20.145 Appointments to Northampton Housing Authority and Housing Partnership MAYOR DAVID J. NARKEWICZ City of Northampton Office of the Mayor 210 Main Street Room 12 Northampton, MA 01060-3199 (413) 587-1249 Fax: (413) 587-1275 mayor@northamptonma.gov DATE: November 5, 2020 TO: City Council FROM: Mayor David J. Narkewicz SUBJECT: Appointments to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Please find the attached appointments to City Boards, Committees, and Commissions: Housing Partnership Ace Tayloe, 14 Fruit Street, Apt. 1, Northampton, MA Term: November 2020-June 2023 To fill a vacancy Hannah Shaffer, 115 Milton Street, Florence Term: November 2020-June 2023 To fill a vacancy Northampton Housing Authority- Board of Commissioners Edgardo Cancel, Northampton Housing Partnership appointee Term: November 2020-June 2023 To fill a newly-created position on the NHA Board of Commissioners Mayor of Northampton Mass. <mayor@northamptonma.gov> Online Form Submittal: Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees and Commissions 14 messages noreply@civicplus.com <noreply@civicplus.com>Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 3:18 PM To: mayor@northamptonma.gov Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees and Commissions City of Northampton Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Please return the completed form to: Mayor@northamptonma.gov or David J. Narkewicz, Mayor 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 First Name Ace Last Name Tayloe Title, if applicable Field not completed. Address1 14 Fruit St Apt 1 Address2 Field not completed. City Northampton State MA Zip 01060 Home Phone 4133412004 Work Phone Field not completed. Cell Phone 8026836700 Occupation & Place of Employment Lab Instructor, Mt. Holyoke College Email 4tayloe@gmail.com Are you a Northampton resident? Yes Years Lived in Northampton 11 Age Under 29, 30 - 39 Sex Non-Binary Racial / Ethnic Background White Boards and Committees Housing Partnership, Human Rights Commission, License Commission, Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board of Trustees, Transportation & Parking Commission, Whiting Street Fund Committee, Zoning Board of Appeals Please list "other" board or committee of interest Review and Reform of Policing and Community Safety (not yet created); committees related to reviewing municipal by-laws, tech use and adoption What skills and experience will you bring to this committee assignment? I have a strong interest in Northampton growing as a just and open city. I want very much to be involved in city government, to learn how changes can be made and the process of keeping the city running and thriving. I have strong research skills, as well as experience in digital outreach and engagement. At the time of submission, I offer the perspective of a city resident under 30, with strong familiarity with the realities of renting in the city. Are you currently serving or have you served on any city committee? No Please list other city committees you have served on None Required: Please read the following, by signing below you state that you understand and agree. The filing of this form does not guarantee my appointment. An application is kept on file for two (2) years; after that I must file a new application. Being appointed to a committee, board, or commission means that I am considered a Municipal Employee under MGL Chapter 268A and thereby subject to Conflict of Interest Law MGL Chapter 268A, Financial Disclosure Law MGL Chapter 268B, as well as Open Meeting Law MGL Chapter 39: Section 23B. I understand that I will take the conflict of interest test after being appointed and that I also must be sworn in by the City Clerk. I will contact the appointing authority with any questions about my service. Important: Once this form is submitted it becomes a public document, if there is information you do not want open to the public please do not include it on this form. Signature Ace Tayloe Date 6/19/2020 Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. noreply@civicplus.com <noreply@civicplus.com>Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 4:38 PM Mayor of Northampton Mass. <mayor@northamptonma.gov> Online Form Submittal: Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees and Commissions 15 messages noreply@civicplus.com <noreply@civicplus.com>Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 11:36 AM To: mayor@northamptonma.gov Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees and Commissions City of Northampton Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Please return the completed form to: Mayor@northamptonma.gov or David J. Narkewicz, Mayor 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 First Name Hannah Last Name Shaffer Title, if applicable Field not completed. Address1 115 MILTON ST Address2 Field not completed. City FLORENCE State MA Zip 01062 Home Phone 4843433876 Work Phone Field not completed. Cell Phone 4843433876 Occupation & Place of Employment Educational game designer Email hannah.r.shaffer@gmail.com Are you a Northampton resident? Yes Years Lived in Northampton 10 Age 30 - 39 Sex Female, Non-Binary Racial / Ethnic Background White Boards and Committees Housing Partnership Please list "other" board or committee of