21.270 Luxe ConsignmentTHANK YOUi CITY CLERK NORTHAMPTON 210 MAIN ST, ROOM 4 (413) 587-1224 05-04-2021 12:20 REc 000006 SECOND HAND $25.00 CHECK $ 2 5 _ 00 City of Northampton Application for Annual License NORTHAMPTON, MASS., To the Honorable City Council of the City of Northampton: The undersigned respectfully petitions your honorable body for a License as follows: Name of Business: Luxe Consignmitnt Type of License: Secondhand Dealer Location of Business: 376 Pleasant Street Print Name of Applicant: (V) Signature of Applicant: (V) Address of Applicant: (V) No.�Street 25/a _ h LJI0et- /uA 0/r/ 1.9 In City Council, Referred to Committee on Licenses. ATTEST: City Clerk In City Council, In Committee on Licenses, Voted to recommend that Petition be granted,— not granted ATTEST: Clerk (date) Voted that Petition be —not granted Attest: Clerk to City Council granted