23.406 An Order to Appropriate $18,000 in CPA Funds for Design of a Universal Access Trail Within the Broad Brook GreenwayCity of Northampton
In City Council, December 5, 2023
Upon the recommendation of the Community Preservation Committee
23.406 An Order to Appropriate $18,000 in CPA Funds for Design of a Universal Access Trail Within the Broad Brook Greenway
Ordered, that
WHEREAS, The Northampton Office of Planning & Sustainability submitted a CPA application for design of a universal access trail from the Cooke Avenue entrance to the Broad Brook Greenway;
WHEREAS, the project meets the goals of the Northampton Sustainability Plan and Open Space, Recreation and Multi-Use Trail Plan;
WHEREAS, the design will increase access to one of the City’s most popular open spaces, and will continue to maintain necessary vehicle access to Fitzgerald Lake for critical maintenance
and improvements;
WHEREAS, on November 29, 2023, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted unanimously to recommend that $18,000 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this
That $18,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Northampton Office of Planning & Sustainability for Boggy Meadow Road trail design. And, that the grantee
meets the conditions approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council.
Specifically, $18,000 is appropriated from the CPA Budgeted Reserve (account #2344930-359930).