21.252 An Order to Appropriate 21,250 in CPA Funds for Damon House - Shepherd Barn Project - Certified21.252
City of Northampton
In City Council, April 15, 2021
Upon the recommendation of the Community Preservation Committee
21.252 An Order to Appropriate 21250 in CPA Funds for Damon House/Shepherd Barn
Ordered, that
WHEREAS, Historic Northampton, Inc. submitted a CPA application for Community
Preservation Act funding for restoration of the Damon House roofline
balustrade, and for a structural analysis of the Shepherd Barn;
WHEREAS, all work will be consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for
the Treatment of Historic Properties;
WHEREAS, CPA funds will be used to help secure an important historic resource that is
valued by the community and the region, on which the City holds a
permanent preservation restriction, and will expand Historic
Northampton's public programming opportunities;
WHEREAS, on April 7, 2021 the Northampton Community Preservation Committee,
voted unanimously to recommend that $21,250 in Community Preservation
Act funds be used to support this project.
That $21,250 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to Historic
Northampton, Inc. for the Shepherd/Damon project. And, that the grantee meets the
conditions approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City
Specifically, $21,250 is appropriated from the CPA Historic Preservation Reserve
(account #2344930-359932).
In City Council, April 15, 2021
Passed First Reading on Roll Cull Vote of 9 Ves. 0 No, 0 Absent
Attest: Z261, , Clerk of Council
In City Council, May 6.2021
Passed Second Reading an Roll Call Vote of 9 Ves, 0 No, 0 Absent
Attest: . Clerk of conncil
Approved: David J. Narkewicz, Mayor
Passed two readings and enrolled.
I hereby certify that the above Order passed the Northamplon City Council on May 6, 2021
David .1. Norkewicz, Mayor approved the Order on May 11, 2021
Attest: oTfrAL���^ , Clerk or Council