21.245 pg. 1City of Northampton Application for Annual License NORTHAMPTON, MASS., To the Honorable City Council of the City of Northampton: The undersigned respectfully petitions your honorable body for a License as follows: Name of Business: Antiques Corner Type of License: Secondhand Dealer Location of Business: ;14 Loudville Road Print Name of Applicant: (1/) /nil l j )L1 /11 ffiIc /cz Signature of Applicant: (V) cx.R.`(j1 7 f_ Address of Applicant: (V) No. Street ry VI) 1/I(/( !t i2 In Committee on Licenses, In City Council, Voted to recommend that Petition be Referred to Committee on Licenses.granted, not granted ATTEST: ATTEST: City Clerk Clerk In City Council, date) Voted that Petition be granted not granted Attest: Clerk to City Council