21.318 An Ordinance to Amend 350-17 FFR District and 350 3-4 Zoning Map to Include Recreation Land - FINAL CertifiedCity of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS In the Year Two Thousand Twenty One Upon the Recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz and Planning & Sustainability 21.318 An Ordinance to Amend §350-17 FFR District and §350 3-4 Zoning Map to Include Recreation Land An Ordinance of the City of Northampton, Massachusetts, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Northampton, Massachusetts, be amended by changing Section 350-17 & 350 3-4 Zoning Map in order to accurately reflect the status of lands in Northampton permanently protected from development. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Northampton, in City Council assembled, as follows: Amend as shown § 350-17Farms, Forests and Recreation District (FFR) § 350-17.1Purpose. The purpose of this article is to protect sensitive open space and ecologically important features, to preserve the farms, forests, river corridors, ecological habitat, and recreational lands of Northampton, and to allow landowners the ability to develop their property in a manner that is sensitive to these unique resources. FFR is comprised of three different types of protected open space. 1) Rural publicly owned open space and greenways. 2) Lands permanently protected with conservation or agricultural restrictions 3) Urban Parks including those for organized recreational uses. § 350-17.2 Uses. Uses in the FFR are limited to any of the following so long as 1. No more than 25% of a parcel may be developed as , roads, sewage disposal or drainage facilities, or other development and, where possible, all improvements shall be spatially concentrated to preserve the protected resource. The Planning Board, through Site Plan Review may approve more than 25% developed areas only when created to enhance or expand the function urban parks or recreational facilities. UV66 UV10 UV9 UV9 UV47 UV9 £¤5 §¨¦91 §¨¦91 0 1 2 3 4 Miles EDocument Path: J:\mxd\FFR_Proposed_20200330_new.mxdDate: 7/6/2020 proposed new FFR FFR (existing)