21.331 Warrant for the November 2, 2021 Biennial Municipal Election - Certified21.331 (Revised)
City of Northampton
In City Council October 7, 2021
Upon the recommendation of City Clerk Pamela L. Powers
Warrant for the 2021 Biennial Election to be held on November 2, 2021
Ordered, that a meeting of the inhabitants of the City of Northampton qualified to vote will be
held on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, in the several polling places designated by the City
Council, as follows:
WARD 1, Precinct A-In Jackson Street School Auditorium
WARD 1, Precinct B-ln Jackson Street School Auditorium
WARD 2, Precinct A-In Smith Vocational-Agricultural High School – Building B
WARD 2, Precinct B-ln Smith Vocational-Agricultural High School – Building B
WARD 3, Precinct A-In the Senior Center, 67 Conz Street – Great Room
WARD 3, Precinct B-ln the Senior Center, 67 Conz Street – Great Room
WARD 4, Precinct A-In the Senior Center, 67 Conz Street – Patte’s Front Room
WARD 4, Precinct B-ln the Senior Center, 67 Conz Street – Activity Rm #1
WARD 5, Precinct A-In Florence Civic and Business Building, 90 Park Street
WARD 5, Precinct B- In Smith Vocational-Agricultural High School – Building B
WARD 6, Precinct A-In Robert K. Finn Ryan Road School Gymnasium
WARD 6, Precinct B-ln Robert K. Finn Ryan Road School Gymnasium
WARD 7, Precinct A-In John F. Kennedy Middle School Community Room
WARD 7, Precinct B-ln Leeds School Gymnasium, Lower Level
The polls will be opened at seven o'clock in the forenoon and closed at eight o'clock in the
evening of the said day, and all such voters will within the said hours in the wards in which
they are individually entitled to vote give in their votes for Mayor for four ensuing municipal
years, for two Councilors-at-Large for two ensuing municipal years, for one Councilor from
each of the seven wards of the City for two ensuing municipal years, for two members of the
School Committee at Large for two ensuing municipal years, for one School Member from each
of the seven wards of the City for two ensuing municipal years from the first Monday of
January, 2022; for three Trustees of Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School to serve for
two years from the first Monday of January, 2022, and for one Elector under the Oliver Smith
will for two years from the first Wednesday of May, 2022, and for two Trustees under the will
of Charles E. Forbes for four years from the first Monday of January, 2022.