Enrollment Certificate for 23.373  City Council Document Record     File No. «FileID»   Document Name «Item» Document Type: «DocType»     Filed Away? ( Y ( N    Date Received  «DateRecd»    Received By L. Krutzler  ( Sponsor 1  «Sponsor1» ( Sponsor 3  «Sponsor3»  (Sponsor 2  «Sponsor2» (Sponsor 4   DOCUMENT HISTORY  DOCUMENT APPROVED AS TO FORMAT: (NOT CITY SOLICITOR REQUIRED FOR ORDINANCE REQUIRED  CITY COUNCIL ACTION  Date Action Motion Motion Made Second Count Summary Outcome Certification Book No. Page No.  «Date» In City Council 1st Reading Suspend rules to waive requirement for two readings Move to suspend Councilor Moulton Councilor LaBarge Yes 9 Roll call  12        No 0           Absent 0           Abstain 0      9/7/2023 In City Council 2nd Reading Approved Move to approve Councilor Maiore Councilor Foster Yes 9 Roll call  12        No 0           Absent 0           Abstain 0           Yes            No            Absent            Abstain            Yes            No            Absent            Abstain        RECORD OF COUNCILOR VOTES 1ST READING  2ND READING  Marissa Elkins ( Yes  ( No ( Abstain ( Absent  Marissa Elkins ( Yes  ( No ( Abstain ( Absent  Karen Foster ( Yes  ( No ( Abstain ( Absent  Karen Foster ( Yes  ( No ( Abstain ( Absent  Jamila Gore ( Yes ( No ( Abstain ( Absent  Jamila Gore ( Yes ( No ( Abstain ( Absent  Alex Jarrett ( Yes ( No ( Abstain ( Absent  Alex Jarrett ( Yes ( No ( Abstain ( Absent  Marianne LaBarge ( Yes ( No ( Abstain ( Absent  Marianne LaBarge ( Yes ( No ( Abstain ( Absent  Rachel Maiore ( Yes ( No ( Abstain ( Absent  Rachel Maiore ( Yes ( No ( Abstain ( Absent  Stan Moulton, III ( Yes ( No ( Abstain ( Absent  Stan Moulton, III ( Yes ( No ( Abstain ( Absent  James Nash ( Yes ( No ( Abstain ( Absent  James Nash ( Yes ( No ( Abstain ( Absent  Garrick Perry ( Yes ( No ( Abstain ( Absent  Garrick Perry ( Yes ( No ( Abstain ( Absent    Committee Action -  Date Committee Action / Recommendation Motion Made Second Count Summary                                               Public Hearing ( Yes ( No  Date / Time of Public Hearing:  Location of Public Hearing:  Public Hearing Chaired By:  Motion to Open: Motion to Close: Notes: ENROLLMENT COMMITTEE  Councilor Marissa Elkins  ______________________________________ Signature  _____________________________________ Date  Councilor Jim Nash ______________________________________ Signature  _______________________________________ Date  MAYOR APPROVAL   Mayor Gina-Louise Sciarra  ______________________________________ Signature  ______________________________________ Date       «FileID»