06-01-2006 City Council Meeting Minutesf New Business — Fireworks Permit Committee _Reports — _Transportation & Parkes Commission Report Accented (Meeting of dune 1, 2006) 70 New Business — Fireworks Permit anniversary Rarty Northampton Meadows Councilor Richards requested that this item he taken out of order because there was an applicant present. She stated that this is a private party for a 60"' wedding anniversary, Dan Willard is the applicant and she fully supports this_ Councilor Dostal moved to approve the application. Councilor Marianne LaBarge seconded. The applicant was informed that that the newspapers and radio stations should be alerted so that notices could be made to residents regarding the noise. The vote passed unanimously (9-0). Committee Reports —Transportation & Parking Commission Report of -April 18,2006 Councilor Marianne LaBarge moved to approve the Transportation & Parking Commission Report of April 18, 2006. Councilor Bardsley seconded. The mote passed unanimously (9-0). Apgointments Appointments Human Rights Commission Referred Order - The Mayor is authorized to sign Easement Deed, gjanting a utibly easement at the Water Treatment Plant Councilor Dostal moved to refer the following appointment. Councilor Bardsley seconded. The vote passed unanimously (9-0). The following appointment was referred: Human Rights Commission - L'Tanya Robinson, 5 Deerfield Drive, Easthampton — Term to Expire June 2009 (replacing; Dalila Balfour) Order - The Mayor is authorized to sign an Easement Deed r, P anting a utility easement to Verizon New En land and Massachusetts Electric Company located at the DPW 'Water Treatment Plant Councilor Dostal moved Second Reading. Councilor Marianne LaBarge seconded. The vote passed unanimously (9-0). The following Order passed Second Reading: In City Council May 18, 2006 Upon the Recommendation of the Mayor and the Department of Public Works Order, that the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign an Easement Deed, granting a Utility Easement to Verizon New England, Inc., for an underground system and Massachusetts Electric Company for an overhead system over property owned by the City of Northampton, more particularly located at the Department of Public Wnrkc Water Treatment Plant. Electric Ductbank Location Plan (copy of plan