FY2021 Tax Classification Hearing PresentationFY2021 Tax Classification Hearing City of Northampton November 19, 2020 Marc Dautreuil II, Principal Assessor/Susan Wright, Finance Director Tax Classification Hearing The Classification Act passed in 1978 requires municipalities to classify real and personal property into one of four classes according to use: Residential Commercial Industrial Personal Property Municipalities that are certified by the DOR as assessing property at its full and fair cash value may elect to shift the tax burden among the major property classes within certain limits established by law. Definitions: Residential – Includes all property containing one or more units used for human habitation. The class includes accessory land and buildings such as swimming pools, tennis courts, garages and sheds. Single-family homes are in this class, as are large apartment buildings. Commercial – Includes any property held for the purpose of conducting a business, such as stores, office buildings, hotels, and all vacant land classified as forestland (Chapter 61), farmland (Chapter 61A) and recreational land (Chapter 61B). Industrial Properties - Includes any property involved in manufacturing, processing or extraction. It includes utility real property used for storage and generation purposes. Personal Property – Contains all taxable personal property of individuals, partnerships, associations and certain corporations. A large portion of this class is owned by public utilities. MGL C.40, s.56 (excerpts) “The selectmen or town council of each town and the city council together with the mayor's approval in each city, which city or town has been certified by the commissioner of revenue to be assessing property at full and fair cash valuation, shall annually first determine the percentages of the local tax levy to be borne by each class of real property, ….” “In determining such percentages, the selectmen, town council or the city council, together with the mayor's approval, as the case may be, shall first adopt a residential factor; provided, however, that if the mayor vetoes the city council's factor, in a city, the city council may override such veto with a vote equal to two-thirds of the members elected.” “Said factor shall be an amount not less than the minimum residential factor determined by the commissioner of revenue in accordance with the provisions of section one A of chapter fifty-eight and shall be used by the board of assessors to determine the percentages of the local tax levy to be borne by each class of real and personal property. “Prior to the adoption of such percentages, the selectmen, town council or the city council, as the case may be, shall conduct a public hearing on the question of their adoption. At such hearing, the board of assessors shall provide all information and data relevant to making such determination and the fiscal effect of the available alternatives.” Northampton Property Values Definition of New Growth The additional tax revenue generated by new construction, renovations and other growth in the property tax base during a calendar year. It does not include value increases caused by normal market forces or by revaluations. New growth for FY2021 is based on new construction, renovations and additions that occurred between July 1, 2019 to July 1, 2020. New Growth Value by Classification Total $61,879,979 Residential $34,426,505 Commercial $27,453,474 This translates to new tax revenue in the amount of $1,039,583 for FY2021. Tax Revenue Generated by New Growth New Growth Values of Neighboring Communities Northampton leads the region with the largest new growth values. FY2020 value of new growth in neighboring communities FY2021 value of new growth in neighboring communities Note: Greenfield, Holyoke and Longmeadow and Westfield have not yet received new growth approval for FY2021 Major Construction Projects that contributed to New Growth for FY2021 Value added between 7/1/2019 to 7/1/2020 on selected large projects: •34 New Single Family Homes Added =8,867,100 ●117 Olander Dr-18 condos-value added=$5,257,650 ●CED Solar-Burt’s Pit Rd-Solar Field-value added=$4,577,149 ●46 Round Hill Rd-mixed use building-value added=$3,695,100 ●5-9 Pomeroy Terrace-8 condos-value added=$2,492,900 ●76 Gothic St– 5 condos – value added = $2,256,950 ●82 Bridge St-31 apartments-value added=$1,926,072 ●35 Village Hill – mixed use building– value added = $1,737,200 Distribution by Property Classification FY2021 Distribution by Property Classification The Levy Limit for Northampton for FY2021 is $67,364,033 The Actual Levy for FY2021 will be $64,854,759.61 This leaves unused levy capacity of $2,509,273.39. Debt Exclusions $633,443: (represents $0.17 on tax rate) Police Station – last debt service payment is in FY2032 Single Versus Split Tax Rate: This is what this hearing is about…… Note: The total amount that can be raised in taxes stays the same, whether there is a single or split tax rate. A split tax rate does not raise more revenue, it simply shifts the tax burden among the taxpayers. ●FACTOR OF 1.00: Selection of a single tax rate means that all four property classes will pay the same tax rate. This is the recommendation of