23.419 An Order to Accept Smith College $200,000 Gift for Roadway Safety ImprovementsCity of Northampton
In City Council December 21, 2023
Upon recommendation of Mayor Sciarra
23.419 An Order to Accept Smith College $200,000 Gift for Roadway Safety Improvements
WHEREAS, the Route 9 and Route 66 corridors in the vicinity of Northampton High School and the Smith College Campus are heavily traveled by vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians; and
WHEREAS, roadway safety is a high priority for both the City and Smith College; and
WHEREAS, Smith College gifted the city $66,800 in March of 2023 to help fund a corridor safety study focused on pedestrian improvements to crossings along Route 9 and Route 66 from the
intersection of Paradise Road and Rt. 9 to the Smith College Athletic Fields on Route 66; and
WHEREAS, in January 2023, the City commissioned a traffic study to evaluate and recommend safety improvements to the road network surrounding the Northampton High School area, including
the installation of two traffic signals on the Route 9 corridor; and
WHEREAS, in November 2023, the City funded an additional traffic study for Main Street, Locust Street, and other roadways along Route 9 in Florence and Northampton. This study aims to
gather and analyze traffic data and develop alternatives that will increase safety for all roadway users in this area, focusing on pedestrians and cyclists.
WHEREAS, the City and Smith College agree that in the interest of pedestrian safety, it is wise to consider the entire corridor in an integrated approach to pedestrian safety and traffic
calming; and
WHEREAS, based on all of the knowledge and recommendations gathered, Smith College wishes to further fund this project with a gift to support the design, initial
construction costs, and construction administration to facilitate roadway improvements along Route 9 and Route 66 from the area around Northampton High School on Rt. 9 to the Smith College
Athletic Fields on Route 66.
Now, Therefore Be It Ordered,
the City Council gratefully accepts the $200,000 gift from Smith College and, in accordance with Massachusetts General Law 44, Section 53A approves using the funds to support the design,
construction and construction administration of roadway improvements in the vicinity of the Smith College Campus.