold spores and mycotoxins that have migrated from other mold contaminated areas and are then settled in the dust specifically in all flat and horizontal surfaces of the living and or working environments. Fine Cleaning procedures:- structural surfaces (ceilings, walls, and floors), furniture ex riors, laps, r gs, carpets, and additional contents are HEPA-vacuumed nd/or . .mp wi ed. Items are removed from the walls, the items are clean d on . sides, t e wall is cleaned, a the items replaced. If any, moveabl furni re may b moved if nece ry; th furniture is cleaned on all sides nd t - areas un er or behind e furnitur is cleaned. Entertain ent renters and xcessive c puter eq pment and ' re normally of ► oved but cl ned in p ce. Books a d other ' ms are re oved form boc(ks-helves, the sh ves ar cleaned, the b oks/i ms are clea ed, and the items are replaced. C t sin the kitchen and ping room cabi ets will _, not be removed, abinets will be cleaned on'he outside only an inside if empty, contents in drawers are normally not removed nor cleaned unless otherwise specified in this contract. L/i 1. Establish containment to separate areas if needed. 2. Op�ee to filtered air s rubber achines hrou hout e whole/house wf5ile performing the c tea nidg. tAiyi(� , /(i. O };s Q.c owtti r �1 C 3. HEPA vacuum and wipe all structural surfaces (ceilings, walls, and < IorVn13 floors) and items such as recessed Lights, ceiling fans Etc. 4. HEPA vacuum and wipe all surfaces in kitchen; cabinetry will only be cleaned on the outside unless otherwise specified in this contract. 5. HEPA vacuum all areas in bathrooms including shower, tubs, exhaust fans toilets, vanities, mirrors, Etc. 6. HEPA vacuum all fcrm+ ' . t 17 BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 LEBANON STREET,MALDEN MA,02148. 617-834-1199. C ,B WWWETTERBREATHINGENVIRONMENTAtCOM CONTACTUSQBETTERBREATHINGAIR.COM • BETTER BREATHING TAL 7. H EP,AirauuumAimiturc-omatt-sides-tn ding-t underside. 8. -I4EF vacuum and Ipe a ► . 9. If at all possible, remove refrigerator, clean behind it and under it 10. If at all possible, remove the dishwasher, clean behind it and under it. 11 . Clean all bathroom exhaust fans. 12 iize all surfp es ov r entqi d with^an a nd water solution. 1 i tetfole Mec" i ent an e I nt- I FROC AMTIN The following outlined cleaning procedures will be completed only in the living spaces of the condominium in a sequence that is practical and efficien for any living spaces anpl working environments. ffi c ryl r re, vvit_ ^ . 1 STEP # 1 HEPA VACUUM / 2 HEPA vacuum first to remove loose debris. 3 Clean from top to bottom and far (from source and exit) to near. 4 STEP # 2 CLEANING SMOOTH SURFACES 5 Damp wipe (2X) all the horizontal and vertical surfaces using owner approved surfactant (3 - 5 drops of dish soap to one quart of water) and unscented microfiber electrostatic cloths or microfibers towels. Towels for the rougher surfaces. Microfiber electrostatic cloths or microfiber towels, move back and forth, left to right, back and forth then up and down. Apply light friction/pressure (Note: Re-wiping surfaces is required if soil is seer be cloth. 6 STEP # 3 MOPPING SURFACES 7 When mopping surfaces, incorporate the S- method. 8 Microfiber cloths should be folded in a manner to exterki surfac :'$ over - - Q - . itipt 9 Max coverage area: 4' X 8'. l0 . '•�j� 10 STEP #4 CLEANING ROUGH SURF ES 11 HEPA vacuum first. 12 Damp wipe using microfiber towels (not clothes). 18 BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 LEBANON STREET,MALDEN MA,02148. 617 834 1199 /yWW.BETTERBREATHINGaENYLRONMENTAL.COM �'== CONTACTUSQBETIERBREATHINGAIR.COM 4 BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL 13 Dry wipe using microfiber towels (not clothes). 14 Sequence: Same as with other surfaces. 15 0perat the HEPA fit d air scrubbe ; for a mini m of 2 to 72 hours after e job is co feted or oper. • the HEP ' tered a• crubber for a uration cho n by the indiv..o.al perfor 'rig the p t remedi on /test, If a test . being performed. v l Gl/t/V UL Pa -1-Ai2._, ( vi ( :J -es), 4 �ciDD7;0 ,1 . Be or- oggin , ake sure .hat all the surface av• be hly d•ep cl:aned and that'no f. s or air scrub.'• : -qu pment are •peratin 2. , over/pr'tect all it:'ms • -s Quid not br fogged s ch as elec onic• . 3. ogthe a wits - :chosen pr.duct7 .l ion. . et th- .= settle nd then wipe . [the o izontal sur .ces. 1-3r-A f A ex L.-- — ‘. -Efetfun 2-. cl' (0" Lutei2-e_ NOTE: The homeowners will coordinate an HVAC company to have the high velocity system be completely disconnected of the electrical, refrigerant lines, condensation piping and any other controls for the preparation for BBE to dismantle and dispose of the unit and the entire ducting sytem. General Information: The source removal cleaning of the HVAC systems below is performed by A member of Better Breathing Environmental Inc. a National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) member. The HVAC cleaning is supervised by a NADCA certified Air (4::) 19 BETTER BREATHING ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 96 LEBANON STREET,MALDEN MA,02148. 617-834-1199.NADCA WWW.BETTERBREATHINGENVIRONMENTAL.CQM :,.= CONTACTUSOBETTERBREATHINGAIR.COM 1 :1: 'r 111) ; Cab gli it n; 1:: 4. II —tC f t :______ !i'li 7C�SE , a l iI t '1 ® 4 4 n+v. ___ .1 bt O , .l 1 3 _ I -JP I r • . I,1 BSI I al}III} IV- 1 N ( ) .._. _ : -,. :nt a' - 6''.. • .=.111. g Mc I 4 - ,.__'l,—[ ilij 4 :, I I = 7.,-_,:i..r_i.oli r AII II II i ` I 0 T; W I I it •, I II I k 1i 1 Ol I 1 1i I1 II 1 • , 0 KRAUS4'ITC1! +M.".. YALE HOUSE CONDOMINIUM ""� (ARMING AACHTIECFS,INC. ,i+w+» ~.,w fww.o.wurr '�' � BB ROUNDHILL RD. NU I2.4 NORTHAMPTON,MASSACHUSETTS "ec"'" ATUMe TAWS1I1tl.filifita400444e..I^ .. 1.ECISTD kaattriE L. Do DAUH