21.336 Certification21.336 10 Broad Brook- Fitzgerald Lake One van-accessibltf space on the northeast corner abutting the Greenwa information kiosk. Musante Beach — North Lot Two spaces on the northwest corner, one being van -accessible. Musante Beach - South Lot One van -accessible space on the northwest corner, abutting the parking lot entrance. Ray Ellerbrook Two spaces on the southeast corner abutting the western edge Fields of the baseball diamond, one being van -accessible. One space on the northern edge closest to the soccer field. Smith Vocational Two spaces on the northwest corner, abutting the trail Agricultural Fields entrance, one being van -accessible. In City Council, November 18, 2021 Passed First Reading on Roll Call Vote or Yes, 0 No, 0 Absent Attest: _ � li!/il Cierk or council In City Council, December 2, 2021 Passed Second Reading on Roll Call Vote or Yes, 0 No, 0 Absent Attest: , Clerk or Council Approved: David J. Nnrkewicz, Mayor Passed two readings, ordained and enrolled. 1 hereby certify that the above Ordinance passed the Northampton City Council on December 2, 2021 David J. Narkewicz, Mayor approved the Ordinance on December 7, 2021 Attest: , Clerk or Council