21.282 An Order to Approve FY 2022 Water Enterprise Fund Budget - Certified21.282 City of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS In City C'O-Uncir June 3 2021 Upon recommendation of the Mayor 21.282 An Order to Approve FY 2022 Water Enterprise Fund Budget ordered,, that the sum of $6,945,000 which is the full amount necessary for the Fiscal Year 2022 Water Enterprise Fund Budget (July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022), be appropriated for the purposes stated and to meet said appropriation, $6,330,293 is to be raised from water receipts, and $6I4,707 shall be allocated to indirect costs. Other Than FY 2022 Personal Operations & Ordinary Total Services Maintenance Maintenance Expenditures WATER ENTERPRISE FUND WATER TREATMENT AND OPERATIONS 1,462,087 953,700 410,000 2,825,787 WATER DEBT 0 0 1,714,414 1,714,414 WATER INTEREST 0 0 215,412 215,412 WATER INDIRECT COSTS 0 0 614,707 614,707 WATER RESERVE FOR CAPITAL PROJECTS 0 a 1,574,680 1,574,680 1,462,087 953,700 4,529,213 6,945,000 6,945,000 TOTAL WATER ENTERPRISE FUND APPROPRIATION In City Council, June 3, 2021 Passed First Reading on Roll Call Vote of 9 Yes, 0 No, 0 Absent Attest: '�ti , Clerk or council In City Council, June 17, 2021 Passed Second Reading on Roll Call Vote of 9 Yes, 0 No, 0 Absent Attest: �.� , Clerk of Council Approved: David J. Narkewlez, Mayor Passed two readings and enrolled. I hereby certify that the above Order passed the Northampton City Council on June 17, 2021 David J. Narkewicz, Mayor approved the Order on June 18, 2021 Attest: _ , Clerk or Council