21.272 Certification21.272
la Citv Council, MaN 20, 2021
Passed First Reading on Ron Call \btc or,) 1 es. o No. 0 Abscnl
Attest: . �� C+ , Clerk or Council
to City Council, Nla� 20, 21121
Passed Second Reading on Roll Call vote ur9 %'es.0 No,1) ahsenl
Atlest: _ �¢trta �• �___ , C Ierk of Council
Rules suspended, passed Iwo readings and cnrollcd.
1 herchy ccrlirj Thal the alme Resolution passed the Northampton Cily Council on %lai 20, 2021
►ticst: 7 C3. __ _ __, C lerk or Council