21.245 pg. 1City of Northampton
Application for Annual License
To the Honorable City Council of the City of Northampton:
The undersigned respectfully petitions your honorable body for a License as follows:
Name of Business: Antiques Corner
Type of License: Secondhand Dealer
Location of Business: ;14 Loudville Road
Print Name of Applicant: (1/) /nil l j )L1 /11 ffiIc /cz
Signature of Applicant: (V) cx.R.`(j1 7 f_
Address of Applicant: (V) No. Street ry VI) 1/I(/( !t i2
In Committee on Licenses,
In City Council,
Voted to recommend that Petition be
Referred to Committee on Licenses.granted, not granted
City Clerk
In City Council, date) Voted that Petition be granted
not granted
Attest: Clerk to City Council