21.224 FY22 CIP - An Order to Appropriate 1.8 Million Free Cash to Various ProjectsCity of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS _________ In City Council April 1, 2021 Upon recommendation of the Mayor 21.224 FY22 CIP - An Order to Appropriate $1.8 Million Free Cash to Various Projects Ordered, that Pursuant to the FY2022-FY2026 Capital Improvement Program, the following Capital Projects be appropriated from the FY2021 General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance (Free Cash): Central Services – Academy of Music – Fire Suppression System Upgrades $ 150,000 Central Services – Senior Center – Paint Exterior of Building $ 118,000 Central Services – Florence Fire Station - Pave Rear Parking Lot $ 65,000 Central Services – Lighting Upgrades – Multiple City Facilities $ 110,000 Dispatch – Radio Positions Upgrades $ 150,000 IT – Northampton Public Schools – Wireless System Upgrade and Replacement $ 220,000 Planning – Comprehensive Planning $ 60,000 Fire Rescue – Replace 2007 Mechanic Plow Vehicle $ 65,000 Fire Rescue – Replace Cardiac Monitors in Four Ambulance Units $ 75,000 Northampton Public Schools – Replace 2005 – 30 Passenger Wheelchair Bus $ 55,000 Northampton Public Schools – JFK – Energy Management System $ 150,000 Northampton Public Schools – DW Facilities Assessment for Greenhouse Gas $ 60,000 Northampton Public Schools – NHS – Repoint Chimney $ 40,000 Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School – Building C Boiler Replacement $ 180,000 Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School – Nurses Office Renovation $ 206,000 Department of Public Works – Sidewalks $ 175,000 TOTAL: $ 1,879,000