20.131 Message to Council re Administrative Order.092920 MAYOR DAVID J. NARKEWICZ City of Northampton 210 Main Street, Room 12 Northampton, MA 01060-3199 (413) 587-1249 Fax: (413) 587-1275 mayor@northamptonma.gov September 29, 2020 Northampton City Council 210 Main Street, Room 3 Northampton, MA 01060 To the Honorable Members of the City Council, Pursuant to my authority under Article 6, Section 6-1 of the City Charter, I am respectfully submitting the attached Administrative Order making the following changes to the City’s Administrative Code: (1) Change the name of the Public Shade Tree Commission to the Urban Forestry Commission. This change to the name of the Public Shade Tree Commission has come at the request of both the Commission itself and the Tree Warden to better reflect the broader mission of this important multiple-member body which extends beyond public shade trees to promoting and preserving the city’s entire tree canopy. (2) Change the membership composition of the newly-renamed Urban Forestry Commission and designate an ex-officio Chair. This Administrative Order also modifies the membership composition of the newly renamed Urban Forestry Commission from seven city residents to six city residents and the city’s Tree Warden. It also designates the city’s Tree Warden as the ex-officio Chair of the Commission. Since the creation of the Public Shade Tree Commission by Administrative Order in November of 2014, the city’s Tree Warden has played an active and central role in the work of the body and attended all of its meetings. Making the city’s Tree Warden a member of the Commission would formalize that role and making them the ex-officio Chair would align it with my 2019 Administrative Orders changing the Transportation and Parking Commission and the Energy and Sustainability Commission. There is currently a vacancy on the Commission following the resignation of founding member and former longtime Chair, Lilly Lombard, so this change will be fairly seamless and not require a resignation. Thank you in advance for your review of these proposed changes to our Administrative Code. I stand ready to answer any questions or provide additional information and respectfully request the City Council’s approval of the attached Administrative Order. Sincerely, David J. Narkewicz Mayor cc: City Clerk