Enrollment Certificate for 23.238.docx City Council Document Record File No. 23.238 Document Name 23.238 An Order for Special Legislation Relative to Civil Service Positions in the DPW and Central Services Department Document Type: Order Filed Away?  Y  N Date Received 1/31/2023 Received By L. Krutzler  Sponsor 1 Mayor Sciarra  Sponsor 3 Sponsor 2 Sponsor 4 DOCUMENT HISTORY DOCUMENT APPROVED AS TO FORMAT: NOT CITY SOLICITOR REQUIRED FOR ORDINANCE REQUIRED CITY COUNCIL ACTION Date Action Motion Motion Made Second Count Summary Outcome Certification Book No. Page No. 2/2/2023 INTRODUCED AND DISCUSSED/NO VOTE TAKEN Yes 12 No Absent Abstain 2/16/2023 In City Council 2nd Reading Approved as group with 23.237 Move to Approve Councilor Jarrett Councilor LaBarge Yes 9 Roll Call 12 No 0 Absent 0 Abstain 0 Yes No Absent Abstain Yes No Absent Abstain RECORD OF COUNCILOR VOTES 1ST READING 2ND READING Marissa Elkins  Yes  No  Abstain  Absent Marissa Elkins  Yes  No  Abstain  Absent Karen Foster  Yes  No  Abstain  Absent Karen Foster  Yes  No  Abstain  Absent Jamila Gore  Yes  No  Abstain  Absent Jamila Gore  Yes  No  Abstain  Absent Alex Jarrett  Yes  No  Abstain  Absent Alex Jarrett  Yes  No  Abstain  Absent Marianne LaBarge  Yes  No  Abstain  Absent Marianne LaBarge  Yes  No  Abstain  Absent Rachel Maiore  Yes  No  Abstain  Absent Rachel Maiore  Yes  No  Abstain  Absent Stan Moulton, III  Yes  No  Abstain  Absent Stan Moulton, III  Yes  No  Abstain  Absent James Nash  Yes  No  Abstain  Absent James Nash  Yes  No  Abstain  Absent Garrick Perry  Yes  No  Abstain  Absent Garrick Perry  Yes  No  Abstain  Absent Committee Action - Date Committee Action / Recommendation Motion Made Second Count Summary DocuSign Envelope ID: 17D46EC5-9040-46FC-BFA7-FFC8560AFB4C Public Hearing  Yes  No Date / Time of Public Hearing: Location of Public Hearing: Public Hearing Chaired By: Motion to Open: Motion to Close: Notes: ENROLLMENT COMMITTEE Councilor Marissa Elkins ______________________________________ Signature _____________________________________ Date Councilor Jim Nash ______________________________________ Signature _______________________________________ Date MAYOR APPROVAL Mayor Gina- Louise Sciarra ______________________________________ Signature ______________________________________ Date 23.238File No. 23.238 File Type: Order Description: 23.238 An Order for Special Legislation Relative to Civil Service Positions in the DPW and Central Services Department DocuSign Envelope ID: 17D46EC5-9040-46FC-BFA7-FFC8560AFB4C 2/22/2023 | 3:37 PM EST 2/22/2023 | 5:30 PM EST 2/27/2023 | 1:58 PM EST DocuSign Envelope ID: 17D46EC5-9040-46FC-BFA7-FFC8560AFB4C