20.126 DPW RecommendationCITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 413-587-1570 Fax 413-587-1576 Donna LaScaleia Director Memorandum To: Donna LaScaleia, Director of Public Works�A,,�, J� 2 From: Felix Harvey, Staff Civil Engineer Date: November 2, 2020 Re: Comcast Petition for Underground Cable & Conduit Location The Department of Public Works (DPW) is in receipt of Comcast's request to install conduit in the concrete sidewalk between structures at 65 King Street and 71 King Street. Comcast also requests approval to intercept an existing conduit under the sidewalk in front of 60/62 King Street and continue this conduit onto private property. I have reviewed DPW records and visited the site to view the proposed installations. The portion of the proposed conduit located on King Street in front of 65, 67 and 71 is within the Public Way. Work by 60162 King Street is primarily on private property, however, portions of the work may fall within the Public Way. The following conditions apply to all work within the Public Way: • All proposed conduit locations must be vacuum excavated. NO BORING IS PERMITTED due to concentrated public and private utilities. • DPW must be notified at least 24 hours prior to any planned excavation to avoid damage to City utilities. • All concrete sidewalk disturbed must be replaced according to City standards. • The City takes no responsibility for private utilities that are located within the project area. It appears that there is gas and telephone underground infrastructure that must be safeguarded. • A valid trench permit approved by the DPW is required before work at these locations commences.