23.272 An Order to Appropriate $2.63 Million Free Cash to Various Capital ProjectsCity of Northampton Massachusetts _________ In City Council March 16, 2023 Upon recommendation of Mayor Sciarra 23.272 An Order to Appropriate $2.63 Million Free Cash to Various Capital Projects Ordered, that Pursuant to the FY2024-FY2028 Capital Improvement Program, the following Capital Projects be appropriated from the FY2023 General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance (Free Cash): Central Services – Academy of Music: Upgrade Chimney Exhaust $ 50,000 Central Services – City Hall: Exterior Envelope Repairs $ 10,051 Central Services – City Elevators: Code upgrades to 16 elevators $ 80,000 Central Services – Senior Center: Window and Floor Repairs $ 100,000 Central Services – James House: Exterior Envelope Repairs $ 75,000 Central Services – Forbes Library: HVAC Study for Reversible Chiller $ 50,000 Central Services – Forbes Library: Attic Insulation $ 6,985 Information Technology Services – 21st Century Classroom Technology – NPS $ 33,334 Information Technology Services – Wireless System Upgrade / Refresh $ 88,000 Information Technology Services – UPS Systems Replacement – NPS $ 15,000 Information Technology Services – Phone System Refresh $ 180,000 Information Technology Services – Senior Center Technology Upgrade $ 12,000 Mayor’s Office – Economic Development: Portland Loo Project $ 141,000 Planning and Sustainability – Shared Use Paths $ 22,161 Parks and Recreation – Florence Recreation Fields Toddler Play Structure $ 90,000 Police Department – 4 Marked Hybrid Cruisers $ 366,000 Fire Rescue – Shift Commander Vehicle Replacement $ 75,000 Fire Rescue – LP15 Cardiac Monitor Replacement $ 130,000 Northampton Public Schools – JFK: Window Repairs & Weatherization $ 50,000 Northampton Public Schools – JFK: Energy Management System Upgrades $ 150,000 Northampton Public Schools – District Wide: Grounds Equipment $ 75,000 Northampton Public Schools – District Wide: Exterior Door ADA Upgrades $ 25,000 Northampton Public Schools – JSS 1950s Wing: Insulate Crawlspace $ 20,000 Northampton Public Schools – JSS 1950’s Wing: Design Clerestory Insulation $ 30,000 Northampton Public Schools – JSS 1970’s Wing: Design Install ERV $ 45,000 Northampton Public Schools – JSS 1950’s Wing: Design Roof Insulation $ 30,000 Northampton Public Schools – Leeds 1950’s Wing: Crawl Space Insulation $ 6,659 Northampton Public Schools – Bridge Street: Replace Gym Roof $ 30,000 Northampton Public Schools – High School: Intercom / Clock Controller $ 50,000 Northampton Public Schools – Leeds: Steamer and Kettle Unit $ 12,000 Northampton Public Schools – Leeds: Dishwasher $ 32,000 Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School – Building C: Energy Mgmt System $ 140,000 Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School – Culinary Cafeteria Hood System $ 134,987 Department of Public Works – Parks Improvements $ 75,000 Department of Public Works – Sidewalks $ 200,000 TOTAL: $ 2,630,177