23.250 An Order to Appropriate $30,000 Free Cash for Recreational Field Usage and Responsibility StudyCity of Northampton
In City Council February 16, 2023
Upon the recommendation of Mayor Sciarra
23.250 An Order to Appropriate $30,000 Free Cash for Recreational Field Usage and Responsibility Study
Whereas, the Northampton Parks & Recreation Department works to promote the well-being of the individual and the community by providing a wide range of high quality and affordable activities
to meet the leisure needs of our residents and visitors, the City of Northampton; and
Whereas, the Northampton Public Schools athletic program provides a competitive arena where student-athletes can display their talents, enhance their physical wellness and skills, and
gain greater technical and tactical understanding of and appreciation for their chosen sport; and
Whereas, the City of Northampton has 245+ acres of land designated for recreational use for Northampton Public Schools, Northampton residents, and visitors to Northampton. Approved uses
include sporting events sponsored by Northampton Public Schools and private leagues for both adults and children, casual recreational uses such as hiking, walking dogs on leash, enjoyment
of playground structures, etc; and
Whereas, Recreational fields in the City of Northampton are managed by three separate departments - the Parks & Recreation Department which works to program most public fields, the Department
of Public Works Division of Forestry, Parks and Cemeteries which is responsible for the maintenance and preparation of many recreation areas, and the Central Services Department, which
is responsible for the maintenance and preparation of all fields controlled by Northampton Public Schools and Smith Vocational Agricultural High School. These city entities work in
close cooperation to ensure quality resources for all sporting and recreational activities in Northampton; and
Whereas, in order to maximize the efficiency of service delivery at Northampton public recreation resources, and to minimize the duplication of staff effort across city departments,
and minimize the costs of maintenance materials, equipment and other operational costs across all resources, a comprehensive independent study of the interplay of city policy and practices
needed, to fully understand complex interaction of so many city departments and identify areas where services can be improved and cost savings can be enjoyed; and
Now, Therefore be it Ordered, that
The sum of $30,000 be appropriated from the FY2023 General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance (Free Cash) to complete a study on the Recreational Field Usage and Responsibilities.