Garfield Ave. _ Elevations (2)3.5 in E"Oft 'Iff ELEY 12 10 3.5 To the best of my knowledge these plans are drawn to comply with owner's and/ or builder's specifications and any changes made on them after prints are made will be done at the owner's and 1 or builder's expense and responsibility. The contractor shall verify all dimensions and enclosed drawing. I..AURN5 HOME DRAFTINO AND DE51ON is not liable for errors has While LU once construction begun. every effort has been made in the preparation of this plan U- to avoid mistakes, the maker can not guarantee against human error. The contractor of the job must check all dimensions and other details prior toLu construction and be solely responsible thereafter. z .ram Q B z BARN 16r"41 A"%N 'a &1 ... cv to o Am w m R m z A z tu E- LU CS a z<Cw v UA � sx O z 0 O 'v O � w t� �- - d S 1- z Qlu Z QC O z o 0 cv cv CA DATE 1/5/2023 SCALE SHEET: