21.218 Certification21.218 C. There shall be a minimum of four shade trees of not less than 1.5 inches caliper planted or maintained on each lot in accordance with the City's Tree List & Planting Guidelines, including two along the street frontage. (See also §350-6.5D) D. Only one principal structure per lot is allowed in a reduced lot line development. E. Any detached accessory structure on the lot must meet the standard setbacks for such structures. Modify Chpt 350-Attachment 7 (URB) & 9 (URC) by adding a reference to reduced lot line section 6.13 Setbacks Front =10 feet min. Side =15 feet min. (URB); 10 feet (URC) ,Side = 0 feet on a side for reduced lot line- See §6.13 In City Council, June 7, 2021 Passed First Reading on Roll Call Vole or Yes, 0 No, 0 Absent Attest: , Clerk of council In City Council, June 17, 2021 Passed Second Reading on Roll Call vote or 9 Yes, 0 No, 0 Absent Attest: _ �7�uu/ _. , Clerk of Council Approved: David J. Narkewicz, Mayor Passed hvo readings, ordained and enrolled. 1 hereby certify that the above Ordinance passed the Northampton City Council on June 17, 2021 David J. Narkewicz, Mayor approved the Ordinance on June 22, 2021 Attest: 2� , Clerk or council