20.127 Janna White ApplicationMayor of Northampton Mass. <mayor@northamptonma.gov>
Online Form Submittal: Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees and
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noreply@civicplus.com <noreply@civicplus.com>Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 8:19 PM
To: mayor@northamptonma.gov
Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees and
City of Northampton Application for Appointment to Boards, Committees, and
Please return the completed form to: Mayor@northamptonma.gov or David J.
Narkewicz, Mayor 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060
First Name Janna
Last Name White
Title, if applicable Field not completed.
Address1 18 Hancock St
Address2 Field not completed.
City Northampton
State MA
Zip 01060
Home Phone Field not completed.
Work Phone Field not completed.
Cell Phone 8029221922
Occupation & Place of
Self-employed communications consultant operating out of
Florence, MA, through Janna R. White Content & Editing;
Academic Programs Coordinator at Five Colleges, Inc., in
Amherst, MA
Email janna.rose@gmail.com
Are you a Northampton
Years Lived in Northampton 10
Age 30 - 39
Sex Female
Racial / Ethnic Background Caucasian
Boards and Committees Planning Board
Please list "other" board or
committee of interest
Field not completed.
What skills and experience
will you bring to this
committee assignment?
My interest in the Planning Board stems from my love of
Northampton and my deep belief in the city's development
potential. To this appointment I would bring clear-headed and
logical thinking combined with creativity and vision, as well as
strong communications, organizational, and leadership skills and
some familiarity with real estate and development. Since 2011 I
have run a communications consultancy. My specialty is in
editing interdisciplinary works that appeal to specialists and non-
specialists alike by using well-structured arguments and jargon-
free language. I also focus on the public health world, where I
practice the principles of "plain language" to ensure that
everyone can access and understand the information they need
to make crucial health decisions. In all of my consulting work, I
apply my pinpoint attention to detail and deep knowledge of
technical rules without losing sight of the big picture. My goal is
always to achieve accuracy and rigor without sacrificing
substance or style. In 2016 I took on the additional role of
Academic Programs Coordinator at Five Colleges, Inc. I serve as
the consortium's liaison to numerous cross-campus programs,
facilitating their leadership, programmatic, and curricular
initiatives. Because participating faculty come from different
campuses with different priorities, we must develop and
implement policies with transparency, flexibility, and fairness. I
also manage a $45K faculty development budget and evaluate
proposals, make allocations, and track project outcomes.
Currently I am working to streamline our application process and
drafting parameters for a new fund to be launched next fiscal
year. From a young age I have been exposed to the vital role of
planning and development in the health and vibrancy of
communities. My father is a commercial real estate development
consultant who has worked across the state of Vermont and New
England. I worked on and off for a landscape architecture firm as
a special project assistant for 4 years. I have also served on the
steering committee of the Writers' Mill, a co-working space for
writers in Florence, since 2011. In 2012 I chaired the Real Estate
Committee and helped negotiate our move from the Cutlery
Building on Riverside Drive to North Maple Street in downtown
Florence, resulting in a stable long-term lease, space for more
members, and accessibility via public transportation. I am
honored to be part of the 2017-18 cohort of the Women's Fund of
Western Massachusetts Leadership Institute for Political and
Public Impact. The program trains women to become community
leaders through hands-on coursework in public finance, policy
advocacy, conflict resolution, and nonprofit board service. I am
committed to using these skills in service of my community to
preserve what we love about this place and keep our city moving
forward. With my professional and personal experiences and my
understanding of the basic functions of zoning laws, I am certain
I could quickly get up to speed and become a valuable
contributor to the Planning Board. My recent conversation with
current Board member Tess Poe only increased my excitement
at this opportunity. I look forward to the chance to discuss it
further with the Mayor and the City Council. Administrative note: I
will be out of the country on a family trip from February 19
through March 5 with limited access to voicemail. I will be
regularly checking my email (janna.rose@gmail.com).
Are you currently serving or
have you served on any city
Please list other city
committees you have served
Required: Please read the following, by signing below you state that you
understand and agree.
The filing of this form does not guarantee my appointment. An application is kept
on file for two (2) years; after that I must file a new application. Being appointed to
a committee, board, or commission means that I am considered a Municipal
Employee under MGL Chapter 268A and thereby subject to Conflict of Interest
Law MGL Chapter 268A, Financial Disclosure Law MGL Chapter 268B, as well as
Open Meeting Law MGL Chapter 39: Section 23B. I understand that I will take the
conflict of interest test after being appointed and that I also must be sworn in by
the City Clerk. I will contact the appointing authority with any questions about my
service. Important: Once this form is submitted it becomes a public document, if
there is information you do not want open to the public please do not include it on
this form.
Signature Janna R. White
Date 2/14/2018
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Mayor of Northampton Mass. <mayor@northamptonma.gov>Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 9:04 AM
To: Carolyn Misch <cmisch@northamptonma.gov>
Hey Carolyn,