22.033 FY23 CIP - An Order to Authorize Borrowing $594,900 for DPW VehiclesCITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS In City Council, March 3, 2022 Upon the recommendation of the Mayor 22.033 FY23 CIP - An Order to Authorize Borrowing $594,900 for DPW Vehicles Ordered, that $594,900 is appropriated to pay costs of acquiring various vehicles and other equipment for the Department of Public Works, including all costs incidental and related thereto; that to meet this appropriation, the Treasurer, with the approval of the Mayor, is authorized to borrow said amount under Chapter 44, Section 7(1) of the General Laws, or pursuant to any other enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the City therefor; and that the Mayor is authorized to take any action necessary or convenient to carry out this project.