21.202 An Order to Authorize Acceptance of Gifts of Labor and Materials for Sidewalk Repair or Replacement - CertifiedCity of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS _________ In City Council, March 4, 2021 Upon the recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz and Department of Public Works 21.202 An Order to Authorize Acceptance of Gifts of Labor and Materials for Sidewalk Repair or Replacement WHEREAS, Property owners in the City are responsible for certain maintenance of the sidewalks and driveway aprons within the public way; and WHEREAS, Property owners often desire to perform or have performed significant maintenance, repair or replacement of such sidewalks as part of driveway replacement or otherwise; and WHEREAS, Heretofore, the Massachusetts Department of Labor Standards has opined that such work within the public way performed on behalf of a property owner implicated the requirement to pay prevailing wages and, depending upon the extent of the work and the cost thereof, the requirement to follow other requirements of applicable procurement laws, including solicitation of bids for such work; and WHEREAS, The Department of Labor Standards has revised that opinion, and such work may now be performed on behalf of the property owner without regard to such procurement laws; and WHEREAS, The materials required to maintain, repair or replace a sidewalk within the public way constitute a gift to the City of tangible personal property that require acceptance by vote of the City Council; and WHEREAS, The public interest would be served by allowing the Department of Public Works to accept such gifts without further Order of the City Council, provided that prior to performance of such work the proposal is reviewed and approved by the Department of Public Works. Ordered, that In accordance with M.G.L. c. 44, § 53A½, the City Council hereby authorizes the Department of Public Works to accept any and all gifts from property owners of labor and materials valued up to $10,000 for the maintenance, repair and replacement of sidewalks within the layout of the public way abutting the property of such property owner subject to such review and the issuance of such approvals and/or permits as the Department of Public Works may, from time to time, establish by departmental regulation.