Northampton Policing Review CommissionNorthampton Policing Review Commission
A Joint Special Commission of the Mayor and City Council
The recent police killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and Rayshard
Brooks have sparked national protest, once again exposing historic inequities and systemic
racism in policing and our society at large in the United States. Propelled by these tragic events
nationally and their connection to 400 years of racial injustice, hundreds of Northampton
residents have called upon their elected leaders to rethink the city’s approach to policing,
rethink whether and what police services could be delivered by others, and rethink how we
structure and fund community safety moving forward.
The Mayor and the City Council are committed to initiating a sweeping public policy review and
community conversation about policing and community safety. Northampton’s elected leaders
are united in agreement that we are in a critical moment as a city and a nation that calls for
profound structural change and must work together to identify and enact necessary reforms
with deliberate speed and lasting impact.
To achieve that goal, the Mayor and the City Council are jointly convening a special citizen
commission to study these complex issues and recommend reforms to the current
organizational and oversight structures, municipal funding allocations, and policies and
ordinances that together can transform how the city delivers policing services while ensuring
community safety equitably and justly for all.
Issues to be studied by the citizen commission shall include, but are not limited to:
●Department size, structure,
services, and budget
●Use of force policies
●Citizen complaint processes
●Recruitment and diversity policies
●Training and equipment
●Data collection and reporting
●Body worn cameras
●Union contracts
●Civilian oversight/review models
●Transitioning 911 calls for mental
health, houselessness, substance
abuse disorder, and other
non-criminal services to civilian
responders or social service
●An examination of alternatives to
current policing practices
Size, Composition, and Appointment Process
The Northampton Policing Review Commission shall be a fifteen (15) member public body made
up of Northampton residents with a demonstrated interest, experience, or expertise in the
issues under review by the special commission.
The Mayor shall appoint six (6) members and the City Council shall appoint nine (9) members by
an application and review process to be determined by each appointing authority. Mayoral
appointments shall include a member of the Northampton Human Rights Commission. City
Council appointments shall include not more than two (2) City Councilors.
The commission shall include representation of not less than eight (8) members who are black,
indigneous, people of color, or from other historically marginalized communities who have
been targeted and harmed by U.S. policing practices. The commission shall elect its own
co-chairs who shall be citizen members.
The appointment process shall be completed on or before August 20, 2020, and the
Northampton Policing Review Commission shall convene its first organizational meeting no
later than September 10, 2020.
Meetings, Public Hearings, and Staff Support
The commission shall set its own meeting schedule as determined by the body. In addition to
regular meetings, the commission shall hold at least three (3) public hearings to gather public
input on issues under review. All meetings and public hearings shall comply with Massachusetts
Open Meeting Law, including remote meetings held in accordance with Governor Baker’s
COVID-19 emergency orders.
The Mayor shall file a financial order with the City Council to fund consulting or staff support.
Preliminary and Final Reporting Deadlines
The Northampton Policing Review Commission shall issue a preliminary report to the Mayor
and the City Council on or before December 17, 2020, and release it for public review and
The Northampton Policing Review Commission shall issue a final report with recommendations
to the Mayor and the City Council on or before March 4, 2021, which is over two months prior
to the required submission of the fiscal year 2022 city budget.