20.172 An Ordinance Relative to Two-Family By Right - Amendment to SC Table of Use - CERTIFIEDCity of Northampton
In the Year Two Thousand Twenty
Upon the Recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz and Planning & Sustainability
20.172 An Ordinance Relative to Two-Family By Right - Amendment to SC Table of Use
An Ordinance of the City of Northampton, Massachusetts, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of
Northampton, Massachusetts, be amended to allow two-family homes/lots by-right in most of the
residential districts within the City.
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Northampton, in City Council assembled, as follows:
SC Attachment 18 Be modified by adding and deleting text as Follows with no other changes to
Attachment 18:
Uses Allowed By Right: (see above)
• Attached (to a single-family) accessory dwellingtwo family unit not to exceed 900 ft2 gross living area.
See§ 350-10.10. Same setback as for principal structures. Allowed ONLY within homes existing as of June
30, 2005, and for those that meet all State Building Code and requirements under the Wetlands
Protection Act and Wetlands Ordinance.
Site Plan Approval Required for the Following:
• Any construction (other than for a single-family home) greater than 2,000 ft2
The addition of a second unit less than 900 sf. on a parcel detached from the existing single family
home. Allowed ONLY within existing footprint and within homes existing as of June 30, 2005, and for
those that meet all State Building Code and requirements under the Wetlands Protection Act and
Wetlands Ordinance. See additional criteria in 350-6.11
Special Permit Approval Required for the Following Uses by Planning Board Unless Otherwise Noted:
• Detached accessory dwelling unit. See § 350-10.10—Zoning Board of Appeals Special Permit
Two-Family By- Right
Ordinances 10 of 10