Ordinance Review-social justice-WF11.2.20Ordinance Review Committee:Social Justice issues
Planning & Sustainability
Distributional(windfalls & wipeouts)Procedural(seat at the table)Structural(institutional racism)Intergenerational(who pays)Cultural(all values)Equity
Equity in Planning
two families by right in single family zones
Florence Center ADD first floor residential NOT in commercial core
Downtown: ADD first floor residentialNOT in commercial core
LOCAL comprehensive permit Ordinance•Ability to waive local regulations
Housing Stability Notification Act‐Somerville, MA•Landlords and Foreclosing agent must notify tenants/owners:–Notice of Rights and Resources (e.g. financial, legal aid, etc.) if evicting or not renewing lease for owner or tenant–Helps identify support agencies–Contact information for organizations providing assistance•Help get resources to keep people housed•Enforcement: Police and Inspection Services
Mill River Swimming regulations‐noise