20.165 An Ordinance Relative to Two-Family By Right - Amendment to URB-URC Tables of Use - CERTIFIEDCity of Northampton
In the Year Two Thousand Twenty
Upon the Recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz and Planning & Sustainability
20.165 An Ordinance Relative to Two-Family By Right - Amendment to URB-URC Tables of Use
An Ordinance of the City of Northampton, Massachusetts, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Northampton,
Massachusetts, be amended to allow two-family homes/lots by-right in most of the residential districts within the City.
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Northampton, in City Council assembled, as follows:
Amend 350 Attachment 7, 8 for URB and URC tables with additions and strikethroughs follows, with no other changes to
those attachments:
Lot Dimension
Layout Setbacks for all uses. See additional form/layout requirements for two-family
below in “Uses Allowed by Right”
Lot Size
Single or Two family: 3,750
3+ units: 2,500 ft2 minimum
(min) per unit
Frontage/Width = 50’ Min.
Depth = 75’ Min.
Detached accessory
structure/garage/storage =
10’ behind front of principal
structure , 4’ (side and rear
lot line)
Design Standards Illustrated
Planning Board may waive, by site plan approval elements 2, 3, 4 below if it can be shown that a different design meets a pedestrian-
scale design that encourages public/private transition and interface (e.g. similar elements facing internal courtyards or private streets)
1. If aFor attached garages/
or other parking structures
that face the street, is
attached, it must be set
a) The front face of the
garage must be stepped
back 120’ from the
house façade; and
b) Tthe garage/structure
shall comprise no more
than 30% of the front
facade of the primary
structure, unless the
garage is stepped back
from the façade by
Two-Family By- Right
Ordinances 3 of 10