20.078 Fully-Executed King Street Reconstruction Order of TakingORDER OF TAKING The undersi,ncd, being the duly elected and sitting, members oI the City Council of* the City of Northampton, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, actin, Linder the authority of and in accordance with the provisions of General Lags of the Comnlon%kealth, as fi•onl time to time amended, and more particularly Chapter 79 and Chapter 82. and pursuant to the Order of the Northampton City Council, a true copy ol'which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. does hereby take, liar and on behalf ofthe Inhabitants ol'the City of Northampton, the parcels and interests relerencedl in Exhibits B-I throu-l1 and including 13-3, attached hereto, lbr all purposes I'orwhich public ways are used in the City of Northampton, including, the: alteration and reconstruction ol'portions ol'King Street, Finn Strut, Summer Street and North Street, public ways in and Im the City ofNorthampton. The parcels hereby taken are shown on a plan entitled. "Alleration and Easement Plan Northampton, Massachusetts Sur eyed for the City of Northampton" stamped oil May 12, 2020 and recorded in Plan Book , Pa4-e , and are more particularly bounded and described as set lorth on Exhibits 13I through and includlin, B-34, attached hereto. 'File owners of'the parcels taken hel-eLlildler and elk dallla�,es awarded. ifany, are set forth in Exhibits B I Ihrowsh and includin- 13- 3-4, attached hereto. In accordance with NI.G.L. Chapter 79 6, as amended, such danlage awards are made by the City of Northampton fin• damages slltitainedl by the owner or owners and all other persnlls, including ,111 morn"a�'lees of record. 0111`, any interest in file Property and enhi e;d to any e ama-es by reason of -the taking. The City of Northampton reserves Ille ri4,111 to amend the award at all,, time prior to payment fir goodl Cause shown. No betterments shall be assessed,ls a result ofthe inlpro�enlents to Kind_ Street. [THE R NIAINDIAZ OF-1.1-IIS PAGE IS INTLATIONALIA LE1-17 BLANK1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. We, the City Council of the City of Northampton, lime executed this Order of Taking, this ffr'day of --qw 2020. WITNESS TO ALL: CITY COUNCILeCITY OF NORTHAMPTONz. MA fin,t-Louise 5ciarra Willi am "i AT -LARGE COUNCILOR AT-LARG n TNCILOR aQuic Karen Foster \RD I CgCJNCILJ)R WARD 3 COUNCILOR Jar te5 Nash " — John Thorpe W 1RD 3 COUNCILOR WARD -I• COUNCILOR Alex .larrett Marianne L Lal3ar_e WARD 5 COUNCILOR WARD G COUNCILOR Rachel ,Nlaiore WARD 7 COUNCILOR CERTIFICATE OF TI If_ CLERK CITY COUNCII., CI-fY OF NOR-i HAMPTON. MA I. 1.Mira Krutiler, the Clerk ol'the City Council ofthe City ol'Northampton. VIA, hereby certify that the attached Order of -Taking Of'certain urxements 10Caled in Northampton, I lanipslure C011111y. VlassachuscttS. xN as executed on �G�y /4 2020. by Gina -Louise Sciarra. William 1-1. Dwight. Michael Quinlan-Ir., Karen Fosler..larlles gash, John Thorpe. Alex Jarrett. Marianne L. LaBar-e, and Rachel iVlaim-c. a ho lh of that da}'. «er•c and are the duly elected nzcniberti ol'the city Council of the city of Vr�rtlrunplr?n. �I,-1, Si:ned this dry of wy 2020. ti Laura Krtrtrlcr Clerk to City Council ['it< <�l' �'�ortl��unpton. ,Vlass;tchusetls EXHIBIT A CITY COUNCIL ORDER City of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS In City Council, June 18, 2020 Upon the recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz 20.078 AN ORDER AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY INTERESTS FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF PORTIONS OF KING STREET. FINN STREET, SUMMER STREET, AND NORTH STREET WHEREAS, Federal Highway and MassDOT, at the City's request, have agreed to fund a reconstruction of King Street from Bright Street to the MassCentral Rail Trail crossing, along with portions of Finn Street, Summer Street, and North Street ("the project"); and WHEREAS, the project will improve bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, improve traffic safety, slow the speed of traffic, improve traffic operations, and update obsolete infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the city is responsible for land acquisitions, including fee interests, and temporary and permanent easements, needed for the project; and WHEREAS, the acquisitions of property interests for the project will be funded by Chapter 90 funds allocated to the City; and - - — - - WHEREAS, the interests to be taken are shown on a plan entitled "Alteration and Easement Plan, Northampton, Massachusetts Surveyed for the City of Northampton" stamped on May 12, 2020. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, The City Council hereby authorizes the acquisition by purchase, gift, eminent domain, or otherwise of fee interests in parcels 1-C and 2-C, permanent easements in, on, over and under parcels PE-01 through PE-06, inclusive, permanent utility easements in, on, over and under parcels PUE-02 through PUE-05, inclusive, and temporary easements in, on, over and under parcels TE-01 through TE-43, inclusive, all as shown on the plan entitled "Alteration and Easement Plan, Northampton, Massachusetts Surveyed for the City of Northampton" stamped on May 12, 2020. The City Council further appropriates the total sum of Two Hundred Fifteen Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($229,700.00) from chapter 90 funds as consideration or damages for the acquisitions. 20.078 In City Council, June 18, 2020 Passed First Rending on Roil Call Vote of 9 Yes, 0 No, 0 Absent Attest: adL2t, Clerk of Council In City Council, July 9, 2020 Passed Second Reading on Roll Cull Vote of 9 Yes, 0 No, 0 Absent Atlesl•amag , Clerk or Council Approved: David J. Nnrkcwlcz, Mayor Passed two readings and enrolled. I hereby certify that the above Order passed lice Northampton City Council on July 9, 2020 David J. Narkewicz, Mayor approved the Order on July 13, 2020 Attest: dwrz , Clerk of Council