23.412 An Order to Appropriate $30,000 Free Cash to Support Senior Center Transportation ProgramCity of Northampton Massachusetts _________ In City Council December 5, 2023 Upon recommendation of Mayor Sciarra 23.412 An Order to Appropriate $30,000 Free Cash to Support Senior Center Transportation Program Whereas, accessible and affordable transportation services are critical for older adults and provide access to the greater community; and Whereas, studies have shown that societal participation of older adults reduces mortality rates, reduces cognitive disability, decreases loneliness and depression, and increases physical activity; and Whereas, with grant funding, the Senior Center was able to reduce the co-pay cost and expand transportation services from just medical rides to include rides to places of worship, entertainment, art and culture classes, long-term care communities to visit loved ones, and local restaurants; and Whereas, participation increased by 305% from 37 round trip rides per month to 150 round trips per month; and Whereas, the grant funds that facilitated this expansion were exhausted at the end of November 2023, creating an urgent need for additional funding to continue these vital services through the end of FY2024; and Whereas, the Senior Center is actively pursuing all available grant funding opportunities, including a MassDOT grant, to ensure the program's sustainability into FY2025 and beyond; and Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the sum of $30,000 be appropriated from the FY2024 General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance (Free Cash) to support the Senior Center transportation program.