21.336 An Ordinance Relative to Off-Street Accessible Parking SpacesCITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS In the Year Two Thousand and Twenty-One Upon the Recommendation of the Transportation and Parking Commission 21.336 AN ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO OFF-STREET ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES An Ordinance of the City of Northampton, Massachusetts. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Northampton, in City Council assembled, as follows: 1 SECTION 1 2 3 That the § 312-117 of the Code of Ordinances be amended as follows: 4 5 § 312-117 Schedule XVI: On-Street and Off-Street Handicapped Parking Spaces. 6 7 B. Off-street handicapped parking spaces are established as follows: 8 Parking Lot Location Florence Recreation Fields – West Lot Three spaces on the northern edge, closest to the bathrooms, abutting the pedestrian crosswalk, one being van-accessible. Florence Recreation Fields – East Lot Six spaces dispersed along the western edge of the parking lot, one being van-accessible. Sheldon Field – West Lot Three spaces in the northwest corner, one being van-accessible. Sheldon Field – East Lot One van-accessible space abutting south of the entrance to the basketball court. Maines Field Two spaces on the southwest corner of the paved parking area, one being van-accessible. Arcanum Field – North Lot One van-accessible space on the southeast corner. Arcanum Field – South Lot Three spaces on the southeast corner, one being van-accessible. Veteran’s Field Two spaces on the southwest corner abutting the sidewalk to the skate park, one being van-accessible. Broad Brook- Fitzgerald Lake Greenway One van-accessible space on the northeast corner abutting the information kiosk. Musante Beach – North Lot Two spaces on the northwest corner, one being van-accessible. Musante Beach – South Lot One van-accessible space on the northwest corner, abutting the parking lot entrance. Ray Ellerbrook Fields Two spaces on the southeast corner abutting the western edge of the baseball diamond, one being van-accessible. One space on the northern edge closest to the soccer field. Smith Vocational Agricultural Fields Two spaces on the northwest corner, abutting the trail entrance, one being van-accessible. 9 10