125 Locust Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Fax 413-587-1576
Donna LaScaleia
To: Donna LaScaleia, Director of Public Works
From: David Veleta, City Engineer
Date: April 27, 2021
Re: Council Order 21.238 - Petition for Joint Ownership Pole Install No. 23303524 - Damon
Road Reconstruction Project MassDOT No. 608236 - Damon Road
I have reviewed Department of Public Works (DPW) records and submittals including images,
sketches and reconstruction plans for MassDOT Damon Road project No. 608236. This petition
includes the proposed installation of one (1) joint ownership (JO) pole shared between National
Grid and Verizon, referenced in City Council Order 21.238.
One (1) pole on Damon Road, numbered 9-50, is proposed. This pole is to be located at a point
approximately 154 easterly of the intersection of River Run and Damon Road as shown in the
application sketch and provides intermediate support for overhead wires spanning between existing
The proposed pole is located within the existing roadway pavement and shall not be placed until the
new, relocated curbing associated with the project is installed. The pole shall be placed with a
minimum 1.5' horizontal offset between the face of the new curb and the face of the pole. A
minimum 3' clearance between the back of the pole and the back of the new sidewalk is necessary
to meet minimum ADA compliance. The sketch shows a proposed guy wire to the north, which
must not interfere with the required ADA sidewalk clearance. The pole shall be placed with a
minimum five-foot horizontal offset from the existing water service line for 104 Damon Road.
A valid trench permit approved by the DPW is required before work at this location commences.