20.092 An Order to Accept Gift of Plaque for Grave of Basil Dorsey - certifiedCity of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS _________ In City Council July 9, 2020 Upon recommendation of the Mayor 20.092 An Order to Accept Gift of Plaque for Grave of Basil Dorsey Whereas, Basil C. Dorsey was born enslaved in 1811, took his freedom on the Underground Railroad in 1833 and lived in Florence, MA from 1844 until his death in 1872 when he was buried in the Park Street Cemetery in Northampton; Ordered, that The Northampton City Council gratefully accepts the donation of a plaque to be placed at his grave, valued at $1,000, and donated by Bambi Miller, as a gift to the City of Northampton, in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44, Section 53 A (Grants and gifts; acceptance and expenditure). 20.092 In City Council, July 9, 2020 Passed First Reading on Roll Call Vote of 9 Yes, 0 No, 0 Absent Attest: __________________________________________________, Clerk of Council In City Council, August 20, 2020 Passed Second Reading on Roll Call Vote of 9 Yes, 0 No, 0 Absent Attest: ___________________________________________________, Clerk of Council Approved: David J. Narkewicz, Mayor Passed two readings and enrolled. I hereby certify that the above Order passed the Northampton City Council on August 20, 2020 David J. Narkewicz, Mayor approved the Order on August 24, 2020 Attest: ___________________________________________________, Clerk of Council