the Principal Assessor and the Mayor. ●FACTOR LESS THAN 1.00: The law allows the option to shift the tax burden among the classes by reducing the share of the tax levy paid by the residential property owners and shifting/increasing those taxes to commercial, industrial and personal property taxpayers through the adoption of a residential factor of less than 1.00. ●FACTOR OF GREATER THAN 1.00: Conversely, a factor greater than 1.00 may be adopted, which would have the opposite effect, reducing the share of the tax levy paid by commercial, industrial and personal property taxpayers and shifting/increasing those taxes on residential property owners. Single Tax Rate: The factor of 1.00 will result in an estimated FY2021 tax rate of $17.37 per $1000 for all property classifications, which is an increase of ($0.57) or a 3.34% increase. ●For comparison purposes, this is where Northampton’s residential rate ranked with our neighboring communities in FY2020 ●For comparison purposes, this is where Northampton’s commercial/industrial rate ranked with our neighboring communities in FY2020 Split Tax Rate: The Minimum Residential Factor (MRF) is 88.0364 for FY2021. This is the maximum allowable shift determined by the DOR. This would result in a split tax rate of $15.29 for Residential and $26.05 for Commercial/Industrial and Personal Property. ●Residential Impact Average Single Family Home Value: $334,058.58 Single Tax Rate: $334,058.58/$1000 x $17.37 = $5,802.60 Split Tax Rate: $334,058.58/$1000 x $15.29= $5,107.76 Decrease of $694.84 ●Commercial and Industrial Impact Average Commercial Value: $609,132.15 Single Tax Rate: $609,132.15/$1000 x $17.37 = $10,580.63 Split Tax Rate: $ 609,132.15 /$1000 x $26.05= $15,867.89 Increase of $5,287.26 Average Industrial Value: $730,940.33 Single Tax Rate: $730,940.33 /$1000 x $17.37 = $12,696.43 Split Tax Rate: $730,940.33 /$1000 x $26.05 = $19,041.00 Increase of $6,344.57 Single versus Split Tax Rate: ●235 Massachusetts Communities had a single tax rate in FY2020 ●107 Massachusetts communities had a split tax rate in FY2020 with shifts ranging from $0.25 to $22.04 above the residential rate (favoring lower tax rates for residential property and higher tax rates for businesses) ●8 Massachusetts communities had split tax rate in FY2020 with shifts ranging from $0.03 to $0.86 below the residential rate (favoring lower tax rates for businesses, and higher tax rates for residential property) Typically a split tax rate might be considered when: ●the percentage of residential property to commercial/industrial/personal property is at least at 70%-30% ●the major taxpaying businesses are difficult to move such as a power plant or a shopping mall It can be difficult for a community to revert back to a single tax rate after splitting the tax rate, as it often results in a substantial tax increase for residential properties The Mayor and the Principal Assessor recommend a Factor of 1.00 – A Single Tax Rate Other Exemptions allowed upon Mayoral Option: Residential Exemption MGL C.59 s. 5C – The Residential Exemption allows for a shift of the tax burden within the residential class from the lower valued properties to the higher valued ones and those owned by non-residents. However, this also shifts the burden to rental properties. MGL C.59 s.5C “With respect to each parcel of real property classified as Class One, residential, in each city or town certified by the commissioner to be assessing all property at its full and fair cash valuation, and at the option of the board of selectmen or mayor, with the approval of the city council,….” Small Commercial Exemption MGL C.59 s.5I - The Commercial Exemptions allows smaller businesses with an average annual employment of no more than 10 people and an assessed valuation of less than $1,000,000 to receive an exemption. Adoption of this exemption increases the commercial and industrial tax rates. The amount of the tax levy paid by those two classes remains the same, but because of exempted valuation, it is distributed over less assessed value. This higher rate creates a shift that reduces the taxes paid by owners of properties occupied by small businesses and shifts them to larger commercial and industrial taxpayers. However, this will not benefit small businesses that do not own the property that they use for their business. MGL C.59 s.5I “With respect to each parcel of real property classified as class three, commercial, in each city or town certified by the commissioner to be assessing all property at its full and fair cash valuation, and at the option of the board of selectmen or mayor, with the approval of the city council…” SUMMARY: Principal Assessor and Mayor recommend City Council approve a residential factor of 1.00 for FY20201 which results in a single tax rate of $17.37/$1000 valuation Recommended Residential Factor of "1" for FY2021 Class Percentage Total Valuation Tax Rate per $1000 Valuation Levy by Class Residential 80.69 $ 3,012,838,182.00 $ 17.37 $ 52,332,999.22 Commercial 13.96 $ 521,105,367.00 $ 17.37 $ 9,051,600.22 Industrial 2.94 $ 109,641,049.00 $ 17.37 $ 1,904,465.02 Personal Property 2.41 $ 90,137,890.00 $ 17.37 $ 1,565,695.15 100.00 $ 3,733,722,488.00 $ 64,854,759.61