21.297 Certification21.297 In Cit) Council, June 17, 2021 Passed Firsl Rending on Roll ( all vote or9 1 es, 0 \0,1) osent Attest: , , +�i , Clerk or Council I City Council, June 17, 2021 Passed Second Rending on Roll Call v ole of 9 1 es,1) No, 0 Absent Attest: z~ ,Clerk orcouncil -lppro%cd: Da%id J. \nrkeuicz. AN%or Rides suspended, passed fit (I readings and enrolled. 1 hercb► certify that the ubotie Order passed the Northampton City ( ouncil on .lone 17, 2021 Dmid .I. Narko iez. \layor approved the Order un June 18, 21121 Attest: _, �12ei+w�.. Clerk orCntmcil