interest Field not completed. What skills and experience will you bring to this committee assignment? As a resident of Northampton of 10 years, I bring to the committee an enthusiasm and love of my city. I have been actively involved in the community throughout this time, including founding the Owl and Raven community space, which ran for four years as a low-cost co-working space and donation-based gathering and events space in the Maplewood Shops on Conz Street. Today, I am an educational tabletop game designer, creating board games and story-based games that let people come together to creatively envision systems that make a better world. I am also a longtime renter in Northampton. I am excited about the possibility of joining the committee as a non-home owner and believe this perspective could be useful and welcome in strategizing about community housing needs and challenges. Finally, as a person in my early 30s, I believe I represent a voice of transition. Millennials represent unique and varying housing needs and have faced many challenges, having graduated into a recession and drastically changing economy. I would love to help give voice to other local residents of my generation, many of whom aspire to be homeowners and are trying to make a home in the valley and seeking long-term stability in our lives. Thank you very much for your consideration. Hannah Shaffer Are you currently serving or have you served on any city committee? No Please list other city committees you have served on Field not completed. Required: Please read the following, by signing below you state that you understand and agree. The filing of this form does not guarantee my appointment. An application is kept on file for two (2) years; after that I must file a new application. Being appointed to a committee, board, or commission means that I am considered a Municipal Employee under MGL Chapter 268A and thereby subject to Conflict of Interest Law MGL Chapter 268A, Financial Disclosure Law MGL Chapter 268B, as well as Mayor of Northampton Mass. <mayor@northamptonma.gov> Online Form Submittal: Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees and Commissions noreply@civicplus.com <noreply@civicplus.com>Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 12:29 PM To: mayor@northamptonma.gov Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees and Commissions City of Northampton Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and Commissions Please return the completed form to: Mayor@northamptonma.gov or David J. Narkewicz, Mayor 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 First Name Edgardo Last Name Cancel Title, if applicable Field not completed. Address1 19D Hampshire Heights Address2 Field not completed. City Northampton State Massachusetts Zip 01060 Home Phone Field not completed. Work Phone Field not completed. Cell Phone 413-387-2741 Occupation & Place of Employment Spanish Language Interpreter at Language Bridge, LLC Email canceledgardo@gmail.com Sex Male Years Lived in Northampton 27 years Age 40 - 49 Racial / Ethnic Background Puerto Rican Boards and Committees Community Preservation Committee, Housing Partnership, Human Rights Commission, Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board of Trustees, Parks and Recreation Commission Please list "other" board or committee of interest Northampton Housing Authority What skills and experience will you bring to this committee assignment? I grew up in a Northampton low-income household and understand the struggle and reality of facing homelessness in this area. I am a community organizer and over the years I have developed relationships with low-moderate income and public housing residents in Northampton through door to door outreach, community events, organized sports, and having worked in the Northampton Public Schools. In addition, I have served on the Valley Community Development board of directors, Cooley Dickinson Hospital Healthy Communities Committee, CDH Patient and Family Advisory Council, and Casa Latina, Inc. board of directors. Currently, I am the director of Hampshire Association of Tenants, Inc. (HAT) a new tenant organization in Northampton. Are you currently serving or have you served on any city committee? No Please list other city committees you have served on Field not completed. Required: Please read the following, by signing below you state that you understand and agree. The filing of this form does not guarantee my appointment. An application is kept on file for two (2) years; after that I must file a new application. Being appointed to a committee, board, or commission means that I am considered a Municipal Employee under MGL Chapter 268A and thereby subject to Conflict of Interest Law MGL Chapter 268A, Financial Disclosure Law MGL Chapter 268B, as well as Open Meeting Law MGL Chapter 39: Section 23B. I understand that I will take the conflict of interest test after being appointed and that I also must be sworn in by the City Clerk. I will contact the appointing authority with any questions about my service. Important: Once this form is submitted it becomes a public document, if there is information you do not want open to the public please do not include it on this form. Signature Edgardo Cancel Date 8/30/2016 [Quoted text hidden]