125 Locust Street
Northampton, MA 01060
Fax 413-587-1576
Donna LaScaleia
To: Donna LaScaleia, Director of Public Works �fl 2 Nei} #&,- -/ -may /
From: David Veleta, City Engineer
Date: March 31, 2021
Re: Council Order 21.197 - Petition for Installation and Maintenance of Underground Conduit and
Manholes No. 23303524 Damon Road Reconstruction Project MassDOT No. 608236
Damon Road
I have reviewed Department of Public Works (DPW) records and submittals including images, sketches
and reconstruction plans for MassDOT Damon Road project No. 608236. This petition with a revised
plan dated March 24, 2021, includes the proposed construction of a line of underground electric conduits
and manholes, including the necessary sustaining and protecting features, under and across the public
ways or ways, by National Grid, referenced in City Council Order 21.197.
The installation is proposed to be located beginning at a point approximately 178 feet northeast of the
centerline of the intersection of Industrial Drive and Damon Road and continuing in a northeast direction.
National Grid proposes to install Manhole 1 with approximately 20 feet of four 5-inch, future use conduit
to the northwest, approximately 45 feet of two 5-inch conduit to pole P7-25, approximately 377 feet of six
5-inch conduit from Manhole 1 to Manhole 2, approximately 37 feet of two 5 inch conduit from Manhole
2 to P7-50, and approximately 20 feet of four 5-inch, future use conduit to the northeast from Manhole 2,
as shown on the attached plan dated March 24, 2021.
No potential conflicts were observed, but the contractor shall use caution when excavating since the exact
location of the existing sewer force main is unknown.
A trench permit approved by the DPW has already been issued for the Damon Road project to
Gagliarducci Construction who will be installing the manholes and conduit under contract with
MassDOT. This permit will be revised to reflect the specifics of the above work upon approval of this
petition by Council.