21.294 An Order to Reprogram Surplus from CS Forbes Library Windows to Forbes HVAC Project - Certified21.294 City of Northampton MASSAC14USETTS In City Counc' June 17 2021 21.294 An Order to Reprogram Surplus from CS Forbes Library Windows to Forbes HVAC Project Upon recommendation of the Ma or )Whereas, the City appropriated funds to conduct an engineering study for the Forbes Library HVAC system as part of the FY21 Capital Improvement Program and additional funds are needed; Whereas, the City appropriated funds to replace the windows at Forbes Library and the project is complete and funds remain which can be reprogrammed to support the architectural plans; Ordered, that $31,963 of the remaining balance in the CS Forbes Windows FY20 (19303 586219) be reprogrammed to the Forbes HVAC Project (19303 586711). In Cite Council. June 17, 2021 Passed First Residing on Kull Call 1 ole of 9 1 es. 0 Nip. 0 :Absent Attest: .- . Clerk of Council In Cit_r CIIIIII01, Jllne 17. 2021 Passed Second Reading on Kull Cull kite or9 1 es, It No. 0 Absent Attest: �iu,x r' 7� LK , Clerk orUnmcil %pprowd: David.l. Narh—micz, %loyor Rides suspended, passed two readings and enrolled. hereby certify Ihsit (lie ubme Order passed the \orthnntplon City Council on dune 17. 21121 Dmid.1. \arkeuicz, 1layor approwd the Order on dune IN, 2021 Attest: Clerk of Council