21.297 An Order to Authorize Damon Road Sewer Line Taking - CertifiedCity of Northampton
In City Council, June 17, 2021
Upon the recommendation of the Mayor and the Department of Public Works
21.297 An Order to Authorize Damon Road Sewer Line Taking
Ordered, that
WHEREAS, Damon Road and Bridge Road are public ways in and for the city of
Northampton; and,
WHEREAS, the city, in conjunction with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, is
undertaking the reconstruction of Damon Road and Bridge Road, including
drainage and utility improvements and slope stabilization, from the Norwottuck
Rail Trail crossing to the easterly section of Bridge Road west of King Street
(Routes 5 and 10) (“the Project”); and,
WHEREAS, within the layout of Damon Road are two privately-owned pressure sewer force
mains that are approximately 50 years old and are near the end of their expected
design life. The lines are scheduled to be replaced in conjunction with the
Project; and
WHEREAS in order to proceed with the replacement of the sewer lines, the city must acquire
title to the sewer lines and appurtenances; and
WHEREAS, the sewer lines are shown on the sketch plan (“the Plan”) entitled Damon Road
Sewer Force Main Proposed Takings, dated June 10, 2021as “River Run
Condominium Trust Sewer Force Main ~420 LF” and “Easthampton Mahadev
LLC Sewer Force Main, ~490 LF”; and
WHEREAS, no appropriation is required as the damages awarded for the taking authorized
herein is nominal.
That the City Council authorizes the acquisition by purchase, gift, eminent domain, or otherwise,
permanent fee interests, in fee simple absolute, for and on behalf of the Inhabitants of the City of
Northampton of the sewer lines, including pipes, fixtures, equipment and appurtenances shown
on the Plan as “River Run Condominium Trust Sewer Force Main ~420 LF” and “Easthampton
Mahadev LLC Sewer Force Main, ~490 LF.” As damages for this taking, the City Council
awards One Dollar ($1.00) to River Run Condominium Trust and One Dollar ($1.00) to
Easthampton Mahadev LLC.