20.168 An Ordinance Relative to Two-Family By Right - MODIFIED Amendment to SR-RR Table of Use
City of Northampton
In the Year Two Thousand Twenty
Upon the Recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz and Planning & Sustainability
20.168 An Ordinance Relative to Two-Family By Right - Amendment to SR-RR Table of Use
An Ordinance of the City of Northampton, Massachusetts, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of
Northampton, Massachusetts, be amended to allow two-family homes/lots by-right in most of the
residential districts within the City.
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Northampton, in City Council assembled, as follows:
SR and RR Attachments 5 & 4 Be modified by adding and deleting text as Follows with no other
changes to Attachment 4 or 5:
SR & RR District
Design Standards Illustrated
Planning Board may waive, by site plan approval element 2, if it can be shown that a different design meets a pedestrian-scale design that
encourages public/private transition and interface (e.g. similar elements facing internal courtyards or private streets)
1. 1. If aFor attached garages/
or other parking structures
that face the street, is
attached, it must be set
a) The front face of the
garage must be stepped
back 120’ from the house
façade; and
b) Tthe garage/structure shall
comprise no more than
30% of the front facade of
the primary structure,
unless the garage is
stepped back from the
façade by 20’ (A).
The criteria above does not
apply to residential structures
that are either behind another
principal structure which is
along the street front or if the
structure is setback 50’ or
more from the front lot line.
Two-Family By- Right
Ordinances 6 of 10
See additional specific criteria
for 2-family homes. If a
garage or other parking
structure is attached, it shall
comprise no more than 30%
of the front facade of the
primary structure.
Uses Allowed By Right:
Single Family residence
Two- Family less than 3, 400 sf See also §350-6.11 NOTE: Make Hyperlink
Site Plan Approval required for the following:
Two-Family greater than 3, 400 sf and Two Single Family dwellings per lot . See also §350-6.11 Note: Make
Any Construction (other than for a single family home) greater than 2,000 ft 2