20.070 An Order to Appropriate 1.22 Million from Capital Stabilization for Various ProjectsCity of Northampton
In City Council June 18, 2020
Upon recommendation of the Mayor
20.070 An Order to Appropriate $1.22 Million from Capital Stabilization for Various Capital Projects
Ordered, that
$ 1,222,633 be appropriated from the Capital Stabilization Fund to fund the following
Central Services: Conduct Net-Zero GHG Facilities Studies (7 Buildings) 120,000$
Central Services: Forbes Library - Lower Level HVAC Upgrades 25,000$
Central Services: AOM - Expand Fire Suppression System 150,000$
Central Services: Rec. Dept.- Roof Musante Beach & Arcanum Field Facilities 30,000$
Central Services: Rec. Dept.- Replace (7) Safety Village Buildings 84,000$
Public Safety Dispatch: ProQA EMD Software 40,000$
ITS: NPS Server System Replacement 35,000$
ITS: Fingerprint System Replacement - NPD 16,000$
ITS: Directory Services Migration - NPS 40,000$
ITS: Muncipal Broadband Study 40,000$
Planning & Sustainability: Fitzgerald Lake Parking Lot & Path 40,000$
Parks & Recreation: Safety Netting - Florence Recreation Fields 145,800$
NPS: Transportation Van - 7D 70,000$
NPS: Food Service Point of Sale Upgrade 8,324$
NPS: JFK - Energy Mgt. System Upgrade 100,000$
NPS: NHS - Track Resurfacing - Engineering 15,000$
SVAHS: Boys & Girls Lockers 19,092$
SVAHS: Entry Doors - Bldg A 24,417$
DPW: Forbes Library Drainage Repairs 220,000$
Total to be appropriated from FY2020 Capital Stabilization: 1,222,633$