22.039 FY23 CIP - An Order to Appropriate $2.06 Million Free Cash to Various ProjectsCity of Northampton Massachusetts _________ In City Council March 3, 2022 Upon recommendation of the Mayor 22.039 FY23 CIP - An Order to Appropriate $2.06 Million Free Cash to Various Projects Ordered, that Pursuant to the FY2023-FY2027 Capital Improvement Program, the following Capital Projects be appropriated from the FY2023 General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance (Free Cash): Central Services – City – Municipal Building: Replace Boiler $ 100,000 Central Services – City – Main Fire Headquarters: Parking Lot Expansion $ 200,000 Central Services – City – DPW Admin: Install Building Ventilation System $ 95,000 Dispatch – Priority Disp. Emergency Fire Software $ 50,000 Information Technology Services – UPS Systems Replacement – NPS $ 30,000 Fire Rescue – SCBA Replacement $ 96,000 Fire Rescue – Hose and Equipment $ 110,000 Police Department – 4 Hybrid Marked Cruisers $ 289,823 Police Department – Unmarked Ford Utility (Hybrid) $ 55,855 Police Department – Ford Ranger with Insert (Animal Control) $ 59,202 Northampton Public Schools – District Wide – School Maintenance Van $ 65,000 Northampton Public Schools – Jackson Street: Ventilation & Greenhouse Gas Emissions Upgrades $ 50,000 Northampton Public Schools – Leeds: Ventilation & Greenhouse Gas Emissions Upgrades $ 60,000 Northampton Public Schools – JFK: Energy Management System Upgrades $ 50,000 Northampton Public Schools – Ryan Road: Hot Water Heating Upgrades $ 100,000 Smith Vocational & Agricultural High School – Sidewalk Replacement & Repair $ 149,900 Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School – Replacement Windows $ 50,000 Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School – Bldg C – Ventilation / AC $ 149,900 Department of Public Works – Parks Improvements $ 75,000 Department of Public Works – Sidewalks $ 200,000 Department of Public Works – Traffic Calming $ 25,000 TOTAL: $ 2,060,680